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Josh, Anna 24 Hmmm... Flight Risk? Does Anyone Know if there Are Any Pilots in the Family?


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1 hour ago, kachuu said:

The mirror is reporting that the family knew & planned for this. I'm curious if the source isn't from FJ because no-one else is stating that...




The Mirror, The Sun, The Daily Hate -- all the sites covering this with quotes from family insiders -- are papers with no journalistic credibility. Disgregard. 

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9 hours ago, marmalade said:

They made,a statement. They said "It's sad."

For all my fellow Parks & Rec fans.





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Doing my best impression of Sir Alec Guinness

You do not see Browneyed Girl in the Duggar Threads

We do not see Browneyed Girl in the Duggar Thread

She is at her desk working hard and is not lurking in Free Jinger... 

She is at her desk working hard and is not lurking in Free Jinger.....


OK I am at my desk and have a ton of work to get through today but will check the threads when I can.  All 950 of them by the end of the day.



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When I tell people I got zero writing done on my retreat they’re going to assume it’s because of my covid vaccine and sore arm, not Smuggar. 

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1 minute ago, viii said:

When I tell people I got zero writing done on my retreat they’re going to assume it’s because of my covid vaccine and sore arm, not Smuggar. 

Ya but you can blame Smugger!!! We won't tell.  

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3 minutes ago, Irishy said:

No two situations are the same. It’s great that you got away but you cannot compare yourself to other women. I work with victims of DV and all the research points to woman blame as a compounding factor. 

I am not comparing myself to any other woman.  I am saying every adult, man or woman, is accountable for their own actions.  None of us are perfect and when we make the wrong calls and hurt others (especially our kids) we need to own that, let them know how sorry we are, and try to do better.  

It hurts everyone when people like Anna who promote their abusive lifestyle and actively train their children in abuse, are given a pass because they are women.  

I don't expect anyone to be perfect and will always support people who want to do the right thing for their children and themselves, but they have to try.   She continued to have children with a known, admitted, serial child predator.  She deserved blame for that.  If she gets a pass merely for being a woman then we might as well just throw up our hands and say women are just too weak and stupid to be accountable for our own actions.  I know that's not your intent, but it's the message.  

I'd rather be haunted for the rest of my life by my own mistakes (and I will be) than have them handwaved away because I was just a woman who couldn't do any better.

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19 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I agree - I said it last night, I think he looks super high.  

He didn't do it alone.  You may not agree that she was the driving force behind the religious crazy, but she was certainly complicit and shares as much blame as JB.

True, but in this case the shit ultimately falls on the headship.

I also wonder if JB took the fact that Michelle was more popular and likely experienced (bathing suit incident and neighbor) out on her? Was Michelle driven to Gothard to atone?

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12 minutes ago, viii said:

When I tell people I got zero writing done on my retreat they’re going to assume it’s because of my covid vaccine and sore arm, not Smuggar. 

I am doing a retreat this weekend too. But Smuggar is actually my inspiration (not in a good way) for a story I have germinating in my head. 

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plot twist- what if Derrick was the one who alerted the feds

That would be A M A Z I N G
plot twist- what if Derrick was the one who alerted the feds

That would be A M A Z I N G
plot twist- what if Derrick was the one who alerted the feds

That would be A M A Z I N G
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Ufff hard work but I think I am all caught up right now, it took me all the morning and the first part of the afternoon, but I made it...actually not yet I just saw a reply from someone while I was writing. I have a feeling this is going to be a money affair, after all, how many schemes and fraud we have seen Jim bob trying to do? They are always changing LLC names and moving money from one to the other. I think I still have a couple of hours to wait here to know anything about it. I'm ready (I hope)

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2 hours ago, Smee said:

Hmm. If this is how it went down, then it's even more curious what the hell illegal stuff he pulled off without getting JB or others involved. Because if they negotiated a day for being arrested, that suggests there aren't more Duggar arrests coming. And why agree on a day JB, Michelle and Priscilla would be at a conference in Big Sandy? Surely he realised his arrest would affect them too, and not having JB and Mechelle close would make it harder for Anna and the M-kids. 

I just have a hard time believing they knew it was coming, or there was a negotiation on his arrest day. If that was the case I whole heartedly believe they would have NOT gone to Big Sandy. Hello gossip! Also, I think there would have been some feel good fluffy announcements made just before to soften the blow. It would not surprise me in the least if this was 100% a sneak attack - because I also pretty strongly feel like it's not financially related. There might be some shady financial stuff going on, but I think he's going down for something far worse like child porn or something else lewd. 

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3 hours ago, itqitc said:

plot twist- what if Derrick was the one who alerted the feds

This would mark the beginning of my love/ hate relationship with Derrick 

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the slight difference is now that all this time has passed all these weddings happened, a question would be can JB hold the reign on all the in laws at this point. 

I still am in the camp that thinks Derick will go to Oprah yet Oprah won't want him so he will go to the tabloid shows like inside edition....

1 minute ago, Nike said:

This would mark the beginning of my love/ hate relationship with Derrick 

nothing could make me love Derick, not even if tipped them off. 

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1 hour ago, freethemall said:

Good morning everyone, seems we still dont know the charges?

A reminder if it hasnt come up already that in guessing the charges, avoid the term "child porn" for child sexual abuse (csa) images or materials which is more accurate. Similarly, it's never "sex with an underage woman" but with a child.

I see the importance of not minimizing the victimization of a child in such situations, but when I hear the acronym "CSA" I think of "community supported agriculture" and the boxes of farm-fresh produce we pick up each week in the summer.

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The longer I percolate on it, I feel like JD or JED! or one of the other sons would be more likely to be in on crimes related to questionable adoptions related to Marshall Islanders. Josh really doesn't seem to have been involved in much in the last 5 years but siring children he no doubt ignores and running that car lot out of an old Taco Tico. And I suspect if the family knew something was coming down the pike, they would not have all been public spectacles at Big Sandy. 

Whatever it is, it's extra strength not good. Do we have conformation from a legitimate source (Not the Fail, Sun, or Mirror) that he turned himself in? Do we have any news coverage at all from the Fayetteville/Bentonville press?

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Well.  I guess we now know why TLC hasn't been promoting CO, and why the Duggars have been so low key with family events and whatnot.


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Maybe some of Josh's brothers are pilots, but if Derrick turned him over to the feds, would that make him the PILATE?

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31 minutes ago, Irishy said:

No two situations are the same. It’s great that you got away but you cannot compare yourself to other women. I work with victims of DV and all the research points to woman blame as a compounding factor. 

And there is ZERO evidence Anna Duggar is an abused woman. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Just because someone is a woman and is a member of a wacky religion does not mean she suffers/ed abuse at the hands of Mike Keller or Josh Duggar.  There is absolutely no evidence she was either verbally or physically abused. She could very well be driving the crazy religion bus and choosing to stay with Josh because of religion or love. And yeah, she is responsible for her own actions and the choices she makes. She is a grown up. 

Edited by nelliebelle1197
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16 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

True, but in this case the shit ultimately falls on the headship.

I also wonder if JB took the fact that Michelle was more popular and likely experienced (bathing suit incident and neighbor) out on her? Was Michelle driven to Gothard to atone?

I disagree.  In their culture women abdicate responsibility to the men, but they still live in our society and we, as a society, expect parents (not just fathers) to be responsible for their children. 

She couldn't rob a bank because JB told her to and avoid jail because she was obeying her headship.  The court would say play by whatever freaky rules you want in your marriage but you're an adult woman who is responsible for her actions so here is your orange jumpsuit, enjoy your stay in prison.

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2 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I disagree.  In their culture women abdicate responsibility to the men, but they still live in our society and we, as a society, expect parents (not just fathers) to be responsible for their children. 

She couldn't rob a bank because JB told her to and avoid jail because she was obeying her headship.  The court would say play by whatever freaky rules you want in your marriage but you're an adult woman who is responsible for her actions so here is your orange jumpsuit, enjoy your stay in prison.

But in practice, Buff, they are often the ones in charge- Michelle Duggar, Jill Rodrigues, so many of these women - rule the roost.  The abdication is performative. So yeah I agree, but I also think the rules are not quite as firm as they like us to think.

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Anna’s parents are clearly fundie idiots who put their ministry before their children (as many do) so they lived in poverty and were happy to see her married to a well off fundie family. I don’t think Anna is stupid and I understand she had a rudimentary online college education (could be wrong about that but I thought she studied child education or something?).

She’s no longer a girl, she’s a grown up,with responsibility for soon to be 7 children. When they were in DC she loved the attention and regularly posted stuff on Twitter condemning others. She was happy to stand in the street shouting at women outside an abortion clinic. Josh was nowhere to be seen.

So I have problems with those who say she is a victim who couldn’t alter her destiny. She really didn’t want to. She liked her life, she wanted her family back on TV and she likes using her fame to sell stuff whenever she can. Her children have all my sympathy- she doesn’t. 

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10 minutes ago, nst said:

Mod break:

This is just a reminder as this goes on- there is a new rule about posting links without context. Not everyone can click on links. If you post a link, you need to summarize. Even just “ET has this now but there is no new information, just a rehash of what we already know”.

We have had trouble with certain posters listing walls of links with no context so this rule was added. No points or warnings  this time  since you guys may not be aware since it is new.

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I do like that his Wikipedia page now features his smug shot.

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4 minutes ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

But in practice, Buff, they are often the ones in charge- Michelle Duggar, Jill Rodrigues, so many of these women - rule the roost.  The abdication is performative. So yeah I agree, but I also think the rules are not quite as firm as they like us to think.

You know I agree totally - I've long said those two wear the pants in every way except literally.  I'm just saying whatever they personally believe they aren't allowed to abdicate their responsibility as adult members of society.  

I'm trying to think of a fundy wife who I believe totally does the headship thing for real and not just for show and I can only come up with Teri Maxwell.  Although for her I don't think it's a belief as much as she's just so checked out she leaves all the decision making to Steve so she doesn't have to pretend to care.

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