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Lori and Storage Sociopath = A match made in heaven

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Laura's last comment has been deleted. Whomp whomp.

The fact that she deleted that comment speaks volumes. She can't truthfully answer that question and still claim to have a good marriage.

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The fact that she deleted that comment speaks volumes. She can't truthfully answer that question and still claim to have a good marriage.

True, that. And don't you love it when some of the people commenting preface their comments by saying, "Please don't delete this, but ..."

Lori, just about everyone has your number.

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True, that. And don't you love it when some of the people commenting preface their comments by saying, "Please don't delete this, but ..."

Lori, just about everyone has your number.

KEN! Are you seeing this? Someone asked lori if she loves you and rather than answering, she deleted the question.


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Aunt Genny thinks Lori is plum loco.

On another note, Lori always wants Scripture. Scripture, Scripture, Scripture.

Is having sex with an unwilling wife a way of loving your wife as Christ loves the Church? Would Christ insist on having sex with the Church ("We are only on #2 this week, so . . . ") if the Church had a headache or really bad PMS?

What about Luke 6:31? Is Ken doing unto others and he would have them do unto him when he insists she put out when she'd really rather go eat one of her big salad?

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KEN! Are you seeing this? Someone asked lori if she loves you and rather than answering, she deleted the question.


She's pretty open about not being attracted to him, so I guess that's really no surprise. Maybe this is why she cannot comprehend that another woman may actually desire sex with her husband or do things for him just because she enjoys making him happy. For Lori, it's all about doing her duty. There's no love, no feelings, no sexual desire ... it's just another job.

No wonder she doesn't want paid employment, too. Must be exhausting living like that.

ETA: I'm surprised she didn't toss up the verse that says husbands should love their wives, but wives are only supposed to SUBMIT. Therefore, wives don't actually need to love their husbands.

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The fact that she deleted that comment speaks volumes. She can't truthfully answer that question and still claim to have a good marriage.

N k t sure they claimto have a good marriage. They have a "Godly Marriage" which trumps happiness.

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Aunt Genny thinks Lori is plum loco.

On another note, Lori always wants Scripture. Scripture, Scripture, Scripture.

Is having sex with an unwilling wife a way of loving your wife as Christ loves the Church? Would Christ insist on having sex with the Church ("We are only on #2 this week, so . . . ") if the Church had a headache or really bad PMS?

What about Luke 6:31? Is Ken doing unto others and he would have them do unto him when he insists she put out when she'd really rather go eat one of her big salad?

"You can have your salad in ten minutes!"

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News flash Lori: some couples enjoy each other. They have fun together, they laugh together, they BOTH enjoy having sex, etc. Not all couples operate out of a sense of duty for the man to provide financially and the woman to put out.

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Well, that was triggering. I commented. It will be deleted. In case it is, here is what I wrote.

Well, that was triggering to read. What I read above is not biblical. It is about a control-freak wanting to rule over his woman like a dictator. A woman is a person, with feelings and wants and desires, just like the mans. He is no better or worse because he is a man.

This triggered me because I ended a 12 year marriage with a man who believed these same abusive things. I call it abuse because that is what it is. Emotional abuse. Putting rules on sex and making a woman have sex even if she doesn't consent, that's rape. Plain and simple. The fact that you spin this to make it sound biblical tells me that you have no idea who God really is.

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News flash Lori: some couples enjoy each other. They have fun together, they laugh together, they BOTH enjoy having sex, etc. Not all couples operate out of a sense of duty for the man to provide financially and the woman to put out.

In our case...I provide financially and HE puts out!!! But then again, Lori could not begin to understand the depth of my feelings for my husband. Over the 17 years we've been together, he's truly become the other half of me. I almost lost him when he was so sick and that TERRIFIED me...to lose my best friend, my partner, the greatest gift God ever gave me...the thought was enough to send me looking for a hug-me jacket and a nice padded room.

Lori...love is so much more than what you define it as...it's not just "submitting" because you happen to possess a vagina and a set of boobs. Its truly loving the other and being willing to put the other's needs above your own...that's MUTUAL submission...it's not one being the lord and master of the home, it's two imperfect people learning to step out of the me me me and into the us us us. Its thinking about how YOUR actions will affect your partner. Its wanting the best for the other one. But...Lori and Ken, neither one of you could begin to understand what that's like. Your marriage is far from the biblical ideal. It's a twisted, loveless bastardization of what is in scripture. The love between a husband and wife is supposed to mirror Christ's love for the church. You two don't have that.

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In our case...I provide financially and HE puts out!!! But then again, Lori could not begin to understand the depth of my feelings for my husband. Over the 17 years we've been together, he's truly become the other half of me. I almost lost him when he was so sick and that TERRIFIED me...to lose my best friend, my partner, the greatest gift God ever gave me...the thought was enough to send me looking for a hug-me jacket and a nice padded room.

Lori...love is so much more than what you define it as...it's not just "submitting" because you happen to possess a vagina and a set of boobs. Its truly loving the other and being willing to put the other's needs above your own...that's MUTUAL submission...it's not one being the lord and master of the home, it's two imperfect people learning to step out of the me me me and into the us us us. Its thinking about how YOUR actions will affect your partner. Its wanting the best for the other one. But...Lori and Ken, neither one of you could begin to understand what that's like. Your marriage is far from the biblical ideal. It's a twisted, loveless bastardization of what is in scripture. The love between a husband and wife is supposed to mirror Christ's love for the church. You two don't have that.

*vigorous applause*

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Things that are red flags in a marriage:

1. When someone asks your spouse if they love you or are just there out of obligation and instead of answer they come up with excuses as to why they don't have to answer.

Ken, if Lori loves you why would she not say that? Even if it was a troll who asked that why would Lori not take the time to tell the world that she loves you and isn't just staying out of obligation?

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laura · 7 minutes ago

I meant feel as in feel love. Husband and wife always love each other. I don't need to quote scripture.

Equating sex and dishes cheapens the love between husband and wife. It cheapens into something worldly. It makes it something you get instantly whenever you feel you want it.

I question whether either of you understand what love making is suppose to be or know how beautiful it is.



laura · 1 minute ago

It didn't occur to you that I meant "feel love"? Have you ever asked yourself if you actually love husband? Or is it obligation?



Laura is about to be deleted or taken to the woodshed.

I love these comments.

Really, I can't imagine my husband ever wanting me to feel the same way about having sex with him as I do about washing the dishes. It boggles my mind that Ken and CM apparently don't see this as being a real slap in the face, and somehow think that pressuring your wife into sex on a schedule is somehow manly because it shows they are the boss. Newsflash: the rest of the world sees it as creepy, and proof that you suck in bed.

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Lori Alexander · 4 hours ago

This is where I disagree with you, Laura..."It is to express how you feel." We should not base any of our behavior on our feelings since they come and they go. We need to base ALL of our behavior on God's Word and He specifically tells us NOT to deprive each other and that wives are to obey their husbands in everything. Can you please give me scripture to support your view? Many things we do are out of duty...clean the dishes, feed our baby in the middle of the night, take regular showers, etc. Why not pleasing our husband even when we don't "feel" like it? Blessings come from obedience to God, not reacting to our feelings and basing our actions upon them.

I can't stand it when Lori (or anybody else) equates sex with daily household chores. How can she not realize how this cheapens sexual intimacy in marriage.

Many conservative Christians believe that a couple should wait until marriage before engaging in sex. Why, then, would they equate something so sacred with "cleaning the dishes." If God intended sex with our spouse to be so mundane, He would not expect us to save it for the one and only person to whom we were married.

Imagine, if we replaced "making love" with the other tasks that Lori equates it to in this sentence: "Making love is a beautiful, God ordained act to be enjoyed within marriage." "Washing dishes is a beautiful, God ordained act to be enjoyed within marriage."

How ridiculous.

Also, most of the time, when we engage in sexual intimacy with our significant other, we experience an overwhelming EMOTIONAL response. God created that response, too. If we were expected to endure it simply for the sexual release of our spouse, we would be no different than the beasts of the field. He gave us emotions, ability to discern, and self control for a reason - so that we can experience the wonderful fulfilling EMOTIONAL and physical response to sexual intimacy that we were meant to experience. And, in case Lori doesn't know this, He also made the female body capable of enjoying sex. These things are not accidents.

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I hope Lori has no plans today. This post will bring lots of "detractors" and she'll need to stay home and sit on the delete button.

Lori's love of Cabinet Man is just one more blatant example of her hypocrisy. She can't stand cursing or any foul language but she practically drools when Cabinet Man writes one of his crude posts. I'd like to see how she and Ken address his language and the way he speaks to his wife (and his commenters). They tend to forget that, the husband-wife relationship notwithstanding, that is NOT how one Christian speaks to another. That is not how a Christian should speak to anybody. And yet, Klorien idolizes the man!

I think they play sexy cabinet man role playing games. Ken wears overalls without a shirt, wielding a hammer while Lori splays her naked self across the kitchen counter shouting vulger phrases........

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<10 minutes, complete with eye-rolling and copious bottled lube... sounds more like a "drug addicted prostitute and Ted Haggard" RP.

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I can't stand it when Lori (or anybody else) equates sex with daily household chores. How can she not realize how this cheapens sexual intimacy in marriage.

Many conservative Christians believe that a couple should wait until marriage before engaging in sex. Why, then, would they equate something so sacred with "cleaning the dishes." If God intended sex with our spouse to be so mundane, He would not expect us to save it for the one and only person to whom we were married.

Imagine, if we replaced "making love" with the other tasks that Lori equates it to in this sentence: "Making love is a beautiful, God ordained act to be enjoyed within marriage." "Washing dishes is a beautiful, God ordained act to be enjoyed within marriage."

How ridiculous.

Also, most of the time, when we engage in sexual intimacy with our significant other, we experience an overwhelming EMOTIONAL response. God created that response, too. If we were expected to endure it simply for the sexual release of our spouse, we would be no different than the beasts of the field. He gave us emotions, ability to discern, and self control for a reason - so that we can experience the wonderful fulfilling EMOTIONAL and physical response to sexual intimacy that we were meant to experience. And, in case Lori doesn't know this, He also made the female body capable of enjoying sex. These things are not accidents.

This makes sense to most, however, to Lori, Ken and CM, this does. not. compute. I really feel sorry for Ken and Lady CM. Yes, I dislike Ken although I do feel sorry for him because I don't believe the narcissistic Lori feels anything for anyone other than herself. Even her "service" to her husband and children is self centered rather than others centered. I can only imagine being married to someone like that for over 30 years. What must that do to a person? No wonder Ken is the weirdo that he is! Perhaps this is how he has learned to survive over the years. At least he gets a 10-minute lube job once or twice as week while he tells himself he's "the man" (as pathetic as that is).

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I think they play sexy cabinet man role playing games. Ken wears overalls without a shirt, wielding a hammer while Lori splays her naked self across the kitchen counter shouting vulger phrases........

OMG! I need brain bleach!

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Lori, the past tense of 'use' is 'used'. Cabinetman used to have a blog. Seriously, those green and red squiggly lines in Word are your friend...

Let's not forget "suppose" when she should be saying "supposed" :pull-hair:

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I think they play sexy cabinet man role playing games. Ken wears overalls without a shirt, wielding a hammer while Lori splays her naked self across the kitchen counter shouting vulger phrases........

AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ew: :ew: :ew:

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Didn't we all know Ken would chime in eventually?

It is tiring to have to always deal with exceptions.

Why can't he and Lori realize that these readers are sharing their experiences? These are not "exceptions;" they are individual stories. If they truly were interested in the couples they "help," they'd realize that every story is unique. I wonder if they've ever stopped to recognize the small details of each couple that make them special.

I'm sure their readers are getting tired of Lori and Ken's heavy sighs and moaning about "exceptions." They are absolutely clueless and if they've helped more than two couples, I'll eat my hat.

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Maybe their stupid is contagious and I've caught it, but Ken seems to be saying that the Bible's definition of "commanding officers" is or should be based on U.S. military styles:

I can see the pro's and cons of Commanders willingly leading from the front line when it comes to war. It certainly would instill far greater enthusiasm and trust in the Commander to be willing to die protecting his subordinate soldiers in front of them or alongside of them. Unfortunately, once dead the job of leadership then goes to an untrained soldier who may then lose more lives than had the Commander been kept alive as in the US model. Loss of leadership and knowledge cannot be made up easily or quickly.

Also, Ken, "insuring" means something entirely different than "ensuring." And Sargent? Really? Oh, and stop apostrophizing randomly. It's weird.


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If dealing with individual experiences is too difficult for Ken and Lori maybe they should be setting themselves up as marriage mentors.

I don/'t feel like going to her blog, but is Ken saying men shouldn't lay down their lives for their wives and children because the loss of leadership would be too horrible? That doesn't seem very Christ like.

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Lori is claiming that Laura tried to "malign" her with the question "do you love ken?"

Lori, answer the question. Do you love your husband? If you do, this is the easiest question in the world.

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