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Maxwells 59: On the Road Again

Coconut Flan

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@treemomI am so sorry that you had to deal with that.   Agree that it's long past time for folks to move on.  Valid feedback is one thing, harassment and trolling especially years later is quite another. 

4 hours ago, treemom said:

 Mostly I’m happy I was wrong about the Maxwell children at the end of the day.

I am glad I was wrong as well.  For long time, I didn't have high hopes for the Maxwell daughters in particular.

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@treemom FWIW I recall at the the time thinking that it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. I may see it differently now but we all grow and change, even as adults. And even if none of the rest of the family did, Steve deserved it, and I don't think that machines have feelings so I don't think the bus was actually hurt.

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9 hours ago, anachronistic said:

@treemom FWIW I recall at the the time thinking that it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. I may see it differently now but we all grow and change, even as adults. And even if none of the rest of the family did, Steve deserved it, and I don't think that machines have feelings so I don't think the bus was actually hurt.

I’m sure it was the most fun Uriah ever had. 

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On 2/6/2024 at 9:09 PM, Milly-Molly-Mandy said:

I was here for all of that. Never got the drama about the humping of Uriah but it was QUITE the scandal. Sorry but it made me laugh when they did it. 

I was here too and never got it either. They were very proud of their behavior. There was to be a third person but in the end she couldn't make it.

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Why wI prefer our community to fundies, and I think that are morals are overall better, in a nutshell:

FJites: I did something /believed in my past that I would not do / believe today and I regret it and the harm it caused.

Fundies: I have no idea what you're talking about, no woman ever wears pants or goes to college in our family and if they did it would be totally biblical and I've never spoken against it ever anyway.

It takes a lot more courage to admit that you were wrong it does to pretend that it never happened..


Edited by anachronistic
FJites. Not frites or Fritos, sheesh.
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11 hours ago, NurseNell said:

I was here too and never got it either. They were very proud of their behavior. There was to be a third person but in the end she couldn't make it.

My initial response was harsher than it should have been.  But let me say this, you are remembering incorrectly.  And one of the ways this affected my real life is that people both with good and bad intentions conflated multiple events.  Only one of which I was there for.  People with bad intents added factually incorrect details.  All of that, the intentionally shitty and the misremembering had been very impactful in a shitty way in my life.


I truly regret it both for selfish reasons and also for reasons related to growing and changing.

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On 2/8/2024 at 3:00 PM, anachronistic said:

I may see it differently now but we all grow and change, even as adults.

All of us, except Steve Maxwell! Can you imagine never ever changing your views, your personality, your outlook on life over DECADES? I’m not the same person I was 10 or 20 years ago, yet Steve doesn’t seem to have changed at all (at least judging from his Seriously Dad articles….).

EDIT: And with this post, my rank changed to “Bought my house in cash”! 😁 I wish… 

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Chiefs win the Super Bowl.  Suck it Steve and MAGA!

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On 2/11/2024 at 1:27 PM, GreenBeans said:

All of us, except Steve Maxwell! Can you imagine never ever changing your views, your personality, your outlook on life over DECADES? I’m not the same person I was 10 or 20 years ago, yet Steve doesn’t seem to have changed at all (at least judging from his Seriously Dad articles….).


If anything he seems to have doubled down on his beliefs. 

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12 hours ago, SPHASH said:

Chiefs win the Super Bowl.  Suck it Steve and MAGA!

That was a good game.  But it gave me anxiety!  YAY CHIEFS!

I never cared for football.  I was surrounded by football fanatics, but I would rather do other things than watch a football game.  The kids played sports and I went with the flow because it's something they liked.  I got caught up in Kelce mania and Taylor Swift though.  Even started paying attention to some of her songs.  I actually like some of them.  The Kelce brothers podcast is great.  The brothers are so funny.  Their families seem down to earth too.  Anyway, Steve Maxwell did pop into my head yesterday.  There is absolutely nothing sinful about watching or playing football.  People coming together to eat and enjoy the festivities of the day.  That's a nice thing.  Also, football  players are given a gift.  Being athletically inclined to the point of playing professionally is no different from being artistically or musically inclined.  As they said in A Bronx Tale, the saddest thing in life is wasted talent.  These football players are very charitable too.  Their charities have changed many lives.  That's a good thing.  It's really sad that Steve has criticized sports to the point that his children couldn't enjoy watching or playing sports if they had the talent for it.  Then the cycle is repeated with the next generation of Maxwell children.  Although the female Maxwells have already seen that there is nothing wrong with organized sports because two watched in school and one married the son of a football coach.  I don't know.  I just think it is really sad that he did that to his children.  

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On 2/1/2024 at 8:57 AM, JermajestyDuggar said:
On 2/1/2024 at 8:50 AM, HereticHick said:

Did Mary make the ABC President's List before? I'm concerned that she's dropped out to become a full-time pastor's wife.

I think it’s a real possibility. 

She got her Mrs. degree. She may be doing distance learning now or she may be trying to make babies.

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I've wondered how Stevehovah would react if any of his children were either childless by choice and because of infertility.  At this point this applies only to the Maxwell daughters, but I do wonder.

Is childless by choice a sin?  Would Stevehovah rant and rave about the "sinner"?  Does he believe infertility is God's punishment for secret sins?  What if it was a husband's infertility?  Would Stevehovah declare the marriage was null and void and urge the daughter to divorce because of it?

How would he react if a daughter was single by choice? Refused to be courted/ married even though there were prospects?

We know that Steve believes (The Reversal TM) in forcing women (Terified) to have children they can't handle and don't want. What if his daughters saw what happened to their mother and vowed it wouldn't happen to them?


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On 2/13/2024 at 9:12 AM, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

We know that Steve believes (The Reversal TM) in forcing women (Terified) to have children they can't handle and don't want. What if his daughters saw what happened to their mother and vowed it wouldn't happen to them?

Yeah … I’ve wondered if Sarah, as time went by, observed Anna Ofchris in her energetic reproduction and Chelsy with her life-threatening medical developments, and started quietly thinking. 

Of the 3 eldest, pre-vasectomy children, Sarah observed and was probably affected most by Teri’s depressive state and the changes to the family. One day she’s at a friend’s for a slumber party. The next, she’s not in school anymore and her bestfriends are her brothers and she’d better like it that way!  

Long story to the point, perhaps she got to the point where it was going to be quite enough to be a Mrs and not a mom. 

And Anna and Mary, while they seem to be much closer to each other than to Sarah, are not stupid people. They observed. They observed people in the real world and possibly perceived they all was not exactly as their daddy declared it to be. 

Anna strikes me as a go-getter who truly enjoys meeting people and Doing Things. Not real difficult to imagine her, enjoying some kind of church-related work and marrying in her late 30s or later, just for love and companionship.  Without the rabid desire to raise a football squad for her dad’s approval.  Especially now, with her ABC years. 

On 2/12/2024 at 5:45 AM, SPHASH said:

Chiefs win the Super Bowl.  Suck it Steve and MAGA!

Wait - what? Are the 49’ers/ San Francisco now MAGAts? 

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Sarah was definitely parentified when Mary was born. Teri writes about it in the old Mom's Corners when Mary was born.

Given Teri's ongoing depression and inability to cope with all the children, I'm positive Sarah was SisterMom from the first post-reversal child onward.

I know a number of former SisterMoms (and BroDads) who decided not to have children because they had already raised a large household of younger siblings. They are all very open about their parentification as the reason they are child-free.

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5 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Sarah was definitely parentified when Mary was born. Teri writes about it in the old Mom's Corners when Mary was born.

Given Teri's ongoing depression and inability to cope with all the children, I'm positive Sarah was SisterMom from the first post-reversal child onward.

I know a number of former SisterMoms (and BroDads) who decided not to have children because they had already raised a large household of younger siblings. They are all very open about their parentification as the reason they are child-free.

Yep, my SIL as an example. The family had 7 kids in 10 years, the first 5 within in 4.5 years. She was the only girl for 7 years (5 boys and 2 girls total). She never had kids (married an older man who had grown children). 

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3 hours ago, SassyPants said:

Yep, my SIL as an example. The family had 7 kids in 10 years, the first 5 within in 4.5 years. She was the only girl for 7 years (5 boys and 2 girls total). She never had kids (married an older man who had grown children). 

Except for the downside of getting no grands, wouldn't it be great to be 20 and be done raising kids!

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39 minutes ago, Cults-r-us said:

Except for the downside of getting no grands, wouldn't it be great to be 20 and be done raising kids!

Funny thing this, my SIL is now in her late 60s and has the life of a teenager. I don’t know how her 80+ YO husband keeps up. She is living the life she was never allowed to have growing up.

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23 hours ago, MamaJunebug said:

Wait - what? Are the 49’ers/ San Francisco now MAGAts? 

There was the weird conspiracy theory that the Super Bowl was rigged so that the Chiefs were going to win and then Taylor Swift was going to publically endorse Biden, or something. Very strange.

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2 hours ago, TheGleeTeam said:

There was the weird conspiracy theory that the Super Bowl was rigged so that the Chiefs were going to win and then Taylor Swift was going to publically endorse Biden, or something. Very strange.

That’s nuts. I think a few trump supporters would believe this. 

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On 2/1/2024 at 1:44 AM, hoipolloi said:

I hope people at their talks ask them about Sarah's & Marys weddings, and Mary's and Annaʻs college careers. 

On the last thread someone posted a video of them performing as a family. The music was not my taste but they seemed very competent.  And then the singing - oh my! 🤣🤣🤭

But if people who follow them know them as *that* family in long dresses doing wholesome talks and making music as a family, how can they not ask questions about the dramatic changes?!

I guess they are still wholesome as they haven't turned out like some of the Duggers, but good grief, they didn't work out like Steve planned.

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17 hours ago, ClareDeLune said:

But if people who follow them know them as *that* family in long dresses doing wholesome talks and making music as a family, how can they not ask questions about the dramatic changes?!

Yes, I find it hard to believe that they'll make it through a whole weekend without someone mentioning pants on daughters, college, apartment dwelling, and online dating. I wonder if they'll make the whole weekend about Chris and NR-Anna and all the ways they're Doing It Right. Maybe a soft launch for the Christopher Maxwell dog and pony show? Of all the brothers, Chris seems least gainfully employed (and he has the most kids.) He doesn't seem to have the tech and business savvy his brothers do, but he knows how to do the dog and pony show because he was there when it was built. Plus his wife writes well and seems to be successful at living life The Maxwell Way, and the kids would do whatever they were told without question (and there's lots of hands to load and unload for conferences.) Of all of the kids, Chris seems the most likely to try to carry on Dad's brand without making big changes. Which could also be his undoing, as homeschool families have largely moved on from frumpers, workbooks, and sticky-note schedule charts on the fridge. 

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On 2/13/2024 at 7:12 AM, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I've wondered how Stevehovah would react if any of his children were either childless by choice and because of infertility.  At this point this applies only to the Maxwell daughters, but I do wonder.

Every time I ride the ISB to Maxhell I wonder if perhaps the reason Kory had never (we assume) married was that he knew or believed he was infertile, because of measles or some congenital or other early childhood disease, and that was a deal breaker for every fundie maiden before Sarah.

And then I remind myself that it's none of my effing business and keep scrolling.

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8 hours ago, Black Aliss said:

Every time I ride the ISB to Maxhell I wonder if perhaps the reason Kory had never (we assume) married was that he knew or believed he was infertile, because of measles or some congenital or other early childhood disease, and that was a deal breaker for every fundie maiden before Sarah.

And then I remind myself that it's none of my effing business and keep scrolling.

Football injury could maybe render a man permanently infertile, if that one Karen Kingsbury book I read is to be believed. 

But yeah, their business, not ours. Sarah looks happier than ever in the pics we've seen recently, and while I don't know Kory's appearance over a decade and a half like I do Sarah's, he looks relaxed and happy in pics, so their life together seems to be working!

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On 2/24/2024 at 8:03 PM, Bethy said:

Sarah looks happier than ever in the pics we've seen recently,

I’ve always had a special hope for Sarah and would love to know where we see recent photos. I know of her IG photography business page. Any other leads? I promise, no p**-touching! 

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4 hours ago, MamaJunebug said:

I’ve always had a special hope for Sarah and would love to know where we see recent photos. I know of her IG photography business page. Any other leads? I promise, no p**-touching! 

Just the public FB profile photos, and whatever Chelsy puts on her blog. 

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