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Josh, Anna 24 Hmmm... Flight Risk? Does Anyone Know if there Are Any Pilots in the Family?


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4 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

You know I agree totally - I've long said those two wear the pants in every way except literally.  I'm just saying whatever they personally believe they aren't allowed to abdicate their responsibility as adult members of society.  

I'm trying to think of a fundy wife who I believe totally does the headship thing for real and not just for show and I can only come up with Teri Maxwell.  Although for her I don't think it's a belief as much as she's just so checked out she leaves all the decision making to Steve so she doesn't have to pretend to care.

But really, since Teri’s depression and lack of coping skills caused that dynamic doesn’t that still put Teri in charge ;)


We agree totally - I don’t get why these women are compared to  honest to god abused women and excused from blame. By the measure used here as you said Josh and all the boys in Fundiedom are victims as well. 

Edited by nelliebelle1197
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1 minute ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

But really, since Teri’s depression and lack of coping skills caused that dynamic doesn’t that still put Teri in charge ;)


Hmmmm....it puts her in the power position in a sense, but Steve still has to make all the hard decisions about whether contrasting buttons are eye traps and how many animal crackers are Godly to consume.  (spoiler alert, yes and two)

Seriously, I stand corrected.  the whole reverencing Steve over pizza ordering thing was the ultimate in passive aggression....Steve works for her!

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1 hour ago, FiveAcres said:

ETA: It amazes me that there is something that can actually suck the life out of the JRod thread. 

Anyone else wonder if Jillrod is currently waiting with baited breath for the charges just like we are? Only she's ready to give news interview as someone who "knows" Josh and the Duggars - she's his brother-in-law's mother-in-law, after all! There's got to be a way she can capitalize on this...

56 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Do they have ghost writers in jail?  I mean he is a Duggar so he's gonna need help with the reading and writing thing :) 

I think most prisons have literacy and GED programs. He might end up the best educated of all the Duggar kids if he takes advantage of the opportunities there (assuming he ends up in prison).

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Just now, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Hmmmm....it puts her in the power position in a sense, but Steve still has to make all the hard decisions about whether contrasting buttons are eye traps and how many animal crackers are Godly to consume.  (spoiler alert, yes and two)

Seriously, I stand corrected.  the whole reverencing Steve over pizza ordering thing was the ultimate in passive aggression....Steve works for her!

Dude, if I could figure out Maxwell dynamics I would win the FJ Nobel!

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Anna was raised in the same home with the three siblings of hers that did get themselves out. No disagreement that it would have been/will be unspeakably hard for her to make that decision and stand her ground, but to act like she couldn't when her brother even publicly offered to take her in is giving her too much credit. She has the ability within herself to get her kids and herself out of there, women have done it with much less than what she's blessed with. Don't forget how publicly toxic she is in her beliefs. Go click on her Twitter likes if you need a refresher. It was pretty evident when she was complaining that her kids weren't featured in the show enough that she wasn't putting enough gravity on the things her husband had done. I feel sorry for her in that she keeps getting humiliated like this because I'm an empathetic person and I can't help myself, but also if I were face to face with her, I wouldn't be holding back. Wake up, girl, this fantasy you have isn't real. The fairy tale ain't happening for you, and you've got soon to be seven little people looking to you to be the one whose going to fix this. I know you probably will, but like surprise the hell out of us and don't let them down this time, Anna.  

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4 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Hmmmm....it puts her in the power position in a sense, but Steve still has to make all the hard decisions about whether contrasting buttons are eye traps and how many animal crackers are Godly to consume.  (spoiler alert, yes and two)

Seriously, I stand corrected.  the whole reverencing Steve over pizza ordering thing was the ultimate in passive aggression....Steve works for her!

What about Anne Marie?  And Steven (SCOTUS clerk) what's his name's wife?  I know we don't see much of them so hard to tell.


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13 hours ago, AnnEggBlandHer? said:

Since Anna is ahead of schedule re: her normal pregnancy timing, I wonder if they knew this was coming and were trying extra hard ? for blessing number 7. 

They probably though a baby on the way would get some leniency?

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For the last couple of years I've been mainly focussing on JRod because I have a hard time already with just keeping up with her antics, let alone follow other families. I saw a status update from @HarryPotterFan to @Destiny writing about servers and needing wine and I knew I had to quickly look what is going on in Duggarland. Spent all morning reading everything and am just like the rest of you, hoping that the charges won't imply any harm done to children, but also really hoping for this family to finally go down. 
Two more hours to go until we know...

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1 hour ago, Irishy said:

I’m a little uncomfortable with all the Anna blame. It’s fairly typical for society to blame women for enabling their abusive husbands. But that fails to take into account the emotional abuse and coercive control the woman has endured. She likely trusts no one except him and those that support him. Making demands of her to just leave can push her back into the arms of her abuser(s). The best form of child protection is woman protection and nobody has ever protected or supported Anna in a meaningful appropriate way.

And in Anna’s case, the emotional abuse and control has come not just from Josh, but from her parents, her in laws, her church, etc.

I understand her background and it explains but doesn’t justify. She is responsible for protecting her kids regardless of her own background. She has healthy family supports who aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. 

Edited by coffeebean7
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Does anyone know if this hearing will be live streamed? If so, how do we get the link?

I have been thinking about this for the last 17 hours and I truly think that the Feds were building a serious case since 2019. So I anticipate that it will be quite a serious charge. 

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5 minutes ago, gustava said:

What about Anne Marie?  And Steven (SCOTUS clerk) what's his name's wife?  I know we don't see much of them so hard to tell.


Hammer. Yeah, I have no doubt he rules the roost and Meredith jumps when says jump. 

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2 minutes ago, Galbin said:

Does anyone know if this hearing will be live streamed? If so, how do we get the link?

I have been thinking about this for the last 17 hours and I truly think that the Feds were building a serious case since 2019. So I anticipate that it will be quite a serious charge. 

I've looked on the county's YouTube, website & Facebook and am unable to find a way. But you better believe I'm over here clicking like crazy

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28 minutes ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

But in practice, Buff, they are often the ones in charge- Michelle Duggar, Jill Rodrigues, so many of these women - rule the roost.  

“Topping by bottoming.”

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As someone who was raised in a cult for 32 years, I had a lot of sympathy for Anna in 2015. I know she was emotionally manipulated and spiritually abused. Her salvation was at risk if she left Josh. She truly believed she was doing the best thing not only for herself but for her children as well by staying. 

However, enough people have reached out to her explaining this is not true that I hope she makes different decisions this go around. It’s unlikely she will leave him, she believes every trial is a jewel in her heavenly crown, but eventually she has to stop thinking with a mind of a stunted child and make some adult decisions. 

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No, it'll be over zoom link. I don't think that is open to the public:





A hearing for Joshua Duggar, a star from the television show "19 Kids and Counting," is scheduled for 11 a.m. in federal court.

The public should learn about the charges Duggar, 33, is being held on during that hearing. 

40/29 News has confirmed Duggar is being held in the Washington County Detention Center for the Department of Homeland Security. 

Duggar will go before U.S. District Court Western District of Arkansas Judge Erin Wiedemann via Zoom on Friday morning.



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I noticed in recent pictures Michelle appears to have lost weight. Didn't speculate on it much before. Just assumed it was due to age or eating healthier. Now that this Josh/Feds issue has happened...I wonder if her weight loss was stress related. ?

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Until women in this cult get some recognition beyond being a “neck” and readily available vagina, I will continue to assign the blame to the often referenced headship.

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1 hour ago, Mela99 said:

That would be A M A Z I N G
That would be A M A Z I N G
That would be A M A Z I N G

I really love how excited you are for this, it's making my day!

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I doubt the arraignment will be public, especially since we’re still in a pandemic (zoom links here aren’t openly shared) and it’s very likely the judge would close the proceedings anyway.

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So it’s likely that the arrest *is* related to the raid…hopefully the local news or TMZ gets the word out quickly on what charges he is facing…

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6 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Until women in this cult get some recognition beyond being a “neck” and readily available vagina, I will continue to assign the blame to the often referenced headship.

So you need a woman to get recognition in order to be responsible for the safety and well being of their own children?  Must be nice to live in your world where if you just refuse to accept accountability nothing is ever your fault.

Sometimes this place is as misogynistic as the patriarchs people have issues with.

26 minutes ago, smittykins said:

“Topping by bottoming.”

Exactly.  And if people don't think this is a huge element of some of these relationships they are very naive.  Looking at you Kelly and Gil, Steve and Teri, JB and Michelle...

Which if that's their deal, great, enjoy life if they'd leave their kids and the rest of society out of it.

38 minutes ago, friendofgreen said:

They probably though a baby on the way would get some leniency?

I can see thinking that with the first baby, but the 7th?  At 7 kids leniency would just be reward for ejaculating.  

And it's that really it's own reward?  :) 

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3 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

So you need a woman to get recognition in order to be responsible for the safety and well being of their own children?  Must be nice to live in your world where if you just refuse to accept accountability nothing is ever your fault.

Sometimes this place is as misogynistic as the patriarchs people have issues with.

Do woman have the authority to stop the patriarchal BS? In their cult anything untoward a man does is seemingly blamed on the weaknesses of his neck/spouse. Why are so many not willing to hold these men accountable ? One stone at a time and the men have the ultimate power in their cult. Those of us ITRW can wish for the 2 sexes to be held equally responsible, but in THEIR world it doesn’t work that way. Baby steps-

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I feel sorry for Anna and especially the kids because their family is now the subject of invasive and lurid tabloid articles. McKynzie is old enogh to be aware of the "Inside my parents nightmare marriage!" articles and that must suck.

The fact their family is in the public eye - which their parents also decided - makes this whole thing worse. Did Josh not stop to think about how his shenanigans would affect them.

Edited by seraaa
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