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Now back to your regularly scheduled Alexanders...

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Wow....someone's feeling bitchy today:

I know, right?! If I were a young wife seeking a mentor, I would read Lori's blog for a week and move on. Seriously, I'd be afraid to comment and ask questions because Lori is always in attack mode.

I was wondering; is it even Lori's place to comment on older women? If she believes she is "called" to mentor younger women, fine. But is she scripturally "called" to give direction to women of her own age or beyond? I'm serious about this. I wonder if she is actually overstepping her bounds in this. It would be like me questioning one of my older, godly relatives about their life choices and I think it's really disrespectful.

Okay, I just read my own comment...."I wonder if she's overstepping her bounds in this," and had to laugh at myself. It's Lori. Of course she's overstepping her bounds. So, um.....never mind.

Off to start the coffee.

Edited for a couple piddly little things.

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Does Lori do anything to help others except blog and delete comments that don't agree with her? Does she go to soup kitchens? Work with young single mothers? Volunteer at a local school? Anything besides sit in front of her computer and act like she knows everything and anyone who disagrees with her is going to hell?

When she gets to heaven and God asks her how she helped people in her community will she respond "Well of course I couldn't go help the single mother down the road, she was working and didn't even have a husband to manipulate. I blogged though everyday. That has to count for something." And God is going to do this :angry-banghead: because she missed the entire point. And will probably quote 1 Corinthians 13 to her because Lori never speaks with love and is nothing but a sounding gong or a tinkling cymbal.

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Does Lori do anything to help others except blog and delete comments that don't agree with her? Does she go to soup kitchens? Work with young single mothers? Volunteer at a local school? Anything besides sit in front of her computer and act like she knows everything and anyone who disagrees with her is going to hell?

When she gets to heaven and God asks her how she helped people in her community will she respond "Well of course I couldn't go help the single mother down the road, she was working and didn't even have a husband to manipulate. I blogged though everyday. That has to count for something." And God is going to do this :angry-banghead: because she missed the entire point. And will probably quote 1 Corinthians 13 to her because Lori never speaks with love and is nothing but a sounding gong or a tinkling cymbal.

She said very specifically in her "how I mentor" post that the mentorship is the ONLY ministry she is involved in.

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All the things society is losing because women are having careers? Because no working woman takes care of her elderly parents or makes meals for a sick person? That sounds like most women I know. Anytime I've attended a church or been in moms group women were helping others through hard times and at least half of them worked.

Being a kind person is doing a better job at mentoring others than verbally bashing everyone who disagrees with you!

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The last time she quoted a reader and called them out (The Woman Who Fears My Teaching; or something like that), the reader apologized and Lori insisted she wasn't talking about anybody in particular. So the reader quoted herself back to Lori to prove that she was indeed talking about somebody specific.

I hope this reader unloads on Lori. I can't stay home today to keep an eye on the comments, but I wish I could because once this reader who "always has to give her two cents...." starts reading, Lori's going to exhaust herself punching that delete button.

Come on, older working woman!! Come back and comment! We've got your back.

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She said very specifically in her "how I mentor" post that the mentorship is the ONLY ministry she is involved in.

Lori's daily schedule:

Wake up

Kick the cat

Eat breakfast

Post blog (harvest someone else's content, plagiarize, expound on a comment, or blather endlessly about a minor emergency that resulted in a complete societal breakdown and hysteria on Lori's part)

Feverishly hit the delete button

Call Ken in a panic

Delete some more (this counts as mentoring, right?

Call Ken some more

Eat lunch

Kick the cat

Try to call kids and suspect they're avoiding you

Kick the cat

Call Ken


Spend five hours making a salad for dinner

Eat salad

Try to find Ken, but he's in his study making a mysterious "whap whap whap" sound behind his locked door


Get ready for bed

Grab the lube

Go to sleep

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Wow....someone's feeling bitchy today:

It's all about Lori and her agenda. She doesn't care who she offends or who she deletes as long as SHE gets the final say. The title of her blog is pretty hilarious given the fact that Lori is NOT always learning (more like never learning)! She's the farthest thing from being humble and teachable. And how DARE anyone disagree with her? Can you imagine being her husband or child or SIL or DIL? Does anyone know if all the kids and spouses are living in CA? Seriously, I'd do whatever I had to do to avoid that. I've dealt with a difficult MIL for over 20 years and believe me, I do not envy what these new spouses will be enduring.

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This is so very telling. A woman named Karen comments about how she is a nurse and that it is a noble and godly profession. She concludes with "Please do not delete this. I am just offering a different viewpoint."

Oh Lori, Lori, Lori. Sweet older women have to beg you not to delete their well-intentioned comments.

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all the dissenting posts got deleted. She is such a bitch.

I mean...I work so we can eat. My grandkids are scattered all over the US and there's no reason for me to babysit. So...she can shove it up her ass..

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This is so very telling. A woman named Karen comments about how she is a nurse and that it is a noble and godly profession. She concludes with "Please do not delete this. I am just offering a different viewpoint."

Oh Lori, Lori, Lori. Sweet older women have to beg you not to delete their well-intentioned comments.

And it's GONE! BTW, the first commenter (Mrs. W) was very judgmental, wasn't she?

I'm of the opinion that Lori's regulars are either as self righteous and judgmental as she is or they don't stick around and read the comments to notice the huge numbers of them which are deleted.

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KEN, I know you're reading this. Seriously dude, control your woman. She's deleting comments on sweet, well meaning older ladies who respectfully disagree. Lori is OUT OF CONTROL.

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KEN, I know you're reading this. Seriously dude, control your woman. She's deleting comments on sweet, well meaning older ladies who respectfully disagree. Lori is OUT OF CONTROL.

Ken couldn't control Lori if he tried. Seriously, Lori has allowed Ken some illusion of control so he doesn't leave her, but she does whatever the hell she wants.

She's telling women to fucking commit crimes because their husbands tell them to, but she would never agree to stop deleting comments on her stupid blog if Ken told her to. Apparently, the Bible advocates being a nasty, judgmental bitch more than it advocates not lying/following the law.

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Ken couldn't control Lori if he tried. Seriously, Lori has allowed Ken some illusion of control so he doesn't leave her, but she does whatever the hell she wants.

She's telling women to fucking commit crimes because their husbands tell them to, but she would never agree to stop deleting comments on her stupid blog if Ken told her to. Apparently, the Bible advocates being a nasty, judgmental bitch more than it advocates not lying/following the law.

You KNOW I am not defending Lori here, but I got the impression that Lori thought that woman was a "detractor with a hypothetical situation" meant to trip Lori up. I think she said something to the effect of "people always want to present me with an extreme example to get me to change my mind." What Lori missed was that woman was not speaking hypothetically, her husband actually asked her to commit a crime.

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You KNOW I am not defending Lori here, but I got the impression that Lori thought that woman was a "detractor with a hypothetical situation" meant to trip Lori up. I think she said something to the effect of "people always want to present me with an extreme example to get me to change my mind." What Lori missed was that woman was not speaking hypothetically, her husband actually asked her to commit a crime.

I don't think I actually read that comment thread, so you are probably right with your impression. Weird that Lori Alexander has crappy reading comprehension. Unexpected, that.

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This was the original comment regarding taxes:

I do the financial stuff in our marriage. This is what my husband wants. He deposits the check and I pay the bills and do the income tax etc. When he was out of work and receiving unemployment he worked cash only side jobs. He did not notify unemployment that he was making this money. He told me not to declare it during income tax time. He is a church going man and believes in God and in most things follows his commandments. If l obey him in this l know it is wrong. Do l do it and say God and him can figure that out, l am not responsible. Even in doiing that the government might not take kindly. Please don't assume l am being adversarial, this has happened to me more than once.

Lori said the following in the resulting comment thread:

I have no idea if your question is legitimate, Karen, or an excuse to find ways not to obey your husband.

All I know is that whenever I teach about submission, there are women like you who want to find all the exceptions. If someone came to me whose husband was truly asking her to sin, I would mentor her on her relationship to her husband.

I agree with you, Brad, but WHENEVER I teach about submission, someone will ask {usually a troll who hates my message} and bring up the "what ifs."

Lori thinks this is a troll asking a hypothetical.

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I think that Ken, unlike Lori, actually understands that appearances matter. He is, after all, a consultant who has the job of helping orthodontists make their image/office more appealing to potential customers.

So I think when Ken came here and saw the things we were saying were HUGE problems with Lori's blog, even if he didn't particularly agree with us, the business side of him understood what we were saying. Who knows though, maybe he did agree with us on some things and it gave him a chance to broach the subjects as coming from the ebil feminists rather than himself, saving himself a bit of a tongue lashing or withholding of the 10 minutes/lube.

I do get the feeling that Ken is less severe/strict than Lori (but that is a somewhat low bar, I realize).

Ken came here for one reason only....to tame the FJ shrews. I also think a lot of the women who work at the offices he consults for had him pegged as a misogynistic pig. He never agreed with anything we said and just talked in circles and kept repeating himself. He's incapable of understanding that direct quotes are not slander/libel. And let's not forget his paranoia about FJ manipulating Google. As an IT person, I found that to be ignorant, insulting, and funny (especially after people at Google more or less called him an idiot for coming to a snark site anyway).

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Wanted to grab this one before Lori deletes it. She is just so hateful :evil:

@ Mrs. W.

"Women who return to work when they are older are usually only thinking about themselves and what they are going to do with "their" time, but rarely are thinking about what greater good they could do for the Lord by remaining a homemaker through ministry to their husband, older children, extended family, neighbors and the needy and mentoring younger ladies as Titus 2 instructs. "

My children are all grown and I work full-time. I am wondering where you get your facts about what women that return to work are thinking or feeling. I work because my husband wants me to work. I do volunteer at church and in women's ministry. I do most of the housework and some of the shopping.

To assume that those that are working are somehow not fulfilling their God given roles is insulting and rather presumptous. While it may be your experience with the women that you know personally, it is not necessarily representative of all working women.

Perhaps a little bit of beam vs speck could be going on here?

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And it's GONE! BTW, the first commenter (Mrs. W) was very judgmental, wasn't she?

I'm of the opinion that Lori's regulars are either as self righteous and judgmental as she is or they don't stick around and read the comments to notice the huge numbers of them which are deleted.

I do take a little comfort in knowing that she really has very few commenters. Usually when her comments reach double digits, it's because she or Ken has responded to each one; so they are responsible for at least half of the them.

I'm not at all surprised she deleted the comment from the nurse. Anything that doesn't fit Lori's very narrow view of the world is just wrong in her mind - even something as noble and challenging as nursing. She probably labeled that one as a "red herring," even though to any reasonable person it would be a very legitimate point. She probably wanted to reply "I don't know if you're really a nurse or just trying to be difficult...." but Ken stopped her.

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Ken must not be available to respond to any "difficult" comments. He is usually the one who does that because Lori clearly isn't capable of defending her beliefs.

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This was the original comment regarding taxes:

Lori said the following in the resulting comment thread:

Lori thinks this is a troll asking a hypothetical.

Someone disagreeing with you does not make them a troll.

Someone asking you a hypothetical question does not make them a troll.

If you fully believe in what you are saying, your position should be able to withstand both disagreement and hypothetical questioning and you should be able to defend you position without getting defensive and using the delete button.

The fact that Lori seems unable to do this makes me question exactly how much she REALLY believes what she professes to believe.

That is one thing I respected about CM. He would argue his position (whether I agreed with it or not...most of the time not), he didn't delete comments just because they weren't blowing sunshine up his butt. He left them and argued his beliefs. It's clear he (somewhat frighteningly) REALLY believes what he's saying.

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Ken came here for one reason only....to tame the FJ shrews. I also think a lot of the women who work at the offices he consults for had him pegged as a misogynistic pig. He never agreed with anything we said and just talked in circles and kept repeating himself. He's incapable of understanding that direct quotes are not slander/libel. And let's not forget his paranoia about FJ manipulating Google. As an IT person, I found that to be ignorant, insulting, and funny (especially after people at Google more or less called him an idiot for coming to a snark site anyway).

I don't think I said that he came here for any other reason. I just think he can UNDERSTAND appearances, where Lori cannot. He clearly understood the impact that FJ quoting Lori could potentially have. I think he understands a lot more than he professes to, he's just used to people giving in to his "command man" BS and it flustered him when his big, bad threats didn't (and still don't) work here.

I get the impression a lot of these folks are used to just being able to say the word slander or defamation or some other vague threat and scare other uneducated folks into doing what they want. It doesn't work the same way in the "worldly" world, though ;)

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Wasn't Confused Jezebel "Mrs W" when commenting on blogs or do I have her confused with someone else?

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OT, but whatever....Firiel, I love your "location"


Ha ha, thanks!

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