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Josie had seizure for 15 mins before EMT arrive- People Mag


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For most people telling them where they could stick their cameras and making them leave would have been an automatic response. However, these kids have spent their entire lives with a camera in their most private lives. Jana was so concerned with making sure Josie was alright I highly doubt she even thought about the cameras.

Agreed. I was, however, surprised to see Jana doing talking heads after the fact. I wonder if she was contractually obliged (or her parents compelled her to in some way), or if she really believes it's 'for the cause'. I just don't get a pimp-my-daughter's-sister's-health-emergency vibe from her like I do from her parents.

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I'm pretty amazed everyone is upset at M referring to Josies seizure as a 'glitch', seeing as when *I* had a seizure at the age of 24 that's exactly how the doctors referred to it to me. As a brain glitch.

That still doesn't make it right to say to anyone ever.

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Raise your hand if you didn't watch the episode?

Yeah, I watched it, too.

I didn't

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Jana really needs a vacation or something. She was so scared, but she handled it well, and she has to do so much work raising all of those kids for her neglectful parents anyway :(

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Jana really needs a vacation or something. She was so scared, but she handled it well, and she has to do so much work raising all of those kids for her neglectful parents anyway :(

Yes! A vacation that doesn't involve Journey to the Heart, or taking care of her brother's children!

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Yes! A vacation that doesn't involve Journey to the Heart, or taking care of her brother's children!

Of course :) No children involved, and no brainwashing either.

Maybe sitting by the beach somewhere nice and hot? Or going to a spa? Or even just going to a place she has never been before, staying in a hotel and spending time sightseeing and going out to nice restaurants? Anything as long as it is something she would enjoy, and somewhere that she can relax for a bit.

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So the Duggars can use people with real training and degrees but can't do the same for their kids. That's what gets to me. I'm glad Josie is okay but how come JimChelle is never with her or around when shit like this goes done. I read they were with Gothard or Huckabee at some event. They didn't have no damn appointment in Chicago

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There is more than enough blame to go around in this situation. Clearly, based on the clips we saw, the only sensible people in this situation are Jana and Gma for taking care of the kid(s).

The doctors shouldn't have let them film in the room.

The family should have stepped up and stopped filming.

The production company shouldn't have aired it.

The director should have killed the cameras.

TLC should not have made it in to an "event" and promoted it.

People Magazine shouldn't have highlighted it.

NONE of this should have made the air.

Someone needs to give Jana a bottle of wine and a massage.

When they covered Truely having her kidney issues on Sister Wives, they managed to do it much better. They had hospital shots and commentary but you never felt like anyone was being violated. Kody even stopped being douchy for a few hours and stepped up and was a proper parent. Why couldn't they have done that on the Duggars?

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I was glad to see that she seems to be okay and was released from the hospital to go home to family.

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Didn't watch the episode, but just saw the clip. They did not need to broadcast that. But I'm not surprised that they did. Not the first time they've exploited one of their kids for ratings (see: Justin or whichever falling into the orchestra pit). Not even the first time they've exploited Josie for ratings (see: her entire life.)

Anyway, the hypocrisy that bugs me the most with this is that JB and Michelle were probably in Chicago to speak somewhere, as they always do, about protecting the precious and holy fetuses. Meanwhile, they're own numerous living children were needing their parents at home.

ETA: James agains proves that he is one of the smarter howler monkeys.

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I'm hung up on where JB&M might have been while this was going on. We don't have a lot of clues, and I refuse to watch the footage, so I have even less to work with. TLC released the promo tape on Feb 11, and I have this idea that Josie's seizure would've been relatively fresh at the time. Thoughts? Any visual clues in the film about the timing, eg weather, Jill's bump, mention of some other event we can pinpoint. I'm really reaching and likely to go in the wrong direction. Also, it doesn't really matter, I guess, where they were. But, like I said, I'm hung up on it. 8-)

JB&M had a pro-life forced birth event in Alaska on February 7, and there are flights through Chicago. That's all I've got. Don't worry, I'll lose interest in a little while. :lol:

https://www.facebook.com/duggarfamilyof ... 3137001006



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Wow, look at all those supremely punchable faces.

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Glitches?!!?!? SHE IS A HUMAN NOT A ROBOT :pull-hair: :angry-banghead: :wtf:

maybe she's a cyborg!

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I'm hung up on where JB&M might have been while this was going on. We don't have a lot of clues, and I refuse to watch the footage, so I have even less to work with. TLC released the promo tape on Feb 11, and I have this idea that Josie's seizure would've been relatively fresh at the time. Thoughts? Any visual clues in the film about the timing, eg weather, Jill's bump, mention of some other event we can pinpoint. I'm really reaching and likely to go in the wrong direction. Also, it doesn't really matter, I guess, where they were. But, like I said, I'm hung up on it. 8-)

JB&M had a pro-life forced birth event in Alaska on February 7, and there are flights through Chicago. That's all I've got. Don't worry, I'll lose interest in a little while. :lol:

https://www.facebook.com/duggarfamilyof ... 3137001006



OMG I so want to figure this out. What was their so-called "appointment"?

Halcionne, I'm in if you are. We need a plan.

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OMG I so want to figure this out. What was their so-called "appointment"?

Halcionne, I'm in if you are. We need a plan.

LOL I'm grasping at straws. Usually when the Duggars say "Chicago" I hear "Fundie HQ," so that's something to look into, I guess. I don't know how forthright they are about their sooper seekrit club meetings, but my hunch is, not very.

According to Duggar Family Official fb, Duggars traveled to DC in January for the annual prolife hullabaloo and El Salvador in December. But we know those trips had more Duggars than just JB&M on them.

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LOL I'm grasping at straws. Usually when the Duggars say "Chicago" I hear "Fundie HQ," so that's something to look into, I guess. I don't know how forthright they are about their sooper seekrit club meetings, but my hunch is, not very.

According to Duggar Family Official fb, Duggars traveled to DC in January for the annual prolife hullabaloo and El Salvador in December. But we know those trips had more Duggars than just JB&M on them.

It's a start. I'll be brainstorming.

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There is more than enough blame to go around in this situation. Clearly, based on the clips we saw, the only sensible people in this situation are Jana and Gma for taking care of the kid(s).

The doctors shouldn't have let them film in the room.

The family should have stepped up and stopped filming.

The production company shouldn't have aired it.

The director should have killed the cameras.

TLC should not have made it in to an "event" and promoted it.

People Magazine shouldn't have highlighted it.

NONE of this should have made the air.

Someone needs to give Jana a bottle of wine and a massage.

When they covered Truely having her kidney issues on Sister Wives, they managed to do it much better. They had hospital shots and commentary but you never felt like anyone was being violated. Kody even stopped being douchy for a few hours and stepped up and was a proper parent. Why couldn't they have done that on the Duggars?

Yes! So many have failed this little girl, it's amazing. I have no idea why they aired some of the footage they did. The entire thing left a real bad taste in my mouth.

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Shoooot. Jana doesn't need a vacay. She just got a bedroom makeover. Every 25 year old dreams of sharing a dorm room with 6 younger sisters.

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Ufgh just the way that Michelle had to really justify "we had an appointment up there". She seemed awkward about it. If she'd said "we were in Chicago on business at the time" that would have appeared better.

Really sparks curiosity! Was this all pre or post-El Salvador? Originally I thought it happened during the trip to El Salvador, but all of the kids seem to be there except for the married ones.

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Could it possibly have been this one that they went to right around Izzie's birth?


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Could it possibly have been this one that they went to right around Izzie's birth?


No, because we know it happened before February 11.

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Could it possibly have been this one that they went to right around Izzie's birth?


TLC was advertising Josie's seizure well before Izzie was born

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OK. I had February in mind and then lost it and then Chicago confused me. Easy enough to do this week.

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