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Josie had seizure for 15 mins before EMT arrive- People Mag


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I just watched the video again. I think it may have been late summer or very early fall. Everyone is wearing short sleeves or a lightweight hoodie. Also when carrying her to the ambulance all the trees are full of very green leaves.

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That still doesn't make it right to say to anyone ever.

I have epilepsy and have done so since I was about 14.

When it first reared it's head, I was admitted to a hospital in Melbourne (Australia) for an EEG, and other testing to try and establish what triggered it.

At an appointment with the Head Neurologist at the Alfred Hospital, he told me my epilepsy was basically a glitch in my brain causing neurons to misfire, and associated it with a lightening storm in my brain. That was his basic explanation to an upset teen at the time.

While everyone is hyperventilating over Michelle's use of the word glitch, you may want to just calm your farm, unless of course you think you know more, or better than this well-respected Neurologist. Or think you have a right to be more upset than myself, and ScarletStarlet, who both had the word given to us by way of an explanation, and neither of whom have taken it to be demeaning or offensive.

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I have epilepsy and have done so since I was about 14.

When it first reared it's head, I was admitted to a hospital in Melbourne (Australia) for an EEG, and other testing to try and establish what triggered it.

At an appointment with the Head Neurologist at the Alfred Hospital, he told me my epilepsy was basically a glitch in my brain causing neurons to misfire, and associated it with a lightening storm in my brain. That was his basic explanation to an upset teen at the time.

While everyone is hyperventilating over Michelle's use of the word glitch, you may want to just calm your farm, unless of course you think you know more, or better than this well-respected Neurologist. Or think you have a right to be more upset than myself, and ScarletStarlet, who both had the word given to us by way of an explanation, and neither of whom have taken it to be demeaning or offensive.

It even feels like a glitch. Or some kind of weird time lapse? But like your brain glitched for a second.

What Michelle said is: "One of the little glitches for Josie is that if she runs a fever...."

One of the little glitches for Josie. Like it's a "glitch" in Josie's "journey" from being a micropreemie. That peeves me.

I'm sorry that you have epilepsy. It's scary when you have no control over your brain.

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I just watched the video again. I think it may have been late summer or very early fall. Everyone is wearing short sleeves or a lightweight hoodie. Also when carrying her to the ambulance all the trees are full of very green leaves.

Curiosity got the best of me and I watched it. You weren't kidding about the green foliage.


So it wasn't February. JB said Scott had been taping with some Duggarlings a few blocks (miles?) away. And Deanna was there. :think:

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Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue with "glitch" either. I mean, she could have said "issue" or "problem" but, it all amount to the same thing, doesn't it?

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It even feels like a glitch. Or some kind of weird time lapse? But like your brain glitched for a second.

What Michelle said is: "One of the little glitches for Josie is that if she runs a fever...."

One of the little glitches for Josie. Like it's a "glitch" in Josie's "journey" from being a micropreemie. That peeves me.

I have the full Tonic Clonic (formerly Grand Mal) seizures. You know, over onto the floor, convulsions, bite the tongue etc. That doesn't really feel like a glitch sometimes, more like a total reboot :lol:

My point was however, that to describe a seizure or epilepsy as a 'glitch' isn't uncommon, and certainly not meant offensively. Hell, I describe it that way to explain my epilepsy to people I meet. I just think there's too much pearl clutching going on about a word Michelle used, which may have been given to her by way of explanation by a doctor.

I'm sorry that you have epilepsy. It's scary when you have no control over your brain.

Thanks, but although it can be scary, but there are plenty of people worse off than me. There is also a lot of fear and misinformation around regarding epilepsy - I've had people speak slowly to me as they have assumed I am suffering from some intellectual disability as it goes hand in hand with epilepsy in their minds. That drives me nuts.

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Agreed. I was, however, surprised to see Jana doing talking heads after the fact. I wonder if she was contractually obliged (or her parents compelled her to in some way), or if she really believes it's 'for the cause'. I just don't get a pimp-my-daughter's-sister's-health-emergency vibe from her like I do from her parents.

I think the main reason Jana did her TH about Josie's seizure was to make sure there was an accurate account of what happened. As the main person who knew and cared she probably felt obligated since she knew it would be aired anyway.

Jessa's reaction almost gave me chills. She didn't look concerned, almost mildly amused, when she said her little bit about "they took her, put her in the ambulance and took her to the hospital". Almost like the obnoxious kid in school who sucks at acting but mommy will get mad if he doesn't get a part in the play. She really comes across as so cold and unfeeling!

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I have the full Tonic Clonic (formerly Grand Mal) seizures. You know, over onto the floor, convulsions, bite the tongue etc. That doesn't really feel like a glitch sometimes, more like a total reboot :lol:

My point was however, that to describe a seizure or epilepsy as a 'glitch' isn't uncommon, and certainly not meant offensively. Hell, I describe it that way to explain my epilepsy to people I meet. I just think there's too much pearl clutching going on about a word Michelle used, which may have been given to her by way of explanation by a doctor.

Thanks, but although it can be scary, but there are plenty of people worse off than me. There is also a lot of fear and misinformation around regarding epilepsy - I've had people speak slowly to me as they have assumed I am suffering from some intellectual disability as it goes hand in hand with epilepsy in their minds. That drives me nuts.

My daughter has epilepsy and is seizure free as long as she takes her medication. This is what she says, that there so many people worse off than she is. Her seizures can be controlled and this is not true for everyone.

The misinformation gets to her too. She was a competitive athlete in high school and college and at times she had to fight to be allowed to participate. I don't want to share the details but the nature of her sport made some coaches afraid for her safety if she had a seizure while practicing or participating. She had to educate them about epilepsy and what it means to have it but be seizure free.

This is part of the reason I am so upset with the exposure of Josie's private medical information to millions of people. If she does have epilepsy her road could be made harder because of the fear and misinformation around seizure disorders. It should be her decision about when, where, and with whom she shares her medical information.

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Thanks for clarifying that, DaffyDill.

I came at it with my own perspective bias...I have a potentially life-threatening congenital cardiac condition, and my family members sometimes refer to it by saying, "Oh, she just has a little heart thing", or "it's just a little heart thing, it's not a big deal." (Sure. Tell that to me at my next open!)

Because of my experience, that's what I heard when Michelle made her comment: just another family member downplaying something that is and will be a big deal to the person with the condition. I appreciate your explanation that it is often used by physicians, because I didn't know that.

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Can someone grab a screenshot of JB&M when they arrive home after the seizure? They were still pretty dressed up (in those ugly matching teal blue ensembles if I remember correctly) and maybe we can cross reference with Instagram.

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I'm going to guess that it was before Jessa's wedding. She looked pretty slim, and the fact that she was there at the house leads me to believe that it was maybe October or so. In November, Jessa was honeymooning, and in December the family was in El Salvador. Speculation speculation. That would also be before Josie's fifth birthday, wouldn't it?

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Hello, new to this forum but been reading for a while. IMO picking apart Michelle for using the word "glitch" is trivial. I would probably use this word as I've used over computer phrases to describe my mood and behavior. The correct phrase if it was a computer phrase though would have been "bug" or "buggy" not "glitch." I would bet she heard it from somewhere like a doctor as others have suggested.

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One thing I noticed was that Jana was very panicky-- too panicky, if you ask me, for someone with supposed EMT training. Of course, if my sister was seizing, I would panic too, but I never was a volunteer firefighter and doula and whatever else the Duggars say Jana does. Also, why was Jessa there, isn't she off and being married? Did she drop what she was doing to help? What was Amy's mom doing there too? Overall, I am glad that Josie is OK and I hope that she is getting the medical help that she needs!

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I think the main reason Jana did her TH about Josie's seizure was to make sure there was an accurate account of what happened. As the main person who knew and cared she probably felt obligated since she knew it would be aired anyway.

Jessa's reaction almost gave me chills. She didn't look concerned, almost mildly amused, when she said her little bit about "they took her, put her in the ambulance and took her to the hospital". Almost like the obnoxious kid in school who sucks at acting but mommy will get mad if he doesn't get a part in the play. She really comes across as so cold and unfeeling!

Yeah, I can imagine Jana wouldn't want it shown, but would also rather it was shown accurately than inaccurately.

Re: Jessa: I didn't notice that in the TH; I was actually struck by how maternal she seemed carrying Josie in from the car.

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Jessa is wearing the same outfit in front of the ambulance that she did for her engagement pics.

Thanks for noticing that. I would have thought we would have seen Jinger & Bin hovering about if that was engagement photo day. But maybe they took the other kids out of the way, because the howlers are nowhere to be seen, either, in the indoor footage. Was Jinger in that last shot when the ambulance left? Then we can see if Jinger & Bin are also wearing what they wore on engagement photo day.

I thought it was interesting that Jana had on SO much makeup in her talking head for this episode. Lots of blush and darker lipstick. It's not her usual look, even for previous THs.

Also I think it's funny/sad that Hollywood Life says Director Scott, "jumped in to help Jana" and the DimBob and Moochelle TH indicated that Scott was some kind of hero for helping...all we saw in various shots was Scott hovering around not actually doing anything.

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PS: Here's the engagement photo episode:

The trees are heavy with leaves, just like in the ambulance scene.

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I'm going to guess that it was before Jessa's wedding. She looked pretty slim, and the fact that she was there at the house leads me to believe that it was maybe October or so. In November, Jessa was honeymooning, and in December the family was in El Salvador. Speculation speculation. That would also be before Josie's fifth birthday, wouldn't it?

The trees were green with leaves, so it had to be late summer, early fall.

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But just as everyone seems to think that Josh, as an adult, should be able to toss away years of brain washing and go against everything he has learned his entire life, same should go for Michelle. Headship be damned. This is her child. I don't care if the man had a gun to her head (which we know he didn't) she is still 100% responsible for the choices she makes regarding her children. She doesn't get a pass just because she CHOSE to have a headship years ago.

Don't worry, I'm not "giving her a pass" (whatever that means). I think she was wrong. I simply think she was wrong for obeying her Headship. Wrong for choosing religion over her child, and wrong for following the "submission" rule instead of the "love your child" rule (I'm assuming the Bible tells you to love your children?)

However, I think JB was responsible for the decision to complete their "appointment" and let Josie recover without them.

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PS: Here's the engagement photo episode:

The trees are heavy with leaves, just like in the ambulance scene.

They also said Scott was just a few miles down the road filming with some of the other kids....Jessa, Bin, Jinger, Joy, and Jenny/Hannie?

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Ufgh just the way that Michelle had to really justify "we had an appointment up there". She seemed awkward about it. If she'd said "we were in Chicago on business at the time" that would have appeared better.

Really sparks curiosity! Was this all pre or post-El Salvador? Originally I thought it happened during the trip to El Salvador, but all of the kids seem to be there except for the married ones.

The first thing I thought of when I heard them say they were in Chicago for "an appointment" was Gothard. I wonder if Gil and others were there too and if it was a HQ meeting. We all know they are still associated with Gothard (Big Sandy, Journey of the Heart, Alert, etc) but not saying the words IBLP or ATI or Gothard.

Who wants to jump on board the speculation bus? Or maybe I am late to the party and it was covered in a different duggar thread :auto-mysterymachine: (I was surprised, we don't have a speculation bus smiley)

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Do we know how long after events they film the talking heads? I was always under the impression that's it's some time after the day-to-day footage is shot, not the same day or even the same week. Like, they get all the footage they need, organize and edit it by storyline for each episode, and then they do the talking heads to bring it all together?

One thing I noticed was that Jana was very panicky-- too panicky, if you ask me, for someone with supposed EMT training. Of course, if my sister was seizing, I would panic too, but I never was a volunteer firefighter and doula and whatever else the Duggars say Jana does. Also, why was Jessa there, isn't she off and being married? Did she drop what she was doing to help? What was Amy's mom doing there too? Overall, I am glad that Josie is OK and I hope that she is getting the medical help that she needs!
EMT training is like any other skill--use it or lose it. A single course several years ago means nothing if you're not actually using those skills regularly. It's why even doctors and other medical personnel who do CPR regularly still have to get recertified every couple of years. Just like the doula thing, Jana did first-responder training for something to do on camera that's vaguely interesting without being interested in it personally and zero intention to do anything with that training. At this point, it's like she never took the course at all. I'm not at all surprised that she panicked over Josie's seizure--not only because it was a scary situation, but because she has no qualifications to handle a medical emergency.
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When was the Josie Stroller picture from? from that march they did?

This could give an indication of when the seizure happened if Josie was still fragile and needed to be strollered through the walk.

But it sounds like it has been narrowed down to:

Late summer after Jills Wedding

Before Jessa's wedding

possibly the day Jessa had her engagement photos done (when did they get engaged?)

during a day of shooting when Jana, josie, james, & grandma were not in the shots.

No shots of Jill - perhaps she was honeymooning?

what other events happened around the time of Jessa's engagment?

This could help narrow down the time frame J&M were gone, and look to see where they could have been speaking and IF they were truly in Chicago.

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I think Jana panicked because this was one of her kids. When I lived in Arkansas my children had the most amazing doctor anywhere. I credit him with singlehandedly saving my severely asthmatic son many times over. He admitted to me one day, however, that he can't treat his own children. Period. He said he instantly goes from physician to just dad when his own babies are sick. It makes a difference.

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