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Lori Alexander 10: Fickle Brained Woman (and she would know)

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More finger pointing from Lori:


Women who have careers waste money. Many of them have to buy expensive clothing.

Reality Check: Very, very few women need expensive clothes for work. Real working women shop Walmart, Savers, Goodwill, consignment stores, clearance racks, and garage sales



They have to own their own car and spend money on the gas to get to and from work.

Reality Check: Women also walk, bike, ride the bus or the train, or carpool to work


They have to spend more money on food since they don't have the time to find the best quality food for less money and fix it from scratch. In fact, many times they have to buy take out food since they are too exhausted to cook when they get home.

Reality Check: Since both spouses eat shouldn’t food costs be considered a shared expense? No one works 24/7. Grocery store sales run Wednesday to Tuesday so weekend shoppers get the same deals as weekday shoppers. Slow cookers are easy to use. Many people cook once and freeze meals ahead of time. Many spouses share the cooking and shopping duties.


Then there is the money they have to spend for daycare.

Reality Check: Again, this should be considered a shared expense. Not everyone uses daycare. The kids could be in school, or a relative watches them for free, or spouses work opposite shifts so someone is always home.


The list could go on and on about how much more money it takes to have a career than to stay home full-time and learn to save money instead of spend it.

Reality check: No, the list doesn’t go on and on. There usually aren’t a lot of expenses involved with having a job and you spend less on utilities (electricity, gas, water) if no one is home part of the day.


There is no time to fix scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, and a bit of cheese with some homemade bread in the morning, along with a fresh picked orange from the tree in your yard for her family to enjoy. No, she had to eat expensive cereal out of a box which is devoid of any healthy vitamins and minerals.

Reality Check: It only takes a few minutes to make an omelet. The bread machine can make a loaf of bread overnight. Oranges aren’t ripe year round and only a few places in the U.S. can grow them! Lori is unaware of the cheap cereal in a bag.


For lunch, instead of fixing a large salad with roasted chicken, avocado, and homemade salad dressing, she had to run across the street to a fast food joint which isn't really food since it does nothing to nourish her body.

Reality Check: Bag lunch. Everyone does it. Often it’s leftovers from last night’s dinner.


For dinner, instead of grilling some fresh fish with baked potatoes and yams or some yummy rice, bean, and chicken stew for her family, after finally getting home from a long day at work, she was grabbing a pizza from the local pizza store for dinner along with a couple of sodas.

Reality Check: Again, has Lori never heard of a slow cooker or microwave or freezer? Her ideal grilled fish meal would take 30 minutes at most to whip up. Pizza and soda every night? WTF? She really thinks working women are lazy scum who care nothing for their own or their children’s health. What a sanctimonious bitch.

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Lori is an idiot.  Even if I hand wave and say working costs me $25k a year, if I'm making $50k I'm gonna end out $25k ahead.  How am I supposed to manufacture $25k a year by vacuuming my (dirt-concealing!) carpet and squeezing oranges? 

I am not working at the moment and we are definitely not better off financially for it! 

Edit: Also I don't know wtf I'm doing when it comes to "homemaking" because I just spent 20 min playing with play doh with my two year old when I should have shut her in her room and given out bad advice on the internet instead.

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Lori can just eat a proper bag of dicks with that last post. My mom has been a schoolteacher for 35 years, but she still has a garden, cans the best pickles in the world, and helps raise cattle. There isn't a McDonald's on the corner, she cooks supper every night. 

#notallworkingwomen, Lori.

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Lori wouldn't know reality if it bit her in the ass. When I was working, I sure didn't wear "expensive" clothes. I think my entire work wardrobe was worth 150 bucks (and that's including the expensive tennis shoes). As a matter of fact, my boots (for going onsite) cost more than my wardrobe. Lunch? Twice a month I'd "treat" myself to a take out lunch, the rest of the time was left overs or sandwiches. Dinner? Homemade. Heck, i was home by 4:30 or so (I worked 7:30-4). Yes, two cars were/are a necessary expense, but so what! I'm not working now, but we STILL have 2 cars, paid for. Yeah, neither one is particularly new nor fuel efficient, but they do the job. 

No orange trees here...

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She is getting her ass handed to her on FB.

Then there's this:



the years I taught with a child were some of my worse years.

:pulling_hair:"Worst"!  They were some of your "worst" years.



Ask any child who they would rather have raise them, a mother, nanny, or daycare and they would all say mother. If a mother wants emotionally stable and secure children, she needs to be home full time.

What about your adult children, Lori?  Did they like you better, or the nanny who held them for hours a day because you just left them to cry.

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Quick!  Go to Lori's "Always Learning" fb page.  She is getting blasted good for today's post and hasn't had time to delete the comments. It's gold.

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15 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Quick!  Go to Lori's "Always Learning" fb page.  She is getting blasted good for today's post and hasn't had time to delete the comments. It's gold.

I think she's waiting for Ken to come home in the vintage gold Mercedes on his white horse of truth and scold all the nay-sayers.:dramallama-nanner: (we really need a White Horse of Truth emoji! :pb_lol: )

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3 hours ago, Florita said:

Reality Check: Very, very few women need expensive clothes for work. Real working women shop Walmart, Savers, Goodwill, consignment stores, clearance racks, and garage sales


Rather off-topic, but I only discovered the joy that is Savers last year ... I have SUCH a hard time finding pants for my tall, thin 13 yo, but I find multiple pairs for him there. Granted, they were all still too big, but I was still able to find 28" waist pants that I could take up without having a ridiculous amount of extra bulk in them (he's 26/30). I am now a HUGE fan of Savers and am planning a trip today or tomorrow to grab him some more pants for this school year cuz skinny legs-n-butts need coverings too!

** I also got stuff for their Halloween costumes last year PLUS my favorite skirt in all the world for like $4 (it's a can-can dancer print. I KID YOU NOT.)

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5 hours ago, wikinggirl said:

Seriously Lori, just shut up. Todays post just made me angry. 

She has no idea what she's talking about. Some people, most people have to work.

I just can't with her. Just because you have a career doesn't mean you waste money! If I didn't work I wouldn't have any money. But in Lori's world I probably just have to find myself a man, right? 

You know, Lori, it is actually possible to make an omelette in the morning before work, and to pack a lunch. Everything isn't all black and white. A career doesn't mean expensive clothes and fast food everyday. 




3 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I usually think Lori is somewhat obtuse. mostly clueless, and lacking in reading comprehension, but this statement about breakfast damn near made my head explode -- "with a fresh picked orange from the tree in your yard"

Dammit Lori -- privilege much!  Don't you know -- you idiot -- that the majority of the country lives a in a climate in which oranges Do. Not. Grow. In. The. Yard.  Not everyone lives in sunny CA, or TX, or FL or Louisiana --places where oranges grow.  And even then not everyone who lives in those states has an orange tree in their back yard -- or even has a back yard!!

Lori you smug, hypocritical, privileged, hateful, mean-spirited, snobby,  beyotch.  How dare you presume to judge career women or any women.  You -- who had a nanny, a house cleaner you loaned to your neighbor, 2 cars -- one of them a vintage Mercedes, goes out to breakfast every Sat morning, and has a husband who makes bank and always has.  NONE of this info is made up.  ALL of it comes from your blog

How dare you assume that career women or any women are wasteful and bad wives and mothers who neglect their children and disrespect their husbands. 

How dare you even presume to open your mouth to criticize anyone  -- ever. You are NOT a godly mentor or your wouldn't say the smug, hypocritical, privileged, hateful, mean-spirited, snobby,  beyotch-y things you do.

Lori/ Ken if you are reading here -- and we know you do -- Take heed of this post.  I'm not an outlier, or a lone voice.  I'm the majority., finally voicing what we think of you.  And like Auntie Em  to Elvira Gultch in "Wizard of Oz"  I'm a Christian woman and can't say what I really think of you. Thankfully not **your** kind of Christian 


3 hours ago, Florita said:

More finger pointing from Lori:

Reality Check: Very, very few women need expensive clothes for work. Real working women shop Walmart, Savers, Goodwill, consignment stores, clearance racks, and garage sales


Reality Check: Women also walk, bike, ride the bus or the train, or carpool to work

Reality Check: Since both spouses eat shouldn’t food costs be considered a shared expense? No one works 24/7. Grocery store sales run Wednesday to Tuesday so weekend shoppers get the same deals as weekday shoppers. Slow cookers are easy to use. Many people cook once and freeze meals ahead of time. Many spouses share the cooking and shopping duties.

Reality Check: Again, this should be considered a shared expense. Not everyone uses daycare. The kids could be in school, or a relative watches them for free, or spouses work opposite shifts so someone is always home.

Reality check: No, the list doesn’t go on and on. There usually aren’t a lot of expenses involved with having a job and you spend less on utilities (electricity, gas, water) if no one is home part of the day.

Reality Check: It only takes a few minutes to make an omelet. The bread machine can make a loaf of bread overnight. Oranges aren’t ripe year round and only a few places in the U.S. can grow them! Lori is unaware of the cheap cereal in a bag.

Reality Check: Bag lunch. Everyone does it. Often it’s leftovers from last night’s dinner.

Reality Check: Again, has Lori never heard of a slow cooker or microwave or freezer? Her ideal grilled fish meal would take 30 minutes at most to whip up. Pizza and soda every night? WTF? She really thinks working women are lazy scum who care nothing for their own or their children’s health. What a sanctimonious bitch.

Her bullshit claims about working women being wasteful totally pissed me off.  I'm sure there are some working women who can be wasteful with buying lunches daily or buying very expensive clothes. In Lori's mind all women are like that and she's a bitch to assume that. Good points on public transportation, I suspect that Lori has never really known anyone who uses public transportation or carpooling to get to work and maybe her location plays into it. Some companies do provide or cover part of the costs of transit passes for employees.  Also, if you don't live that far from work and your car is good in fuel efficiency, sometimes you're not spending that much on gas. Lori never considers the fact that some working women don't have Monday through Friday  9 am to 5 pm schedules. Some women who work graveyard shifts might be making healthy meals for their families before they head off to work. There are tons of other things that Lori will never consider when it comes to working women as a whole.

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A guy posted this on FB.


I love that my wife has her own career. She is an intelligent lady who loves her job. Not only does she work full time while I work on my doctorate, she also finds the time to cook home made meals a few nights a week and we sit down together for dinner without electronics and actually talk. I even came home one day and she was power washing the house we rent. She's a strong woman who goes above and beyond what I deserve and I admire her so much. Also if my wife wants to buy expensive clothing with the money she worked for I don't care. She worked for it. She earned it. I'll also buy her expensive clothing or goods if she wanted them because she's an amazing wife and even helps out her family and my family when they are in times of need. I don't call that wasting money. Having a career has no effect on our relationship or home life. I love being able to come home to her and listen about her work day and she loves listening to me about my internship. This is incredibly stereotypical of you to say.


Other than the points I made my wife has made things so much easier with her career. We both have health insurance under the company she works for and she already has a retirement plan at the age of 26. So when she does retire life will be easier on both of us. That's probably a long way from now but it's something we won't have to worry much about.

Comments from women



The same could be said of career men. They need a work wardrobe, vehicle, gas money, lunches / dinners out (oh, unless the little wifey stays home and cooks!). The really sad thing is that, for many working women, the costs inherent in going to work outside the home are not adequately compensated because WOMEN STILL DONT GET EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK.



Um some moms have to do what it takes to make sure their kids don't starve and have what they need! Sort of like my friend who's husband died in his sleep unexpectedly. She is an award winning mom at home and at her place of work. It takes a strong woman to juggle the two! She knows Christ as well. To her it was a must not a want. Don't think all woman would benefit from being a stay at home mom. Some mothers just are not the nurturing type. I do know a few stay at home dads too. Gonna talk about them....?



Really? Where on earth do you get your information from to make these sweeping statements that are horrifically inaccurate and show how little you actually know about life...
Working mother here: I was a nurse now I run a charity I started providing care for families who are in need, from broken homes, struggling with domestic violence, (which despite your claiming, does actually happen!!) and who need help. Today I went to work and took my children with me because it's the school holidays and they worked along side me serving people and learning to care for those in need (kind of like Jesus would expect us to) and we came home, which is reasonably clean and tidy (because oddly enough I can work and keep a house clean) and a meal cooked by me, from scratch for when my husband arrived home. The last time I bought clothes was when I needed a new bra because the ones I had literally fell apart. I've recently lost weight and my husband is saying I need to go clothes shopping but I don't really ever bother for myself because I prefer to spend money on my kids who grow and need clothes or my husband who does need expensive work shirts and pays to commute to work... I actually don't know any working mothers who do all the things you describe, actually!





ETA: Lori has talked about stay at home dads before. Here comments were the usual "men have to work" because it says so in the Bible and "women are keepers of homes" spiel.

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This one (from FB comments) is a real gem :my_confused: :


So half of you women, would rather let this beast system raise your children than yourself. A career of chasing demon's and that sounds better than teaching your children how to grow their own food's, becoming self sufficient as the Amish are today. But you so call civilized ppl have taken this to another level, you guys have really lost your way. Just to prepare you all, 2/3 of the ppl will perish. Due to not excepting the knowledge that others where sent back to give unto you. Your star seeds, your indigo's and the enlightened one's. But you would rather follow this beast to hell. Wow...........

Okay then....

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Those comments are gold, Jerry, GOLD!!


gold jerry.jpg

*first time doing a picture, mea culpa if it didn't work properly

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If you had asked me as a child if I wished my mom stayed home, I probably would have said yes.  But I also knew that if she did, the bills wouldn't be paid, we would have no food, and eventually no place to live.  Those things are kind of important,Lori.

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Oh, Lori.  I was having a bad evening, and this post is exactly what I needed for a laugh.


When a woman works outside of the home, she has no time to garden, hang up clothing outside to dry, make her own non-toxic cleaners, clean her windows and home, find the best prices, go to garage sales, nurse her baby full-time, use cloth diapers, learn to sew, cut and color hair, and a multitude of other things full-time wives and mothers are able to do. 

 I wonder if the multitude involves beating your children, body-shaming your daughters, letting nannies hold your kid ...

The whole "wiser older woman" who is conveniently done with all the hard work (not that she ever did it herself) really gets old.

As far as wasting money - does she somehow assume men don't?  Not going to add to the list of way we do it better than Lori, but really - there are ways to be frugal (and healthy!) while working.

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All this is being said from a woman who has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, but has just looked down upon her inferiors and made generalizations that she knows nothing about. She has no idea what it means to look at job opportunities and weigh extra income vs. childcare costs. If a woman is working and adds just $200 a month to her household income after everything is said and done (childcare, extra gas, whatever), that's the difference between buying food for the month or not, paying the heat/gas/electric/water or not, saving money for future college funds/retirement/emergency fund/down payment or not.


Also, I just checked, and all the comments still seem to be there and not a peep from Lori or Ken. WAY more detractors than supporters:dramallama-nanner:

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Lori won't let me comment on her FB page anymore...I called her a stupid bitch once. 

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But remember, this wasteful, fast food life that Lori knows nothing about, it is only wrong if the woman is working. Look at this from the comments:


Mrs. P:

What would you say to the homemaker who tends to live just like the career woman (wasting money on fast food instead of cooking homemade nutritious food, driving through the fast food joints any time she's out, etc.)?

Lori Alexander:

If her husband is fine with this, then it is fine, but if her husband would love home cooked nutritious food then this is a problem. She needs to find out what he wants and then obey him.


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Where to begin?

Her writing always sounds so crazy to me- it seems like her posts are written to convince herself that her privileged, isolated and willfully ignorant way of life has a purpose.

God gave her a mission to teach the poor unenlightened women who are not Lori how to live their lives, dontcha know?

i wonder if she even realizes she's just spewing hate.

Poor girl needs a hobby, definitely not an Internet-related one. ;)

One of my friends used to drive a vintage Mercedes.  She bought it used in pristine condition and it wasn't expensive. ;)






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Maybe Lori is secretly jealous of working women, especially those that can spend money on whatever they wish without asking/submitting for approval to their husbands, while Lori has to ASK Ken.  

I can't eat fast food. I cook healthy meals from scratch (thanks to having gluten sensitivities using fresh produce and spices). I also work full-time and exercise regularly, while maintaining a clean apartment, a small spice garden, and being a mom and wife. 

I would love to hear from a woman where Ken consulted at regarding the crap that is on Lori's blog, the very Ken Alexander who is an  orthodontic consultant from California who thinks molestation and incest are normal.  

And this may be gross, but every time I see a picture of Ken, all I can think of is lousy sex (ten minutes max with lube). 

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Younger women tend to waste their time with frivolous things. When I was a young mother, I would watch several soap operas. I would tape them every day so I wouldn’t miss an episode. During the children’s naps, I would watch people do things that are unbiblical and far from anything resembling purity. I was so addicted, however, that I was easily able to justify it by saying to myself that I deserved to be entertained and have time for just me. When Alyssa, my oldest, was five years old and no longer took naps, she began watching them with me. 

Seriously?  Who the hell lets their 5 year old watch soap operas?  

That wasn't "young women" wasting their time on frivolous things Lori, that was YOU making poor, self centered parenting decisions.


There are many distractions today. In olden days, the women would waste their times leaving their homes and gossiping with other women. Now, we can do it in our own homes through television, Facebook, emails, texts, and tweets. These are all distracting young women from what they should be doing and causing them to be idle. They also use their tongues for evil and tearing others down with their words.

Again, it's not "younger women", it's LORI.  She spends her days going from blog to blog putting her 2 cents in & correcting other bloggers.  Then she mills about posting shit on Instagram and her Facebook pages, and she tops it all off by being a huge gossip on her blog.  


Young women should be taking good care of their husband, children, and home. This is the prescription the Lord has given them. They don’t need to be in other women’s business and speaking things against them. We are commanded to treat others as we treat ourselves. If you don’t want to be gossiped about, don’t gossip about others.

Young women shouldn't gossip, but it's A-Okay for The Godly Mentor.  

See (for one of MANY examples): http://lorialexander.blogspot.com/2016/07/her-daughter-sews-thong-bathing-suits.html



Am I A Hypocrite?

Not just any hypocrite, but the queen of them all!

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How did Lori ever get to be a teacher if her grasp on maths is so faint that she thinks that a woman is losing money if she earns money?

When I was a SAHM my income was practically non-existent. Oranges don't even grow here so I could not save anything by handpicking oranges. The husband's income was enough for our expenses but I certainly used more money than I earned, because SAHMs have to eat too. Now I'm working and after the taxes and the running expenses there are significant savings left over every month. As a SAHM I had to have a car to get around with the kids so we didn't save any money in vehicle costs either.

Actually I save money on clothing now because I'm working. The employer gives me a work uniform to wear for 8+ hours per day, and at the end of the day I leave them in the basket and somebody washes them and brings them back ironed. That means that 1/3 of the day I'm not wearing out my own clothes, they last longer and I have less laundry to do than if I was home all day.




There are many distractions today. In olden days, the women would waste their times leaving their homes and gossiping with other women. Now, we can do it in our own homes through television, Facebook, emails, texts, and tweets. These are all distracting young women from what they should be doing and causing them to be idle. They also use their tongues for evil and tearing others down with their words.

Really? Lori objects to tearing others down with words? Well what do you know, I never would have guessed.

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43 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

There are many distractions today. In olden days, the women would waste their times leaving their homes and gossiping with other women. Now, we can do it in our own homes through television, Facebook, emails, texts, and tweets. These are all distracting young women from what they should be doing and causing them to be idle. They also use their tongues for evil and tearing others down with their words.

Hmm, maybe it's only bad when young women sit on Facebook, etc. all day, using words for tearing others down.  Perfectly ok for older Titus 2 women.

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Lori has used her blog numerous times to tear down other women. We can't forget how she crapped on her son's female classmates about their prom or homecoming dresses. She posted a yearbook picture with their faces visible and only blurred out the faces when people called her out on it. She did a similar thing years back when she posted about one of her daughter's former friends.  Lori bashes and tears working women all the time in her posts. She is probably a lot worse than many other women.  Her blog is very public and while she doesn't use names at times, it's probably easy for any people who know Lori IRL to figure out who she is talking about in some of her posts.  

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