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Club Directory

Our Featured Clubs

  • Open Club  ·  191 members  ·  Last active

    A place to talk about all your food and cooking desires. Post your recipes, tips and tricks or whatever you want as long as it applies to food/cooking in some way.

    • Ignorance Bread
    • misguidedghost
    • AdamsBellybutton
    • PopRox
    • NakedKnees
    • SassyPants
    • Starry
    • AnywhereButHere
    • SassyPantswithASideofClass
    • DarkAnts
  • Open Club  ·  19 members  ·  Last active

    Support and commiseration for people participating in National Novel Writing Month.

    • Womble
    • hisboyelroy
    • LilMissMetaphor
    • singsingsing
    • Pete Pickles
    • browncoatslytherin
    • Curious
    • unholypoledancer
    • Shoobydoo
    • AmazonGrace
  • Open Club  ·  111 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?
    • Lisafer
    • Nikedagain?
    • GoddessOfVictory
    • Walking Cat Bed
    • Loki
    • tehfanglyfish
    • smittykins
    • Kailash
    • Blahblah

All Clubs

  • Closed Club  ·  17 members  ·  Last active

    A place for members who are trying to adopt, have adopted or are adopted to discuss the issues surrounding adoption. Birth mothers and fathers are also welcome. This is meant to be a positive place for members that have been impacted by adoption. It is not the place to complain that adoption shouldn't happen or anything like that. Start a thread on the forum if that is what you'd like to discuss. Admittance to this group is up to the discretion of the Club's moderators. You may be asked questions by the moderators before you are admitted

    • Free Jana Duggar
    • Loki
    • Curious
    • HerNameIsBuffy
    • JillyO
    • rosethorne
    • LeftCoastLurker
    • onekidanddone
    • Palimpsest
    • mamallama
  • Closed Club  ·  72 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Playagirl
    • PennySycamore
    • mollysmom
    • Sicily
    • RabbitKM
    • Karma
    • Curious
    • Blahblah
    • atheistjd
    • choralcrusader8613
  • Closed Club  ·  107 members  ·  Last active

    A place for our single members to discuss issues surrounding being single.

    • DaffyDill
    • AmericanRose
    • TuringMachine
    • CaricatureQualities
    • SnazzyNazzy
    • AlwaysExcited
    • AliceInFundyland
    • Criscat
    • Carm_88
    • Grimalkin
  • Open Club  ·  95 members  ·  Last active

    If you love reading this is the (new) place on FJ for you. Details are still being worked out, but go ahead and chat about anything book related. I'm going to attempt to move book threads into the club if the site will stop fighting with me.

    • unholypoledancer
    • Sky with diamonds
    • Palimpsest
    • Cat Damon
    • Ignorance Bread
    • GuineaPigCourtship
    • Grandma D
    • WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?
    • RabbitKM
    • lumpentheologie
  • Closed Club  ·  2 members

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Curious
    • HerNameIsBuffy
  • Closed Club  ·  72 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Firebird
    • samurai_sarah
    • FundieFarmer
    • Flossie
    • Chickenbutt
    • AlwaysExcited
    • SleepoversInACultSafehouse
    • CTRLZero
    • Coconut Flan
    • onekidanddone
  • Closed Club  ·  79 members  ·  Last active

    This is a group for people who don't want or have children. We discuss all aspects of the childfree lifestyle.

    • Geechee Girl
    • ShebrewDefrauder
    • BlackSheep
    • tehfanglyfish
    • JesusHDuggar
    • Cartmann99
    • CRAnn
    • nokidsmom
    • Jessie E
    • RosyDaisy
  • Closed Club  ·  73 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Okie_Bokie
    • zygote373
    • Alice in Fundieland
    • SledCat
    • coveredcollarbones
    • Gemini
    • JordynDarby5
    • anniebgood
    • Flossie
    • LillyCat
  • Open Club  ·  57 members  ·  Last active

    Show us your creative side here.

    • Tikobaby
    • laPapessaGiovanna
    • FutureA
    • Fascinated
    • icyrose33
    • HeadshipRegent
    • iweartanktops
    • Lovebug
    • JillyO
    • FloraKitty35
  • Open Club  ·  13 members  ·  Last active

    For the FJers that are in college or heading back to college.

    • keep_my_spleen
    • VaSportsMom
    • meep
    • Vivi_music
    • Dreadcrumbs
    • TheWayTheWorldWorks
    • FecundFundieFundus
    • Texas Heifer
    • Nikedagain?
    • Curious
  • Open Club  ·  191 members  ·  Last active

    A place to talk about all your food and cooking desires. Post your recipes, tips and tricks or whatever you want as long as it applies to food/cooking in some way.

    • Ignorance Bread
    • misguidedghost
    • AdamsBellybutton
    • PopRox
    • NakedKnees
    • SassyPants
    • Starry
    • AnywhereButHere
    • SassyPantswithASideofClass
    • DarkAnts
  • Open Club  ·  51 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Gemini
    • Josephine Dupont
    • curlykate
    • unholypoledancer
    • Ais
    • DaisyD
    • FecundFundieFundus
    • Berta McGee
    • Walking Cat Bed
    • CatholicLite
  • Open Club  ·  11 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Alisamer
    • FeministShrew
    • Topaz
    • Pandora Spocks
    • Hane
    • Curious
    • Pippy
    • Jellybean
    • Lillymuffin
    • applejack
  • Closed Club  ·  76 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • LilMissMetaphor
    • chaotic life
    • seattlechic
    • wild little fox
    • Firiel
    • Blahblah
    • refugee
    • purple_summer
    • Gemini
    • ShepherdontheRock
  • Open Club  ·  29 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Scrabblemaster
    • fransalley
    • coffeebean7
    • EmmaWoodhouse
    • JoyfulSel
    • baldricks_turnip
    • Ali
    • PumaLover
    • EowynW
    • PianoGal
  • Open Club  ·  38 members  ·  Last active

    Join your fellow gardeners in the FJ Gardening club. Big or small, pots, indoor, outdoor, flowers it's all fine here.

    • Silly_Rabbit
    • FecundFundieFundus
    • refugee
    • Scrabblemaster
    • unholypoledancer
    • tinyleprechaun
    • QuiverFullofBooks
    • AuntKrazy
    • ven
    • ALM7
  • Open Club  ·  66 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • BlondeIdol
    • dairyfreelife
    • albireo
    • Dreadcrumbs
    • albanuadh_1
    • keen23
    • CTRLZero
    • AliceInFundyland
    • ALM7
    • RTR
  • Closed Club  ·  6 members

    For those of us who homeschool or are interested in homeschooling! A place for suggestions, questions, and support!

    • HerNameIsBuffy
    • pandorasjen
    • keep_my_spleen
    • WitheredRose
    • Lisafer
    • Curious
  • Closed Club  ·  252 members  ·  Last active

    Hidden from the prying eyes of Google lies the greatest trainwreck to ever grace the internet. For 6 long years she has remained the internet’s best kept secret. For that reason I will be forced to contact the fake Wiccan and pay her to curse any that break the most sacred rule and scare off the wildlife.

    • wild little fox
    • sockiemom
    • CrazyMumma
    • Sequoia
    • Cat Damon
    • Curious
    • Nolongerhere
    • LeftCoastLurker
    • SongRed7
    • Stonewallsneakers
  • Closed Club  ·  102 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • Kittikatz
    • FundieFarmer
    • Palimpsest
    • Kailash
    • catlady
    • Season of life...
    • Curious
    • AlwaysExcited
    • unholypoledancer
    • Maxwell
  • Open Club  ·  58 members  ·  Last active

    Place for discussion about Laura Ingalls Wilder and all of those Of Laura, Little House on the Prairie, the books, the tv show, the made for tv movies, her biographies, et all.

    • Mrs Ms
    • KeepingChrysanthemum
    • Butterfly
    • zee_four
    • smittykins
    • Pleiades_06
    • dawbs
    • StacyW
    • QuiverFullofBooks
    • finnegan
  • Closed Club  ·  55 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

    • freealljs
    • NakedKnees
    • pnwgypsy
    • Gobsmacked
    • RosyDaisy
    • potato
    • justodd
    • Mela99
    • Alicja
    • courtlylove
  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    Lori may not think she needs to be kept accountable, but we disagree. She likes to use her delete key with amazing speed, but we are faster. This is the place where we keep all the contradictions and screenshots she doesn't want people to see.
  • Open Club  ·  9 members

    A place to discuss all things financial.

    • VanillaBean
    • Botkinetti
    • Curious
    • The Mother Dust
    • unholypoledancer
    • front hugs > duggs
    • wotdancer
    • Cartmann99
    • Pretzel

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