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That person has most assuredly been banned.

I don't really understand the whole deleting comments/banning they do. What is so bad about disagreement. I know they think it's PERSECUTION!!!!!! and what not, but you would think they would leave the comments up just to show how they SUFFER for their beliefs.

Many of the comments Lori deletes are polite and seem completely genuine. I'm sure some of them are people from here, but so what. As long as they are asked nicely why delete.

If you don't want differing opinions on your blog why allow comments at all. Just disallow them and let your words speak for themselves.

She should really change her blog name considering some of her practices. I don't think "Always Learning" means what she thinks it means based on her actions.

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Lori Alexander, never learning, always right.

I think that they both know Lori is a fraud and that not all the people who disagree with her are from here. At least they know it on some level even if they don't admit it to themselves. If Lori was really always learning and actually believed the shit she spouts she would be able to admit when she gets things wrong and be capable of having a discussion with people who provide a different view point without hitting delete or calling Ken to answer for her.

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Maybe it's because they are so incredibly easily shown to be wrong. They are not bright enough to come up with an argument, so they delete and ban.

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Always Learning? More like

Always Preaching

Always Sniping

Always Arrogant

Always Shrewish

but mostly

Always Wrong

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I go for "Always Churning", as in my stomach starts churning when I read the crap she spouts...

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I'm predicting another visit by ken in the near future. We've chased his buddy off so kens going to have to come show his ass and set us all straight.

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I can actually see her nostrils flaring as she reads someone's disagreements -- like the queen of hearts in Alice in Wonderland, "Someone's head IS GOING TO ROLL FOR THIS!" and then screeching "RED HERRINGS!" at the top of her lungs as she clicks delete with a flourish.

Come to think of it, Ken sort of reminds me of the king: "Rule 42: All persons who dare disagree with the queen must leave the court immediately!"

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I can actually see her nostrils flaring as she reads someone's disagreements -- like the queen of hearts in Alice in Wonderland, "Someone's head IS GOING TO ROLL FOR THIS!" and then screeching "RED HERRINGS!" at the top of her lungs as she clicks delete with a flourish.

Come to think of it, Ken sort of reminds me of the king: "Rule 42: All persons who dare disagree with the queen must leave the court immediately!"

Bahahaha! The use of "detractors" and "red herrings" as code for FJ is sort of hilarious.

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I go for "Always Churning", as in my stomach starts churning when I read the crap she spouts...


When I read her shite, I'm "Always Girning"

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And all the deleting keeps people coming back to the comments to try and catch things before they're gone. Page views. It seems like she would have ad revenue by now. :lol:

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Sounds like the best name for her blog would be "Always Deleting"... :lol:

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I don't really understand the whole deleting comments/banning they do. What is so bad about disagreement. I know they think it's PERSECUTION!!!!!! and what not, but you would think they would leave the comments up just to show how they SUFFER for their beliefs.

Many of the comments Lori deletes are polite and seem completely genuine. I'm sure some of them are people from here, but so what. As long as they are asked nicely why delete.

If you don't want differing opinions on your blog why allow comments at all. Just disallow them and let your words speak for themselves.

She should really change her blog name considering some of her practices. I don't think "Always Learning" means what she thinks it means based on her actions.

I think they leave comments open because she gets off on the kissing up / fan stuff that gets posted and if she just deletes what doesn't agree, she thinks people will think she is so right and everyone agrees with her...

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No wonder Lori thinks women shouldn't work- censoring your Godly Helpmeet blog is a FULL TIME JOB IN ITSELF, LADIES.

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I honestly think she just has no idea what to say when someone disagrees with her. Half the time she probably doesn't even understand what they're saying. Remember, Ken's "highly intelligent wife" is the lady who made the following statement:

...frankly, you write a bit too intellectually for me. This is why I usually have Ken respond. My posts and thoughts are fairly simple. I am not a highly academic person. I would like to think I am a wise woman and that is all that matters to me. All your interpretations of words confuse me. I do read your responses but I don't always understand the point you are trying to make.

I think she parrots what she hears on her little sermons she listens to all day (or copies shit she reads from other blogs) and when the comments start coming in she has no idea what to do because it's all completely over hear head.

I also think there's a degree of righteous indignation there, because she truly believes she's always right (God's little mouthpiece sent here to straighten everyone else out).

I do wonder if she's always been this way, and I suspect she has. Otherwise, surely someone would see a huge personality shift and get her some help. Either that, or she's always treated them all so badly that they are actually enjoying watching her come completely unraveled for all the world to see. :think:

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I was just looking at some of Lori's older posts, and I found this bit particularly interesting. It appears to be when the campaign to delete all who dare to disagree with Lori began, and it gives a really good insight as to how Ken views his wife:

Ken Alexander 2011

This is Ken, Lori's husband. I have asked Lori to delete all of your comments from her blog and to bar your IP address at least until we can have a sane dialogue about your seemingly endless attacks of negativity.

Ironically, you and Lori are probably very much alike. You are both "black and white" people who see very little gray in the way you look at scripture. You are both controlling and probably bossy, wanting to argue and have your own way.

I thank God that Lori has become a truly godly woman instead of a woman with a strong personality who wants to always be right, and make everyone else believe what she believes.

he mistake I am seeing you make is exactly the mistake that Lori has grown up and out of, and that is the demanding desire to make everyone, especially fellow believers see the scriptures through your own eyes.

Lori has strong opinions and she shares them with her blog, but she also has a big following because she tries to show grace and love to all people

*snort* Have you met Lori????? Lori LIVES to try to force others into her narrow box. And grace and love? I guess that's what led her to delete the abuse victim's comments yesterday. She dared to contradict Lori's assertion that an abuse victim would rather live with their abusive father than without, and Lori deleted both of her comments in record time.

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Ugh, she is so gross. And to think, she is some poor kid's mean old granny.

I hope that Lori's kids read here someday, or her children-in-laws. I remember when that happened with Laurel/Mama D's daughter-in-law. I hope they can see that others can see the abusive shrew they know that Lori is.

And adult kids, here's some wise advice from an older (than you, at least) woman, aka ME: No date night is worth leaving your kids with a mean grandma.

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Always say yes, no matter what.

Unfortunately this doesn't work both ways. Because wimmenz can't possibly want teh secks.

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All you have to do is read Lori's comment section to see that she shows no kindness, humility, grace, or a desire to learn from others. Ken, stop deluding yourself. Your wife is still that bossy, angry, controlling woman who must always be right. I challenge you to find the last time on her blog where she learned from anyone. I would not be surprised if you can't find a single instance where Lori learned for a commenter who disagreed with her and then admitted that she was wrong on the blog.

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ANOTHER sex post??? God, Lori.

Ken, she needs a job. Or she needs the internet taken away. Lori has a porn problem. She is writing really awful, stupid porn. It doesn't matter that it's super duper lame. It's porn and she's addicted to thinking and writing (badly) about it. Isn't that a HUGE problem in your world?

Now, I think the proper "punishment" would be to take away her internet forever. You, however, are either also into the crappy Michelle Duggar porn yourself, or will chastise her by making her give you 200 back rubs.

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I think they leave comments open because she gets off on the kissing up / fan stuff that gets posted and if she just deletes what doesn't agree, she thinks people will think she is so right and everyone agrees with her...

I did think of that after I posted. I'm sure she does revel in the comments that agree/praise her. I've never really been to a site that allows comments where EVERY comment agrees or is positive that I believe isn't...skewing...the comments though. That's not how the world works. I tend not to visit those sites as much, regardless of topic, because they aren't being truthful/honest.

If you are confident in what you are saying, you should be able to defend your position and there is no need to delete polite disagreement/questioning.

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All you have to do is read Lori's comment section to see that she shows no kindness, humility, grace, or a desire to learn from others. Ken, stop deluding yourself. Your wife is still that bossy, angry, controlling woman who must always be right. I challenge you to find the last time on her blog where she learned from anyone. I would not be surprised if you can't find a single instance where Lori learned for a commenter who disagreed with her and then admitted that she was wrong on the blog.

I just had a horrible thought. What if this IS the kinder and gentler Lori? :o

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We get some "interesting" search terms and I've wondered why in the past, but now I understand it's because we talk about the fundies and all their sex posts. I shudder to think the kinds of search words that are leading people to their pages. I'm not a prude. I don't have a problem with porn (as long as it's not bestiality or kids etc) and we get some search terms that I am thinking "well there is an FBI watch list, so I'm not even clicking to see what post that leads to." So if we get those for just talking about their posts, what must the actual source be getting :shock: :o :mouse-shock:

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ANOTHER sex post??? God, Lori.

Ken, she needs a job. Or she needs the internet taken away. Lori has a porn problem. She is writing really awful, stupid porn. It doesn't matter that it's super duper lame. It's porn and she's addicted to thinking and writing (badly) about it. Isn't that a HUGE problem in your world?

Now, I think the proper "punishment" would be to take away her internet forever. You, however, are either also into the crappy Michelle Duggar porn yourself, or will chastise her by making her give you 200 back rubs.

Isn't her son getting married this weekend? I think today's post is a message to her future daughter-in-law.

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