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Alice Pregnancy Addict (alicesbaby)

So Many Lies

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Well I do see something wrong. If you claim God opens and closes the womb and everything is God's Will you should be happy with what you get.

Many people have 3 boys or 3 girls and don't recklessly go on to have 4 more pregnancies. You just make the most of it.

In any case, no good can come of idealizing one sex over another. Especially as Alice herself is probably gay having all these expectations of the sterotypical perfect family with certain roles "hair cliips... piiink!" is especially troubling.

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This couple is disgusting. The non-apology is disgusting as well. In response to this weird hypocrite who rails against abortion and gay marriage being outed as an adulterer, he smugly and defiantly mansplains to the viewer that he has been forgiven by God and his wife (who dutifully nods her assent behind him), so he is washed clean.

His video arrogantly assumes that because he has explained how he has been forgiven, the matter is closed and he should be able to pick up where he left off, without skipping a beat, with his work of spreading Christianity by showcasing his perfect Christian family and life.

He seems totally unrepentant and almost scolding in his tone as if any viewer should dare to judge what is between he and God (and his wife kind of).

Well guess what buddy, if you hadn't tried to spread your form of bigotry and oppression through a vlog that featured the personal details of your family life and "faith", then yeah, we wouldn't be in a position to judge. Jerk.

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God, that simpering expression on his wife's face during that video... just can't even.

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I was trying to explain the whole Smuggar/Vlogger Ashley Madison expose to my in-laws at dinner last night.

Me: So there was this guy who put out a viral video of him surprising his wife with news that she is pregnant--

MIL: That doesn't make sense. How could he know before she did?

Me: . . . You don't want me to explain that at while we are eating dinner.

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How does he know he's been forgiven by God? That's the one thing I've never understood. Is it just that they pray and that makes it all forgiven? I'm a non-religious Jew so I'm genuinely curious.

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How does he know he's been forgiven by God?

Ok, so I'm an atheist and kind of a bitch, so take this with a grain of salt. I think it's sort of like how super crunchy, no prenatal care having, unassisted homebirthing mamas just know that their fetus is ok? Like, intuition? But since they're them, they think their intuition is fact and everyone else's intuition can take a long go fuck themselves on a short plank.

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Back to the whole miscarriage thing - they could learn a thing or two from Erin & Chad Bates in how to be classy and keeping things within the family until there's actual news to share with the public.

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And now it seems they were kicked out of a vlogger conference for threatening violence against people? https://twitter.com/meghantonjes (She tweeted about this a few hours ago.) This whole thing is just bizarre.

Unfortunately, it looks like Sam deleted his tweets so I'm hoping someone got some screen shots because it sounds like they were pretty shitty. I'd also to love to read the deets on what happened at the conference. It looks like another vlogger was kicked out too, someone named Carter something? Something about him being a rapist? Piqued, my curiosity has become.

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Oh barf. My curiosity is a stupid asshole.

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Ooh, I hope there's more news about what happened at vloggerfair. Surely with all of those video people, someone recorded the outburst, right? PLEASE SAY YES.

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Well I confess I don't flush during the night. I sleep usually with my daughter in her big bed. She's autistic and often wakes at night and for saftey reasons I sleep with her I lock us in her room. ( she's escaped the house before ) Dh works out of town and isn't home but a couple days a week. AnywAy she has a bathroom ajoined to her room. no way am

I going to risk flushing just pee and waking her up. There are nights she doesn't sleep period so um no not risking it. I do flush first thing in the morning. Its kind of hypocritical I my part because I get so pissed off when the guys don't flush the other bathroom ( I make guys use the main one) girls use the one small one. I hate sharing a toilet with them. But nothing is worse then going to the main bath to shower to find it not flushed. No matter whAts in if. Just gross! I have a reason for not doing it where the other quilty party is just laZy.

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Dude definitely needs to get his day job back.

Good luck with that now. Wasn't he a nurse? Not sure I'd hire someone to be a care taker who has a history of making threats (even if it was only once). Not worth the risk.

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Good luck with that now. Wasn't he a nurse? Not sure I'd hire someone to be a care taker who has a history of making threats (even if it was only once). Not worth the risk.

Yup, he was a nurse. I first heard about Sam and Nia last week via FB. I saw people calling them frauds and other things. Since then, I read about them here and there. Last night and today, I got caught up on the latest stuff on them.

The vibe I get is that they had been seeing how some vloggers have managed to make a lot of money and pretty much have vlogging as their full time careers. I'm willing to bet Sam and Nia were hoping to be like the Shaytards(Mormon family that does youtube videos) or Jefferson Bethke(Christian evangelist youtubber/author).

Sam quitting his nursing job and thinking things would go over smoothly was an idiotic move. People had been calling them out on their anti-gay stance and other issues. Some of the people that are popular full vloggers, left their former jobs when they knew their vlogging careers would at least be secure. Last week Sam and Nia said a television network contacted them about a reality show, I don't see that happening after VloggerFair.

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Neil sounded so relieved it is a girl. He was probably dreading a boy breakdown and figures this buys him at least a year of happy Alice.

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Last week Sam and Nia said a television network contacted them about a reality show

Shriek! No! It has to be another lie. 1) Who would want to watch these two even if they weren't frauds? Honestly, how are they appealing? b) I'd turn to stone on the spot if I ran across his face and heard his voice while flipping through channels. I'm not nuts about Nia either but I don't get the visceral hate response with her like I do with him.

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I'm not nuts about Nia either but I don't get the visceral hate response with her like I do with him.

I'm fairly non-confrontational and non-violent, but yeah. That guy looks like he needs to be punched.

I don't understand why anyone would want to watch him stroke his own ego. Also, he's gross for self-titling his video 'good looking parents sing Frozen song." I can't with that.

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Completely agree. I'm only happy it's the lesser of two evils. And I use the term "happy" loosely.

I'm especially pissed that during her early years of marriage when she allegedly had ME or chronic fatigue (and then was celibate) she went bananas because Neil called some of the issues "your problems" in conversation .

She insisted it was "THEIR" problems (even though it was totally her) because they're married and HE'S a factor in her problems!

So now I see it's NEIL'S depression and she's whining about how a depressed spouse makes the other spouse depressed etc. and it's ALL him and his history Yada Yada. No mention of "OUR" anything.

It just staggers me, the woman is so lacking in self awareness.

Praise God she isn't my relative: there's no way I could stay polite for long!!

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