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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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On 3/15/2024 at 8:03 AM, GreenBeans said:

Wow. Even a family of 5 would be considered huge here. 1-2 are normal, 3 is already kind of a big family but still fairly common, 4 is pretty unusual, more than 4 is large.

There is/was a series here in Germany called „Family XXL“ in a TLC type format, and they filmed families with 5 to 8 children.

This programme has just come to Belgium! (In a Flemish version, I mean) Also called Families XXL, and yep the first episode has families of 5, 6 and 7 children and one of 15 but that one is almost all fosterchildren! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been decades since I wore a welding mask...can anyone explain to me why Tiffany wasn't able to figure how to wear a welding mask to see the eclipse? I thought they were pretty simple tools.


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Did... Did she think the mask would help her see through the clouds?

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11 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

Did... Did she think the mask would help her see through the clouds?

My IQ plunges every time I read something Tiffany said. Also, welding helmets/masks/goggles were NOT recommended for eclipse viewing.

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Lawson appears to be recording new music videos and TIiff is pushing his music more than ever. It’s almost as if they hope the added interest in her pregnancy will provide publicity for him….

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3 hours ago, Idlewild said:

Lawson appears to be recording new music videos and TIiff is pushing his music more than ever. It’s almost as if they hope the added interest in her pregnancy will provide publicity for him….

That and he knows that he's about to get smoked by Travis in his music career.

As someone that unapologetically consumes a lot of CCM, I like Travis's music and am excited about their move. I really hope it's musically productive for him.

Lawson... Yeah no. I also genuinely like country, but... No.

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On 3/15/2024 at 8:38 PM, SoSoNosy said:

I don't deal at all well with little/no sleep.  I have sleeping problems when I am at home by myself, but add in a baby wanting/needing attention every there hours (if you are lucky) and that precious sleep goes by the wayside.   I am pretty sure there won't be a sibling close in age.  

And she thinks it's kicking hard at 20 weeks?  Let's revisit that subject in couple of months.


We adopted so I've never been pregnant - but when we brought our son home from the hospital - I was fully rested. I had spent my entire life previously normally rested. (not like I spent 40 weeks with someone kicking me from the inside). And OMG that level of sleep deprivation is something else. 
He wasn't a particularly needy baby but decided very early on that naps were for suckers. And that his preferred sleeping location was on a person. Preferably Mom. Mom who doesn't deal well with being tired and overtouched. 
There is a reason sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture - it's because it WORKS. 
She's struggling now with 20 weeks? Come back to me later. (My kid is 11 and STILL interupts my sleep every night. I don't get full nights sleep very often and he's my only child. If I had 4 more - shudder) 


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1 hour ago, Meggo said:

We adopted so I've never been pregnant - but when we brought our son home from the hospital - I was fully rested. I had spent my entire life previously normally rested. (not like I spent 40 weeks with someone kicking me from the inside). And OMG that level of sleep deprivation is something else. 
He wasn't a particularly needy baby but decided very early on that naps were for suckers. And that his preferred sleeping location was on a person. Preferably Mom. Mom who doesn't deal well with being tired and overtouched. 
There is a reason sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture - it's because it WORKS. 
She's struggling now with 20 weeks? Come back to me later. (My kid is 11 and STILL interupts my sleep every night. I don't get full nights sleep very often and he's my only child. If I had 4 more - shudder) 


I consider myself a lower than average sleep needs person. And I agree, there is no tired like new baby exhaustion. My first never napped, ever, until she went to a structured daycare setting at 2 YO. She did sleep well at night, and I just thought this was how children and motherhood were. Enter my second child…slept through the night from the beginning, and slept 18 hours a day until he was like 2- slept anywhere- day, night, car, walking around Disney. If he had been the first I would have had a very skewed sense of what life with babies is like. My first lived in a baby carrier, but with my second, it wasn’t needed at all.

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5 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I consider myself a lower than average sleep needs person. And I agree, there is no tired like new baby exhaustion. My first never napped, ever, until she went to a structured daycare setting at 2 YO. She did sleep well at night, and I just thought this was how children and motherhood were. Enter my second child…slept through the night from the beginning, and slept 18 hours a day until he was like 2- slept anywhere- day, night, car, walking around Disney. If he had been the first I would have had a very skewed sense of what life with babies is like. My first lived in a baby carrier, but with my second, it wasn’t needed at all.

Are you sure your second isn't a cat?  🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, CaptainFunderpants said:

Are you sure your second isn't a cat?  🤣🤣

Or a well loved, lazy sausage dog. 

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15 hours ago, Meggo said:

She's struggling now with 20 weeks? Come back to me later.

To be honest, pregnancy is different for everyone. I had the most awful pregnancy from start to finish. At 20 weeks, the nausea was still going strong. And as an otherwise healthy person, the kind of pregnancy I had does wear you down. It feels like a year of my life stolen from me that I’ll never get back.

And yes, it got a lot worse after 20 weeks, but when I was AT 20 weeks I thought this was as bad as it gets (other than general discomfort from getting bigger). I was actually kind of hoping that I would finally enter thet “feel good stage of the pregnancy” all the websites and books were talking about. Well, that didn’t happen for me.

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To be honest, I think I am more tired now with a 2-year old than with a newborn. With a baby you can sleep during the day and the hours that they are awake you can just chill on the couch as well. A toddler needs constant attention and still wakes up quite early.

Maybe its also the fact that I am pregnant again and dreading the combination of a newborn and a toddler.

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6 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

To be honest, pregnancy is different for everyone. I had the most awful pregnancy from start to finish. At 20 weeks, the nausea was still going strong. And as an otherwise healthy person, the kind of pregnancy I had does wear you down. It feels like a year of my life stolen from me that I’ll never get back.

And yes, it got a lot worse after 20 weeks, but when I was AT 20 weeks I thought this was as bad as it gets (other than general discomfort from getting bigger). I was actually kind of hoping that I would finally enter thet “feel good stage of the pregnancy” all the websites and books were talking about. Well, that didn’t happen for me.

That's fair - and I have nothing to compare it too. I just can't imagine the lack of sleep getting any BETTER when you have a kid pressing on all your internal organs. It might not get worse for her (and I hope it doesn't). 


20 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I consider myself a lower than average sleep needs person. And I agree, there is no tired like new baby exhaustion. My first never napped, ever, until she went to a structured daycare setting at 2 YO. She did sleep well at night, and I just thought this was how children and motherhood were. Enter my second child…slept through the night from the beginning, and slept 18 hours a day until he was like 2- slept anywhere- day, night, car, walking around Disney. If he had been the first I would have had a very skewed sense of what life with babies is like. My first lived in a baby carrier, but with my second, it wasn’t needed at all.

Daycare is MAGIC for that. My kiddo would happily nap at daycare - but the only way I could get him to nap at home was to go for a drive. And keep driving because he'd wake up if I stopped at the wrong time and then be mad he wasn't napping. 
They also got him to eat yogurt when he previously had just let it spill right out of his mouth. Magic I tell ya. 

When we were fighting potty training HARD I told daycare that I'd send him with all his clothes and a gift card to a fancy restaurant for whoever convinced him potty training was for him. That kid still does stuff on his own timeline.


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8 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

To be honest, pregnancy is different for everyone. I had the most awful pregnancy from start to finish. At 20 weeks, the nausea was still going strong. And as an otherwise healthy person, the kind of pregnancy I had does wear you down. It feels like a year of my life stolen from me that I’ll never get back.

And yes, it got a lot worse after 20 weeks, but when I was AT 20 weeks I thought this was as bad as it gets (other than general discomfort from getting bigger). I was actually kind of hoping that I would finally enter thet “feel good stage of the pregnancy” all the websites and books were talking about. Well, that didn’t happen for me.

I agree with this so much! Currently 8 months pregnant with my first child. Right now, I am a bit uncomfortable and a bit more tired than normal, but I can still get through the day, I just need to have quieter evenings than before. HOWEVER the first trimester was HELL. I felt some nausea and had to throw up sometimes, but the much much much worse part was, that I felt a kind of tired I had never felt before. My doctor put me on sick leave for a month. During this month, I was literally not able to stand long enough in the kitchen to prepare myself some food. I guess you could compare it to the worst day of having a severe flu - but constantly, for a month. I lived on the sofa with my husband bringing me food. I always feel like I can not accurately express the level of pure exhaustion. Words just can't do it justice, because in my entire life so far, I have always been able to "push through" if I really needed to and at those moments, I had already thought that I was at the maximum level of tiredness, but it was NOTHING compared to the first trimester. Then it only slowly got better and I only felt ok again at 14 weeks. When I spoke about this to my doctors, they just said, that some women are hit extra hard by the hormone changes and there is nothing I can do but wait. 

But all that to say... I will never in my life judge any pregnant woman who struggles with symptoms and I will also never again assume that the third trimester is necessarily the hardest one. Pregnancy can be extremely different for everyone. I have a coworker who spent most of her pregnancy in the hospital due to HG and another one, who didn't even know she was pregnant until 4 months and said in general, she was hardly ever uncomfortable during pregnancy. You just never know, until you go through it. 

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18 hours ago, CaptainFunderpants said:

Are you sure your second isn't a cat?  🤣🤣

Nah, too go with the flow. We call him type Z, which isn’t necessarily a good thing in a 33 YO-

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On IG, it looks like Tiffany and Kelly crashed Carlin’s birthday getaway with Evan at the Outer Banks. I haven’t seen any evidence that Lawson is with them though.

The Stewart spawn are being cared for back home by Michael and Brandon of course. Could Michael and Brandon be asked maybe one time to accompany a sibling on a trip instead of always being asked to babysit?

Edited by JDuggs
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On 4/11/2024 at 11:27 PM, Chocolatecheesecake said:

I agree with this so much! Currently 8 months pregnant with my first child. Right now, I am a bit uncomfortable and a bit more tired than normal, but I can still get through the day, I just need to have quieter evenings than before. HOWEVER the first trimester was HELL. I felt some nausea and had to throw up sometimes, but the much much much worse part was, that I felt a kind of tired I had never felt before. My doctor put me on sick leave for a month. During this month, I was literally not able to stand long enough in the kitchen to prepare myself some food. I guess you could compare it to the worst day of having a severe flu - but constantly, for a month. I lived on the sofa with my husband bringing me food. I always feel like I can not accurately express the level of pure exhaustion. Words just can't do it justice, because in my entire life so far, I have always been able to "push through" if I really needed to and at those moments, I had already thought that I was at the maximum level of tiredness, but it was NOTHING compared to the first trimester. Then it only slowly got better and I only felt ok again at 14 weeks. When I spoke about this to my doctors, they just said, that some women are hit extra hard by the hormone changes and there is nothing I can do but wait. 

But all that to say... I will never in my life judge any pregnant woman who struggles with symptoms and I will also never again assume that the third trimester is necessarily the hardest one. Pregnancy can be extremely different for everyone. I have a coworker who spent most of her pregnancy in the hospital due to HG and another one, who didn't even know she was pregnant until 4 months and said in general, she was hardly ever uncomfortable during pregnancy. You just never know, until you go through it. 

I remember that tired also. I would go to work and go to bed as soon as I got home. That’s all I could muster and that was only because I had too. It was like even my bones were tired, that the drowsiness was a weight that just kept pulling me down and like gravity pressing on me. I had a good newborn and long mat leave  so I was lucky on that end. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made the mistake of watching Lawson's latest. That's 18 minutes I'll never get back. 

First, we get a commercial for a new e-bike, obviously done in return for a freebie. He talks about it being perfect for their RV life. Oh, and make sure you click the link in the description box for a coupon code. I foresee either the bike will gather dust once the baby comes or Lawson will be tooling around on it while Tiffany is stuck in the RV with a crying baby. 

They are in Knoxville for the I Love You Day party. I wish he'd stop playing with the timeline. Why even bother showing something that happened two months ago and was covered by several of your siblings on their vlogs? They are headed for the couples bowling party. As they arrive, Lawson says this is "bougie bowl." I don't disagree with him, but the private space is lovely and what we can see of the food looks good. Lawson is going around making bets with the guys as to whether they'll be over or under 200. The guys are all super-competitive, the girls throw gutter balls, chat, and hold baby William Paine. Nobody seems particularly good at bowling. Lawson's final score is in the 140s, and that sounds as if it's in the high end. 

Now they are in Wal-Mart with Nathan and Esther, who are shopping for a cute way to tell the family they're expecting. Why couldn't they do this before they arrived in Knoxville? They say there's a chance they'll have twins. Esther's sister apparently has twins. Nathan is all for this - "buy one, get one free!" Yeah, I bet Esther will be feeding and diapering any extra kids. Of course, Lawson has used "Bates Twins?!" as the tagline for the video, in a shameless attempt at clickbait. They finally decide on a shirt saying "Best Sister." Lawson coaches them to say Kenna's outfit was on backorder so they had to pick something else. He also tells us there are rumors of as many as three baby announcements that night (which we now know was true). Esther and Tiffany pose with a pregnant mannequin, cradling their own non-existent bellies. 

Lawson returns to Wal-Mart on his own to get presents for the family and birthday presents for Tiffany. He says he's already got something for her but wanted to get other stuff. The presents for the family are all hunting and fishing-related - lures, etc. He doesn't say what he's got for Tiffany, but we see balloons and flowers in the cart. 

We are at the Big House, where Chad has put together the little wagon and the women are decorating with prairie-themed items. This gives me uncomfortable flashbacks to my childhood, where the women did most of the work at family gatherings while the men sat and chatted. Lawson shows us some of the many kids, including three of Tori's kids, several of Erin's kids, and Kenna. One thing to his credit, he always labels the kids, so we know we're getting glimpses of those not on social media. Less favorably, he seems to favor certain nieces and nephews. Kenna and baby William Paine (with whom Lawson constantly reminds us he shares a name) get a lot more time in his videos than the other kids.

And then the video cuts off. I suppose we have to wait until next week for the party, the baby announcements, Tiffany's birthday. They've been teasing their gender reveal for a long time, too. I was initially convinced they were having a boy. But after multiple videos of Lawson saying he's convinced it's a boy while Tiffany is equally convinced it's a girl, I'm now thinking it's a girl, if for no other reason than to prove Lawson wrong. 

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For some reason I thought they'd announced the baby as a boy already.  Must be because they kept referring to it as "him" after they said they were planning the gender reveal and not an actual announcement.

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That was a long and boring video of past events. I do have to point out that in the footage of the decorating and rush, there was Kelly laid back in the recliner. If that woman was any less self aware...

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More boring video from the world's most inane couple. This time, they're supposedly setting up what Lawson keeps calling the "baby room" (for some reason, the word "nursery" escapes him), but they only get as far as clearing all of Lawson's gym equipment out. Lots of repetition. They tell us nearly everything twice. 

They purchase fruit trees - 2 apple and one peach. They tell us they want to set up what Lawson calls the "Bates farm" in their back yard. They've already purchased a chicken coop but no chickens yet. They eventually want to get a pair of goats and what Tiffany calls a "mini-cow." Who's going to look after all this livestock when they're on the road? 

They return to the house and Lawson shows us how he plans to rearrange the garage, which is currently mostly acting as storage for his merch. They have a deck storage box they really like, and Lawson does a commercial as he assembles a second one. Once he gets it put together, they move packing materials and some of the merch inside. Apparently Tiffany looks after Lawson's website and sends out merch orders. I don't know which surprises me more, that Tiffany is in charge of the merch or that people actually buy this stuff.

They move outside so Lawson can plant the fruit trees, I'll give him credit for being energetic, but he would get on faster if he stopped talking to the camera and focused on digging. Duke, who features prominently in this episode, investigates and Tiffany tells him not to pee on the newly planted trees (yeah, good luck with that). He rolls over and Lawson rubs his belly with a booted foot. Tiffany squeals at Duke in baby talk.

Trees planted, they move back inside and Lawson moves his workout equipment into the garage while Tiffany tells us the baby will be in their room for the first few months. She shows us a gigantic stuffed cow which will be part of their gender reveal. They also thank their fans for sending so much stuff (showing some baby books) and assure them they'll get personal thank-you notes, We see the empty "baby room" and the newly reorganized garage, where Lawson again shows us his merch. Duke is sprawled on the floor, and Lawson again rubs his belly. 

They end with Tiffany cooking steak bites for dinner with some veggies and potatoes. At the table, they talk about how grateful they are for being so blessed and Lawson says a performative grace, sneaking peeks at the camera as he does so. Tiffany sounds more sincere about the Lord's blessings than he does. 

I suppose we have to wait for the final nursery reveal, not to mention the I Love You Day celebration from last week. I should know better than to expect their titles have any relation to what's actually in the video. 

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7 minutes ago, postscript said:

More boring video from the world's most inane couple. This time, they're supposedly setting up what Lawson keeps calling the "baby room" (for some reason, the word "nursery" escapes him), but they only get as far as clearing all of Lawson's gym equipment out. Lots of repetition. They tell us nearly everything twice. 

They purchase fruit trees - 2 apple and one peach. They tell us they want to set up what Lawson calls the "Bates farm" in their back yard. They've already purchased a chicken coop but no chickens yet. They eventually want to get a pair of goats and what Tiffany calls a "mini-cow." Who's going to look after all this livestock when they're on the road? 

They return to the house and Lawson shows us how he plans to rearrange the garage, which is currently mostly acting as storage for his merch. They have a deck storage box they really like, and Lawson does a commercial as he assembles a second one. Once he gets it put together, they move packing materials and some of the merch inside. Apparently Tiffany looks after Lawson's website and sends out merch orders. I don't know which surprises me more, that Tiffany is in charge of the merch or that people actually buy this stuff.

They move outside so Lawson can plant the fruit trees, I'll give him credit for being energetic, but he would get on faster if he stopped talking to the camera and focused on digging. Duke, who features prominently in this episode, investigates and Tiffany tells him not to pee on the newly planted trees (yeah, good luck with that). He rolls over and Lawson rubs his belly with a booted foot. Tiffany squeals at Duke in baby talk.

Trees planted, they move back inside and Lawson moves his workout equipment into the garage while Tiffany tells us the baby will be in their room for the first few months. She shows us a gigantic stuffed cow which will be part of their gender reveal. They also thank their fans for sending so much stuff (showing some baby books) and assure them they'll get personal thank-you notes, We see the empty "baby room" and the newly reorganized garage, where Lawson again shows us his merch. Duke is sprawled on the floor, and Lawson again rubs his belly. 

They end with Tiffany cooking steak bites for dinner with some veggies and potatoes. At the table, they talk about how grateful they are for being so blessed and Lawson says a performative grace, sneaking peeks at the camera as he does so. Tiffany sounds more sincere about the Lord's blessings than he does. 

I suppose we have to wait for the final nursery reveal, not to mention the I Love You Day celebration from last week. I should know better than to expect their titles have any relation to what's actually in the video. 

I don’t follow them, but they strike me as people who get bored very easily and move from one big idea project to the next (RV - what ever happened to that? Now a farm?). 

Also, annoying that fans actually sent them stuff from their registry. lol 🙃

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9 hours ago, Keys said:

I don’t follow them, but they strike me as people who get bored very easily and move from one big idea project to the next (RV - what ever happened to that? Now a farm?). 

Also, annoying that fans actually sent them stuff from their registry. lol 🙃

I agree. They both seem to have short attention spans. They spend more time traveling than at home. Lawson’s horse shows up in the intro to their videos, but I have no idea if he still owns the horse. He has a room full of exercise equipment that doesn’t seem to get a lot of use. They put a lot of energy into fixing up the RV and Lawson babbles about their “RV life,” but they don’t appear to have taken it anywhere since their initial trip to Arkansas. Tiffany is constantly redecorating. Now they want to put fruit trees and livestock in their back yard (which is big, but not big enough), but don’t seem to realize chickens, goats and mini-cows need to be fed and looked after on a regular basis. I suspect in a couple of years they’ll want to move to a larger house or put a big addition on this one.

The baby will be another one of their many enthusiasms - exciting at first, then less so when they realize the work isn’t going away. At least they both seem to like kids. 

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1 hour ago, postscript said:

. Lawson’s horse shows up in the intro to their videos, but I have no idea if he still owns the horse. He has a room full of exercise equipment that doesn’t seem to get a lot of use. They put a lot of energy into fixing up the RV and Lawson babbles about their “RV life,” but they don’t appear to have taken it anywhere since their initial trip to Arkansas.

I think the horse has always lived back in Rocky Top, where people other than Lawson take care of it.  I bet all plans to expand the menagerie will be dropped once baby arrives.   And Lord help Duke if one of these nitwits leaves the chicken coop door open or something and Duke helps himself.

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19 hours ago, postscript said:

They eventually want to get a pair of goats and what Tiffany calls a "mini-cow."

I bet they don't realize these animals will eat the fruit trees.  At least they got 2 apple trees and hopefully planned ones that will pollinate each other.

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