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Lori and Storage Sociopath = A match made in heaven

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So much drama. It's just like the fire...her family had to drop everything, because at 55 years old she can't figure out how to pick up their important documents, her purse, her keys, AND WALK OUT THE DOOR :angry-banghead: But thank God for men, because otherwise she'd have just fixed her make up and deleted a few comments on her blog :roll:

I think it's obvious that everyone in the family knows how she is. Aunt Genny is gently but firmly setting her straight. Her parents didn't follow Lori's new marriage model. Steven seems to realize that his mother tends to go to pieces, and so does Alyssa's husband John. Ryan may have the most influence from his parents, but the other kids seem to be their own people, quite different from their parents. Lots of families have that one relative who's a bit off, but you love and care for them anyway.

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Maybe Cassie was depressed. Being raised by Lori and Ken is bound to leave a person with a load of issues. That is just not normal. I worked full time, fixed my breakfast, packed lunches for me and my husband, used the crock pot a lot, and we both kept the house clean. I also had time to do things like exercise and hang out with friends. Remember when Lori had the blog post about how she collapsed and was incapable of doing anything when there was the fire? She got comments saying that that was not a normal reaction and Lorken flipped the fuck out at the suggestion that Lori might have some sort of problem. These two are so far gone that they have no concept of how normal people behave.

My full time working grandma who also helped in the garden, canned food in the summer and at one point washed clothes with a hand washer would think Lori and Cassie are lazy.

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I think it's obvious that everyone in the family knows how she is. Aunt Genny is gently but firmly setting her straight. Her parents didn't follow Lori's new marriage model. Steven seems to realize that his mother tends to go to pieces, and so does Alyssa's husband John. Ryan may have the most influence from his parents, but the other kids seem to be their own people, quite different from their parents. Lots of families have that one relative who's a bit off, but you love and care for them anyway.

Lori is SOOOO beyond "a little off" If she were my mother, I don't think I could have a relationship with her.

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Someone named Chuck asked her about the daughter in law who's in law school. The comment is now gone.

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Someone named Chuck asked her about the daughter in law who's in law school. The comment is now gone.

I saw that. It doesn't matter who it comes from, that question will continue to be deleted over and over again.

Two of the easiest questions in the world.

1. Is your daughter in law in law school?

2. Do you love your husband?

And Lori can't answer.

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26 years old and too exhausted to work full time, be a wife and care for an apartment? There. Are. No. Words.

Except these: Lori, if Cassi was my daughter, I'd be worried there was something physically or mentally wrong with her instead of celebrating her complete inability to cope with the simplest of life's challenges.

Break out the carbs, stat! Apparently healthy salads alone aren't enough to get one through the day.

Cassi has blogged about her health issues in the past: http://liverightbehealthy.blogspot.ca/2 ... chive.html

I've struggled with anemia myself, and when it gets bad, I can barely walk upright.

Note that Lori's control freak approach to salads did not help build a positive relationship to food.

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I'm having trouble forming a coherent response to today's post.

Summary: It's super holy to be broke.

I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I can't remember which one of Lori's screeds made me start thinking about it now. You know how they have those 30 day challenge thingys on tv. Where someone will live for 30 (or x number of days) in someone else's shoes kind of situation.

I think that this type of experiment would be REALLY good for Lori. For at least one month (really I think 6 months would be fair), Lori should actually have to live the life she preaches. Ken gives her little budget, let's say what the average single income couple she "mentors" would be making and she can't come to him or her parents or anyone else for extra money if she goes over budget (now I don't expect Ken to let their electricity actually get turned off or something if Lori proves to be a poor money manager, but HE then goes and takes care of whatever. SHE get only the allotted budget).

If they still have someone coming in to clean the house, that person gets a nice paid vacation for the duration of the experiment (since it's not her fault she is being forced to take time off). If they have 2 cars, one gets to sit unused for the duration of the experiment.

I can't think of what her other rules are off the top of my head, but I'm sure you guys can help me out.

Of course, she won't do it because she's a spoiled princess who does not practice what she preaches and never has done what she tells others is the Godly thing to do.

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I am 26.

I go to work, I train for weightlifting competitions, I cook, I go to bed. It's called life. Sometimes I'm a little tired, particularly if my husband is working more and can't help me out. But you know what? I manage just fine.

If she can't work and cook one meal a day, there definitely has to be something wrong with her :(

I work full time (self-employed), have three active sons, a husband who works long and odd hours and still manage to cook two meals a day. I am not one of those women who can "do it all," so yes, the housework suffers. I am notorious for having clutter piled on bookshelves and the cushions all askew on the couch (I blame the boys for this -- they like building pillow forts and rough housing and whatnot). But hell, I'm 40, and I still manage to keep my crap together enough to provide at least a reasonably decent life for my family.

One wonders if Cassi *can't or Cassi simply doesn't *want to work full-time. No judgment, mind you -- I'd love to work part-time if I could. But where I am in my life right now, it is just not an option. I just struggle to imagine an otherwise healthy 26 year old who is that exhausted from work (unless she worked a ton of OT) that she cannot do anything else.

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I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I can't remember which one of Lori's screeds made me start thinking about it now. You know how they have those 30 day challenge thingys on tv. Where someone will live for 30 (or x number of days) in someone else's shoes kind of situation.

I think that this type of experiment would be REALLY good for Lori. For at least one month (really I think 6 months would be fair), Lori should actually have to live the life she preaches. Ken gives her little budget, let's say what the average single income couple she "mentors" would be making and she can't come to him or her parents or anyone else for extra money if she goes over budget (now I don't expect Ken to let their electricity actually get turned off or something if Lori proves to be a poor money manager, but HE then goes and takes care of whatever. SHE get only the allotted budget).

If they still have someone coming in to clean the house, that person gets a nice paid vacation for the duration of the experiment (since it's not her fault she is being forced to take time off). If they have 2 cars, one gets to sit unused for the duration of the experiment.

I can't think of what her other rules are off the top of my head, but I'm sure you guys can help me out.

Of course, she won't do it because she's a spoiled princess who does not practice what she preaches and never has done what she tells others is the Godly thing to do.

I don't think it would work. I don't think Lori has any capacity whatsoever for empathy and nothing will ever change that.

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I am 26.

I go to work, I train for weightlifting competitions, I cook, I go to bed. It's called life. Sometimes I'm a little tired, particularly if my husband is working more and can't help me out. But you know what? I manage just fine.

If she can't work and cook one meal a day, there definitely has to be something wrong with her :(

What is it about these fundies that make them such delicate hot house flowers, I wonder?

When I was 25, I was going to college full time, working 2 jobs and pregnant. My son's father was working full time. We somehow managed to keep up with a small apartment (after I had the baby we moved into a bigger one actually) and cook meals. As you said, it's life. You do what you have to.

Right now at well past 26 ;) Even though I have been disabled for many years now and have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :roll: (I hate that dx since it's a catchall for we don't know what is wrong with you, but we acknowledge something is), though I don't work outside the home and can't do what would be considered "traditional" work/housework, I do work online/on the computer for anywhere from 8-18 hours a day the majority of the time (not only on FJ stuff, though I do put in a fair amount of time on FJ each week normally).

I would be bored out of my mind if I was young and had no kids and had nothing much to do all day. When I was first disabled, once I started to feel good enough to be up for more than a few minutes at a time, I started to go crazy. It was SO. BORING! I sent out a ton of applications trying to find telecommuting type work, but back in the last 90s it was not really very popular yet so I had no luck. I eventually just started teaching myself things on the computer like HTML and graphics programs and taking classes online.

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I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I can't remember which one of Lori's screeds made me start thinking about it now. You know how they have those 30 day challenge thingys on tv. Where someone will live for 30 (or x number of days) in someone else's shoes kind of situation.

I think that this type of experiment would be REALLY good for Lori. For at least one month (really I think 6 months would be fair), Lori should actually have to live the life she preaches. Ken gives her little budget, let's say what the average single income couple she "mentors" would be making and she can't come to him or her parents or anyone else for extra money if she goes over budget (now I don't expect Ken to let their electricity actually get turned off or something if Lori proves to be a poor money manager, but HE then goes and takes care of whatever. SHE get only the allotted budget).

If they still have someone coming in to clean the house, that person gets a nice paid vacation for the duration of the experiment (since it's not her fault she is being forced to take time off). If they have 2 cars, one gets to sit unused for the duration of the experiment.

I can't think of what her other rules are off the top of my head, but I'm sure you guys can help me out.

Of course, she won't do it because she's a spoiled princess who does not practice what she preaches and never has done what she tells others is the Godly thing to do.

Well, we could have her spend a night or two in jail since she clearly advocates helping your husband break the law. At the very least, she should have to sit in front of an IRS agent and be interrogated for six hours.

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That's beautiful.

Apparently, you love your husband no matter what, and don't just think that it's all about "brute strength" and nothing else.

"Brute strength" doesn't interest me in the least! I am more than able to lift and carry 50lb bags of dog food! My husband is truly the other half of me even during the times when things were bad between us. At one time, after a hospitalization, my 6 foot tall husband weighed 119lbs. It was horrible. He barely had enough strength to stand up.

But Loriken wouldn't be able to understand. Neither would the Storage Sociopath or any of those other whack-jobs.

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Cassi has blogged about her health issues in the past: http://liverightbehealthy.blogspot.ca/2 ... chive.html

I've struggled with anemia myself, and when it gets bad, I can barely walk upright.

Note that Lori's control freak approach to salads did not help build a positive relationship to food.

I also wouldn't be terribly surprised if she was suffering from clinical depression--it's a frequent co-morbidity in people with eating disorders.

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"Cassi worked full-time for awhile so she got a good job. It exhausted her. She came home every night and didn't have the energy to fix meals for her new husband or the strength to do much more than come home and rest. "

I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet. When Cassi doesn't have "the strength to do much more than come home and rest" that is code for have sex.

She is too tired to give her husband his 3-4x/week allotment of sex.

Lori has posted over and over again that women working outside the home has this terrible result. Too tired for sex.

Thank goodness, she refrains from saying it outright. It may not even be true. Cassi may just have said "I'm really tired after work, mom" and Lori immediately worried that Ryan is not getting enough sex.

But I am sure that's what Lori meant in her post today.

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So Lori "barely made it" to her son's recent wedding?

Interesting. So far, she's "barely made it" to Steven's graduation, Cassi's wedding, and Steven's wedding. It's like she wants the spotlight on herself.

I can see that big events sometimes cause stress which exacerabes illness. But Lori's way of handling it makes me suspicious. She doesn't just feel bad. She texts everyone knows and tells them she may not make it! pray for her!

I've been sick or had problems during my life. Never once in my life have I texted everyone on my list saying help! pray for me! I might not be able to come! I'd be embarrassed to do so. I might ask my spouse or close friend for support, but that it.

I'd be especially reluctant to do so if my kid was having a big event. I wouldn't want to worry her, spoil her pleasure, or take the spotlight off her.

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"Cassi worked full-time for awhile so she got a good job. It exhausted her. She came home every night and didn't have the energy to fix meals for her new husband or the strength to do much more than come home and rest. "

I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet. When Cassi doesn't have "the strength to do much more than come home and rest" that is code for have sex.

She is too tired to give her husband his 3-4x/week allotment of sex.

Lori has posted over and over again that women working outside the home has this terrible result. Too tired for sex.

Thank goodness, she refrains from saying it outright. It may not even be true. Cassi may just have said "I'm really tired after work, mom" and Lori immediately worried that Ryan is not getting enough sex.

But I am sure that's what Lori meant in her post today.

I think that's probably how lori interpreted it (because let's face it - she interprets whatever the heck she wants from everything), but I don't think that's necessarily what's happening here. I think Cassi has heard it all her life that women cannot possibly work and maintain a home. So she had one bad week where she felt tired so she went part time.

That, or she has something wrong with her physically or mentally.

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So Lori "barely made it" to her son's recent wedding?

Interesting. So far, she's "barely made it" to Steven's graduation, Cassi's wedding, and Steven's wedding. It's like she wants the spotlight on herself.

I can see that big events sometimes cause stress which exacerabes illness. But Lori's way of handling it makes me suspicious. She doesn't just feel bad. She texts everyone knows and tells them she may not make it! pray for her!

I've been sick or had problems during my life. Never once in my life have I texted everyone on my list saying help! pray for me! I might not be able to come! I'd be embarrassed to do so. I might ask my spouse or close friend for support, but that it.

I'd be especially reluctant to do so if my kid was having a big event. I wouldn't want to worry her, spoil her pleasure, or take the spotlight off her.

My sister is like this. She does have a chronic illness but she uses it to manipulate everything and everyone around her. She has "episodes" where she ends up in the ER at the most convenient times.

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I think that's probably how lori interpreted it (because let's face it - she interprets whatever the heck she wants from everything), but I don't think that's necessarily what's happening here. I think Cassi has heard it all her life that women cannot possibly work and maintain a home. So she had one bad week where she felt tired so she went part time.

That, or she has something wrong with her physically or mentally.

Or maybe this "good job" she got is slinging hay bales?

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What is it about these fundies that make them such delicate hot house flowers, I wonder?

When I was 25, I was going to college full time, working 2 jobs and pregnant. My son's father was working full time. We somehow managed to keep up with a small apartment (after I had the baby we moved into a bigger one actually) and cook meals. As you said, it's life. You do what you have to.

Right now at well past 26 ;) Even though I have been disabled for many years now and have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :roll: (I hate that dx since it's a catchall for we don't know what is wrong with you, but we acknowledge something is), though I don't work outside the home and can't do what would be considered "traditional" work/housework, I do work online/on the computer for anywhere from 8-18 hours a day the majority of the time (not only on FJ stuff, though I do put in a fair amount of time on FJ each week normally).

I would be bored out of my mind if I was young and had no kids and had nothing much to do all day. When I was first disabled, once I started to feel good enough to be up for more than a few minutes at a time, I started to go crazy. It was SO. BORING! I sent out a ton of applications trying to find telecommuting type work, but back in the last 90s it was not really very popular yet so I had no luck. I eventually just started teaching myself things on the computer like HTML and graphics programs and taking classes online.

Some seem to be attracted to the message precisely because they are delicate flowers. To them, feminism means nothing more than being forced to take on responsibilities like work and decision-making. We saw this with Anna T. Somehow, this group manages not to fully take on the whole quiverfull thing for themselves, because raising a gazillion children is undoubtedly hard work.

I'll also add that I never really understood the cognitive dissonance in saying that women desperately need men to open doors for them (since this example comes up ALL THE TIME as something that good chivalrous men did before evil feminist came along), but those same women are expected to manage umpteen pregnancies, carry babies around and do all housework without assistance. The heaviest lifting I ever did was with my kids.

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So why can't HE fix dinner? When I work crazy hours my husband will cook dinner (even when he was working). Sometimes if a couple is busy with work, kids, house stuff, stress...sex will fall by the wayside. It happens. So what.

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About Cassi-- this post lays out some of her health issues: liverightbehealthy.blogspot.com/2013/01/health-food-and-me.html

It sounds like her health has had a rough go of it at points, specifically with the intersection of mental and physical illness. Though I have (luckily) never struggled with physical health to nearly that degree, I've had long-ish episodes of unexplained fatigue/anxiety/depression, and it is really frustrating to know you should feel better than you do and still just feel kind of crappy. I don't want to assume that she's lazy (no one really seems to be doing that), and I'm glad for her that she was in a position where she could cut down her work schedule to part-time so that she could deal with those health issues.

What Lori does not (CANNOT) understand is that not everyone has that option. When you need a full-time check to put food on the table for your kids, it doesn't matter if you can "handle" working full-time or not. You have to. Magic, rich fairy godparents (in-laws) do not exist for everyone. Social safety nets do not exist for everyone. Not everyone can make the decision that is best for themselves and for their well-being.

Oh. And just because Cassi faces health issues that make it overwhelming/difficult for her to work full-time doesn't mean all 20-something women feel the same way.

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So let me get this straight. She believes couples should get married so they can screw, be supported by their parents, not use birth control, and have their parents pay for the kids?


Are you kidding me?

Not to get OT, but back in my college days, I knew people there who believed this, my ex fiance was one of them. Which is why he became an ex fiance when I realized he was totally serious about it and "are you kidding me?" was totally my response.

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Not to get OT, but back in my college days, I knew people there who believed this, my ex fiance was one of them. Which is why he became an ex fiance when I realized he was totally serious about it and "are you kidding me?" was totally my response.

I cannot even fathom the look on my parents' faces if I told them "Mr. Jerkit and I are going to get married and you're going to support us so we can have technically-not-premartial-sex."

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