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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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On 3/8/2024 at 6:10 PM, Bobology said:

We all know Gil and Kelly are pleased as punch over the blatant registry grifting. It would be interesting to know the truth about how Tiffany's parents and brother think about it.

It would be very interesting to know what her parents think about how Tiffany has chosen to live her life in general. They might be able to excuse this gift grab as something neutral that influencers just do. On IG Tiffany showed a video recently of Lawson helping her dad order something on Amazon for the first time. He might not really be aware of anything they do.

Tiffany’s brother lives a very jet set lifestyle. He shared video of attending a U2 concert at the Sphere and then attending the Super Bowl. He thanked someone for the U2 tix and I bet there’s a good chance he didn’t pay for the Super Bowl tickets either. I think rich people are accustomed to getting a lot of things for free. Usually the things being gifted would be from corporations or extremely wealthy people. But do they stop and think that Tiffany is looking for free stuff from people who are less financially successful than herself? Do any of them want to engage in that type of self-reflection?

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They did a pregnancy Q & A. Tiffany is 20 weeks pregnant and sporting a bump. They did a “half-baked” photoshoot to celebrate the halfway point. 

A few highlights:

They know the gender and will post the gender reveal (which had a cowboy/cowgirl theme) soon. Tiffany refers to the baby several times as “he” and “him,” so they may have spoiled it.

Tiffany was sick twice during her first trimester and had a point where she couldn’t keep anything down. She’s doing better now (and looks good). However, she has bad insomnia, not helped by the baby kicking. She describes it as feeling like it’s going to explode out of her stomach, and I picture Rosemary’s Baby. 

they’re planning to give birth in a hospital. Tiffany doesn’t know whether she’s going to have an epidural, but has nothing against them.

Lawson says they’re 95% sure of the baby’s name but will wait to make a final decision until they meet it. Tiffany says she’s 100% sure. Apparently she has a name she’s loved for a long time.

They aren’t sure how many kids they want, but Lawson seems to think somewhere between 5 and 10, which he considers a small family. They both want to adopt. I anticipate their thoughts on family size will change once the baby is here.

Tiffany is leaning toward a neutral, minimalist nursery. She doesn’t think kids need a ton of toys. Oh, honey, this kid will be overloaded with toys within 6 months. The “baby room” is currently Lawson’s workout room, so he’s going to bring some of his brothers in and fix it up. They will vlog the nursery renovation. 

They plan to keep the RV and to continue traveling with the baby, both in the US and internationally. They describe it as “little adjustments.” I’ve never had a kid, and can still say they have no idea what they’re in for. 

They keep asking their audience for tips, advice, war stories, etc. I know they’re trying to push audience engagement, but the constant request gets old fast. 

Edited to add: baby is due late July. Lawson is hoping it will be born on his birthday. 

Edited by postscript
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23 minutes ago, postscript said:

They did a pregnancy Q & A. Tiffany is 20 weeks pregnant and sporting a bump. They did a “half-baked” photoshoot to celebrate the halfway point. 

A few highlights:

They know the gender and will post the gender reveal (which had a cowboy/cowgirl theme) soon. Tiffany refers to the baby several times as “he” and “him,” so they may have spoiled it.

Tiffany was sick twice during her first trimester and had a point where she couldn’t keep anything down. She’s doing better now (and looks good). However, she has bad insomnia, not helped by the baby kicking. She describes it as feeling like it’s going to explode out of her stomach, and I picture Rosemary’s Baby. 

they’re planning to give birth in a hospital. Tiffany doesn’t know whether she’s going to have an epidural, but has nothing against them.

Lawson says they’re 95% sure of the baby’s name but will wait to make a final decision until they meet it. Tiffany says she’s 100% sure. Apparently she has a name she’s loved for a long time.

They aren’t sure how many kids they want, but Lawson seems to think somewhere between 5 and 10, which he considers a small family. They both want to adopt. I anticipate their thoughts on family size will change once the baby is here.

Tiffany is leaning toward a neutral, minimalist nursery. She doesn’t think kids need a ton of toys. Oh, honey, this kid will be overloaded with toys within 6 months. The “baby room” is currently Lawson’s workout room, so he’s going to bring some of his brothers in and fix it up. They will vlog the nursery renovation. 

They plan to keep the RV and to continue traveling with the baby, both in the US and internationally. They describe it as “little adjustments.” I’ve never had a kid, and can still say they have no idea what they’re in for. 

They keep asking their audience for tips, advice, war stories, etc. I know they’re trying to push audience engagement, but the constant request gets old fast. 

This is what will really test their marriage. It’s all been fun and games until now. They will see how hard it is to have a baby. I’m not saying I know they will be shitty parents or anything. I could see them trying to be good parents. But I think they have no clue what they are in for. 

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They sound very naive. In some ways, that isn’t surprising. This is their first kid, after all. But with so many babies in the family, it seems like they should be aware that the baby will have its own agenda and will change their lives in ways they can’t anticipate.

Their comments on adoption and family size, for instance. I’ve had so many friends who started out wanting lots of kids and changed their mind about family size once they realized how much work kids were and/or how challenging pregnancy was for them. They may actually be able to travel when the baby is under a year and still “portable” as my mother would put it. Travel will become more difficult once the child becomes mobile. It will become exponentially more difficult as they have more children. 

I also got the impression they aren’t quite on the same page in some areas. It doesn’t bode well that Tiffany sounded positive on the baby name, but Lawson said he wanted to meet the child first. 

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Also of note, they both kept calling the baby "he" or "him." Are they playing with us?

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Of course it's a boy. The registry is clearly gendered. No way they were asking for fishing rods if it was a girl. 

It's ridiculous they say they want 5-10 kids and call it a little family. They must know how overwhelmed parents of 5 are and how difficult travelling is. They are not suited for having big family and probably they aren't suited for more than 1 child. 

Tiff is only 20 weeks pregnant and cannot sleep because the kicks. While it's not exceptional (pregnancy can be hard) she's only in half pregnancy. In terms of kicks and lack of slepping and other issues, it only will go worse. She should think what happens when you vomit and don't sleep and there's a toddler waking up at nights and a couple children needing breakfast at 6AM. I tell you Lawson will happily help with the first child but the more kids at home, the more "medicorps trips" he will have.

Tiff may be naive but Lawson is 30 years old with tons of nephews and nieces and he helped raising little siblings (or at least lived with many little children). Is he being hypocrital or is he blind to reality?

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5 hours ago, postscript said:

They aren’t sure how many kids they want, but Lawson seems to think somewhere between 5 and 10, which he considers a small family.

Wow. Even a family of 5 would be considered huge here. 1-2 are normal, 3 is already kind of a big family but still fairly common, 4 is pretty unusual, more than 4 is large.

There is/was a series here in Germany called „Family XXL“ in a TLC type format, and they filmed families with 5 to 8 children.

Edited by GreenBeans
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Lawson has no clue how much work a baby can be. I don’t think Lawson is lazy per se. He was always working as a teen. But I think his sisters did a lot of the childcare and he doesn’t realize that 5 kids is still a huge amount of work. Even if it’s a fraction of the size of his parents’ family. He is in for a shock. But the thing is, he wants to exploit the hell out of his kid. So I’m sure they will have more than one. Because everyone knows that the best way to boost your YouTube channel and social media presence is to announce a pregnancy. 

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I can see Lawson wanting to be the fun dad. He’ll happily take his kids fishing or show them how to play baseball or take any girls on daddy-daughter dates. Actually keeping them clean, dry and fed? Looking after them when they’re sick? That will be 100% on Tiffany. 

The question of homeschooling hasn’t come up in any of their recent videos. They must want to homeschool, and I can’t imagine two people less suited for educating children. Tiffany might do a decent job with one or two kids. She’s had some education, though she doesn’t strike me as having the creativity it takes to educate a young child. The bigger the family, the more the kids will be on their own. Lawson comes off as uneducated and frankly kind of dim. He won’t have the patience to teach a small child how to read.

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It is all well and good to "think" you want 10 kids before you have any kids at all. Even Carlin said that they purposely spaced after Layla having her heart/turning blue issues so they could focus on her. You literally NEVER know what you can handle, physically, emotionally, mentally, until each pregnancy and child happen. It reminds me of the memes about "the parent I was before I had kids". 

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11 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Of course it's a boy. The registry is clearly gendered. No way they were asking for fishing rods if it was a girl. 

It's ridiculous they say they want 5-10 kids and call it a little family. They must know how overwhelmed parents of 5 are and how difficult travelling is. They are not suited for having big family and probably they aren't suited for more than 1 child. 

Tiff is only 20 weeks pregnant and cannot sleep because the kicks. While it's not exceptional (pregnancy can be hard) she's only in half pregnancy. In terms of kicks and lack of slepping and other issues, it only will go worse. She should think what happens when you vomit and don't sleep and there's a toddler waking up at nights and a couple children needing breakfast at 6AM. I tell you Lawson will happily help with the first child but the more kids at home, the more "medicorps trips" he will have.

Tiff may be naive but Lawson is 30 years old with tons of nephews and nieces and he helped raising little siblings (or at least lived with many little children). Is he being hypocrital or is he blind to reality?

The 1 area where these folks have it a whole lot easier than most of the young and growing families in the real world is very few of them have to show up 40 hours a week (on someone else’s time schedule) and expend output in exchange for cash. The people who I know that are successfully self employed work even harder-

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16 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Of course it's a boy. The registry is clearly gendered. No way they were asking for fishing rods if it was a girl. 

It's ridiculous they say they want 5-10 kids and call it a little family. They must know how overwhelmed parents of 5 are and how difficult travelling is. They are not suited for having big family and probably they aren't suited for more than 1 child. 

Tiff is only 20 weeks pregnant and cannot sleep because the kicks. While it's not exceptional (pregnancy can be hard) she's only in half pregnancy. In terms of kicks and lack of slepping and other issues, it only will go worse. She should think what happens when you vomit and don't sleep and there's a toddler waking up at nights and a couple children needing breakfast at 6AM. I tell you Lawson will happily help with the first child but the more kids at home, the more "medicorps trips" he will have.

Tiff may be naive but Lawson is 30 years old with tons of nephews and nieces and he helped raising little siblings (or at least lived with many little children). Is he being hypocrital or is he blind to reality?

How old are the younger Bates girls? I'm thinking they might be expecting to import one to "help" Baby and Bates buddy sleep in the converted kitchen in the RV while Lawson and Tiff get the bedroom

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I don't deal at all well with little/no sleep.  I have sleeping problems when I am at home by myself, but add in a baby wanting/needing attention every there hours (if you are lucky) and that precious sleep goes by the wayside.   I am pretty sure there won't be a sibling close in age.  

And she thinks it's kicking hard at 20 weeks?  Let's revisit that subject in couple of months.


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13 hours ago, postscript said:

…The question of homeschooling hasn’t come up in any of their recent videos. They must want to homeschool, and I can’t imagine two people less suited for educating children.”

I think I just heard Jill & David Rodrigues say “Hold my beer.”

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She's already having trouble sleeping? 20 weeks is nothing. She's in for a big surprise. 

Also-I really, really, really with they'd stop with the "we want to adopt" shtick. So many of these families say that. Hey-we see through your lip-service. You can stop. Call us when one of you actually adopts. 

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11 hours ago, sndral said:

I think I just heard Jill & David Rodrigues say “Hold my beer.”

Or is it, "Hold my plexus?" How about "Hold my hummingbird nectar?:"

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11 hours ago, Sk8ter said:

She's already having trouble sleeping? 20 weeks is nothing. She's in for a big surprise. 

Also-I really, really, really with they'd stop with the "we want to adopt" shtick. So many of these families say that. Hey-we see through your lip-service. You can stop. Call us when one of you actually adopts. 

I would infinitely prefer that none of them adopt or foster a hamster, much less a child. Fortunately, I seriously doubt that any social worker would approve Lawson and Tiffany as parents. Neither of them work, they flit about from holiday to holiday and would monetize the heck out of their kids. If one or both of them got a job, they settled down and could offer stability, unconditional love and were prepared to deal with kids acting out due to trauma (without spanking said kid), then maybe.

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7 minutes ago, Expectopatronus said:

I would infinitely prefer that none of them adopt or foster a hamster, much less a child. Fortunately, I seriously doubt that any social worker would approve Lawson and Tiffany as parents. Neither of them work, they flit about from holiday to holiday and would monetize the heck out of their kids. If one or both of them got a job, they settled down and could offer stability, unconditional love and were prepared to deal with kids acting out due to trauma (without spanking said kid), then maybe.

No need for social workers if they adopt with the help of a Christian agency. There is a thread in this forum about fundie adoptions, most of them done without social workers supervision. 

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4 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

No need for social workers if they adopt with the help of a Christian agency. There is a thread in this forum about fundie adoptions, most of them done without social workers supervision. 

This is why I hope adoption is all lip service with these couples. If they do adopt they're much more likely to go into it with an end justifies the means mentality and a gross rejection of adoption ethics. 

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On 3/14/2024 at 9:18 PM, postscript said:

They plan to keep the RV and to continue traveling with the baby, both in the US and internationally.

Perhaps Lawson and Tiffany would like a life in the RV similar to Jill Rodrigues.  They can travel around in the RV with those 10 kids they want and just grift from church to church with some singing gigs thrown in. 

My mind is just wandering today, obviously.

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I don't think Lawson has a full sized RV. They have a trailer, about the same size as Timothy Rodrigues' former abode.

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On 3/17/2024 at 7:00 PM, marmalade said:

I don't think Lawson has a full sized RV. They have a trailer, about the same size as Timothy Rodrigues' former abode.

I don't think Lawson has a full-sized ... [fill in the blank]. Brain, for starters.

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On 3/15/2024 at 11:24 PM, patsymae said:

How old are the younger Bates girls? I'm thinking they might be expecting to import one to "help" Baby and Bates buddy sleep in the converted kitchen in the RV while Lawson and Tiff get the bedroom

There are siblings with multiple kids who need help. I doubt one sister is expected to fully babysit Lawson's baby, who has two unemployed parents to look after him.

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On 3/16/2024 at 8:36 AM, Melissa1977 said:

No need for social workers if they adopt with the help of a Christian agency. There is a thread in this forum about fundie adoptions, most of them done without social workers supervision. 

Christian agencies do have social workers and home studies, but they are very biased. 

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On 3/15/2024 at 3:24 PM, patsymae said:

How old are the younger Bates girls? I'm thinking they might be expecting to import one to "help" Baby and Bates buddy sleep in the converted kitchen in the RV while Lawson and Tiff get the bedroom

Addallee just turned 18, so it would be unsurprising if she was married sooner, rather than later. Ellie's 17 and she and Addallee are joined at the hip, so doubt it would be Ellie.

Callie seems like a good possibility. Her parents always forget about her and taking care of one baby is always preferable to taking care of multiple, so... Better off being with Lawson and Tiffany than any of the other siblings.

ETA: As for the adoption comments... With them it seems at least somewhat more likely considering Tiffany herself was adopted.

Edited by CaptainFunderpants
ETA: adoption.
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