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I thought they were merging the agencies, but I could be wrong. IIRC, Roger and Cutler (played by the still luscious Harry Hamlin) were in on the talks to merge.

Thanks, PS.

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Yes, it appears to be a merge because they mentioned getting all the other partners in on it. Imagine the drama this is going to cause. Seven episodes left, and we've already got huge changes!

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Oh my god. Loved it. Loved every minute. I knew Don would somehow get Peggy back. And Trudy, you're well rid. Don't take him back EVER!

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Watched it, went to bed, had nightmares. Best start watching with subtitles, muted, finger poised over FF button again! Those guys get it right - disturbingly so. Thats the way that time was.

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This week on Mad Men - Don and his new colleagues have some growing pains and Pete is in trouble with yet another family member.

http://blog.freejinger.org/worldly-dist ... th-a-plan/

Fab recap as always !!! - just one correction. The last song is not "We gotta get outta this place" but something that goes, "I think it's so groovy now

That people are try in' to get together ...

Reach out in the darkness and you might find a friend."

I'll try to get title & artist. Ive never been good at the details!

ETA: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=dqLRd4ne ... qLRd4neGGE

It's "Reach out of the darkness" by Friend & Lover. Thank goodness a pal posted that elsewhere. I would NEVER have come up w that on my own.

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Fab recap as always !!! - just one correction. The last song is not "We gotta get outta this place" but something that goes, "I think it's so groovy now

That people are try in' to get together ...

Reach out in the darkness and you might find a friend."

I'll try to get title & artist. Ive never been good at the details!

ETA: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=dqLRd4ne ... qLRd4neGGE

It's "Reach out of the darkness" by Friend & Lover. Thank goodness a pal posted that elsewhere. I would NEVER have come up w that on my own.

That song was so fitting, so perfect for the end of the episode.

Arnie was going to move to Minnesota because it was a center of open heart surgery in the late 60s. Dr Walton Lillehie did some pioneering work at the University of Minnesota Hospital and Dr John Kirklin perfected the heart-lung machine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I missed Sylvia telling Arnie to make sure he took the maid, but I don't know that I would necessarily have interpreted it as they were cheating. Sylvia might have just wanted to have the maid's room for her trysts with Don. Or she may have just known that Arnie was totally helpless with housework.

I am very glad that Joanie is going to be okay.

It broke my heart when Megan was talking to Don about her vacation plans and how Don didn't hear a word she said.

Did anyone else catch Roger's reference to the CGC creatives as being "Peggy, Beanie, and Cecil"?

Those scenes at the end where Bobby Kennedy was shot brought it all back. I was like Megan and watched the TV coverage about the assassination with tears in my eyes and was pretty much glued to the TV through the funeral. I recently received a letter for the Southern Poverty Law Center from Mrs. Robert Kennedy. That cause is very much something that is close to Ethel's heart and would have been dear to Bobby. I'm keeping the letter, but I'll also donate.

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Fab recap as always !!! - just one correction. The last song is not "We gotta get outta this place" but something that goes, "I think it's so groovy now

That people are try in' to get together ...

Reach out in the darkness and you might find a friend."

I'll try to get title & artist. Ive never been good at the details!

ETA: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=dqLRd4ne ... qLRd4neGGE

It's "Reach out of the darkness" by Friend & Lover. Thank goodness a pal posted that elsewhere. I would NEVER have come up w that on my own.

I had nightmares last night, only centered around being a thief. How odd. Clearly Mad Men's total lack of morals is getting to me. The song title came from my mom, who should know this stuff (she's roughly the same age Sally would be), and I heard it was inaccurate while listening the next day but couldn't find the real song. Sorry about that! Will fix.

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Don ordering his lover around made me very uncomfortable, just not my thing. But, what an interesting turn of events, when she ended it and Don begged her.

I still can't help but believe her husband, or Megan will find out about it.

It was interesting how they devoted a great deal of time to MLK's assassination a few weeks ago, but just the last few moments to RFK on this show. Don seemed a thousand times more upset about breaking up with his lover than the shooting.

How is that going to end, I wonder? Remember how he had that dream (or whatever it was) of killing an old girlfriend when he had a high fever? Could it come true with this relationship? This seemed like more than just another affair for Don.

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A murderous dream? Sheesh! MM producers know how to get into everybody's heads.

It's so insanely dark to me. What's really Interesting is that a friend my age told me about it. We met in1969. And I'd always thought if this person as a light-hearted, good Jo. But MM really speaks to them. I'm glad we're not any closer than we are, I don't think the friendship would survive.

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Don ordering his lover around made me very uncomfortable, just not my thing. But, what an interesting turn of events, when she ended it and Don begged her.

I still can't help but believe her husband, or Megan will find out about it.

It was interesting how they devoted a great deal of time to MLK's assassination a few weeks ago, but just the last few moments to RFK on this show. Don seemed a thousand times more upset about breaking up with his lover than the shooting.

How is that going to end, I wonder? Remember how he had that dream (or whatever it was) of killing an old girlfriend when he had a high fever? Could it come true with this relationship? This seemed like more than just another affair for Don.

I don't think that Matt Weiner would go down the road of Don actually committing murder. That's way too soap opera-ish. As several people pointed out on TLo as well as Daily Kos, there are people that are into dominance and submission sexually, even BDSM. There's nothing wrong with that as long there are ground rules set that both partners agree to and that the submissive has a safe word that the dominant partner respects totally. I do wonder a bit if Don may have been trying a bit to go too far with Sylvia in order to push her away. The initial tryst was Sylvia's idea, after all.

One other thing: Sylvia lying in the bed really recalls Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8. Liz played a high-class call girl who phone number was BUtterfield 8- 503 something. Sylvia's room number at the Sherry Netherland was 503. The term "nether region" is a euphemism for either Hell or the crotch/genitalia. I don't think it was an accident that the tryst happened at the Sherry Netherland.


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Joan's ovarian cyst was all too familiar to me and I thought they handled it very authentically.

The whole Sylvia thing is interesting. I liked how she was the one to end it. She retains the upper hand.

I was wondering about the guy dying from pancreatic cancer. Does that affect the merger? Maybe not as it seems to be common knowlege....

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Irishy, I think the cancer plot point is there to facilitate the merger. When Chaough learns of it, it's as though things can't get any worse for CDC and the merger that he and Don devise is like a way out for CDC (as well as SCDP).

I'm amazed at the speed with which the merger took place - from the co-presentation to Chevy, to the moving-in day.

So is the plan to go public now dead in the water? Are Don & Roger aware of what was going on behind their backs? Will there be consequences to Bertram, PukeyPete and Our Joanie?!?!?!?

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I wonder what the new agency will be called? One of the CGC partners has cancer, the P from SCDP is dead, there are a few currently unnamed partners lurking. There will surely be many battling egos over the name. Any ideas?

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I kinda thought Don was unable to end it, so he forced her to. He disgusted me this last episode, but no more than Pissant Pete.

Nothing Don could do would make him worse than Campbell.

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I kinda thought Don was unable to end it, so he forced her to. He disgusted me this last episode, but no more than Pissant Pete.

Nothing Don could do would make him worse than Campbell.

He looked absolutely panicked in the elevator as Sylvia was reaming out Dr. Rosen. My first thought was that Din would push her as much as he could to freak her out and disabuse her of any notion that he'd be at her beck and call (boy). Then he started to like having his own little Liz Taylor right there in the Netherland! (Great catch, Penny Sycamore!). Then his Liz had time to think about it ( after he took her book away ) and she took the upper hand.

Don doesn't know what he wants. At first I took his blocking out of Megan's vaca chatter to be self-absorption on his part but I wonder if there's also some serious disconnect coming on between Don and Lady Reality!!

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Don has become so obsessed with Sylvia I can't believe he's not heading for a breakdown.

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Good grief. Where to begin? What a crazy episode. Made me feel a bit drunk really. DH were looking at each other every few minutes going WTF is going on? That intruder incident was really scary and freaked me out as that's the kind of stuff a child's nightmares are made of. Betty looks back to her old skinny blonde self. Love seeing the flashbacks. Although this whole raised-in-a-brothel thing isn't making much sense to me. His step mother was a bit of a fundy no?

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Maybe she was so desperate after widowhood that she resorted to whoever could take her - in this case, the relatives who ran the brothel. I could see her living alongside the women and still thinking that she was "above" them (but Dick, of course, was trash all along).

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Don has become so obsessed with Sylvia I can't believe he's not heading for a breakdown.

I think he's been headed there a good long time. Sylvia's just another straw on the camel's back.

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I didn't hate the Don and Betty pairing. In fact I kind of liked it because it seems to have meant more to Don than to Betty. After all the times he was screwing behind her back, she finally got her revenge while she had breakfast with Harry after a night of Don sex. I liked the rather smug look on her face. She was as naive as Megan while married to Don, but not any more. She really gets Don now. I do not see this screwing around with each other as an on-going thing.

I also liked the scene where the politico tried to pick up Betty (yes, very similar to when Harry tried to pick her pregnant self up). I loved how Betty said, "I have three kids" in a disapproving way, but then asked him if she looked like someone who had three kids. The guy's trying to pick her up and she's fishing for a compliment. Betty's gorgeous, but I think she's feeling her age (early 30's, I guess? mid?) a bit.

All in all, I liked this episode, and much better than last week's weird , drug fueled epi.

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