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It's me, meep.

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Stories & Thoughts from meep. 

[Testing these blogs out. Am I doing it right?!?!]

Entries in this blog

Pupdates - Some Good News

Hello all! Here are some pupdates! Since last time, we were able to get into contact with quite a few breeders. Unfortunately, no one had any puppies recently but some had upcoming litters for late fall and early next year. We were waiting on word for 2 littlers in late October. Unfortunately, we did not get off the waiting list for those litters. I was deeply disappointed. I mean, we've been waiting for this for 10 years! And our next best bet was going to be Spring 2024. That seemed so fa


meep in dog

Adventures of Ember - Prepping for Pup

Hi all! Long time no blog update! Getting a puppy has been a long-time goal for my husband and I, over ten years now. We did not want to get one until we were truly ready.  There were a few things we wanted to "tick off the list" first. moving into a bigger place getting married me graduating and getting a stable job us being able to work from home more Well, we have met all these goals and we are in full swing puppy prep. We have not yet found a reputabl


meep in dog

Might transfer universities :(

*inhales* I’m hoping to once again get some perspective and maybe a little advice about university. (I ask too much of you guys!) I’m freaking out at life and I feel overwhelmed. 😓 I was told at this university I’d have so many options for classes. Over time, I have learned I will never be able to take classes I want. In fact, I have a pretty damn narrow and limited selection. I feel like I was bamboozled, which you kind of expect schools to do but I thought a public state universit


meep in school

Will FJ help me pick a school?

Why, hello there! It's just me, meep. Awake at 2 am, wired and nervous, the norm around here. ? I've been doing the community college thing here in the USA and this semester was my time to apply for transfer to a 4-year university. I got accepted to 6 schools (wooo!) but I'm having a hard time deciding where to go. To be honest, I thought 1 or maybe 2 schools would accept me, and I'd be forced into a program/school by sheer limited choice. So while I'm proud that I have these choices, I


meep in school

Is therapy about family helpful?

hi FJ folks, I was wondering if anyone here has gone through therapy specifically to deal with processing how they grew up and the relationship with other family members (NOT family therapy). Did it go well? Did it help you?  [possible TW for self-harm] I'm beginning to realize that there were parts of my childhood that were really neglectful and somewhat abusive. I have a lot of issues with my mom because she doesn't know how to put up boundaries (for anything, ever). I felt my pare



Part 1 (First Brushes with Fundamentalism)

Largely, I have been writing down my experiences as a sort of catharsis, but also on the off chance my experiences might resonate with others out there. I've spent the last ~8 years of my life thinking, processing, healing, reconciling over (etc, etc) the happenings in my childhood, how I got where I am, the whys of it. And now...I want to be done with it. It will always be part of my history but I don't want to cross into the territory of not being able to let go and living in wallowing of self



Feeling Down

I don't know how to deal with people.  I know I am an introvert, and I've always been on the shy side (though it's hard to tell what is my natural personality vs what my parents and religion WANTED me to be). But I really feel completely, totally exhausted when interacting with people.  Being shy, meek, with a soft voice - this is not a recipe for being taken seriously. I've tried doing a lot of work in being more assertive, appearing more confident (I feel pretty confident most of the ti



I'm Not A Doll

I hadn't seen my parents in weeks. We've been staying away from each other since even before the COVID-19 lockdown as they are in the vulnerable age bracket. My mother texted me, insisting she come over. "That's not the greatest idea," I said, but she wanted to drop some things off. I approached her van and she gasped. "Meep! You have gray hairs! I can really see them in the sunlight!" I've had gray hair for a while, much to the shock of my parents, who luckily never went gray until well into th



Homeschool: My Pros and Cons List

I've been to private school, public school, and homeschool. I never thought much of it but now being older, I realize that it's a bit unique to have experienced it "all." I figure I would make a pros and cons list based on my experiences. My experiences - that is a big flaw itself, right? Private schools are very different from one another. Public schools can be totally different worlds from each other. And obviously homeschools can be DRASTICALLY different. So take these lists with a grain of s



Public School: My Pros and Cons List

I've been to private school, public school, and homeschool. I never thought much of it but now being older, I realize that it's a bit unique to have experienced it "all." I figure I would make a pros and cons list based on my experiences. My experiences - that is a big flaw itself, right? Private schools are very different from one another. Public schools can be totally different worlds from each other. And obviously homeschools can be DRASTICALLY different. So take these lists with a grain of s



Private School: My Pros and Cons list

I've been to private school, public school, and homeschool. I never thought much of it but now being older, I realize that it's a bit unique to have experienced it "all." I figure I would make a pros and cons list based on my experiences. My experiences - that is a big flaw itself, right? Private schools are very different from one another. Public schools can be totally different worlds from each other. And obviously homeschools can be DRASTICALLY different. So take these lists with a grain of s



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      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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