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    (updated November 19, 2016)

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    • indianabones


      Does anyone know why the Roberts family has a daughter named Marty and another daughter named Martha?

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    • TacoBellKimmy


      6 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      I’m the same age as Braggie and I was so glad to be over the baby toddler stage. Her girl twins are the same age as my older son and her son Theo is the same age as my younger son. And she’s had 4 kids since having this kids. I would be so miserable and phoning everything in. If I had 4 more kids. I’m so glad I can focus on my 2 kids and enjoy parenting them. 

      I'm so glad for you, too ❤️ I always wanted 3 kids and ended up having them 2 years apart because I wanted them to be close in age. Their dad and I worked separate shifts, so no daycare involved but very little sleep! Thank God for youth because I swear I look back at it and have no clue how I did it. Run on fumes I guess, but my girls grew up pretty tight and good friends so it was all worth it.

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    • PennySycamore


      I have just been catching up one this thread.

      My heart breaks for the Jill and Derick. 

       Ethel Kennedy did, indeed, have 9 c-sections, but most Obs would find that foolish.  My first OB told me that I should not have more than 3 cesareans and I did not.  My first three were born by c-section as my first three were big - 9.5, 91, and 8.13.  I switched doctors between second and third babies and my new OB told me on my way to the recovery room that I would have no problem with an 8 pounder.  I did have a minor separation of my old scar with that labor.  I did have a premie in '87 and she was born vaginally as was my fifth  who weighed exactly 8 pounds.

      @GutenbergGirl,  my premie, Katherine, was born at about the same gestational age as your baby.  Katherine's eyes were sealed for about 2 weeks after she was born, but she weighed 900 grams.  Unfortunately,  she died at 11 months due to complications of prematurity.  The NICU staff decided that Katherine's gestational age was probably 26 weeks, but maybe as early as 24 weeks.  Our NICu was pretty advanced for the late 80s, but they still can't save babies much younger than 26 weeks. Outcomes have improved,  but there's  limit to how early babies can be saved.  I'm sorry that you lost your baby. :hug:

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    • marmalade

      Posted (edited)

      On 4/25/2024 at 11:41 AM, Giraffe said:

      It's also possible Joy was there and requested not to be photographed. 

      But camera shy Josiah's family was seen, including little Ezra. 

      I think that the explanation of the camping trip sounds more plausible.

      Edited by marmalade
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    • Caroline


      3 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      I’m the same age as Braggie and I was so glad to be over the baby toddler stage. Her girl twins are the same age as my older son and her son Theo is the same age as my younger son. And she’s had 4 kids since having this kids. I would be so miserable and phoning everything in. If I had 4 more kids. I’m so glad I can focus on my 2 kids and enjoy parenting them. 

      I always knew I wanted only one child. I've been a teacher forever and the only work break I had in 42 years was the three months of maternity leave when she was born. But, luckily, I was able to spend every summer at home with her and when she started school our schedules were very similar and we had the same school vacations. 

      For me that was perfect. One child was enough because my job has always been demanding from late August to June, and I know my limits. My husband works full time too and was always unusually involved in her life. Even with his considerable help I still was only able to really focus on just one. It's all so individual. But more than two kids? No way. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. My daughter and I are great friends (not in the Jill way - ewww) now that she's in her 20's and on her own. 


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