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Lori Alexander 10: Fickle Brained Woman (and she would know)

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19 minutes ago, Koala said:

Did she go back and add that?  It wasn't there at first.

I don't know. I subscribe to her blog, and it was there in the daily email I received. However, I always get the email a couple hours after she posts, and I suppose it is possible that the subscription pulls from whatever is there at the time and not what was originally published.

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Glad you said that.  I thought I was going crazy.  

It's kind weird.  Her Facebook & Instagram have all gone silent, and all of her recent posts have had an odd tone.

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I wonder if sick again, but if true the sad part is despite health they still feel compelled to post...like the world will truly end if they don't. 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I wonder if sick again, but if true the sad part is despite health they still feel compelled to post...like the world will truly end if they don't. 

I wondered that too about her being sick again.

When she was in the hospital last time (that we are aware of) having surgery her posts continued!  I couldn't believe she thought the world couldn't do without her posts while she recovered.

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Maybe she's just away visiting one of the new grandbabies and doesn't have time to write her usual drivel. So Ken's stepping in with his own brand of her drivel. :my_dodgy:

Of course, that would mean Ken's home alone. If that's the case, I bet he's not eating any nourishing salads. I can just see Lori when she gets home: :angry-tappingfoot:

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Yeah, the show goes on, no matter how sick Lori gets.  When she was in the ICU, Ken was posting and conversing with her readers like clockwork.  Soup woes, ya know. Not to mention all of the doctors needing his advice on which meds to give The Godly Mentor.  T'was a trying time for Kenny.  Damn soup spilled...women's work...


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Whoever wrote that is full of shit, as usual. 



Marriage takes a lot of work, but even more so, a godly wife must set aside her natural inclination to get her needs met and instead go about meeting the needs and desires of others, especially her husband and children. This is the hardest thing for the newly wed wife to learn that she has given up self and take on a life of sacrificial love, just like her Savior did many years ago. Is this not the calling on all Christians' lives to empty ourselves of self and be filled back up with the servant life of Jesus? This is difficult, but after all, nothing that is rewarding in life comes without hard work and sacrifice.

Wut? There are such things as happy marriages in which everybody's needs get met... They make life sound so damn unappealing. And shouldn't the godly husband make sure his wife gets what she needs and does not need to work herself into a thankless grave? 

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1 hour ago, AmazonGrace said:

This is the hardest thing for the newly wed wife to learn that she has given up self and take on a life of sacrificial love

I just love how well this goes with your Grumpy Cat's NO.

Because that's how I felt when I read it. NO. Just NO.

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No comments on yesterday's post, and no post so far today. Things are definitely awry in Lori-Land.

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She's back, and more hypocritical than evah!


Did you know it is human nature for women to be lazy and go from house to house? 

Indeed I did.  I once heard of a woman so desperate not to work that she sabotaged her birth control.  Once home, she hired a nanny and someone to clean the house.  Then to secure her tranquility, she demanded that her children spend their afternoons locked in their rooms.  She justified this by telling herself that Jesus loves quiet.  Crazy, huh?

She also criticized women for working outside the home, while simultaneously bitching about how lazy they are as a whole.


When the women left their homes, they could only go to their neighbor’s home. There they would gossip about others and tear their reputations apart. Now, with the advent of cars, Facebook, and twitter, it’s easy to leave our homes and spend it either pursuing careers, the malls, or wasting our time on the Internet.

Yeah, the web is a real time waster.  I've heard of people having as many as 3 Facebook accounts, 2 Instagram accounts, Twitter, Pinterest, a blog, and STILL finding time to go to other women's houses blogs to tell them they're doing it wrong.

What kind of person spends that much time online, amiright??

I'll give you an example or two of the kind of damage a person like that can do. (Just to back up Lori's assertions).  The following is a post by a woman who loves nothing more than to carry tales that elevate her and tear others apart:


Can you imagine how this woman must have felt when she read the blogger's account of their conversation?  Surely the blogger did nothing to draw her closer to Christ...

The same blogger once wrote another gossiping, backbiting post and actually included pictures of the people she was gossiping about!  Insanity!

No, Lori's right this time.  The internet can be a real time waster.


You don’t need to be busy with all kinds of activities that keep you away from the home. 

This is so true!  Who has time to volunteer at a soup kitchen when a woman's real place is on her reupholstered sofa, monitoring the delete button in the home.


Limit your time on the Internet. 

If you struggle with limiting your time on the Internet, The Godly Mentor would probably be happy to give you tips.  She's on the net all day...feel free to ask. :roll:


Women are good at being critical and judgmental of others. 

The God of the Universe has sent The Godly Mentor to tell us how not to be that person.  And then Jesus laughed, and laughed, and laughed. 

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Lori isn't gossiping about others. She's teaching younger women. Since as a Godly older woman God told her, specifically and personally, to mentor these young women who Are. Doing. It. Wrong.  And since the interwebz are her classrooms she's all there all day, every day.  

She isn't wasting time, she's doing God's work.

And when she posts photos of/ calls out real people -- woman sewing thong bathing suits, Alyssa not being a mother, son's class mates dressing slutty, neighbor with unclean house, loud talking woman who is acting like a prostitute for talking loud  -- she isn't tearing their reputations apart.  Oh no ....  she's merely pointing out their "sins" and how wrong they are for not following Lori's God's rules.

She has no choice but to do these things, because she is the Older. Godly. Mentor.  Called by God to mentor all these Sinful. Younger. Women -- who are lazy, prone to gossip and addicted to the internet.

You know, I've always wondered who was Lori's Older Godly Mentor.  Or is she so special that she didn't need one?

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6 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I've always wondered who was Lori's Older Godly Mentor.  Or is she so special that she didn't need one?

Debbi Pearl (which should tell you everything you need to know).

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Is it me or is Lori getting worse with the women bashing?  I seriously did not think she could sink any lower.

I couldn't resist, so I posted on her blog. It won't get published, so here it is for your enjoyment:

You're kidding, right?  No, I see. You mean the blogger who gossiped about her friend's daughter making thong bathing suits? Or do you mean the time she gossiped about her friend's dirty house or the time she gossiped about her son's friends prom dresses and posted pictures?

Thanks for warning us about gossiping, lazy women because I have not experienced this with the lazy women I volunteer with at the homeless shelter or the ones I work with while helping the Salvation Army with the beginning of Christmas preparations.

Thanks for your daily encouragement and for building up your sisters in Christ.


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I learned to be content at home many years ago because of my health. God uses our trials and suffering for good.

Like when your vegetable soup has no potatoes. She was very content with that potato-less soup, and God used her suffering for great goo ... Oh, wait.

No, she bitched and moaned and passive-aggressived all over the place until she got her damned potato soup.

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3 hours ago, molecule said:

Today was one of those days when I found myself wondering if Lori read what she wrote.

Well, the All-Knowing Woman of the Bible can write, so she must be able to read.  (Except for what she writes herself!!)

Wouldn't I love to be stuck in an elevator with her for an hour!!  One of us would be breathless, and I guarantee it wouldn't be me.

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I also sent this to Lori and suggested she learn what it means to be a true encouragement to women instead of spouting her cruel drivel.  She has said she believes Beth Moore is a Godly woman who loves the Lord.  So here you go Lori. Pay attention to someone with class and learn how to be a blessing.



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It's like she has completely divorced herself from reality.  Her posts would only make sense if she was using her example as a cautionary tale.  She IS the woman she tells everyone not to be.


What is your speech like in front of your children? I hear mothers that call themselves “Christians” swear at their children and have no problem with using foul language. Their speech is not seasoned with salt but with rottenness. This should never be mothers! Your words should always be filled with kindness, encouragement, and never critical or demeaning others.

On point one, I agree with her.  There is no excuse for any mother (Christian or otherwise) to swear at their children.  How she lumps swearing in general into that same category I can't imagine, but this is Lori, so....  

That said, it amazes me that Lori takes a firm stand on swearing at your children, but has no problem with a mother who has caned her daughter, tossed her in an ice cold bath, and said she worried that she had broken the child's arm.  For her, Lori's only advice was "if you hit hard enough, it will work".  Total cognitive dissonance.


Are you careful to use your time wisely or do you spend it in frivolous pursuits? We should be known for good works; helping those around us in need and especially our families. 

I suppose gossiping on the net is only a "frivolous pursuit" when someone else is doing it.  When Lori's doing it, you slap a Bible verse on it and call it a "ministry". 


but remember you are to believe the best, even of your children. Smother them with affection and kindness. It is the best gift you can give them.

Right.  Believe the best of them unless they're 5 lbs. overweight and you are criticizing them into an eating disorder.

Smother them with affection and kindness unless they are 3 weeks old and crying for comfort/food, but you decide your sleep is more important.


How about your purity? Are you careful what you read, watch, and listen to? If you tell your children they can only watch “proper” shows but you watch impure shows after they are you in bed, your hypocrisy will find you out.

Solution?  Don't be a hypocrite!  Let them watch your soap operas with you, right Lori?


When I was a young mother, I would watch several soap operas. 


When Alyssa, my oldest, was five years old and no longer took naps, she began watching them with me. 

You'll be happy to know that at some point Lori decided that letting a 5 year old watch soaps was a shitty mom move.


Pray they will yearn to be modest in the way they dress 

If your prayers are in vain, you can always do what The Godly Mentor does:

"Like" the pictures where your own adult daughter in dressed immodestly.  Blog about how immodestly your kids' friends dress.  Include a picture (revealing their identities) so everyone will know exactly who you are shaming.  Bonus points if you blog about your friends' children.  After all, it's what the God of the Universe commanded you to do!  (Remember to slink back and block out their faces after someone tells you how shitty your behavior is!)

She never ceases to amaze...


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For the FJ-ers here who have followed Lori longer than I  -- what's the timeline on her getting sick?  

She's mentioned she was continuously very sick for 10 years ( maybe more)  So I wonder how old her children were when she became ill,

As ill as she describes herself, I cannot imagine she was actively raising her 4 kids, homeschooling them every day, keeping the house neat and tidy,, and making nutritious and yummy meals nightly ( 2 words I never want to see again, but I digress).

And all of this by herself as Ken was travelling extensively for work and/or out 5 nights a week with basketball.

Just going by what she's written and the glimpses into the timing of her life it seems that her illness coincided with the major portions of her kids lives, from at least tween to early college.

So 2 things come to mind -- 1)  either she had an awful lot of continuous help for *years*, or 2)  she wasn't as ill as she says and was able to do all the things she says she did.


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14 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I also sent this to Lori and suggested she learn what it means to be a true encouragement to women instead of spouting her cruel drivel.  She has said she believes Beth Moore is a Godly woman who loves the Lord.  So here you go Lori. Pay attention to someone with class and learn how to be a blessing.



Humility, the ability to admit you said or did the wrong thing, and a sense of humor----if Lori has these qualities, they don't come through in her writing.

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Hmmmmm ...... 20 years of pain and illness -- that covers most of her children's growing up.

She had to have had full time nannies and housekeepers during that time in order to cope.  So while a SAHM in the technical sense (because she was home ill), she wasn't a SAHM in the way she exhorts/ orders other women to be.

OK -- Lori -- just own that.  Own that you would have liked to be a true SAHM . but your illness made that diffiicult/ impossible.   Mention the things you did manage to do. Encourage other women to do what they can

Have empathy for other women who are going through similar situations and feel torn by what they wish they could do and what circumstances allow them to do.  Discuss frankly how you dealt with the nagging bit of guilt that you weren't living up to your SAHM role.

This is how you could be an effective mentor -- the one you feel called to be.

Oh...but never mind......    It's way more satisfying to slut shame for immodesty, and call out women for not living up to your rigid standards.  You know -- the standards you couldn't live up to 

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Lori writes;


"I still have to be very careful with my neck.  I can't lift heavy things or I suffer, but overall I am so much better that I have been in many years.  In fact, my children didn't even know my true personality until I got better.  They didn't know I was a happy, talkative person like I am today!  All they knew was a mother in a lot of pain...But God is so good.  He has definitely restored the years that the locusts have eaten."

If the Lori we see today is a happy, talkative person, I sure don't want to think about what she was like back then!


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22 minutes ago, kpmom said:

Lori writes;


"I still have to be very careful with my neck.  I can't lift heavy things or I suffer, but overall I am so much better that I have been in many years.  In fact, my children didn't even know my true personality until I got better.  They didn't know I was a happy, talkative person like I am today!  All they knew was a mother in a lot of pain...But God is so good.  He has definitely restored the years that the locusts have eaten."

If the Lori we see today is a happy, talkative person, I sure don't want to think about what she was like back then!



"Black and white, unemotional" -- that doesn't sound quite like "happy" to me. 

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