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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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54 minutes ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

I bet they don't realize these animals will eat the fruit trees.  At least they got 2 apple trees and hopefully planned ones that will pollinate each other.

They were told that where they got them. They were only planning on getting one, but the place told that they needed two for pollination.

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They are probably not the first ones who needed to be told that they need two fruit trees to pollinate each other. I’m guessing that Lawson’s grade nine science curriculum did not include sexual and asexual reproduction. 

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3 hours ago, Expectopatronus said:

They are probably not the first ones who needed to be told that they need two fruit trees to pollinate each other. I’m guessing that Lawson’s grade nine science curriculum did not include sexual and asexual reproduction. 

You're giving too much credit to the Bateses' science education. I suspect any "science" (aside from chemistry) they learned was straight from the bible. 

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15 hours ago, HereticHick said:

I think the horse has always lived back in Rocky Top, where people other than Lawson take care of it.  I bet all plans to expand the menagerie will be dropped once baby arrives.   And Lord help Duke if one of these nitwits leaves the chicken coop door open or something and Duke helps himself.

 I believe Trace mentioned getting rid of the horses in one of his videos but I am not 100% sure if they shared a horse or had separate ones. 

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I certainly wouldn't believe they'd learned it - I didn't realize that when I started looking into getting fruit trees.  But what I did do was the briefest of google searches on fruit trees I was interested in and what they needed.  I love LOVE being able to pick fruit from our trees, and nothing makes a better summer gift than a bushel of fresh peaches.  I like to drop off a big bag at my daughter's daycare for the teachers to share.

We have 4 plums, 3 pears, 5 cherry trees, 4 peaches, 1 nectarine, and 4 apple trees.  Most produce at least a bit of fruit now that they're a few years older but in like 5 years I'm hoping to just put fruit out down by the road for people in town to come and help themselves.

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1 hour ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

I certainly wouldn't believe they'd learned it - I didn't realize that when I started looking into getting fruit trees.  But what I did do was the briefest of google searches on fruit trees I was interested in and what they needed.  I love LOVE being able to pick fruit from our trees, and nothing makes a better summer gift than a bushel of fresh peaches.  I like to drop off a big bag at my daughter's daycare for the teachers to share.

We have 4 plums, 3 pears, 5 cherry trees, 4 peaches, 1 nectarine, and 4 apple trees.  Most produce at least a bit of fruit now that they're a few years older but in like 5 years I'm hoping to just put fruit out down by the road for people in town to come and help themselves.

What a nice person you are! My neighbor gave me some homegrown tomatoes last year and it was like winning the lottery (I LOVE tomatoes!). Thank you for being someone who makes the world a better place.

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I’m hoping that put in a couple of crabapple trees. Perfect for jelly, and sauces and has the prettiest blossoms. We are way too cold for peach trees unfortunately. 

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They’re at it again, traveling to California and Las Vegas. Still no word on the gender reveal (a couple of commenters speculate the baby will be here by the time they get around to it), and the prior threads of the I Love You Day party and the nursery have been dropped without a trace. 

We start with Lawson telling us they’re going on a date for which they need wings. But first, he gives Tiffany what looks like a velvet hatbox stuffed with 36 red roses, for her first Mother’s Day. He says something about choosing the best for Tiffany, though it’s obvious this is yet another freebie. Why do people give them stuff? Tiffany hugs the box and says she wants to take it with her. She also informs us that one of her criteria for a husband is that he brings her flowers, and that Lawson gives her flowers about once a week. At some point, I’m betting that will fall by the wayside. 

They are in Palm Springs. En route to Nevada. Tiffany’s parents are along for the jaunt. They stop at Lake Meade and Hoover Dam (Tiffany: “Where’s the water?” Lawson: “On the other side.”). 

In Las Vegas they go to a show with videos of the Earth in surround (sorry - never been to Vegas) and take pictures of an assortment of buildings, including Trump Tower and Caesar’s Palace. 

Then they head back to California, stopping at a bunch of random tourist traps, including Kelso (Google tells me it’s a ghost town in California), the Kelso Dunes, and Roy’s Motel and Cafe along Route 66. In all of these places, they appears to do nothing but take selfies. Tiffany cradles her bump at every opportunity, She is shocked at gas being $6.99. She can’t remember a song that has been running through her head and attributes it to “mom brain.” Lawson babbles about how they intend to bring the camper back to these places. They tell us they’re showing us these places in hopes it will encourage their viewers to visit. 

Tiffany cradles an elderly dog, Coco, who was her first dog. She clearly adores him. At the end of the video, there is an In Memoriam for the dog, but no other reference to the dog being ill or passing. The video tagline? “Farewell to a dog.” 

Tiffany also tells us she loves to send postcards and urges us all to be old-school and send postcards when we travel 

At one of their stops, she comments on a “cute couple” in an RV. They say next time, that could be them. 

Throughout the entire video, Lawson’s head is blocking many of the shots as he takes selfies and narrates. I am finding his hair, mouth and voice ever more irritating when experienced in extreme close-up. 

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3 hours ago, postscript said:

They’re at it again, traveling to California and Las Vegas. Still no word on the gender reveal (a couple of commenters speculate the baby will be here by the time they get around to it), and the prior threads of the I Love You Day party and the nursery have been dropped without a trace. 

We start with Lawson telling us they’re going on a date for which they need wings. But first, he gives Tiffany what looks like a velvet hatbox stuffed with 36 red roses, for her first Mother’s Day. He says something about choosing the best for Tiffany, though it’s obvious this is yet another freebie. Why do people give them stuff? Tiffany hugs the box and says she wants to take it with her. She also informs us that one of her criteria for a husband is that he brings her flowers, and that Lawson gives her flowers about once a week. At some point, I’m betting that will fall by the wayside. 

They are in Palm Springs. En route to Nevada. Tiffany’s parents are along for the jaunt. They stop at Lake Meade and Hoover Dam (Tiffany: “Where’s the water?” Lawson: “On the other side.”). 

In Las Vegas they go to a show with videos of the Earth in surround (sorry - never been to Vegas) and take pictures of an assortment of buildings, including Trump Tower and Caesar’s Palace. 

Then they head back to California, stopping at a bunch of random tourist traps, including Kelso (Google tells me it’s a ghost town in California), the Kelso Dunes, and Roy’s Motel and Cafe along Route 66. In all of these places, they appears to do nothing but take selfies. Tiffany cradles her bump at every opportunity, She is shocked at gas being $6.99. She can’t remember a song that has been running through her head and attributes it to “mom brain.” Lawson babbles about how they intend to bring the camper back to these places. They tell us they’re showing us these places in hopes it will encourage their viewers to visit. 

Tiffany cradles an elderly dog, Coco, who was her first dog. She clearly adores him. At the end of the video, there is an In Memoriam for the dog, but no other reference to the dog being ill or passing. The video tagline? “Farewell to a dog.” 

Tiffany also tells us she loves to send postcards and urges us all to be old-school and send postcards when we travel 

At one of their stops, she comments on a “cute couple” in an RV. They say next time, that could be them. 

Throughout the entire video, Lawson’s head is blocking many of the shots as he takes selfies and narrates. I am finding his hair, mouth and voice ever more irritating when experienced in extreme close-up. 

These 2 would definitely take the gold in the Vapid Olympics.

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9 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

These 2 would definitely take the gold in the Vapid Olympics.

They are in Palm Springs. En route to Nevada. Tiffany’s parents are along for the jaunt. They stop at Lake Meade and Hoover Dam (Tiffany: “Where’s the water?” Lawson: “On the other side.”). 

Ladies and Gentlemen, this lady allegedly has a Master's Degree. And will be homeskooling her children.

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9 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

These 2 would definitely take the gold in the Vapid Olympics.

They can duke it out with the Vuolos for the medal, but my money is on Lawson and Tiffany. They take inanity to a new level. I’m only invested in these because of the upcoming baby. 


32 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this lady allegedly has a Master's Degree. And will be homeskooling her children.

There is a scary amount of misinformation and downright idiocy in these videos. They get less out of these sites than anyone, including Jill Rodrigues (not a bar you wish to lower). They seem to see their travel destinations solely as background for selfies.  
One thing I forgot in my recap - at one point, Lawson asks Tiffany if she prefers city or nature destinations. She waffles, clearly knowing Lawson wants her to say nature. Oh, honey. You are such a city girl. 

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5 hours ago, HereticHick said:

They are in Palm Springs. En route to Nevada. Tiffany’s parents are along for the jaunt. They stop at Lake Meade and Hoover Dam (Tiffany: “Where’s the water?” Lawson: “On the other side.”). 

Ladies and Gentlemen, this lady allegedly has a Master's Degree. And will be homeskooling her children.

I don’t follow them closely but it does make me wonder if she somewhat “plays a role” as a helpless housewife with a “big manly” husband. Similar to how she posted that one of her pregnancies symptoms was “going to potty”. Either way, it’s not a good look and makes her seem very juvenile, imo. 

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Did she have to act younger than she was in most of her roles? I wonder if she's permanently stuck in acting juvenile. I also wonder if her parents always treated her like a "fragile Asian doll." 

But I agree that she knows she needs to make her failed country singer husband, who has no real job, feel like a manly man.

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I think Tiffany thinks she has the comedic chops to play the helpless housewife. I think most people think it makes her look stupid, but there are fans who pretend to find her funny. Not that I want the two of them to become a big success, but I’m shocked at their nonexistent  level of effort to contribute anything to society.

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6 hours ago, JDuggs said:

I think Tiffany thinks she has the comedic chops to play the helpless housewife. I think most people think it makes her look stupid, but there are fans who pretend to find her funny. Not that I want the two of them to become a big success, but I’m shocked at their nonexistent  level of effort to contribute anything to society.

Two extremely immature narcissists getting married was a terrible idea.

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6 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

Two extremely immature narcissists getting married was a terrible idea.

However, as my later mother used to note, ‘they’d ruin another pair’.

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8 minutes ago, Idlewild said:

However, as my later mother used to note, ‘they’d ruin another pair’.

Your mother was extremely astute lol. Love it!

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20 hours ago, JDuggs said:

I think Tiffany thinks she has the comedic chops to play the helpless housewife. I think most people think it makes her look stupid, but there are fans who pretend to find her funny. Not that I want the two of them to become a big success, but I’m shocked at their nonexistent  level of effort to contribute anything to society.

Tiffany sometimes seems to present herself in the role of a modern Lucy Ricardo to Lawson’s Ricky. Cute, helpless, slightly wacky wife to Lawson’s older, more sensible husband. Which is amusing as a 1950s sitcom trope, but not a good look in 2024. It also doesn’t accurately reflect their personalities. Tiffany is extremely immature and has all the depth of a puddle, but she occasionally evidences common sense. Lawson, on the other hand, sees the universe as one giant selfie backdrop. 

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8 minutes ago, postscript said:

Tiffany sometimes seems to present herself in the role of a modern Lucy Ricardo to Lawson’s Ricky. Cute, helpless, slightly wacky wife to Lawson’s older, more sensible husband. Which is amusing as a 1950s sitcom trope, but not a good look in 2024. It also doesn’t accurately reflect their personalities. Tiffany is extremely immature and has all the depth of a puddle, but she occasionally evidences common sense. Lawson, on the other hand, sees the universe as one giant selfie backdrop. 

You are on to something though as they both say that they love that show. 

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1 hour ago, postscript said:

Lawson, on the other hand, sees the universe as one giant selfie backdrop. 

"Sees The Universe As One Giant Selfie Backdrop"....next thread title, perhaps?  Or if not for Lawson and Tiffany, how about JillPM?     

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2 hours ago, postscript said:

Tiffany sometimes seems to present herself in the role of a modern Lucy Ricardo to Lawson’s Ricky. Cute, helpless, slightly wacky wife to Lawson’s older, more sensible husband. Which is amusing as a 1950s sitcom trope, but not a good look in 2024. It also doesn’t accurately reflect their personalities. Tiffany is extremely immature and has all the depth of a puddle, but she occasionally evidences common sense. Lawson, on the other hand, sees the universe as one giant selfie backdrop. 

What's their age difference?  How old is Lawson now, 32, 33?

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10 minutes ago, 0 kids n not countin said:

What's their age difference?  How old is Lawson now, 32, 33?

A quick check of Fundy Wiki says Lawson will be turning 32 in July (he wants to be birthday buddies with the baby). Tiffany turned 25 in February. So about 7 years. 

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6 minutes ago, postscript said:

A quick check of Fundy Wiki says Lawson will be turning 32 in July (he wants to be birthday buddies with the baby). Tiffany turned 25 in February. So about 7 years. 

Another similarity to Jin and Jerm. They are 6 years apart.

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46 minutes ago, 0 kids n not countin said:

What's their age difference?  How old is Lawson now, 32, 33?

Emotionally they both seem about 7 or 8. I find Tiffany's "stupid little girl" persona especially grating.

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9 hours ago, Kiki03910 said:

Emotionally they both seem about 7 or 8. I find Tiffany's "stupid little girl" persona especially grating.

Especially as she is probably the main breadwinner- her rental properties, monetised social media and any royalties from her acting are what pays for Lawson to cosplay as a singer.

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