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Charles and Camilla 3: Charles' Medical Issues

Coconut Flan

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I hate needing a thread title like this one.

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It's also possible they would have met longer but Charles had a treatment or something to go to. or other meetings. He probably has a lot of  meetings and appointments to juggle.

It seems to me that it's William who is more irritated with Harry. One would hope that Charles is a bit more distanced and "mature" about it all. 

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@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?, your father's bladder cancer may have been connected with his farming.  My dad went to work for that largest agriculture product company when he was in his early 40's.  He developed bladder cancer from being in maintenance for those big storage bins, then it metastised into his bones and he died at 54.

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14 hours ago, SoSoNosy said:

@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?, your father's bladder cancer may have been connected with his farming.  My dad went to work for that largest agriculture product company when he was in his early 40's.  He developed bladder cancer from being in maintenance for those big storage bins, then it metastised into his bones and he died at 54.

I'm sorry you lost your dad when he was only 54. That's so young.  :my_heart:

I think I was confusing by mentioning 2 different relatives; the farmer was my uncle. Sorry. I have supposed that his bladder cancer was farming related. He worked on my grandparents' farm starting as a kid, and then farmed the rest of his life on his own place. That's over 60 years of chemical exposure.

I had 3 relatives diagnosed with cancer in 2020. My dad and uncle are gone. Fortunately my sister seems to be staying cancer-free after they removed her kidney. (Sorry to vent so much. I guess the cancer discussion poked a nerve.) Thanks to all for the nice reactions on my original post. :group-hug:

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At least Harry & Charles met up even if it was for a short time. Hope it leads to a better relationship.

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They will both regret forever if it doesn’t and at some point please let that man see his other grandkids! 

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38 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

at some point please let that man see his other grandkids! 

I absolutely despise this point of view. There is nothing stopping the royal family from going to see Archie and Lilibet if they're that important to them. If they really wanted to know the kids, they would make the effort. I think the lack of a connection speaks volumes about BOTH sides. 

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3 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

I'm sorry you lost your dad when he was only 54. That's so young.  :my_heart:

I think I was confusing by mentioning 2 different relatives; the farmer was my uncle. Sorry. I have supposed that his bladder cancer was farming related. He worked on my grandparents' farm starting as a kid, and then farmed the rest of his life on his own place. That's over 60 years of chemical exposure.

I had 3 relatives diagnosed with cancer in 2020. My dad and uncle are gone. Fortunately my sister seems to be staying cancer-free after they removed her kidney. (Sorry to vent so much. I guess the cancer discussion poked a nerve.) Thanks to all for the nice reactions on my original post. :group-hug:

My dad had esophageal cancer. He also only smoked for a few years while in the Air Force for the exact same reason. He rarely drank--one drink once or twice a year. He was very disciplined about his diet and exercised regularly. 

I suspect there was a genetic component. His dad had stomach issues his entire life--was medically discharged from the Army two weeks before Pearl Harbor due to it. He died at 71 from lung disease caused by smoking and working in a plant with silica and no masks for protection at the time.   Dad's uncle, grandpa's younger brother, died of stomach cancer. Dad had stomach issues and reflux most of his life. I have the same issues. At least two paternal cousins do as well. 

And, of course, science now estimates that 60% or more of cancers are just bad luck. 

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1 hour ago, viii said:

I absolutely despise this point of view. There is nothing stopping the royal family from going to see Archie and Lilibet if they're that important to them. If they really wanted to know the kids, they would make the effort. I think the lack of a connection speaks volumes about BOTH sides. 

Charles is not going anywhere soon, William can’t leave right now obviously. So, yeah, the ball in The Sussex’s  court.  

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Just now, tabitha2 said:

Charles is not going anywhere soon, William can’t leave right now obviously. So, yeah, the ball in The Sussex’s  court.  

In the last month, sure, I'll give you that. Charles is obviously unhealthy now and can't travel, plus William's schedule has (for once) ramped up. 

The last four years though? No excuse. 

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William and esp Kate probably is not welcome at the California  McMansion and a PoW can’t just up and decide to go 8 thousand miles away on personal visit to see the grands… do I really have to explain the logistics and uproar from certain circles? 


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3 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

William and esp Kate probably is not welcome at the California  McMansion and a PoW can’t just up and decide to go 8 thousand miles away on personal visit to see the grands… do I really have to explain the logistics and uproar from certain circles? 

I agree that Kate and William probably wouldn't be welcome in California, nor do I think either of them would be interested in going there. 

However, Charles, as the Prince of Wales, could have easily gone to visit his grandchildren if he wanted to. Holidaying in the states to visit family would be a far more acceptable explanation for the pollution than the royal family using helicopters on a weekly basis. The BRF are massive hypocrites, Charles included, when it comes to the environment. They preach about it but don't ever apply it to their own lives. Charles is better than the rest, but there is still plenty he could do to improve. 

If he wanted a relationship with his grand-children, he would make it work. 

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15 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

William and esp Kate probably is not welcome at the California  McMansion and a PoW can’t just up and decide to go 8 thousand miles away on personal visit to see the grands… do I really have to explain the logistics and uproar from certain circles? 


C'mon, they have near unlimited resources at their fingertips. If they wanted to they'd figure out how to make it work. 

Edited by Giraffe
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Yes. Let’s drop all my appointments and meetings scheduled months in advance and fly on jet myself and a large amount of people several thousand miles, book the appropriate lodgings and security ,clear it with the city so they can handle the crowds and extra traffic,William won’t mind having his schedule upended either!  

And let’s do this frequently! Yay! 

What could go wrong? 

Or two unemployed people who tramp about Europe having fun and lauding themselves anyway could stop by my place to let the kids spend time with their cousins  but nah! That’s silly! 

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Kind of a thread drift, but one of the online magazines (People or Hello) said that Charles was in an emotional state when he left the meeting.  Negative or positive, not indicated.


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6 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

Yes. Let’s drop all my appointments and meetings scheduled months in advance and fly on jet myself and a large amount of people several thousand miles, book the appropriate lodgings and security ,clear it with the city so they can handle the crowds and extra traffic,William won’t mind having his schedule upended either!  

And let’s do this frequently! Yay! 

What could go wrong? 

Or two unemployed people who tramp about Europe having fun and lauding themselves anyway could stop by my place to let the kids spend time with their cousins  but nah! That’s silly! 

It’s called vacations. The royal family certainly takes enough of them. 

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17 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

William and esp Kate probably is not welcome at the California  McMansion and a PoW can’t just up and decide to go 8 thousand miles away on personal visit to see the grands… do I really have to explain the logistics and uproar from certain circles? 


Apparently. The thing is that the monarch actually does have constitutional duties which people do not seem to understand. He is also the head of state and has to carry out work as such--his trips abroad are usually diplomatic in nature representing the government. He is the person who receives new ambassadors to the UK, hosts foreign government officials visiting the country--greeting them, hosting social events, and holding official farewells; they even often stay in royal residences (and before anyone screams that these things are unnecessary, in the US the President and their spouse do all of these things as is the case in most republics). He also must sign every piece of legislation passed by Parliament (that's part of what is in the famous Red Box). Then there is the matter of security while visiting a foreign country which is a massive expense and likely wouldn't be looked on too favorably for a trip to the US for personal reasons, particularly in light of Harry's lack of popularity at home right now. And  if Harry & Meghan can travel for a shoddy looking film premiere or endless paid for awards ceremonies and take constant vacations, they can travel to the UK. 


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Oh my god, lmaoooooo. The defense of this family is unreal. Nobody is doubting the work that Charles does as monarch. But vacations exist and Charles takes enough of them. If he REALLY wanted to have a connection with his grandchildren, he would make it happen. Nobody is arguing that Harry and Meghan can't bring the kids to the UK. Of course they can. However, this goes BOTH ways. BOTH parties could make more of an effort if they cared, which is why the lack of a relationship speaks volumes about BOTH sides. 

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17 minutes ago, viii said:

Oh my god, lmaoooooo. The defense of this family is unreal. Nobody is doubting the work that Charles does as monarch. But vacations exist and Charles takes enough of them. If he REALLY wanted to have a connection with his grandchildren, he would make it happen. Nobody is arguing that Harry and Meghan can't bring the kids to the UK. Of course they can. However, this goes BOTH ways. BOTH parties could make more of an effort if they cared, which is why the lack of a relationship speaks volumes about BOTH sides. 

Why is he obligated to upend his life and his staff's and spend an ungodly amount of money-- including public funds for security, possibly including US government funds-- in order to spend time with a son and daughter-in-law who have continuously trashed him publicly for four years, though?  Why would he want to spend time with a son and daughter-in-law who, in his own words, have treated him like a "bank" for so long? Why would he want to spend time with the son who caused his siblings to not be able to say goodbye to their dying mother? Why would he want to spend time to the son who literally called the press the next morning to give out private details --and accuse him and his siblings and entire family of not caring for his mother properly--the last time he visited his mother? 

Why is Charles not allowed to have any boundaries here? 

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8 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Why would he want to spend time with the son who caused his siblings to not be able to say goodbye to their dying mother?

Um, what?

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Just logistically speaking it’s much more practical and easier for H&M to go to Britain than Charles and the whole Royal entourage  to travel to them and I don’t see how anyone can reasonably deny that. When Charles goes to a foreign country it’s a huge production  for them and the visited country and for a personal visit? Come on!   


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19 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Why would he want to spend time with the son who caused his siblings to not be able to say goodbye to their dying mother?

Why is Charles not allowed to have any boundaries here? 

A) What are you trying to say here? Diana was dead before William could ever say goodbye to her. If you're meaning Elizabeth, Edward and Andrew were never going to be able to make it on time. The story of Harry delaying the plane is false. 

B.) Charles can absolutely have boundaries. I've stated multiple times that I doubt anyone from the royal family would be welcome in California, just like it's clear that Harry and Meghan aren't welcome in the UK. That was never my point, though. People were putting all the blame on H&M for Charles not knowing their children, and I just don't think that's necessarily fair. You can rightfully shit on the parents all you want, but if Charles wanted a relationship with his grandchildren (you know, the innocent 4 and 2 year old who have no idea what's happening in the family and aren't to blame in any way), then he could certainly make it work if it was important enough. However, ALL the adults in this situation have made it clear that their feuds against each other are more important than Archie and Lilibet knowing their extended family. 

Just now, tabitha2 said:

Just logistically speaking it’s much more practical and easier for H&M to go to Britain than Charles and the whole Royal entourage  to travel to them and I don’t see how anyone can reasonably deny that. When Charles goes to a foreign country it’s a huge production  for them and the visited country and for a personal visit? Come on!   

Royals can do a lot of things more discreetly than people realize. William and Kate have gone on countless holidays that the public has only found out about after they've already returned home. Look at how many times Fred has left the country to cheat on his wife. His last visit to Spain, he ditched his royal detail and was only caught because a passerby got lucky. 

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3 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

Just logistically speaking it’s much more practical and easier for H&M to go to Britain than Charles and the whole Royal entourage  to travel to them and I don’t see how anyone can reasonably deny that. When Charles goes to a foreign country it’s a huge production  for them and the visited country and for a personal visit? Come on!   


Because the world is supposed to revolve around Harry and Meghan. Because of course it should. "We hate royalty!" they yell, "please bow down to the rogue Prince because he's a Prince!!" 


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3 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

Just logistically speaking it’s much more practical and easier for H&M to go to Britain than Charles and the whole Royal entourage  to travel to them and I don’t see how anyone can reasonably deny that. When Charles goes to a foreign country it’s a huge production  for them and the visited country and for a personal visit? Come on!   


Charles and Camilla aren't chained to the british isles, because of their roles and king and queen. Visiting his grandkids isn't some big state affair from king Charles, but a private visit from Grandpa Charles and in his spare time. Whatever entourage they deem needed for such an undertaking, they have to pay for themselfes. They definitly have enough spare change between the couch cushions to affort that. And a very big discussion point about Harry and Megan was that they demanded state funded security after they quiet the royal job. The same holds for anyother working royal, you fund your personal security for your private off the clock activities.

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