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Back to the alkaline/acidic post, does this mean that Lori feels if she ate better and 'remained alkaline' that she wouldn't have gotten her brain tumors and been chronically sick? Because it sounds as if that's what she's saying...

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What the hell is up with this shit? Every damn post makes marriage seem like some sort of martyrdom for women. Being "happily married" to them means that the woman puts up with the man's shit, never, ever confronts him about it and is nothing more than a trained lap dog he can have sex with. If that's a "Christian marriage" then no thanks!

However, I KNOW this crazy bitch and her little friends are DEAD WRONG about what a Christian marriage is supposed to be. Their definition just ain't the way it goes. Old Lori would have a shit-fit over the fact that I'm sitting here typing this while my husband is sorting out the crap that needs to go with the Christmas decorations and is taking them out to the proper bins. Why? Because I need some time to get my shit together when I get up in the mornings and he's been up for a couple of hours already.

Ok...rant over...but damn this bitch makes me crazy!

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I found today's post triggering, esp. the part where she says that the "counselor" told her to avoid confrontation and just eat secretly in the bathroom when her husband freaked out over the fact that she ate a piece of bread.

I'm not a trained counselor myself, but I've had dealings with some counselors and therapists over cases with similar issues, and NONE of them suggested anything like this. Walking away from a fight could be one thing, but playing along with insane control freak demands? Pretending you are okay with a husband telling you not to eat? Lying and hiding things? NO WAY. The whole point of counseling in these cases is to confront the split personality/double life that often develops, where someone tries to cover up their problem and then gets even more stressed and guilty, which fuels more of the addictive behavior. Recognizing the harm, taking full responsibility for your actions and dealing with things honestly are all part of the recovery. APPEASING, LYING AND HIDING ARE NOT.

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I found today's post triggering, esp. the part where she says that the "counselor" told her to avoid confrontation and just eat secretly in the bathroom when her husband freaked out over the fact that she ate a piece of bread.

I'm not a trained counselor myself, but I've had dealings with some counselors and therapists over cases with similar issues, and NONE of them suggested anything like this. Walking away from a fight could be one thing, but playing along with insane control freak demands? Pretending you are okay with a husband telling you not to eat? Lying and hiding things? NO WAY. The whole point of counseling in these cases is to confront the split personality/double life that often develops, where someone tries to cover up their problem and then gets even more stressed and guilty, which fuels more of the addictive behavior. Recognizing the harm, taking full responsibility for your actions and dealing with things honestly are all part of the recovery. APPEASING, LYING AND HIDING ARE NOT.

I'd put money on the person not being an actual counselor but rather a "nouthetic counselor," whose primary responsibility it is to beat people over the head with the Bible.

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This line really bothers me:

You see, we have often heard the saying, “Marriage is not meant to make you happy, but to make you holy.â€

I don't understand why these people can't grasp the concept that marriage can be happy AND holy. It's like they wear it as a badge of honor if they're miserable in their marriages because that makes them more holy. When Ken was here "engaging" with us, his response to any of us who mentioned our happy, but non-submissive, Christian marriages was to brush it aside and say something like "yeah, you might be happy, but THAT'S not a Godly marriage."

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I have to take it all with a grain of salt. I have learned that sometimes what a therapist tells someone, and what they actually hear sometimes get completely scrambled.

The comments made me sad. I gave up all my dreams becuase God has a plan for me!= I don't want to take any responsibility for my life and happiness.

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I found today's post triggering, esp. the part where she says that the "counselor" told her to avoid confrontation and just eat secretly in the bathroom when her husband freaked out over the fact that she ate a piece of bread.

I'm not a trained counselor myself, but I've had dealings with some counselors and therapists over cases with similar issues, and NONE of them suggested anything like this. Walking away from a fight could be one thing, but playing along with insane control freak demands? Pretending you are okay with a husband telling you not to eat? Lying and hiding things? NO WAY. The whole point of counseling in these cases is to confront the split personality/double life that often develops, where someone tries to cover up their problem and then gets even more stressed and guilty, which fuels more of the addictive behavior. Recognizing the harm, taking full responsibility for your actions and dealing with things honestly are all part of the recovery. APPEASING, LYING AND HIDING ARE NOT.

I found that very odd as well. I have limited experience with counselors, however, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't advise a wronged wife to live as unobtrusively as possible around her raging husband and become invisible, sneak food and basically, let him continue to act like a controlling jerk. I'm also not convinced that pornography addiction and control of one's spouse are related. After reading some of these comments, I have to wonder if Thejoyfilledwife is pulling Lori's leg in a huge way. Lori would swallow it too, hook, line and sinker if the person's comments bolstered her beliefs. Ditto with the first commenter, Maria. It's obvious she's a snarky fake. ;)

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This line really bothers me:

You see, we have often heard the saying, “Marriage is not meant to make you happy, but to make you holy.â€

I don't understand why these people can't grasp the concept that marriage can be happy AND holy. It's like they wear it as a badge of honor if they're miserable in their marriages because that makes them more holy. When Ken was here "engaging" with us, his response to any of us who mentioned our happy, but non-submissive, Christian marriages was to brush it aside and say something like "yeah, you might be happy, but THAT'S not a Godly marriage."

I've heard this phrase many times and no one until Lorken/joyfilledabusee have used it that way. I've heard it to be used as "I'm inherently a selfish person and my marriage causes me to work on that." It was definitely never used a source of martyrdom.

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I've heard this phrase many times and no one until Lorken/joyfilledabusee have used it that way. I've heard it to be used as "I'm inherently a selfish person and my marriage causes me to work on that." It was definitely never used a source of martyrdom.

I think some of these women ENJOY being martyrs for God. It makes them feel special and "annointed," don'tcha know? There's also the drama factor. Some people are addicted to drama or they feel love must hurt to be love. Sick.

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This post makes me want to kick puppies and shave kittens...


Then this comment from her REALLY makes me want to throw things...

Both! Many women were not taught how to clean their own homes, don't care, think playing with their children is much more important, and are lazy about it. They don't see the high value in creating a neat and peaceful place for their families to come home to and enjoy. It is an important part of being keepers at home! I know. I am not a natural house cleaner but I have made myself learn to do it because a clean, orderly home is so much nicer.

Bitch, just because you didn't want to play with your kids doesn't mean the rest of us would much rather do that than just about anything else on earth...my "baby" is 24 and I'll still drop everything and sit and play guitar with him for hours! Fuck you you fucking idiotic bitch monster.

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I think some of these women ENJOY being martyrs for God. It makes them feel special and "annointed," don'tcha know? There's also the drama factor. Some people are addicted to drama or they feel love must hurt to be love. Sick.

Case in point: lori "almost" missing ALL THE WEDDINGZ

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Okay, I'm sorry she suffered and all yet I have some observations:

2. She says she was scorned by co-workers as an adult about her virginity yet how would they know unless she told them??? I've interacted with her before and while she seems nice enough, she also comes across as thinking she's somewhat superior to others. I could be wrong, however, that's the distinct vibe I get from her. This brings the question: Was she truly bullied for her beliefs or did she bring this upon herself by her actions (thus, not really being persecuted for her beliefs)?

I'd like to know, where does Lori find these people???

I once worked with a "born again" christian, which I think is what fundies consider themselves. I only know that because she told everyone. I don't make it a habit to quiz co-workers on their religious beliefs ;)

She was really nice and wasn't bad to work with UNLESS you happened to hit a topic that *she* considered bad. Then the lecturing started. I don't really want to call it proselytizing because it felt more like you were a 7 year old being chastised by your parent.

Once another co-worker and I were QUIETLY talking at his desk (cubicle) about a movie we had either just seen or wanted to see. It was around halloween so the movie was a horror movie. I can't remember what now, but maybe one of the Chucky movies. This was years ago, now. She happened to be walking by his desk while we were talking and heard us and stopped and gave us a dressing down for wanting to watch that horrible kind of satan movie and talking about it in the office where SHE had to be exposed to it!

Up until that point, I found her kind of harmless, but from them on my attitude kind of changed about her. My co-worker and I were having a quiet conversation that no one else could hear until they made the effort to be right by his desk. We weren't talking loud enough for the whole office to hear and we weren't being offensive. If you walk by a semi-private conversation and stand there and listen to what is being said vs just continuing to walk by that is on YOU.

Once in a while after that she would try to get lecturey with me and I would just say I wasn't talking to you and walk off.

So if this person on Lori's blog was anything like this woman I can understand why she would have been avoided by other co-workers after a certain point.

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Okay, off-topic from today's post which I got bored of after about three paragraphs... Lori's blog told me to click on this old post:


What the hell. I'm not a nutritionist, and there may certainly be weight behind considering the pH of one's food-- I know I've heard it before. But this is insanely stupid and just shows how little Lori understands anything:

So... if you just keep eating alkaline foods you'll live forever?

So we should drink her stupid Gatorade concoction to cure/prevent cancer? Guess what, Lori? My former mother-in-law's mom was also into organic food before it was popular. And she died of cancer when her oldest child was 15. Does that mean organic food causes cancer?

Sorry for being off-topic. This old post was just so asininely stupid that I had to vent.

As someone that "lives on morphine" although I'm sure a much lower dose than a cancer patient thank :fsm:, my life is immeasurably better since i started living on morphine. These people and their anti-medication stance piss me off.

Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Pain is not good for you. Before I was on pain meds, my blood pressure was so high they were afraid I was going to have a stroke. ALL because of the amount of pain I was in. Sure, I tolerated the pain, but it does other things to your body. Now that I'm on pain meds, I don't even take blood pressure meds anymore.

In fact, when they sent me to the hospital thinking I was going to have a stroke, once they controlled my pain, my blood pressure dropped so fast, they were then worried I was going to go into shock! (I'm a fun patient ;) )

Yes, I'd have to be weaned off the morphine because I'm physically dependent on it now, but that is not the same thing as being addicted, which a lot of people do not understand. However, that is true of many drugs. They change the way your body works, which...duh!

Even though I'm physically dependent I've been on the same dose for 5-6 years now I think. I've been on this med since 2006 and only had the dosage upped 1 time. The difference it's made in my life is not even quantifiable, though.

I wish people that have no experience or knowledge (Lori and Ken I'm looking at you) would STFU about stuff like this.

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What the hell is up with this shit? Every damn post makes marriage seem like some sort of martyrdom for women. Being "happily married" to them means that the woman puts up with the man's shit, never, ever confronts him about it and is nothing more than a trained lap dog he can have sex with. If that's a "Christian marriage" then no thanks!

What happens in a fundie marriage when the woman is not able to do her duties like a good little wife? Are there any reverse example of Larissa and Ian or Katie and Ben, for example?

What if a fundie wife would become disabled after they were married and had a houseful of kids?

My mom wasn't disabled by her MS until my parents had been married for some years and it eventually got to the point where my dad was doing a lot of her daily care for her. My husband does the housework and cooking because I'm not able to. I was an only child and my own children are adults so there are no passel of children in either case (or weird fundie beliefs), but your post made me wonder what would happen if the wife could no longer be a helpmeet (ie: do everything for the husband, plus take care of the kids/house/cook etc).

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What happens in a fundie marriage when the woman is not able to do her duties like a good little wife? Are there any reverse example of Larissa and Ian or Katie and Ben, for example?

What if a fundie wife would become disabled after they were married and had a houseful of kids?

My mom wasn't disabled by her MS until my parents had been married for some years and it eventually got to the point where my dad was doing a lot of her daily care for her. My husband does the housework and cooking because I'm not able to. I was an only child and my own children are adults so there are no passel of children in either case (or weird fundie beliefs), but your post made me wonder what would happen if the wife could no longer be a helpmeet (ie: do everything for the husband, plus take care of the kids/house/cook etc).

Im going to guess that any housework and care for the wife will go to their kids. The Jslaves were practically running the household by the time they were 10 (and younger, Jana was probably about 6 when she got a buddy), so in the fundie world, a young child is perfectly capable of caring for someone and running a house by themselves.

As for the man's sexual needs, from what we have seen, I think that as long as she still has a vagina and a pulse, he will continue to have sex with her whenever he wants.

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Okay, off-topic from today's post which I got bored of after about three paragraphs... Lori's blog told me to click on this old post:


What the hell. I'm not a nutritionist, and there may certainly be weight behind considering the pH of one's food-- I know I've heard it before. But this is insanely stupid and just shows how little Lori understands anything:

So... if you just keep eating alkaline foods you'll live forever?

So we should drink her stupid Gatorade concoction to cure/prevent cancer? Guess what, Lori? My former mother-in-law's mom was also into organic food before it was popular. And she died of cancer when her oldest child was 15. Does that mean organic food causes cancer?

Sorry for being off-topic. This old post was just so asininely stupid that I had to vent.

When my inlaw got cancer, she skipped the chemo and did the alkaline diet, all organic, no sugar because "Cancer eats sugar" got rid of her microwave, prayed, was prayed over, likely used oils AND had intravenous vitamin c treatments, and that is just what I knew about--I"m sure there were other things she thought we'd think were too kooky.

Her "celebration of life" was weird as hell, since the woman all the people in her church of 2 years knew and described was not the woman I knew-- but oh well. (And, any former or practicing fundies-- is it common for people to dance around the body immediately after death and sing in your churches? I hadn't seen that in my methodist upbringing.)

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This post makes me want to kick puppies and shave kittens...


Then this comment from her REALLY makes me want to throw things...

Both! Many women were not taught how to clean their own homes, don't care, think playing with their children is much more important, and are lazy about it. They don't see the high value in creating a neat and peaceful place for their families to come home to and enjoy. It is an important part of being keepers at home! I know. I am not a natural house cleaner but I have made myself learn to do it because a clean, orderly home is so much nicer.

Bitch, just because you didn't want to play with your kids doesn't mean the rest of us would much rather do that than just about anything else on earth...my "baby" is 24 and I'll still drop everything and sit and play guitar with him for hours! Fuck you you fucking idiotic bitch monster.

I had to reply to her about that. I couldn't help it. I'll probably be banned. Whatever. She's a tool.

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When my inlaw got cancer, she skipped the chemo and did the alkaline diet, all organic, no sugar because "Cancer eats sugar" got rid of her microwave, prayed, was prayed over, likely used oils AND had intravenous vitamin c treatments, and that is just what I knew about--I"m sure there were other things she thought we'd think were too kooky.

Her "celebration of life" was weird as hell, since the woman all the people in her church of 2 years knew and described was not the woman I knew-- but oh well. (And, any former or practicing fundies-- is it common for people to dance around the body immediately after death and sing in your churches? I hadn't seen that in my methodist upbringing.)

No. :shock: But I was Baptist and Baptist don't believe in dancing. I have known a handful of time where people gathered around the body right after death and sang hymns.

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Yes, please tell us--it's already gone! :doh:

Lori must be making a Big Salad so she doesn't have dinner prep to take her away fr her delete button.

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I forgot to copy it, but it was along the lines of "if you ask my 2 wonderful, amazing boys which they prefer, a clean house or mom to play with them and spend quality time with them, they will pick mom every single time. A house is just a house. Investing in the lives of our children is much more important. Get your priorities in your order."

Yeah, I didn't think she would like that much. And yes, I have asked my children. They pick mom every time. Funny, I bet my kids will want to be with me when I'm old too. And my house is clean(ish), and they know how to clean too.

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I replied to her after one of her posts about not playing with kids...

That bitch never played with her kids and never cleaned her house either! She had a nanny and a housekeeper. Fucking lying-ass bitch.

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Okay, off-topic from today's post which I got bored of after about three paragraphs... Lori's blog told me to click on this old post:


My exclusively breastfed baby had a white coating on her tongue. It's called THRUSH (yeast) and it's quite common.

Lori's babies would have been better off with formula, as it takes longer for babies to digest, so maybe it would have cut an hour or two of hunger in those long, lonely nights of being ignored from 3 weeks on. Fucking monster.

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