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Lori and Storage Sociopath = A match made in heaven

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Cabinetman recently had a blog, but closed it down. He use to comment on some of my posts. Women either loved his words or hated them. He wrote a "controversial" post on his blog which wasn't so unusual! His blog was directed at men and many were offended by his words. Just because you don't agree 100% with what someone writes, doesn't mean you have to get offended, for love is not easily offended. I love what he wrote to husbands once ~


It is okay to tell her she is not going to work a job. That you’re going to home school. That you are going to find a church that is biblical. That you're going to spank your kids when they flat out disobey. That you will not allow credit card debt. That you will have sex three times a week. That she is not allowed to hang out with that woman. It’s okay to tell your woman to put the apple down! {Referring to Adam and Eve}


These words will most undoubtedly make most women's skin crawl. It is very difficult to be in submission to someone and allow them to have control. It is very scary! However, God established families in a certain way. He made the husband the leader and the head of the home. He alone is responsible how he leads his family, not you.


The majority of husbands will ask for their wives' input before making big decisions, especially if they have a wife that honors and respects him. After giving our opinions, we have to allow our husbands to make the final decision. He is accountable to God to lead and we are accountable to God to follow, unless he asks us to sin or causes harm to us or our children.


I think too many men are afraid of their wives. We are so good at using our emotions and feelings to manipulate our husbands. {I am speaking from personal experience!} Our desire is to rule over our husbands {Genesis 3:16} but we must allow them to be the leaders of the family. If they make a mistake in their decision making that isn't one of the above exceptions, they will learn from it. Better to learn from a mistake then tear down your husband's leadership and ultimately, your marriage.


One woman commented on his post with, "Great post! I would take exception with the 'we will have sex 3 times a week' part. I believe there was a good reason God had Paul write that the marriage bed is a place of mutual authority as described in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. But this is such a minor point and probably not worthy of debate."


Cabinetman came back with, "You are right, it should have said 4 times a week! I was trying to be gentle and full of grace by saying 3. But in some homes that will be different & each man needs to lead his wife as needed within scripture."


So if you aren't afraid of your man reading his blog, tell him about it and then let him decide whether or not he wants to read it. {I wrote this before he shut it down and will let you all know if he starts a new one!} Just warning you! It is not for the faint of heart. {And I will say it again, you don't have to agree with everything someone writes! I disagree with a lot of writers but I certainly don't get upset with them and belittle them. Sometimes I will challenge them on their thoughts, but it's their blog and they can write what they want.}


Therefore as the church is subject unto their Christ,

so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Ephesians 5:25


As the church can't tell Christ how to run the church, we are not

suppose to tell our husbands how to run our family.


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Again, I will say that these guys who come up with x number of times a week requirements for sex must be for shit in the sack. If they were any good, they'd not have some "no fewer than" requirement and would be having plenty of mutually satisfying sex without demanding it.

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If you have to force your wife to have sex with you then you aren't any sort of husband or lover. That also doesn't really sound like sacrificial love, now does it? Notice how Lori, Ken and CM are not big on focusing how men need to sacrifice for their wives when it comes to sex or basketball or helping around the house. That is because they don't care about actually following what the Bible commands men they only care about being selfish and controlling.

Women are supposed to lay down and literally put up with abuse according to Lori, yet men are not expected to even give up any fleshly desire that pops into their heads.

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I hope Lori has no plans today. This post will bring lots of "detractors" and she'll need to stay home and sit on the delete button.

Lori's love of Cabinet Man is just one more blatant example of her hypocrisy. She can't stand cursing or any foul language but she practically drools when Cabinet Man writes one of his crude posts. I'd like to see how she and Ken address his language and the way he speaks to his wife (and his commenters). They tend to forget that, the husband-wife relationship notwithstanding, that is NOT how one Christian speaks to another. That is not how a Christian should speak to anybody. And yet, Klorien idolizes the man!

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Frankly I get weary of my sweet and gentle husband always asking my opinion on everything. I think we wives need to reassure our men (living in today's society), that it is OK with us if they do the leading. Who wants all that responsibility? Let the husband be the husband and I'll gladly be the wife!! :)

Susan doesn't want to have to make any decisions, so she just dumps all the responsibility on her husband's shoulders? :roll: :think: :? That's a loving partnership right there, people.

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I wonder if Lori read this comment and thought "Crap, Aunt Genny! I didn't want those feminists to know it was my birthday!"

Genny's avatar

Genny · 2 minutes ago

If it works for you, so be it, but in Christ we are all equals, and what I see and experience everyday is couples living as partners and working together to build a strong, disciplined, loving, Godly family. That is what works for many families! P.S. Happy Birthday, Lori!

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If the rest of the family is like Aunt Genny then Lori and Ken are the crazy relatives everyone talks about when they aren't around.

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Because Lori may just delete this comment from 'Laura' anyway...

When you set a minimum on sex, it ruins. Things like debt and school are different. Sex is suppose to be something that bonds you as a couple. Something you both enjoy. Not a chore.

If you feel the need to say "you must have sex 3 times a week", something has gone wrong. My husband is turned on when I'm turned on. He loves to see me truly desire lovemaking. He feels pride in bringing me to completion in the act.

Setting a rule that you must make love isn't real, it is just acting. It is duty not desire.

If one partner no longer wants sex, start asking questions. Find out why. Address the problem. Not set a rule.

I hope you don't delete this. I have taken care to try not be offensive. I strongly disagree with you though. I am a long time reader and first time commenter.

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I wonder if Lori read this comment and thought "Crap, Aunt Genny! I didn't want those feminists to know it was my birthday!"

I love that Aunt Genny calls them on their nonsense.

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Lori responds to Aunt Genny but doesn't dare respond to how she disagreed with her. Has Aunt Genny always commented or is this a new thing? I'm hoping she keeps on driving Lori crazy by calling her out on the vile stuff she posts.

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Aunt Genny has been commenting for a while now. Her name used to link to her fb, and based on her "liked" pages I am guessing she has been a thorn in Lori's side for years. Gives me hope that not everyone in that family cowers in fear every time Lori opens her foolish, blathering mouth.

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I was just reading and pondering this verse in my Bible this morning ~

And do not for a moment be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign to them of their impending destruction, but a sure token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God. Philippians 1:28

I find much comfort in this verse since I have so many adversaries! I LOVE that He who is in me is stronger than he who is in the world.

She's being persecuted, y'all.


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Lori, the past tense of 'use' is 'used'. Cabinetman used to have a blog. Seriously, those green and red squiggly lines in Word are your friend...

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Aunt Genny has been commenting for a while now. Her name used to link to her fb, and based on her "liked" pages I am guessing she has been a thorn in Lori's side for years. Gives me hope that not everyone in that family cowers in fear every time Lori opens her foolish, blathering mouth.

I'd be surprised if anyone (other than maybe Ken) cowered in fear over her. They probably roll their eyes a-plenty, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if they avoided inviting her to family functions just to avoid having to listen to her breathlessly idiotic rants.

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laura · 7 minutes ago

I meant feel as in feel love. Husband and wife always love each other. I don't need to quote scripture.

Equating sex and dishes cheapens the love between husband and wife. It cheapens into something worldly. It makes it something you get instantly whenever you feel you want it.

I question whether either of you understand what love making is suppose to be or know how beautiful it is.



laura · 1 minute ago

It didn't occur to you that I meant "feel love"? Have you ever asked yourself if you actually love husband? Or is it obligation?



Laura is about to be deleted or taken to the woodshed.

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My jaw is on the floor. I can't wait to read Lori's response--unless she just deletes her entire conversation with Laura.

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I wonder if this is setting the stage for CM's "triumphant return" now that they're "safe in Alaska"

Naaah. Panning for gold takes a lot out of a man.

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My jaw is on the floor. I can't wait to read Lori's response--unless she just deletes her entire conversation with Laura.

I guess Lori might believe that she and Ken really do love each other. I think to Lori "love" means financial security and social standing. To Ken, "love" means sexual availability. I've never seen one indication in her blog posts that they actually enjoy each other. There's no mention of the day-to-day joys of a truly happy marriage. That's why they cling so desperately to such a small number of scriptures. They have to convince themselves that that is better than "feelings." They can't comprehend that you can have a Christian marriage AND enjoy each other. The sad part of all this to me is that these are the ideals they passed on to their children; so there are likely four marriage out there that are just as joyless. We've already seen evidence that their grandkids are being raised just as harshly as Lori's kids were raised, so I can't imagine there's any real happiness in those young marriages either.

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Is this Lori trying to explain her seemingly incoherent deletion policy?

Thank you, Anna. There will always be bullies, unfortunately, since we live in a very fallen world. I love being challenged also, but only by those who know the Word and teach it clearly and unashamedly.
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I agree about them not "enjoying each". Have they ever posted about how they keep the spark in their marriage? What does she like about Ken, other than he is a good provider?

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laura · 7 minutes ago

I meant feel as in feel love. Husband and wife always love each other. I don't need to quote scripture.

Equating sex and dishes cheapens the love between husband and wife. It cheapens into something worldly. It makes it something you get instantly whenever you feel you want it.

I question whether either of you understand what love making is suppose to be or know how beautiful it is.



laura · 1 minute ago

It didn't occur to you that I meant "feel love"? Have you ever asked yourself if you actually love husband? Or is it obligation?



Laura is about to be deleted or taken to the woodshed.

So thankful you captured this! I was on my tablet and wasn't quite able to copy this and when I went to my PC, it had been deleted. Now, Laura's words will live forever, bwahaha!

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