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Maxwells 59: On the Road Again

Coconut Flan

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1 hour ago, Mrs Ms said:

The only two I remember are the one I mentioned upthread and the “bus humping” one. Though I wasn’t a particularly frequent FJ reader from 2012-2018, especially outside the Bates-Duggar-QoSnark threads, so I probably missed a bunch.

Not that the opportunity would EVER arise for me to attend a Fundie conference here in New Zealand, but I always thought the best way to go to one would be: wear shapeless, long clothes, but don’t panic about it not being a Jumper and just say I was a really freshly converted Christian who grew up atheist (if anyone actually asked). That way I wouldn’t have to worry about quoting scripture, not knowing all the leaders and not having eleventy kids 🤷‍♀️ And get away with asking “stupid” questions…

Where are you from in NZ? My husband is from Lower Hutt and we just bought a 1932 gem in Silverstream in Upper Hutt as a rental .

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15 minutes ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

Where are you from in NZ? My husband is from Lower Hutt and we just bought a 1932 gem in Silverstream in Upper Hutt as a rental .

These days the South Island. We used to live in the Auckland region. Still living in hope that one day a FJ NZ meetup can happen :pray:


I love the look of houses from that era! 

Edited by Mrs Ms
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8 hours ago, Bassett Lady said:

Not all homeschool conferences are frumper filled. 

My current homeschool co-op has a board member with pink hair and a nose ring. The conference we sponsor has attendees from all walks of life. 

     I don't think there's been a frumper sighting in 25 years! My friend homeschooled in the '80's. There were two homeschooling groups in her town, one old hippie-ish sorts that met at the food coop and the other Christian fundamentalists. Guess which group she chose? (Spoiler - not the Christians!)

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I think the frumpers were a tell tale sign someone was fundie back in the early 2000s. But I think that then morphed into long jean skirts and always wearing a modesty shirt under your regular shirt. Now it’s a bit harder mostly because you can buy very modest clothing online for cheap. 

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Denim maxi skirts are quite common right now. Most of them have a split front (as they seem to be called, the kind of thing fundies would consider an 'arrow' pointing towards a woman's privates) and are quite narrow/form fitting so fundies probably wouldn't like them, but there are also some which don't have a front split/slit and aren't form fitting so fundies would probably be OK purchasing them. Also, many dresses these days would be suitable for fundies as they have quite high necklines and go beyond the knee. 

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1 hour ago, mango_fandango said:

Denim maxi skirts are quite common right now. Most of them have a split front (as they seem to be called, the kind of thing fundies would consider an 'arrow' pointing towards a woman's privates) and are quite narrow/form fitting so fundies probably wouldn't like them, but there are also some which don't have a front split/slit and aren't form fitting so fundies would probably be OK purchasing them. Also, many dresses these days would be suitable for fundies as they have quite high necklines and go beyond the knee. 

Fashion trends are very short these days. Thanks to fast fashion and tiktok having an attention span of a gnat. So denim skirts may be out of style by summer. 

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On 2/4/2024 at 7:46 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

The fact that Mary is on neither is telling. She always seemed to get good grades so if she isn’t in either list, I think it’s a good indicator she’s not enrolled. 

ABC just posted the Honor's List--the lowest of their 3 GPA honor listings, and Mary isn't on it either. Considering that she always made one of the honor listings before, I think we can conclude for sure she is no longer enrolled full time. I wonder why they can't give her an Associates Degree though, based on her completed work.

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7 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

I wonder why they can't give her an Associates Degree though, based on her completed work.

I sometimes have students ask me that, or the similar question of “why won’t they give me a minor in this subject that I have 18+ credits in?” 

The answer to both is probably that they don’t have the right credits. Earning 60 hours of credit at a college does not automatically equal an Associate’s degree. They need to have the  right credits. For example, at the college where I teach,  students must have taken English Composition not just any 3 credit English class. Students must have credits in very specific classes across a specific spectrum of subjects.

My community college requires 62 credits for any Associates Degree and 42 of those are General Education requirements. The last 20 credits are within a specific emphasis. 

If Mary had the right mix of credits she might be eligible to apply for an Associate’s degree, but simply having lots of credit does not confer a degree. 

At our Community college we have some kids with 100+ credits because they have changed majors and meandered through college taking a buffet approach to classes that interested them instead of working towards a specific degree. 

Our institution now has a form students have to sign if they are taking classes outside of their declared degree path that states they understand that they will take longer to graduate than if they followed the suggested class path. 

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Is it possible Mary is going somewhere else to finish?  Is there a likely school in Leavenworth?  Maybe she'd consider even a public college or university now that she's married.  

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1 hour ago, Bassett Lady said:

Students must have credits in very specific classes across a specific spectrum of subjects.

Good points. ABC is an accredited institution so, yes, anyone completing a degree has to meet the requirements of that degree.


42 minutes ago, Coconut Flan said:

Is it possible Mary is going somewhere else to finish?  Is there a likely school in Leavenworth?  Maybe she'd consider even a public college or university now that she's married.  

I hope so. It would be shameful if, after all that effort and time, she has had to abandon her degree without finishing it.

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1 hour ago, Bassett Lady said:

I sometimes have students ask me that, or the similar question of “why won’t they give me a minor in this subject that I have 18+ credits in?” 

The answer to both is probably that they don’t have the right credits. Earning 60 hours of credit at a college does not automatically equal an Associate’s degree. They need to have the  right credits. For example, at the college where I teach,  students must have taken English Composition not just any 3 credit English class. Students must have credits in very specific classes across a specific spectrum of subjects.

My community college requires 62 credits for any Associates Degree and 42 of those are General Education requirements. The last 20 credits are within a specific emphasis. 

If Mary had the right mix of credits she might be eligible to apply for an Associate’s degree, but simply having lots of credit does not confer a degree. 

At our Community college we have some kids with 100+ credits because they have changed majors and meandered through college taking a buffet approach to classes that interested them instead of working towards a specific degree. 

Our institution now has a form students have to sign if they are taking classes outside of their declared degree path that states they understand that they will take longer to graduate than if they followed the suggested class path. 

My husband has checked into the thread- IDK how many universities and programs he has attended, but he has never secured his degree. He could teach half of the classes, no doubt. He just has too much energy and passion for doing/working. He has never been hampered by not having his degree and has made a whole lot more money than I did with a BS in Nursing. The 1 caveat, we are old- I know the work world is different today.

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Mary got her MRS degree and that was enough for her I guess. Still a marked improvement over bunkbed living in Leavenworth but disappointing to us pro-college pants wearers. 

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1 hour ago, fundiewatch said:

Mary got her MRS degree and that was enough for her I guess. Still a marked improvement over bunkbed living in Leavenworth but disappointing to us pro-college pants wearers. 

I am a pro-college skirt wearer, but I understand your point. (I am not opposed to pants, my daughters wear them regularly, but I am a skirt/dresses gal in the seemingly never-ending battle against yeast infections.)

We don’t know, for certain, that she didn’t transfer to another institution to finish her degree on-line.  I am not a fan of Liberty University, but they are accredited, readily accept transfer credit, and allow students to work entire on-line. 

One of my co-worker’s daughters found herself moving with her new husband’s job across the country just shy of her bachelor’s degree. Liberty would accept all her credit  and let her complete one year of classes and procure her degree. It wasn’t her first choice, but they were willing to accept all of her credit and only required one year of classes. It was the quickest and cheapest route to her Bachelor’s degree, which she needed to be allowed to enter an accredited Law School. 

I am an admitted optimist, but I truly hope Mary is completing her accredited degree. 


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On 2/5/2024 at 1:31 PM, mango_fandango said:

I’d be too worried about being “discovered” as a non-fundie if I went! Even if I dressed fundie style. 

I could dress in the fundiest fundie style ever, but my SEVERELY (a little fundie crossover there!) sardonic, attitudinal, resting bitch face expressions would give me away the second Steve or Teri opened their mouths. Not to mention my lack of control in the eye-rolling department. I'm almost 66 and I STILL roll my eyes like a 13 year old at the slightest provocation. 🙄And Steve and Teri are far more than just slight provocations!🤣

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23 hours ago, Bethy said:

Wasn't there another duo who went? I'm remembering two women who met up, concocted a story about one being a mentor for the other, and attended. I don't think they were the ones who humped the bus. One of them had a blog that was something like "The Empress of Goodwill" and featured thrifted clothes.  

I don't remember the duo but know that there were others who checked out the conferences.   Seem to think there was a thread somewhere about it. 

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24 minutes ago, nokidsmom said:

I don't remember the duo but know that there were others who checked out the conferences.   Seem to think there was a thread somewhere about it. 

I think @treemom went to a conference.  

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4 hours ago, nokidsmom said:

I don't remember the duo but know that there were others who checked out the conferences.   Seem to think there was a thread somewhere about it. 

I've seen posts saying @Palimpsest went and her husband was the one who volunteered as tribute to hear Steve's session and report back. I know @treemom went (was there someone who went with her?) But I searched around and near as I can tell, the Empress of Goodwill (which I was sure was the one who did the fake Titus 2 mentor thing with another FJer, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) was @clibbyjo but I haven't seen her around here in years. I really think that particular infiltration happened in the Yuku era and searching there is basically nonexistent. Also maybe the writeup of that conference was on her blog which I also can't find.  

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I was here for all of that. Never got the drama about the humping of Uriah but it was QUITE the scandal. Sorry but it made me laugh when they did it. 

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On 2/5/2024 at 9:16 PM, Mrs Ms said:

These days the South Island. We used to live in the Auckland region. Still living in hope that one day a FJ NZ meetup can happen :pray:


I love the look of houses from that era! 

I am about ready to move from the US and not just because I love our new house! I posted some pics in a JRod thread!

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On 2/5/2024 at 1:02 AM, hoipolloi said:

Yes, attending a conference or some other public event is fine. 

Correct me if my aging memory is wrong, @MamaJunebug, but didn't you actually attended the wedding of Rebecca Serven and Steven Loomis? 

I did. 
Also a Maxwell presentation. 

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Of all the things I’ve done in my life that I both regret doing and sharing it was my visit to a Maxwell conference.  It caused me a lot of grief because some posters really objected.  It interfered with my divorce several years later.  Two of my employers have been called in the last decade.  I dealt with a lot of harassing emails.


anyhow, I regret it.  It was a long time ago.  I am a different person in that like all of us I have capacity for growth and change.  Mostly I’m happy I was wrong about the Maxwell children at the end of the day.

Edited by treemom
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1 hour ago, treemom said:

Of all the things I’ve done in my life that I both regret doing and sharing it was my visit to a Maxwell conference.  It caused me a lot of grief because some posters really objected.  It interfered with my divorce several years later.  Two of my employers have been called in the last decade.  I dealt with a lot of harassing emails.


anyhow, I regret it.  It was a long time ago.  I am a different person in that like all of us I have capacity for growth and change.  Mostly I’m happy I was wrong about the Maxwell children at the end of the day.

I don't know why anyone had a problem with it.  Then again I always liked you anyway.  

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I think there was a lot of valid feedback.  Some of which I accepted pretty quickly, some of which took time for me to continue to know myself better and also see a differing perspective.  

I always just grimace when it comes up, because I often get a resurgence in contact about it.  Often using the trolls favorite device, just insulting me by calling me ugly or fat.  Because of course I should judge myself worth on what others think.  And of course because the real thing I did wrong was be size 14 and not blonde hair and blue eyed.  Not the actual valid feedback lots of posters actually had.  I hate the emails, but they offer no perspective of value.  Those who instead expressed their feelings about my behavior, not my looks, actually were worth listening too.

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None of that should have happened.  Any of us could have gone to a Maxwell event if it was close enough.  I guess the big lesson is not to put photos on the internet.  I really don't like that people start harrassing all over again after all these years.  It's long past time to move on.  

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1 hour ago, treemom said:

I think there was a lot of valid feedback.  Some of which I accepted pretty quickly, some of which took time for me to continue to know myself better and also see a differing perspective.  

I always just grimace when it comes up, because I often get a resurgence in contact about it.  Often using the trolls favorite device, just insulting me by calling me ugly or fat.  Because of course I should judge myself worth on what others think.  And of course because the real thing I did wrong was be size 14 and not blonde hair and blue eyed.  Not the actual valid feedback lots of posters actually had.  I hate the emails, but they offer no perspective of value.  Those who instead expressed their feelings about my behavior, not my looks, actually were worth listening too.

As a size 18/20, I’m not at all surprised people jumped on your size. It’s the type of world we live in. People can act like we’ve changed so much in the last few decades. But the culture around fat phobia really hasn’t changed that much. People just express their fat phobia differently now. I am sorry you went through that. I wasn’t here for it. But I hate that you had to go through it. 

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