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Karissa Collins 2: Riding Her High Horse

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On 4/30/2024 at 8:03 AM, JermajestyDuggar said:

Remember Karissa is the one who had a very sick child (Anthym) and still took her out to eat knowing she was sick. After lunch she finally took the poor child to the ER. 

And that, again, was because her mom was at lunch with them and made her do it.

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, indianabones said:

And that, again, was because her mom was at lunch with them and made her do it.

Let’s hope her mom is able to make it to her homebirth. If it’s a very fast birth, she might not make it in time. And then she won’t have someone with fucking sense to recognize and emergency. 

Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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For Mother’s Day, they allowed each of the kids to pick where they went for an activity/meal over the weekend (lunch, dinner and dessert Saturday and Sunday, shopping Saturday and Sunday, movie Sunday). She also allowed them gum, candy and slime, which she said was a mistake. Looks like a weekend of fast food and cheap crap. It also sounds like way too much family togetherness in a short time. She wants to make it a new tradition. 

As per usual with Karissa, she talks about how much it cost and how they are normally good stewards of their money. Shut up about cost and be thankful you have the financial wherewithal. Many of your followers don’t. How about not loading your kids up with a weekend of junk food and either donating some of that money to a food bank or doing a volunteer experience with your kids? 

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30 minutes ago, postscript said:

For Mother’s Day, they allowed each of the kids to pick where they went for an activity/meal over the weekend (lunch, dinner and dessert Saturday and Sunday, shopping Saturday and Sunday, movie Sunday). She also allowed them gum, candy and slime, which she said was a mistake. Looks like a weekend of fast food and cheap crap. It also sounds like way too much family togetherness in a short time. She wants to make it a new tradition. 

As per usual with Karissa, she talks about how much it cost and how they are normally good stewards of their money. Shut up about cost and be thankful you have the financial wherewithal. Many of your followers don’t. How about not loading your kids up with a weekend of junk food and either donating some of that money to a food bank or doing a volunteer experience with your kids? 

She called it a yes weekend and it definitely wasn’t. Each kid got to choose one thing. That’s it. And the thing they chose had major parameters. So they could only choose from a small list. The places to shop were all dollar store type places (5 Below and Popshelf). And almost all the food places were fast food. Then one of the youngest kids chose the movie. And I think they let him choose Planet of the Apes. Which is PG 13 and is really long. I’m sorry but most of the kids were too young to sit there and watch it. They’re were other movies that would have been a much better choice. Like Garfield. She had parameters for what stores and fast food places, why not for the movies? These kids got ONE choice for a whole weekend. How fucking sad. I bet they get almost no choice in their lives. 

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53 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

She called it a yes weekend and it definitely wasn’t. Each kid got to choose one thing. That’s it. And the thing they chose had major parameters. So they could only choose from a small list. The places to shop were all dollar store type places (5 Below and Popshelf). And almost all the food places were fast food. Then one of the youngest kids chose the movie. And I think they let him choose Planet of the Apes. Which is PG 13 and is really long. I’m sorry but most of the kids were too young to sit there and watch it. They’re were other movies that would have been a much better choice. Like Garfield. She had parameters for what stores and fast food places, why not for the movies? These kids got ONE choice for a whole weekend. How fucking sad. I bet they get almost no choice in their lives. 

When she initially posted about it, I thought it would be something like allowing each kid to decide if they wanted to spend the afternoon at a water park, a botanical garden, a kids’ museum, something like that. But that would be too little control for Karissa. It was essentially a weekend of cheap food, with the kids stuck with whatever event they drew (why not allow them to trade off?) and limited in their options. 

The idea isn’t a bad one, but her execution sucked. They would have done better if they’d spread it out over several weeks and given each kid some real choices. 

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24 minutes ago, postscript said:

When she initially posted about it, I thought it would be something like allowing each kid to decide if they wanted to spend the afternoon at a water park, a botanical garden, a kids’ museum, something like that. But that would be too little control for Karissa. It was essentially a weekend of cheap food, with the kids stuck with whatever event they drew (why not allow them to trade off?) and limited in their options. 

The idea isn’t a bad one, but her execution sucked. They would have done better if they’d spread it out over several weeks and given each kid some real choices. 

That’s Karissa. And I think it’s a big reason why she refuses to do holidays and birthday parties for her kids (besides the money and time). She is honestly frantic in her day to day life. She reminds me of a friend I had with untreated ADHD. I’m not diagnosing. Just saying that’s how disorganized she is. I’m betting she’s left kids at random places many times. And there’s absolutely no way she could get her kids to school every day in time. No way. Everything in their life is disorganized chaos. 

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27 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

That’s Karissa. And I think it’s a big reason why she refuses to do holidays and birthday parties for her kids (besides the money and time). She is honestly frantic in her day to day life. She reminds me of a friend I had with untreated ADHD. I’m not diagnosing. Just saying that’s how disorganized she is. I’m betting she’s left kids at random places many times. And there’s absolutely no way she could get her kids to school every day in time. No way. Everything in their life is disorganized chaos. 

My guess is "disorganized chaos" is the default state of most of the families FJ snarks on. The Maxwells are on one extreme and I'd put the Rods* on the other. Any time I've met people who have four children close in age (4 in 4 or even 4 in 4) it's some semblance of organized chaos. But any more than that (13, anyone?) would be hopeless unless someone were on the Maxwell extreme. Various posters over time have reported that a number of families here (Andersons, Rods, Duggars, etc) are out of control when in public. It's rarely from the families themselves but from people reporting on fundies in the wild  they could be lying but from what I've seen of families with "only" four it's entirely believable. (Ftr the families I've known with four back to back children have actually done really well. But they also didn't have a fifth!)

*I'm not familiar enough to know if the Nogs would be better as the Maxwell opposite or not. I figure Jill's posts and family pix at all hours counts for a lot of chaos. 

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18 hours ago, postscript said:

As per usual with Karissa, she talks about how much it cost and how they are normally good stewards of their money.

And it was $803, right? For 10 kids and probably the parents as well! At 4 meals out, including two desserts, and a movie (I'm not counting their gifts/toys because they were Dollar store crap) $67 per head is cheap. 80 if the parents' expenses weren't included or the two youngest weren't getting anything.

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Just now, MariaariaM said:

And it was $803, right? For 10 kids and probably the parents as well! At 4 meals out, including two desserts, and a movie (I'm not counting their gifts/toys because they were Dollar store crap) $67 per head is cheap. 80 if the parents' expenses weren't included or the two youngest weren't getting anything.

She thinks it’s a brag. Like look at all this money we spent on the kids! But that’s not much per child. Most people in the US spend more than that per child at Christmas. Karissa doesn’t understand that she doesn’t spend much money or time on EACH child. She’s like wow! 800 bucks! That would be a ton of money spent in my family of four for a yes weekend. But for 12 people? Nope. Having child after child means each child gets less. That’s all there is to it. That’s basic elementary school math. 

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It's "One Less Chicken Leg" math

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Posted (edited)

She’s announced the name. And it’s . . . Arrow Chosen.

That has to hit a new low, even for Karissa. According to earlier posts, this was Mandrae’s choice. If so, he’s every bit as crazy as his wife.

The announcement is accompanied by a video of all the kids with their hands on her belly. 


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16 minutes ago, postscript said:

She’s announced the name. And it’s . . . Arrow Chosen.

That has to hit a new low, even for Karissa. According to earlier posts, this was Mandrae’s choice. If so, he’s every bit as crazy as his wife.

The announcement is accompanied by a video of all the kids with their hands on her belly. 


You know what’s funny? She said she had a dream she was going to have twin boys and name them Archer and Arrow. The thing about these fundies is that they will never tell you all the dreams and visions they had that were completely wrong. They will only tell you about that one correct vision out of hundreds. And will say, “see! That’s proof of god talking to me.”

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11 hours ago, postscript said:

She’s announced the name. And it’s . . . Arrow Chosen.

That has to hit a new low, even for Karissa. According to earlier posts, this was Mandrae’s choice. If so, he’s every bit as crazy as his wife.

The announcement is accompanied by a video of all the kids with their hands on her belly. 


I think part of the reason is the rest of kids have An- names, except for Armor.  It makes sense they would add another Ar- name to their quiver.

On 3/23/2024 at 3:49 PM, BensAllergies said:

Karissa is having boy #4. Maybe this one will be Arrow? That’s a name she’s mentioned before, back when she was sure she was going to have boy twins and give birth at Target.

Yes, that's the name.

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Whoo hoo I finally predicted a fundie baby name correctly. I couldn’t remember which one I had chosen (ha!) from the dream twin names. But @Bluebirdbluebell helped me remember.

But…poor Arrow. I bet a lot of people will think they misheard the name and think it’s actually Aaron or even Arlo.

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Posted (edited)

I love the name Arlo. Arrow…….would be a good name for a dog…..especially a pointer! :D 

Edited by anachronistic
Speech to text while other people are talking = mess
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The way she says my mom and her husband cracks me up. I come from a family with divorced parents too. It sounds cold to say her husband instead of the guy’s name. If it were me I would have said “my mom and James.” I actually don’t know his name. He kind of looks like a James of Jim lol. She also said her mom will be taking 4 of her kids home with her for a week. I bet it won’t be the oldest 4! Karissa needs the oldest sister moms to do a majority of her childcare and chores. Although I do wish it was the oldest 4. They deserve a vacation. It’s probably 4 in the middle. Like numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6.


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Isn't number 3 the one who does most of the childcare? I'm guessing 4-7. No idea who those are and I wouldn't be surprised if Karissa didn't either.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

The way she says my mom and her husband cracks me up. I come from a family with divorced parents too. It sounds cold to say her husband instead of the guy’s name. 


It says something different to me although I think I'm just reading my own stuff into it. I loathed my mother's second husband and always referred to him as 'her husband', never 'my stepfather.' I wonder how long-standing he is as Karissa's stepfather. If he's of relatively recent arrival in the family that could explain the way she refers to him. Whichever kids it is that is going away, I hope they'll enjoy the respite. 

Edited by Katzchen24
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3 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

Isn't number 3 the one who does most of the childcare? I'm guessing 4-7. No idea who those are and I wouldn't be surprised if Karissa didn't either.

The oldest Anissa seems to be the main sister mom. But number 3 also does a lot. I’m sure Karissa will make sure at least one of them is home to do the work. She might use the excuse that Anissa and Andrae have basketball so they can’t go. But really it’s because she can’t cope without her housekeeper/nanny. 

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5 hours ago, Katzchen24 said:

It says something different to me although I think I'm just reading my own stuff into it. I loathed my mother's second husband and always referred to him as 'her husband', never 'my stepfather.' I wonder how long-standing he is as Karissa's stepfather. If he's of relatively recent arrival in the family that could explain the way she refers to him. Whichever kids it is that is going away, I hope they'll enjoy the respite. 

Same here. There’s a long and bitter history involving my father’s wife. I would never refer to her as my stepmother. While I get along better with her now, she has never acted in that role. And while I would refer to her by name with other family, the most logical choice when I’m talking about her with people who don’t know her is to describe her as my father’s wife. 

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1 hour ago, postscript said:

Same here. There’s a long and bitter history involving my father’s wife. I would never refer to her as my stepmother. While I get along better with her now, she has never acted in that role. And while I would refer to her by name with other family, the most logical choice when I’m talking about her with people who don’t know her is to describe her as my father’s wife. 

I think there probably is something like that going on with Karissa. That’s why I thought it was interesting. We know she’s very much against divorce. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was against anyone who married her parents. Even if she hates him she’s letting 4 kids go stay with them for a week. But Karissa has never actually cared about their well being. 

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I also do the "my Mom and her husband" thing, because her husband is a scoundrel who doesn't deserve the dignity of a name. My aunts refer to him as "it."

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My stepmom helped raise me. So she’s my stepmom. 

I don’t think my mom will marry her boyfriend. At least I hope not. And it’s not because I dislike him. I’ve known him since I was like 7 years old. He’s an old family friend. But my mom is not the marrying type. She’s just too independent. It’s better that they not marry and always live separately. But if they did marry, I would just refer to him by name. I probably wouldn’t call him my mom’s husband though. And it wouldn’t bother me if my kids called him grandpa. Currently they call him by his first name. 

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The girl on the left: I thought her shirt said: kingdom hoes 

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On 5/21/2024 at 6:48 PM, PopRox said:

I also do the "my Mom and her husband" thing, because her husband is a scoundrel who doesn't deserve the dignity of a name. My aunts refer to him as "it."

I referred to my father in law's wife as "bitch #5". Yes, he was married 5 times. They're both dead now and we're better off for it. 

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