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Lori Alexander 45: Sensoring and Sensibility

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Re: Domestic abuse...

The passage in Ephesians 5 that starts with "husband LOVE your wives..." is part of the marital covenant. If a husband is abusing his wife, he has irretrievably broken the covenant and therefore it is null and void. 

This is not just my opinion...I've spent some time researching this. Mention it to "the godly mentor" and her head might damn well explode. 

@Ken what say you regarding the Ephesians 5 passage I referenced above? 

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22 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Also from what I understand, a spouse runs the risk of having their children taken away if they continue to expose their kids to an abusive partner. It's damaging to children at all levels when they have an abusive parent. Their kids will just end up distrusting both their parents because there's a failure to protect them. 

What's the point of long term separation? If the spouse never repents then they never live together so that's pretty much the same as divorce. The Bible doesn't say anything about separations but she's advocating for it. Abusers tend to escalate their abuse not get better so again the likelihood of them reconnecting is low. 

I suspect that she's on this kick because of the Paige Patterson controversy. I see her porn post connecting with this post as a "see? He can get better! You just have to believe more!" Bullshit 

She's also on it because that dumb fuck, K. B. Davies, who posts occasionally on her page has been posting about it on his FB page and she reads it.  I knew that guy was an abuser, if you read his page he admits to being charged with scamming and physically abusing women.  Probably why his wife divorced him.  Of course, he denies all this.

He's patriarchy all the way and, like Lori, removes dissenting posts from his page.  He says he doesn't but if you read his explanation that is exactly what he does.  He and Lori both hate women.  As they say, birds of a feather...

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28 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

I have a family friend who is a retired dentist. He encouraged his patients to take care of their teeth and get regular checkups and cleanings - but, he always said that there is no guarantee that you won't have problems. He pointed out that some people have weak enamel and bad dental genetics. Other health problems can take a toll on your teeth. Another family friend had dental problems after cancer and chemo. I have an aunt who bragged years ago about how she didn't have cavities and she upped her bragging around the time my uncle had to get dentures. She is a diabetic, had a kidney transplant, and had a cancer bout. In the past couple of years, she has had dental issues and has had to have two teeth extracted.

My cousin is a dental assistant and while she limits her kids' intake of sugar and acidic drinks, one of her kids still got a cavaity. My cousin and my family friend drill getting cleanings and checkups that way some problems can be caught early before they get bad enough for root canals, extractions, and other serious treatments.

I had to get dentures in my early 40's, as did my brother and sister. Our mom got hers much earlier, I think Mom said she was in her 30's. We all have/had decalcifying teeth and nothing we did would stop it. Obviously dental care helps, but sometimes nothing can stop problems.

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7 minutes ago, Carol said:

She's also on it because that dumb fuck, K. B. Davies, who posts occasionally on her page has been posting about it on his FB page and she reads it.  I knew that guy was an abuser, if you read his page he admits to being charged with scamming and physically abusing women.  Probably why his wife divorced him.  Of course, he denies all this.

He's patriarchy all the way and, like Lori, removes dissenting posts from his page.  He says he doesn't but if you read his explanation that is exactly what he does.  He and Lori both hate women.  As they say, birds of a feather...

His behavior just sends red flags up all over the place. He's rude, demeaning, and arrogant. Probably attempts to play the victim of an evil wife. I get a bad feeling whenever I'm on his page. 

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K.B. Davies Why now? :D There should be no barriers to intimacy....and that includes toilets and bathrooms! After all what are you hiding? The smell of your poo? :D

You will be surprised how much time people gain with each other if they have an "access all areas" policy in the home.

That is my philosophy anyway, and one i have always striven to maintain. :D :D


What in the actual FLUCK did I just read????  Why did I go down that rabbit hole????

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3 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Lori, may the blood of these women rest on your greasy, dirty hands. 



God created divorce for people who cheat but I’m sure it extends to abuse as well. 

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6 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

God created divorce for people who cheat but I’m sure it extends to abuse as well. 

I asked my pastor about this.  He said that he feels that abuse is grounds for divorce.  You can try and try to reconcile, but its a two-way street.  Both parties have to be willing to make an attempt.   Contrary to what her highnass Lori spouts as gospel.

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I was thinking of all this talk about dogs and especially the talk about malamutes and briefly huskies when I was watching two films on TCM this afternoon. They were about two of Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expeditions.  Both films featured the huskies he took down to Antarctica.   One scene in the earlier film (With Bryd in the Antarctic) showed them bringing out some puppies from a doghouse and setting them on the ice.  Mama dog immediately went and started to bring those pups back into the doghouse. They also showed Admiral Byrd's little dog, Igloo, playing with a penguin and some of the outfits s/he wore.  Igloo had little dog booties and sweaters.

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My dad always told me that adultery is anything that takes your heart away from your spouse (cheating, abuse, addiction, etc). It extents beyond sexual affairs to anything the spouse loves more (besides God). It is clear some men love violence and pain more than their spouse. Hence they are having an affair with their violence and lust for destruction. 

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50 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Re: Domestic abuse...

The passage in Ephesians 5 that starts with "husband LOVE your wives..." is part of the marital covenant. If a husband is abusing his wife, he has irretrievably broken the covenant and therefore it is null and void. 

This is not just my opinion...I've spent some time researching this. Mention it to "the godly mentor" and her head might damn well explode. 

Back in the ‘70s, we were establishing a domestic violence task force in our town, a controversial move back then. Someone asked what the Catholic Church thought about divorces in cases of abuse. A nun said that anyone who is abusing his wife isn’t living up to his marriage vows.

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On 5/4/2018 at 9:40 PM, feministxtian said:

@Curious my regular depression med is Lexapro. That shit works wonders. My pain doc had me on Cymbalta and it didn't do anything for me. I have another pain doc appointment on Monday and I think I'm going to ask him to write me scripts for the Cymbalta and Flexeril (muscle relaxer) and see if they work better now that I'm back on the Lexapro. My psychiatrist explained to me that the depression can make the pain worse and the pain can make the depression worse...so the cycle needs to be stopped. I'm doing really well back on the Lexapro so hopefully the Cymbalta and Flexeril will help even more. 

I am going to ask the pain doc and the shrink to write me a schedule A letter, stating I have a disability. It would give me an advantage for applying for city/county jobs...the disabled folks go on the non-competitive list. Fingers crossed. 

Can I just say be careful with the Cymbalta? I was on it for depression for years and it stopped working. The withdrawal was TERRIBLE! I was having electric zaps in my brain while weaning down. It took me 6 months to get off of it. 

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10 minutes ago, KnittingOwl said:

Can I just say be careful with the Cymbalta? I was on it for depression for years and it stopped working. The withdrawal was TERRIBLE! I was having electric zaps in my brain while weaning down. It took me 6 months to get off of it. 

I didn't bother with the Cymbalta. I just got the Flexeril. I have Lexapro and Trazadone from my shrink...he wasn't crazy about adding Cymbalta to my meds at all. Lexapro has worked for me for years. I go up and down on the dosage (10mg to 20mg to 10mg) but it works very well for me. It also helps the ADHD quite a bit. The Trazadone is to shut off my ADHD brain so I can sleep. I have Ambien for those really rough nights. He doesn't want to add anything for the anxiety. 

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8 hours ago, refugee said:

You just reminded me of a mystery series I enjoyed years ago where the protagonist had malamutes. Now I want to go back and hunt the books up for a re-read.

If you find them, please let me know the name of the series. I'd love to read them

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5 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

I was thinking of all this talk about dogs and especially the talk about malamutes and briefly huskies when I was watching two films on TCM this afternoon. They were about two of Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expeditions.  Both films featured the huskies he took down to Antarctica.   One scene in the earlier film (With Bryd in the Antarctic) showed them bringing out some puppies from a doghouse and setting them on the ice.  Mama dog immediately went and started to bring those pups back into the doghouse. They also showed Admiral Byrd's little dog, Igloo, playing with a penguin and some of the outfits s/he wore.  Igloo had little dog booties and sweaters.

The history of dogs, and horses, on Arctic and Antarctic expeditions. The dogs were huge and one or two men at the most were responsible for their care. They became very attached to them. Sadly the animals' trips on those expeditions were on way. They were killed along the way and usually fed to the others. When expeditions failed, the men ate them. There were never plans to bring them back, except the occasional animal.

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22 minutes ago, livinglongerthanyou said:

If you find them, please let me know the name of the series. I'd love to read them

@Palimpsest nailed it.

"Search Susan Conant, dog lovers mysteries.  I read a lot of them."

And if you're looking for other dog-themed mysteries, off the top of my head, Spencer Quinn's Chet and Bernie series is wonderful, and I've also enjoyed Virginia Lanier's bloodhound mysteries.

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19 minutes ago, refugee said:

@Palimpsest nailed it.

"Search Susan Conant, dog lovers mysteries.  I read a lot of them."

And if you're looking for other dog-themed mysteries, off the top of my head, Spencer Quinn's Chet and Bernie series is wonderful, and I've also enjoyed Virginia Lanier's bloodhound mysteries.

Thank you!

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10 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Lori, may the blood of these women rest on your greasy, dirty hands. 



What?! Lori is REALLY, REALLY stupid. Physical abusers do not change.  Well, in a way they DO. .. they get worse.   No woman should ever stay.   I thought Lori had said physical abuse was the only reason a woman could leave but looks like she means ... leave temporarily ... and pray away his abuse. 

Lori, you are an idiot.  You talk about things you know nothing about.  God help any woman who takes her advice.  

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Lori posted about evil public schools and how they are the 'enemy of God' ... again!


Here are the fangirls' replies:


I'm taking bets that Michelle's post will be deleted as I write this.   Oh, the replies!    

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So now talking to a cashier for a fleeting transaction is interacting with the world? Wow, they are scratching the bottom of the barrel on that one! 

In my town, the librarian has the most interactions with homeschoolers. The good ones are in the library all the time! The kids take out stacks of books on all subjects. They use computers & order specialty books from all over our region for their studies. They also go to lots of library events (game nights, movie time, etc) with the public school kids.

Of course Lori’s fangirls only need the Bible to teach so their kids need to interact with random cashiers, who probably don’t have time for chatting with awkward religious homeschoolers.

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I think one of the thing that's most annoying are these people's magical ability to read minds. They just know when people say they're trying to follow Jesus but actually just want to do whatever they want. 

And I'm sorry when they say kids learn apologetics I don't quite believe them. Learning Bible verses isn't apologetics. Also with the way they argue and believe Lori, I doubt they teach their children a good defense for their faith. But then again I could be wrong, I'm not a mind reader. 

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12 hours ago, Carol said:

She's also on it because that dumb fuck, K. B. Davies, who posts occasionally on her page has been posting about it on his FB page and she reads it.  I knew that guy was an abuser, if you read his page he admits to being charged with scamming and physically abusing women.  Probably why his wife divorced him.  Of course, he denies all this.

I made the mistake of going down that rabbit hole...more like a skunk hole, but I digress...and found this 'gem.'  In case there's any doubt about his meaning, he talks about divorce in his comment, among other things.  


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12 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

I suspect that she's on this kick because of the Paige Patterson controversy. I see her porn post connecting with this post as a "see? He can get better! You just have to believe more!" Bullshit 

What happened with Paige Patterson?  He was president of Southeastern Seminary when my husband went there.  I didn't know him well, but he seemed OK.

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8 hours ago, KnittingOwl said:

Can I just say be careful with the Cymbalta? I was on it for depression for years and it stopped working. The withdrawal was TERRIBLE! I was having electric zaps in my brain while weaning down. It took me 6 months to get off of it. 

oh yeah, I'll have to be weaned off if it ever stops working.  It's the same for all those types of meds though.  I do like the perk of cymbalta keeping me from going into a deep depression.  I still have bad days, but not weeks on end.  I didn't actually realize how much I was having depressive episodes until I stopped having them.  Depression is just part of chronic pain/illness so I knew I had some level of depression, but I was surprised at how the cymbalta changed things for me.

8 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I didn't bother with the Cymbalta. I just got the Flexeril. I have Lexapro and Trazadone from my shrink...he wasn't crazy about adding Cymbalta to my meds at all. Lexapro has worked for me for years. I go up and down on the dosage (10mg to 20mg to 10mg) but it works very well for me. It also helps the ADHD quite a bit. The Trazadone is to shut off my ADHD brain so I can sleep. I have Ambien for those really rough nights. He doesn't want to add anything for the anxiety. 

I have Trazadone for the brain shutting down thing as well.  Unfortunately, it's kind of hit or miss on whether it actually helps me sleep or not.  I do take it if I'm having a really bad night with a bunch of stuff going on at once (restless legs, muscle spasms, nerve pain, brain overworking, etc) and I do notice it does help the "overloaded" feeling I get.

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3 hours ago, Liza said:

Lori posted about evil public schools and how they are the 'enemy of God' ... again!


Here are the fangirls' replies:


I'm taking bets that Michelle's post will be deleted as I write this.   Oh, the replies!    

So one wonders why then did Lori send ALL her kids to public/christian schools instead of homeschooling them the entire time?   The majority of her kids always went to college.

Once again do as I command, not what I do.

I don't understand why none of her fangirls ask about her blatant (and dangerous) hypocrisy.

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1 hour ago, delphinium65 said:

I made the mistake of going down that rabbit hole...more like a skunk hole, but I digress...and found this 'gem.'  In case there's any doubt about his meaning, he talks about divorce in his comment, among other things.  


uh wow.  I'm worried for this guy's wife.  I'm pretty sure that the God/Jesus of the bible doesn't expect woman to stay with abusive husbands to the point of death.  I mean if they allow divorce for cheating, it seems like a no brainer that the prospect of being beaten to death (probably for something like not making a sammich fast enough)  would also be an acceptable reason to get a divorce.

Someone is going to get killed following Lori's advice and when that happens I hope she is held responsible.

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