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  • Summary provided by:klf7412



    Kendal is married to Daniel, and together they have 4 children; Evie (7 or 8), Brinley (5), Kapri (3), and Sebastian 'Sebi' (almost 2).

    Kendal wrote a blog titled "The Father knows Best" and she became famous on FJ after writing a blog post where she wrote about a day of "hard discipline" and how her oldest daughter, Evie, thanked her Father for spanking her. This post caused an uproar on FJ and eventually, Kendal removed the post. However, a few FJ members have a screen cap of the post and it is frequently posted on Kendal-related threads.


    Kendal has visited FJ once and skirted around questions about that famous post. During this visit she also mentioned that she "likes to be around spanked children". Shortly after coming here to "answer questions", she flounced.


    Kendal has been the subject of many FJ threads for crazy views. She has written that she and Daniel will not be sending the girls to college, and that they are preparing them to be homemakers. Daniel likes to call the girls "future homemakers" and Kendal says that she would consider herself a failure as a Mother if her daughters wish to work outside of the home. Kendal thinks that every child should be homeschooled, period.


    Kendal made FJ "headlines" again when she announced that her children were too holy for Christmas gifts and that instead, they would give gifts and a meal to the less fortunate. A day after Christmas, Kendal wrote a vague paragraph about the gift exchange that led many to believe that Kendal didn't get to go over to a strangers home with presents and a meal like she had wished.


    Sometime in 2012, Kendal and Daniel began the process to adopt a child. This led to a very long FJ thread, and eventually a FJ member was able to find out that Kendal was pursuing a domestic adoption of an infant male.


    Kendal once again became the subject of a long thread when she blogged about not making her children wear helmets when biking, because protecting their hearts was more important. After Daniel made multiple comments on the post defending Kendal's and his stance, he came home and announced that he would make the children wear helmets from then on. Within a few days of the post, Kendal announced she would be closing the blog. This "good bye" post was left up for a grand total of 2 hours before the whole blog disappeared, and only a few FJ members were able to see it. Many have speculated as to why she closed the blog, but most think that Daniel realized that Kendal's controversial topics and the presence of FJ could sabotage their adoption.


    Here are some tid bits of info about Kendal/Kendal's blog:

    Kendal & family attend Soverign Grace Ministries

    Kendal was trained as a nurse

    Kendal coined the term "riffles" after she misspelled "rifle" in a post about political-correctness.

    Kendal was nicknamed "Kendull" on Free Jinger due to her boring and dull blog posts.


    Free Jinger's Kendall Discussions

  • Posts

    • JermajestyDuggar


      Their church posted a big group picture so I zoomed in on Sam, Mary, Teri, and Steve. Doesn’t it look like Steve might have a beard? I can’t remember the last time Steve had a beard. 


    • Audrey2


    • Xan


      The egg apron is a deal breaker for me.  That was just an insult.  "You think you deserve a gift?  I'll show you your place!"

      And I'm a little bit tired of the social media scolds.  If they didn't put their lives on the internet, we wouldn't have opinions.  They did so we do.  If most of us think that he's a bully, he probably is.  I guess it's another case of the husband being so full of himself that he was sure the interview would show him in a good light.  It didn't.

      • Upvote 1
    • Xan


      I always find these Trump fantasy worlds very bizarre.  He's never in a nice suit meeting a world leader or even in a fireman's suit saving a child from a burning building.  It's always some fake macho outfit and, in this case, driving a car with a Confederate flag on it.  Their heroes don't seem that heroic.

    • Smee


      On 7/25/2024 at 9:15 AM, kpmom said:

      I’m old.

      Old enough to remember when a divorced man could never get elected President. Until Regan did. 
      Old enough to remember when having a woman on the ticket was unthinkable. Until Walter Mondale put Geraldine Ferraro on the ticket. 
      Old enough to remember when having an affair ( or many) would definitely make a candidate unelectable. Until Clinton came along. 
      Old enough to remember when a POC becoming president was unthinkable. Then Obama came along. 
      Old enough to remember when a woman on the top of the ticket was too crazy to contemplate. Then Hillary came along (and won the popular vote). 
      Old enough to believe I’d never see a woman VP in my lifetime. Until Kamala came along. 

      As somebody wrote above I’m somewhat optimistic, but also a skeptic. 
      But, I saw all of the above ( and more) in my lifetime. Maybe, hopefully, America is finally ready for a President Harris. 

      This is what I keep thinking too (although I am not as old). I know some people are just trying to temper their own expectations to avoid disappointment, but I hope any "a woman of colour can't win" or "there needs to be a straight white man somewhere on the ticket" comments don't become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I said in the Buttigieg thread a few weeks ago that I hope these fears of how far he can go won't prevent people from voting for him in the next primary if he is their favourite - the only way to KNOW if someone can win is to take the risk and give them the chance to. That said, this time around there are a lot of unprecedented risks already being taken, so I'm watching from afar and hoping cautiously.

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