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M is for Mama 18

Coconut Flan

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Ugggggg- today was my half day dental appointment for crown molds and a cleaning. Over the weekend my husband returned from a business trip with a respiratory illness. This morning I tested + for Covid. I have never had it before. I am more OP’d at not being able to move forward with my dental care. Symptoms: body aches, chills, cough. 

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47 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Ugggggg- today was my half day dental appointment for crown molds and a cleaning. Over the weekend my husband returned from a business trip with a respiratory illness. This morning I tested + for Covid. I have never had it before. I am more OP’d at not being able to move forward with my dental care. Symptoms: body aches, chills, cough. 

Ugh that sucks. 

Have you tried the $600 Lume red light? I hear it works wonders! (Note my sarcasm)

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19 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Ugh that sucks. 

Have you tried the $600 Lume red light? I hear it works wonders! (Note my sarcasm)

Oh, hell no. $600 can you even imagine????? She is so outta touch!

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She could have spent that $600 on the actual dentist visit to fix what is wrong with the teeth/ fillings.

But noooooooo Braggie would rather throw it away on Red Light Woo that won't fix the problem. (She really really loves her woo.)

If I were a truly awful terrible person, I wouldn't care if the mouth pain came back and Braggie ended up spending at the dentist 5X the $600 she wasted on the Red Light Woo.

Bless her heart.

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Posted (edited)

All three of the podcasts she mentions are Christian centered or far right type podcasts. So I’m sure they didn’t challenge her in the least. But the podcast that’s coming out soon is not a podcast with a Christian or far right focus. So I’m interested in how she will come off. 


Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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Abbie has done several videos kind of showcasing the new kitchen. I am kind of wondering if it was an arrangement with the cabinet makers or something to do social media promo. Do influencers do that? Is that normal?

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50 minutes ago, neuroticcat said:

Abbie has done several videos kind of showcasing the new kitchen. I am kind of wondering if it was an arrangement with the cabinet makers or something to do social media promo. Do influencers do that? Is that normal?

Yes, some do. It wouldn’t surprise me if the cabinet makers either gave her a discount for advertisement. I don’t think they would install them for free. But they could have charged for labor but not materials if she advertised them a certain amount of times. Karissa Collins just got an enormous play set that probably costs $30,000 for free because she’s been advertising the hell out of them on her social media. She has 1 million followers so she gets tons of free stuff she advertises. She got a very expensive trampoline too. Plus tons of clothing all for free.

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How many cabinet posts has she made now? Three? Four? Jesus Christ, Abbie is such a bragging bore. I can't imagine having lunch with her. I would zone out on the bread basket while she yammered on about cabinets and drawers. 


"...can we talk about the fact that DRAWERS are the way to go with lowers, y'all?" Oh you can't afford that because you're too busy working to put food on your table? Hmm. Well, sucks to be you. 

"Does it surprise you that we eat all our meals here?" Ugh. This needy bitch is fishing for validation and back pats for EATING AT AN ISLAND. No one gives a shit and if they tell you they do they're lying.

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She made a video about the location of her trash cans???  🙄

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In her latest post, Braggie says that she's tired but still has a toddler snuggling on her chest who needs to be put to bed.  Toddler?  She is starting to sound like JillRod.  The twinbies are more preschoolers than toddlers at this point.  She really needs to start letting those little guys grow up.


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8 minutes ago, Xan said:

In her latest post, Braggie says that she's tired but still has a toddler snuggling on her chest who needs to be put to bed.  Toddler?  She is starting to sound like JillRod.  The twinbies are more preschoolers than toddlers at this point.  She really needs to start letting those little guys grow up.


Yeah I never called my 3.5 year old a toddler. It was always preschooler. But her kids don’t do preschool. So I guess they are toddlers until they are 5?

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Braggie is currently enjoying her Mother’s Day eve tradition of going out to eat by herself and shopping by herself. She won’t admit it but she takes so many vacations without her kids, date nights without her kids, birthday celebrations without her kids, and Mother’s Day eve without her kids because she had way more children than she wanted and can parent. That’s why she’s always trying to get away from them. 

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Okay, bets on 1. if Braggie will have another pregnancy and 2. when it will be.

My guess is actually no.  I think she will not get pregnant again, because she's got an impressive number and the older you get, the harder it is to "snap" back from those pregnancies.  But my other guess is that Braggie will also not say that she's done, or that they're trying to avoid pregnancy, and will just sigh wistfully about seasons of life or crap like that.


53 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Braggie is currently enjoying her Mother’s Day eve tradition of going out to eat by herself and shopping by herself. She won’t admit it but she takes so many vacations without her kids, date nights without her kids, birthday celebrations without her kids, and Mother’s Day eve without her kids because she had way more children than she wanted and can parent. That’s why she’s always trying to get away from them. 

My older teenager told me that her Mother's Day gift would be staying out of my way.

My darling child.

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8 minutes ago, bea said:

Okay, bets on 1. if Braggie will have another pregnancy and 2. when it will be.

My guess is actually no.  I think she will not get pregnant again, because she's got an impressive number and the older you get, the harder it is to "snap" back from those pregnancies.  But my other guess is that Braggie will also not say that she's done, or that they're trying to avoid pregnancy, and will just sigh wistfully about seasons of life or crap like that.


My older teenager told me that her Mother's Day gift would be staying out of my way.

My darling child.

I agree. If she has another baby, it will be an accident. We know she takes preventative measures. But she won’t tell her followers she’s done.

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I think Shaun got the snip, with or without telling Braggie. He isn't parenting his current 10 children, I'll bet cash money he doesn't want to add 1 or 2 (twinsers for the win!) more.

I agree Braggie won't admit they are done, but just sigh wistfully about this new season.  I wouldn't put it past her to hint hint about early menopause to explain it all and for attention.


[No shade at all to anyone who has gone/ is going through early menopause.]

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Posted (edited)

It doesn't even need to be early menopause or a secret vasectomy. It's harder for anyone to get/stay pregnant at her age. Any of the fundies who have pregnancies once they're 40+ are reproductive outliers. (I'm not trying to start another "I knew a friend..." discussion. Just saying that Braggie could well be done simply because her body's noped out)

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5 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

It doesn't even need to be early menopause or a secret vasectomy. It's harder for anyone to get/stay pregnant at her age. Any of the fundies who have pregnancies once they're 40+ are reproductive outliers. (I'm not trying to start another "I knew a friend..." discussion. Just saying that Braggie could well be done simply because her body's noped out)

Oh I think that’s totally possible too. I just think that since Braggie has admitted to using some sort of birth control (my guess is condoms), then I think she is probably still using them right now. She was so upset when she got pregnant when the twins were babies. She was relieved she miscarried. That said to me she was preventing when she got pregnant and was very upset she got pregnant. 

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24 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

She was so upset when she got pregnant when the twins were babies. She was relieved she miscarried. That said to me she was preventing when she got pregnant and was very upset she got pregnant. 

I have mixed feelings about it. The cynic in me says bullshit to her being upset because she milks mommy martyrdom for all it's worth. I'll give her feeling relieved at misscarrying with infant twins though. 

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4 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

I have mixed feelings about it. The cynic in me says bullshit to her being upset because she milks mommy martyrdom for all it's worth. I'll give her feeling relieved at misscarrying with infant twins though. 

I think she has always liked trying to control the spacing of her kids. Her kids were all 2 years apart until the twins. I think having twins both times threw a wrench in her spokes. She could control the spacing but she couldn’t control spontaneous twins. So when she got pregnant with the twins were babies, she would have had a gap smaller than she wanted. That already happened with the twins. She got pregnant sooner with the twins than she wanted. Which meant Shiloh was 1.5 when the twins were born. And boy did she resent Shiloh for being a toddler in need of attention with he had newborn twins to deal with. I think she’s had too many pregnancy related things happen outside of her control. I think she doesn’t want to risk that again. I bet she’s deathly scared she will have another set of twins. Especially since twins are more common in your 40s. I’m sure she knows that stat.

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17 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Any of the fundies who have pregnancies once they're 40+ are reproductive outliers.

That's true for any specific pregnancy but when you're having unprotected sex from your 40th to your 45th birthday one or two pregnancies sticking isn't weird. In the area my parents grew up in 10-kid families were still very normal and most women had their last kid in their 40s. And often a half-dozen miscarriages.

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Abbie got married when she was 21, so eight pregnancies resulting in live-births from 21-41 is either not hyper fertile, or indicative of family planning measures. 

Without the two sets of twins, Abbie is just a fairly typical large-family mom who would fit right in with many other strict religious families. 

She's never wanted to get pregnant and not gotten pregnant. I do wonder if she's ever realllllly wanted to be pregnant. 

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She seemed REALLY mad about the twins.  I've only had two full term pregnancies and they did a hell of a number on my body, and not amount of HIIT is going to snap you back after 8 singleton and 2 twin pregnancies.

Guess she'll just have to go shopping about it.

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Posted (edited)

I hate this shit. Stop coercing someone into not doing something they may want to do! I’ve have friends contemplating abortion and I never swayed them one way or another. I always said I will support whatever decision you make. And no Braggie, do not ever adopt a child or two. Because you already neglect and resent the ones you gave. 


Braggie lies through her teeth. We’ve seen how she doesn’t enjoy her kids. She can try to act like it all never happened but we have receipts. That’s what happens when you put you’re life online. You can’t change history. And it’s obvious why she hates toddlers. She can’t control them like the older kids. It’s all about control with Braggie.


Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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Braggie posted this the other day. Which is a lie because she uses something to space her pregnancies. 


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2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Braggie posted this the other day. Which is a lie because she uses something to space her pregnancies. 


I was just thinking she had a chemical pregnancy awhile back and I'm wondering if she's just not getting pregnant again because of her age or if that scared her enough that she's making sure it never happens again.

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