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Lori Alexander 45: Sensoring and Sensibility

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Lori is awful to everybody. Her mom, her family, her neighbors, her children' friends, anyone at all, and her daughters especially. I mean, if WE are sitting here wondering what sort of health crisis she's going to come up with in order to move focus away from her mom once the end comes, I'm sure her family is wondering the same thing. She seems like the sort of family member that everyone walks on eggshells around, and is relieved when she doesn't show up for something. I'm sure Alyssa loves her mom, but I doubt she actually LIKES her very much.

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And again, Lori fails to acknowledge that women who write books practically identical to hers, have 4 and 5 stars on Amazon.



April Cassidy (Peaceful Wife):


Debi Pearl (Created to be His Helpmeet)


Yet, today Lori writes:


No, Lori.  You book has mostly one star reviews.  On that note, your book isn't God's word, and your ways certainly aren't his ways.

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If all that is true about the Joy filled wife I do feel kinda sorry for her. She was made to be a parent and family hero who fixed everything. She was caught up in  warped theology that says that women are no more than house maids and child bearers, that dad deserves all respect even when he's not doing his part at home. When her father saw the dysfunction he let it continue instead of insisting that the other siblings at least help. He felt like he was entitled to a clean home at the expense of his daughter's happiness. Furthermore, if for example, the mother had depressions she should have been helped. A messed up situation where selfish adults to advantage of a child's need to please and probably desire for some reassurance/ affection. Of course, I could be reading too much into it and the Joy filled wife might not have experienced it that way.

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4 hours ago, Hisey said:

The thing about TJFW is that she always ends up being the hero in whatever she writes. SHE is always the one who does things right. Often she is congratulated and admired by everyone around her!

And then everyone claps and gives her $100. 

Oh, wait ... wrong website! 

I suspect that, much like our heroine Lori, she's an extreme.y unreliable narrator. Her mom might've had a messy house and might even have been a hoarder. Her siblings might have been lazy about their chores. Her dad might've been a bit of a taskmaster. But I question whether TJFW skipped out on every joy-filled (heh) childhood event so that she could stay home and scrub boogers off the wall. Maybe she did. But ... idk.


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Serious question.  How was this woman EVER a teacher?


No, they believe in mutual submission so then, if they believe in mutual submission, are they doing their part and submitting to their husbands even if their husbands don’t submit to them? I doubt it.

She continues:


...the Biblical Feminists got all riled up because one of them made the first comment about physical abuse and how divorce should be allowed for it. I shouldn’t even have published it because I knew they were trying to trap me in it

Yes, Lori.  A woman and her children were abused- to trap poor you.  You're right, you shouldn't have published it.  It's much better to support men like K.B. Davies and ignore abuse victims all together.  Lest they trap you with the stories of what they've been through.


They even wrote Ken to tattle on me

Personally, I don't know why they bothered.  Everyone knows you don't give a damn what Ken says.


When I ask for a verse that supports a woman divorcing over physical abuse, they can’t give me one

Maybe they should ask you for a verse that supports taking your advice (separate/call authorities).  The advice you are giving out isn't Biblical either, so why take your counsel over their own?  

After all, you're just some busybody, "gadding about" on the web, minding other people's business.

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"Wah wah wah people are calling me on my misogyny!"

Fuck you, Lori.

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Nail polish exhibit A:  10 weeks in Door County

But I guess this doesn't count because she's not trying to have children. 





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3 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

Sadly, I'm thinking that's the case. Lori is definitely the type to find anything to blame Alyssa for having fertility issues. Didn't Lori or Ken say that Alyssa and her husband were looking into adoption?

But, I think Alyssa and Jon may have just decided not to pursue any methods of having children such IVF, surrogacy, or adoption. They may be content with their child-free lifestyle. That kind of decision won't fly with Lori. Or, let's say Jon and Alyssa adopt, I could see Lori being awful to the child and she would also make awful comments about the child's birth parents.

I have been giving this some thought. In the context of Lori’s beliefs, she would think her kids *owe* her grandkids. Them having grandkids for her gives her bragging rights. Somehow, the more grandkids, the more godliness as a wife and mother can be claimed—by Lori, for Lori.

It’s like quiverfull taken to the next step. She doesn’t have to do the work, but she gets the mileage out of it.

People who believe this kind of theology would find reason to assign blame for the adult children’s choices to Lori and/or Ken.

We cannot have that, now. Lori would find that unsupportable. She therefore needs to nag the kids into changing their minds and affirming Lori’s choices by choosing the same as she tells them is “good” and “godly”. Her fallback position, should they remain rebellious, is to make it clear to the world just who is in the wrong here.

Certainly not Lori.

Is it too early for a glass of something stronger than iced tea?

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So what would this woman have suggested her mom do? 



and also dropping this for when it probably gets deleted or someone gives an asinine reply. Who will reply first: Demon Davies or Lazy Lori? 






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So our friend Hannah took her blog FB page down (I looked from my other account). Her most recent account is gone as well, but the account she originally commented from was reactivated with highlight pics added three hours ago. 

I have the screenshots and pics. 

@EowynW I said a prayer for your sister today. 

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40 minutes ago, refugee said:

In the context of Lori’s beliefs, she would think her kids *owe* her grandkids.

That seriously pisses me off.  No one is OWED grandkids.  If one's adult offspring want to reproduce fine, enjoy those little ones, but once children become adults it's their decision. THEIRS!  It's not for someone like Lori to decide!  

42 minutes ago, refugee said:

Is it too early for a glass of something stronger than iced tea?

When dealing with the never-ending Lori shit show? Never...and I don't even drink alcohol!  

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Serious question.  How was this woman EVER a teacher?

She continues:

Yes, Lori.  A woman and her children were abused- to trap poor you.  You're right, you shouldn't have published it.  It's much better to support men like K.B. Davies and ignore abuse victims all together.  Lest they trap you with the stories of what they've been through.

Personally, I don't know why they bothered.  Everyone knows you don't give a damn what Ken says.

Maybe they should ask you for a verse that supports taking your advice (separate/call authorities).  The advice you are giving out isn't Biblical either, so why take your counsel over their own?  

After all, you're just some busybody, "gadding about" on the web, minding other people's business.

Koala, don't ever quite posting or I will probably have to die.  

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I feel for tjfw just a little. My dad wasn’t able to work due to MS when I was 15. My mom worked a full time job and a part time job to support us so I took on a lot of the house work. I have an older and a younger brother. They helped but not that much. I was always taking on extra task that I wasn’t asked to do, for praise and attention mostly. I also worked part time and went to school. I don’t feel like I missed a lot because I helped to take care of the house. 

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6 minutes ago, Koala said:

I love that Lori glops on her hair dye, while complaining about nail polish.


Hair dye is unto Jesus. Nail polish is for pants wearing Jezebels and that's why god makes them infertile. 

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Lori's just linked her afternoon throwback article.  It's a good thing too, because 1 a day (plus a notebook doodle) definitely wasn't enough. :roll:

She writes:


Stuff will never bring happiness and debt makes us a slave. Why not learn from this very thrifty woman!

I don't know, Lori.  Why not?

Oh, yeah...because all of the shit you recommend costs loads of money, that's why!


This one hits home because my mom was beaten to a bloody pulp, had a gun pointed to her head because I wouldn’t stop crying (I was 2 or 3 at the time and I remember that), had her teeth knocked, etc... by my dad. 

Wise Lori's response:  

A believer in Jesus Christ should never divorce their spouse 


 godly love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things

@Ken- This is why her advice is dangerous.  

Also, please tell your wife to stop saying that people "tattled" on her.  She's 60, not 6.


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Yes Lori, it's all about you. The world revolves around you. There, happy now? 

I honestly don't think the woman is capable of being happy, but she sure tries to make others feel bad so she can feel good.

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It looks like the woman sharing her abuse was deleted. How very godly, not even an offer of prayer or comfort. 

Lori shouldn't be dying her hair because the Bible says "gray hair is a crown of splendor". Does Lori not agree with the Bible? Is she being a wicked feminist for falling for vanity? Why is she wasting money on extras like this? Is she trying to look like a younger woman? Why? She is an older woman, she should submit to her calling to be one, not fight against it. 

I don't think Lori realizes that to continue to stay with abusers does not equal love. Rather it terrorizes your children, leaving them scarred and afraid of relationships. It inflicts pain on family members who feel helpless as they watch you get hurt. They hurt because love does not delight in evil. To love sometimes means to leave because you love your children and family enough to endure the divorce and consequences of breaking free. 

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This is what happens when you cherry pick the Bible. You have people like Lori that preach one thing and act like it pertains to everyone. We all know Lori doesn’t follow everything in the Bible, just the one. I mean who wouldn’t want the luxury of not having to work or take care of the house and kids and still live a nice life. Lori preaches against taking the Bible out of contest and cherry picking. Does she truly follow everything? Is she wearing cloth that is made of more than two materials? Is ken sleeping with the concubine(s)? Are they treating their slaves well? Did they take any of their rebellious children outside and stone them? Did her SIL have to work for their daughters hand in marriage? Does she and ken sit on opposite sides of church during the service? Does she eat pork or shrimp? Has she braided her hair? 

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A man responds on this morning's Biblical Feminists Among Us post. Doesn't matter that he has a penis, though, Lori won't like what he had to say.


The Bible doesn't "clearly state" anything - only smug fundamentalists do.


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6 hours ago, Koala said:

When I ask for a verse that supports a woman divorcing over physical abuse, they can’t give me one

Lori actually wrote this nonsense. You don't need a fucking verse, all you need is some damn common sense and some humanity. God didn't make our bodies to be abused. These morons can't do anything without a damn verse. AARGH! Lori has turned marriage into an idol. She doesn't have the empathy that God gave an ant. Any woman who is hurt or worse because of believing her evil shit is squarely Lori's responsibility. Fuck her. It's wine-o'clock, thank goodness.

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Those of you who followed Lina and Taliban Tony back in the good ole bad ole days might be interested to learn that she's running a Facebook page called "Holy Motherhood." On it she promotes the misty-eyed ramblings of vintage/ retro womanhood ideals. Lori doesn't think Lina should do this while she has young children at home and no man to protect her from The Feminists. 

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Did someone post about Zsu being questioned about Lori?  Can't remember, but on the off chance we haven't covered it:


:pb_lol:  Oh, how I'd love for Ken to go over and try to mansplain things to Zsu.  He thinks he had it bad here...

(I say Ken, because we all know that Lori doesn't engage in conversations that she doesn't have 100% control over.  Can't have anyone "trapping" her with their stories of abuse, or "slandering" her by quoting the lies she's told.)

1 hour ago, SilverBeach said:

Lori actually wrote this nonsense. You don't need a fucking verse, all you need is some damn common sense and some humanity. God didn't make our bodies to be abused. These morons can't do anything without a damn verse. 

Lori requires a verse when it's convenient for her.  Other times?  Well, I'll just let Lori say it herself:

Lori Alexander:


God doesn't have to give us a Bible verse for everything but He did give us common sense and wisdom.


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Lori teaches men and does not submit to Ken, which is contrary to the Bible verses that she teaches. What's her excuse?

I'm sure when the genders are reversed, and a wife is abusing the husband, or maybe just not submitting to him, Lori will happily use the Old Testament verse allowing divorce.

"When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give [it] in her hand, and send her out of his house. " -Deuteronomy 24:1

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