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Lori Alexander 10: Fickle Brained Woman (and she would know)

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Hey Lori...I just did something you never mention (and probably never do)...cut and colored my own fucking hair with my own 2 little hands. Wonder how much Lori Anderson is a Monster's hair cuts/color cost her. Fucking c**t

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 5:19 PM, polecat said:

Rather off-topic, but I only discovered the joy that is Savers last year

I love Savers...Found several pieces of my Haviland china there.   Grampwych is the man to go to for consignments, thrift stores, and yard sales.  Excellent bargains, good stuff.

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Savers here isn't that great. BUT...The Deseret Thrift is delicious (run by the Mormons)

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4 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Savers here isn't that great. BUT...The Deseret Thrift is delicious (run by the Mormons)

There are at least 4 Savers by here.  I have better luck at the Warwick one, but if I'm in the area for any of the others, I'll check them out.  There is a little charity thrift store on Cape Cod that's a "Must visit" whenever we're there.  Our best luck comes at Garage sales, which will be winding down in the weeks to come.

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When I lived in PHX, I scouted the Goodwills in Snottsdale...great stuff there. 

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No idea how I quoted myself upthread.  Sorry about that. :my_blush:

Lori yesterday:


We are commanded to treat others as we treat ourselves. If you don’t want to be gossiped about, don’t gossip about others.

Lori today (Step 1: Shameless brag):


My youngest daughter just had a baby and so did my younger son's wife. These babies are only three weeks apart. Their labors were long and difficult. Recovering is hard since they lost so much sleep laboring for days and now they have a newborn to care for. Yes, bearing and raising children is one of the hardest things a couple can do but it reaps so many blessings. Nothing worth having is easy. The joy all of them experienced the moment they held their newborn baby in their arms can't be matched to anything else. They can’t wait to be the ones to raise their children. 

Step 2: Gossip about someone you know to further elevate yourself


Compare this to something that happened to me recently. I went to a baby shower for a lovely Christian young woman and then I went to an engagement party for a very excited Christian engaged couple. There was much reason to rejoice at these two events. However, at the end of the day, I was rather depressed. Both women weren’t going to be home with their children and some of them were so involved with their careers of becoming a doctor or some other highly educated career that they probably will never be home with their children if they are blessed with them. Either they have invested so much time in having their career or they have accumulated too much debt.

Lori, you blog under your real name.  If these people knew you well enough to invite you to a shower, there's a good chance they know you well enough to read your blog. 

I am assuming these young women are the daughters of your friends.  Do you realize that they probably read the gossip you write about their daughters?  

If you were truly "depressed" that they've chosen not to live their lives by God's your commands, why not pray for them?  I know you said you usually forget to pray for people, but if you remember to blog about them, then you can remember to pray for them.

But you aren't depressed for them.  You were thrilled that you had stumbled upon something else to gossip about.  Something you could use to build yourself up and tear others down.



Am I A Hypocrite?

Yes.  Yes, you are.

You're a gossip and a busybody too.

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48 minutes ago, Koala said:

No idea how I quoted myself upthread.  Sorry about that. :my_blush:

Lori yesterday:

Lori today (Step 1: Shameless brag):

Step 2: Gossip about someone you know to further elevate yourself

Lori, you blog under your real name.  If these people knew you well enough to invite you to a shower, there's a good chance they know you well enough to read your blog. 

I am assuming these young women are the daughters of your friends.  Do you realize that they probably read the gossip you write about their daughters?  

If you were truly "depressed" that they've chosen not to live their lives by God's your commands, why not pray for them?  I know you said you usually forget to pray for people, but if you remember to blog about them, then you can remember to pray for them.

But you aren't depressed for them.  You were thrilled that you had stumbled upon something else to gossip about.  Something you could use to build yourself up and tear others down.


Yes.  Yes, you are.

You're a gossip and a busybody too.

I hope the people that she gossips about know about her blog or eventually find out.  If I was a friend of Lori's daughter and I figured out that Lori was gossiping about me, I wouldn't be inviting Lori to anything ever again.

Interesting how Lori mentions debt when her son-in-law Ryan has probably accumulated a lot of debt from pharmacy school and dental school. Of course, he's a man and it's not his place to be at home with kids in Lori's mind. If Lori is going to bitch about women investing money and time into becoming doctors and other highly educated occupations, she should also be bitching about her son-in-law doing the same thing.



Both women weren’t going to be home with their children and some of them were so involved with their careers of becoming a doctor or some other highly educated career that they probably will never be home with their children if they are blessed with them. Either they have invested so much time in having their career or they have accumulated too much debt.


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If I knew Lori irl she would definitely be off my invitation list after bad mouthing both of these "friends".

Lori, even if you felt that way about these two young women, you really need to keep these things to yourself. 

Forget Christian, talking this way about friends in a public blog is just plain not nice for anyone, regardless of religion.


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Boy, she is one of the biggest gossips I have ever encountered.

She gossiped about her neighbor's messy house. She gossiped about her son's classmates and their "slutty" dresses. She gossiped about her friend's swimwear-designing daughter. Now she's gossiping about people's showers.

I know I'm forgetting people, too. Those are just the ones I can think of in the last few weeks!

Can someone help me out here -- is there a verse somewhere about gossip, or do we only focus on older women teaching younger women? Busybodies ... something about going from house to house ... speaking of things they shouldn't? Gosh, I don't know ... maybe my Bible memory just isn't what is used to be.

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They have to be livid that she uses their daughters for blog fodder.  Can you imagine the cow Lori and Ken would have if someone made a blog post about how immodestly their daughter dresses?  Or complained that they work instead of "guiding the home"?  Omg, they would flip the hell out!

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Someone on FB just took her to task.  Before she deletes it:


Of all of the posts I have read on your blog, this one is maybe the most cruel you have ever written. I am sure you will delete my post but I am going to write this for every woman who never had or never will have children. Some women are unable to have children! Your post will only encourage people to judge and call them selfish when you have no idea what they are going through. And yes you can say that you are convicted by your thoughts because Scripture backs you up. All women should have a husband, make babies, and stay at home. Your ideal does not fit every woman. You also state that a single mom should try to reconcile with her childrens' father. Maybe that would not be a healthy thing for anyone to do, and why take back a bad man just to have a man? And then you say that a widow should go find a husband? Why, again, just because a woman is nothing without a male spouse? I just want to point out that your constant harping on what "some women" do is a thin disguise for your desire to shame and degrade anyone who does not live the way you do. I pray that the Lord will open your eyes to have compassion and empathy for women. We are to build each other up! Not point fingers and call names

Yeah, but Lori was commanded by The God of the Universe to be a busybody and a gossip! God WANTS her to meddle into the lives of others and then use them as blog fodder....because Godly Older Woman!  

Of course there's this verse:


Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 

But as Ken Alexander (rider of the Horse of Truth) once said, sometimes even Jesus can be wrong.  Maybe what Jesus meant to say was:


Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind obey the commands of The Godly Mentor. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself share the Godly Mentor's blog posts so they can go viral, as gossip and shaming is pleasing to the Lord entertaining to Lori.


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3 hours ago, polecat said:

Boy, she is one of the biggest gossips I have ever encountered.

She gossiped about her neighbor's messy house. She gossiped about her son's classmates and their "slutty" dresses. She gossiped about her friend's swimwear-designing daughter. Now she's gossiping about people's showers.

I know I'm forgetting people, too. Those are just the ones I can think of in the last few weeks!

Can someone help me out here -- is there a verse somewhere about gossip, or do we only focus on older women teaching younger women? Busybodies ... something about going from house to house ... speaking of things they shouldn't? Gosh, I don't know ... maybe my Bible memory just isn't what is used to be.

Other gossip targets:

The kids she went to high school with who weren’t as godly as she was.

The women at her Bible study who dis’d their husbands.

The teachers she taught public school with when she was a student teacher. (Demon possessed, slobbering food)

The friend from down the street whose parents smoked and didn’t open their curtains. (Jesus didn’t live there.)

The pastor’s wife at her former church who worked and didn’t model the proper stay-at-home behavior.

And my personal fave, her parents and grandparents.


My parents didn't have a very good marriage while I was growing up.  My mom was never taught how to love and obey her husband.  She didn't have any good role models.  She tried to do the best she could.


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One reader pointed out that if a young woman's husband died she could move back home with her parents instead of marrying a man in a steady cash for steady sex exchange.  This was a light-bulb moment for Lori, who instantly realized that she and Ken could have easily lived off her parents for several years if only she'd thought of it.


 In hindsight, when I had Alyssa, my first born, we could have easily lived with my parents for a few years until Ken's career was doing better. They lived in a big home all by themselves and would have happily let us live with them so I could have been home full time with my baby.

Umm, no Lori.  You had a baby and it's YOUR responsibility to support her.  It's generous that your mom provided free childcare.  Many grandmas would happily do the same- I know I would.  But to just assume that your parents would be happy with your lazy, entitled, princess attitude?  Nope.  Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

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Lori's shower/engagement story proves one of two things,

Either she has surpassed her previous outrageous gossiping, by shitting on these women and their families, who kindly invited her to their celebrations. 


She's a lying liar who lies and didn't attend any celebrations that conveniently added gossip to her blog. Probably due to the fact that she has no friends and most people probably cross the street to avoid her. 


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43 minutes ago, Koala said:

One reader pointed out that if a young woman's husband died she could move back home with her parents instead of marrying a man in a steady cash for steady sex exchange.  This was a light-bulb moment for Lori, who instantly realized that she and Ken could have easily lived off her parents for several years if only she'd thought of it.

Umm, no Lori.  You had a baby and it's YOUR responsibility to support her.  It's generous that your mom provided free childcare.  Many grandmas would happily do the same- I know I would.  But to just assume that your parents would be happy with your lazy, entitled, princess attitude?  Nope.  Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

I wonder if her parents enabled her attitude or maybe they would have been fed up with Lori, Ken, and little Alyssa living with them. Didn't her parents pay for the trailer they lived on in or the monthly parking fee?   As for the reader who suggested a young widow move in with her parents, it's a good suggestion, but it's not something that could work for everyone.

2 minutes ago, Gemini said:

Lori's shower/engagement story proves one of two things,

Either she has surpassed her previous outrageous gossiping, by shitting on these women and their families, who kindly invited her to their celebrations. 


She's a lying liar who lies and didn't attend any celebrations that conveniently added gossip to her blog. Probably due to the fact that she has no friends and most people probably cross the street to avoid her. 


I also wonder if she is lying. She has admitted to having trouble making friends and she has been against getting together with other women for bible study or other events. If she isn't lying, I'm guessing the people inviting her to these events are friends of her kids or women whose husbands are business contacts of Kenny boy. It's crappy that she can't be kind to these for the milestones they are going through in their lives. 

If Lori's book has many of these rants towards women and it get's published, she should expect backlash from people that she knows IRL. For awhile, there was a guy named Ben who commented on her blog and she knew who he was. He might have been a relative or friend of her kids. Anyway, Ben handed Lori and Ken their asses on a few subjects. He defended gay marriage rights and universal healthcare to Ken and Lori. He eventually left a comment saying that he wasn't going to comment on Lori's blog again. He might know some of the people Lori gossips and might have tipped them off. It would be fitting if let's say wives of Ken's clients read Lori's book or blog and then their husbands cut off business dealings with Ken.

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Lori's guest blogger today is Anna T on the subject of living on one income. Anna T has made a lot of dumb postings in the past on living one income. I think she was the blogger that claimed that if women stayed home there would be more jobs for men.  Anna T and Lori will never get that some families can't make on one income without constant worrying.




A couple of days ago, I received a comment saying it’s impossible to live on one income alone in our day and age. This touched a nerve (in a positive way!), because most people would probably say it’s impossible to manage on our monthly budget, yet we have been doing it for a while now.

Just for the record, this post only focuses on the practical side of a wife at home; the spiritual is a story onto itself, along with the husband’s obligation to provide for his family. My husband always says there is no true financial blessing when husbands rely on their wives to provide.


I’m probably not the most frugal-savvy person there is, though. I know many people who have been living on one small income for quite a few years and have raised/are raising large families this way. I’m not an expert on budgeting, coupon-clipping, and discount-hunting, but if there’s one thing I can tell, it’s this: living on one income (and one far from large!) is definitely possible.


The greater part of it is in the mindset. Letting go of what I call “the entitlement syndrome” will almost immediately lead most people to think of whole lists of things they have previously regarded as necessities or legitimate needs, yet, in fact, it’s entirely possible to do without them. There are so many ways to cut down costs in the usage of electricity, water and gas, grocery shopping, entertainment, and many other things; time and space currently don’t permit me to dig into them. I’ll just share one main principle – enjoy what’s free; think twice before spending.


Another important thing I would like to mention is the importance of being debt-free from the beginning. My husband and I were blessed to start out that way. Of course, it’s more difficult (though not impossible) to manage on a small income if you also have debt to pay.


The notion that women can’t afford to stay home because that second income is so badly needed is a false one. It’s a myth perpetuated by those who are interested in pushing women out to the work force – where they more likely will benefit someone else than their immediate family. The fact is, there are many people living on one income. Take for example single mothers (whose rampantly increasing number is a direct outcome of feminism). While fathers are legally obligated to pay child support, the fact is that many single mothers get none and support their children themselves. No one tells them they “can’t” do it. But in a family where the wife is healthy and hard-working (and therefore able to do beneficial work for her family in her home), they are told they “can’t afford” for the wife to stay at home.


The notion is that the wife’s working outside the home will automatically double the family income. This idea is in most cases a false one. To start with, women generally earn much less than men. Not because of so-called “gender discrimination,” but because women naturally choose the less lucrative fields and invest less vigorously in their careers. In most families, the husband is the one who produces the lion’s share of the income anyway. I know many families where the wife’s paycheck is viewed as pocket money and is spent on luxuries and “extras” – most of them meant for her personal use alone.


Of course, in many more families the wife’s income is only directed towards what is considered necessary. I had one woman tell me the surplus of her salary, gas costs deduced, is only enough to pay for daycare for her two-year-old. For this family, daycare for a two-year-old was believed to be an unquestionable necessity; not for a moment did they stop to consider the possibility of just keeping their boy at home. Why is that? Because we were led to believe that “properly trained” people are better at caring for toddlers than us, their own parents. In Israel, especially, it’s very unacceptable for children over a year old to still be at home. It always boggles my mind to think how many families with two children under three (in religious families, this is nearly a status quo for many years) could afford for the wife to be home if only they considered keeping their children at home as well. I’m not even talking about full-fledged homeschooling, just the delay of shepherding the children off to institutions from very young age.


Naturally, daycare and gas costs are a no-brainer when we try to calculate what is actually left of a wife’s salary at the end of the month. By the way, I’m by now thoroughly familiar with the feminist argument that said costs should not be deducted from the wife’s salary, but rather, from the combined family income. Such theoretical calculations are utterly useless if what we want to know is how much the family will gain or lose by sending the wife out to work.


There are, of course, many things a wife at home can do directly or indirectly in order to cut costs. An example of a direct way to save is having more time to plan menus and shopping trips and to cook from scratch and in bulk. An indirect way of saving is providing a joyful, pleasant place to be in by investing many hours into home keeping – thus making the home more attractive for the family. A family who loves being home is less likely to dash out at the first opportunity. Being out and about usually means spending more money, on gas, eating out, and different temptations that always present themselves on such outings.


I’m not saying a family will never lose out financially if the wife doesn’t go out to work. For sure, for many having a wife at home means giving up on certain material benefits (even if those aren’t nearly as large as the world would have us believe). Yet it is possible to make it on one income once you decide that a wife and mother at home is a more important asset than the paycheck she can potentially bring in.






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2 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

Lori's guest blogger today is Anna T on the subject of living on one income. Anna T has made a lot of dumb postings in the past on living on income. I think she was the blogger that claimed that if women stayed home there would be more jobs for men.  Anna T and Lori will never get that some families can't make on one income without constant worrying.

I thought it was written by Lori, because it almost sounds like her. Bla bla feminism is evil. 



To start with, women generally earn much less than men. Not because of so-called “gender discrimination,” but because women naturally choose the less lucrative fields and invest less vigorously in their careers. 

This really made me angry. So-called gender discrimination? Please just stop. 

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I know many families where the wife’s paycheck is viewed as pocket money and is spent on luxuries and “extras” – most of them meant for her personal use alone.

Funny that, because in all my years I've never known a single family  like this. Not a one.  Wonder what circles she runs in that so "many" women have the funds to devote their entire paycheck to luxuries meant for them alone.  

Of course if could be that she pulled that completely out of her ass.  Either that or she's a gossip like her friend Lori.

Wait- didn't Anna T have a job at one point??  Am I remembering that incorrectly?

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47 minutes ago, Koala said:

Funny that, because in all my years I've never known a single family  like this. Not a one.  Wonder what circles she runs in that so "many" women have the funds to devote their entire paycheck to luxuries meant for them alone.  

Of course if could be that she pulled that completely out of her ass.  Either that or she's a gossip like her friend Lori.

Wait- didn't Anna T have a job at one point??  Am I remembering that incorrectly?

I think she was the blogger who went to work for awhile during a period when the husband was unemployed. It's been awhile since I've read Anna T's blog. 

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Lots of comments now as Lori's acolytes try to out-do one another describing how easy it is to live on one income.  The levels of smug self-righteousness are dangerously high, read at your own risk. :my_sick: 


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Oh, Lori. Bless your pea pickin' heart. You're not familiar with Dorothy Parker, are you?



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5 hours ago, Koala said:

Funny that, because in all my years I've never known a single family  like this. Not a one.  Wonder what circles she runs in that so "many" women have the funds to devote their entire paycheck to luxuries meant for them alone.  

Of course if could be that she pulled that completely out of her ass.  Either that or she's a gossip like her friend Lori.

Wait- didn't Anna T have a job at one point??  Am I remembering that incorrectly?

Well, I guess all of my paltry paychecks minus the cost of groceries goes to "luxuries" meant for me alone. Because all I pay for out of my earnings are groceries and my own stuff. 

Of course, by "luxuries", I mean medication, tampons, shampoo, deodorant...I think you all get the picture. 


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3 hours ago, Emilycharlotte said:

Lots of comments now as Lori's acolytes try to out-do one another describing how easy it is to live on one income.  The levels of smug self-righteousness are dangerously high, read at your own risk. :my_sick: 


I noticed this one on FB and I wonder how many corners this woman's family is cutting.


Praying for your needs and trusting the Lord to provide covers a lot! Our income has been under $20,000 per year for about 20 of our 27 years of marriage. There are 10 of us now. God has provided well. My husband has worked hard away from home and the rest of us have worked at home. Many years we raised a lot of our own food and ate better than most Kings.

The other comments on FB are indeed self-rightous. While many of these families are doing ok living on one income, I hope they have backup plans in case something happens to the breadwinner.

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Yes, you're right.  And I sincerely hope that woman and her family don't go without medical care or decent food in order to make the one-income thing work.  That's one of the dangers of Lori's "message."  And the gall it takes for someone who has never experienced financial insecurity or had to do without (second-hand Mercedes and reupholstering instead of buying new don't qualify) to try to make women whose families are truly struggling feel guilty and like they are terrible Christians if they get a job...I can't wrap my head around it. 


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