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Dillards 46: Now with Pants and a Possible Nose Piercing

Coconut Flan

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On 12/4/2017 at 5:56 PM, karen77 said:

Lily and Ellie blog... don't want to link it though :)

What is the Lily and Ellie blog? I keep seeing the name on here.

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1 hour ago, pamplemousse said:

One morning I got dressed (or so I thought) and left for work. As I stepped onto the train, I realized I'd forgotten to put on my skirt. 

Wait, what??? Didn't the draft clue you in? Please tell me you were wearing thick nylons or something?!

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14 minutes ago, Mlissmartin said:

What is the Lily and Ellie blog? I keep seeing the name on here.

A blog written by fans of the Duggars. These women seem to be accepted acquaintances of the family and are invited to some family events. They also write a blog about the Bates family. Much of it is recycled from social media, but as I said, they are in touch with the families and appear to have permission from the Duggars, anyway; not sure about the Bateses (or as Ellie and Lily incorrectly write, "the Bates.")

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Yesterday we were in the car and my son asked me to put on a pink hairband that he has with little ears on it. We were joking that I was a bear. When we stopped at the shops to get milk I totally forgot I was wearing them and walked through the supermarket with them on. :doh:

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19 minutes ago, scoutsadie said:

A blog written by fans of the Duggars. These women seem to be accepted acquaintances of the family and are invited to some family events. They also write a blog about the Bates family. Much of it is recycled from social media, but as I said, they are in touch with the families and appear to have permission from the Duggars, anyway; not sure about the Bateses (or as Ellie and Lily incorrectly write, "the Bates.")


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I'm trying to explain to my parents that they have to LOOK AT THE NAME of the person they are sending the text too. Both of them severs rely texted me texts meant for each other tonight, and I was confused.

Ironically I accidentally posted this in the Seewald thread at first.

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4 hours ago, SassyPants said:

Am I the only one who no longer buys actual books? The e-reader is so much more convenient.

I love my kindle and primarily buy or rent ebooks, but I have to have physical copies of some romances to read in the bath!

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3 hours ago, MoonFace said:

Try wearing your panties backwards.   VERY uncomfortable. 


Try wearing your thong backwards. 

(Not really, but I couldn't help sharing the visual)

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I know their son's name is "Israel" and Derick is the worst, but he still manages to surprise me. Would have thought this was satire coming from almost anywhere else. (Also the comments on the original tweet are funny, lots of disgruntled "AMERICA WAS MADE BY GOD TOO!!111!!1!")


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Just the other day I put the clothes in the dryer and forgot to turn it on.

I've also forgotten to put detergent in the washer before.  If I think I've forgotten, check the cap of the detergent bottle to make sure I added the soap. 

On Thanksgiving, I was trying a new turkey recipe.  I'd heated my roasting pan sans rack set on a pizza stone in the oven at 500 F.  I then seasoned my dry-brined turkey, smeared it with olive oil, put a few tablespoons of oil in the hot pan, put the turkey in the hot pan which went back into the hot oven and lowered the temperature of the oven to 425 to roast for a hour..  Except that I didn't.  I think I turned the oven off.  In an hour, the turkey had not begun to cook.   I turned the oven back on to 325 and let the turkey roast for about an hour and a half.  Oddly enough, when I checked the temperature of the turkey, it was done!  I hate to admit this, but this Thanksgiving is not the only time I've turned off the oven meaning to adjust the temperature or set the timer when I've been roasting a turkey. Doesn't happen at other times, fortunately.




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2 hours ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

Laundry:  tonight I washed a load of darks. One of those items had a kleenex in the pocket. Yay.

I washed a (clean) diaper the other day. It was awful. 

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11 hours ago, AlwaysExcited said:

Things I have used as bookmarks recently: pens, pencils, eraser, kitchen magnet, another book. 

When I worked in the library, I would find all sorts of interesting things as bookmarks in returned books.   Grocery lists, lists of names that made no sense to me (perhaps book characters?), greeting cards, notes to others.  I never really knew what to do with this personal stuff.

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4 hours ago, NachosFlandersStyle said:

Oh hi, adult ADHD here. I've walked out of the house wearing mismatched shoes more times than I'd like to admit. I also get on the wrong bus pretty regularly. Leave a lot of stuff to burn in the oven. And that's just the lighthearted stuff, let's not even get into the bills I've forgotten to pay (even though I had the money), flights I've missed because I wrote down the wrong time, important documents I've had to have replaced...

I have ADHD too. It wasn't a diagnosis that ever occurred to me, but I was talking to my doctor and mentioned that while I've at some point lost the keys for every place I've ever lived, I've "only locked my keys in my car a few times." Apparently "a few times" is a lot! He asked some more questions and I read up on it and found that it sounded exactly like me. I took an assessment at my next appointment and scored really high on the inattentive scale.

He printed out some information about inattentive ADD for me and I accidentally forgot about it and left it behind in his office.

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7 hours ago, SassyPants said:

Am I the only one who no longer buys actual books? The e-reader is so much more convenient.

No, I prefer the e readers, about 5 years ago I had a medical issue that messed up the vision in my left eye. Unfortunately the vision in my right eye was always shit. So books, which I loved to collect and hold and read, are not so practical for me.  I love reading on my tablet, there is always enough light to read and you can take dozens of books with you in a small light package. 

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When alarm clock went off today, I turned it off, angry that it rings at Saturday, and went back to sleep. 
19 minutes later I realized that today is Thursday. 

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I have been reading on my phone before and realized I needed to make a phone call, and then searched all over the place for my phone. Conversely, I have been reading on my phone and the phone started ringing. I was startled. Why is my book ringing? Lol


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6 hours ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

Laundry:  tonight I washed a load of darks. One of those items had a kleenex in the pocket. Yay.

Oooh I hate it so much when that happens!
I usually do the laundry, and I always tell my boyfriend to empty the pockets of his jeans before putting them in the laundry bin, so that I don't have to go over every single item of clothing with pockets to check for things like tissues and wrappers. I always kind of thought it was common knowledge to empty the pockets of clothing items before you wash them, until my bf moved in with me and I kept being confronted with wrappers and shredded pieces of paper all over the freshly washed laundry -__-'
The first time it happened I didn't immediately recognize the pieces of paper as paper, and I thought I had just neglected to clean the washing machine's draining compartment. But it kept happening, so I started checking the pockets of all the clothing items before I put them in the washing machine, and it turned out that the pockets of all my bf’s clothes were still full of wrapping papers, empty sandwich bags, tissues, etc. I actually had to explain to him that you have to empty out the pockets of clothing items before you wash them. He had been living on his own and doing is own laundry for 2,5 years! How did he not know this?

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7 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Diet Coke is my coffee. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who uses soda as coffee!! I was worried about myself.

What's the difference between ticker colors ? Is blue local news and red "oh shit, what did Trump do now?"

Once I almost threw up on a guy in the middle of a heavy make out session. Things started to progress and then I suddenly shoved him out of the way and dantily puked into my hands (because I'm polite and didn't want to ruin his sheets). He didn't get why I was embarrassed, and totally thought it was his fault. Like boobs = puke button. I told a friend about it and she thought he triggered the puke reflex with his tongue (sorry, this is getting graphic :pb_lol:). Poor lad, loved him so I tried so hard to teach him to kiss. 

Actual representation of our first kiss:

  Reveal hidden contents


Oh man, the lady in the blue dress with the white apron thing reminds me so much of Belle!! Disney princess win or fail?

blue is "you can breath because nothing bad is happening".  Red is "breaking news aka oh shit what has Trump done today"  

I keep really screwy hours, hardcore night owl type.  I go to bed after my husband gets up for work at 5 am.  I wake up around noon.  (again, no kids at home anymore)  I get up & pee (TMI) come downstairs, turn on the tv & check the color of the ticker as I feed the cats.   Typically any big news breaks well before I wake up.  My  mom & I have an agreement that if it's really big or a perp walk she'll call & wake me up.  she did call & wake me up the morning of the Flynn plea.  Anything big that happens after midnight, I send her a text.  If she's awake, she calls.  We have a system.  lol 

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I want to play...

- purchased footed a drive-thru, got change, drove away without food and didn't realize it until I got home.

-always looking for car keys that are often in my hand.

-cell phone on car roof.....

-forgot about the need to pick up child....

Used to drink Diet Coke as caffeine fix, but now use coffee because I finally kicked the soda habit.

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10 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Oh man, the lady in the blue dress with the white apron thing reminds me so much of Belle!! Disney princess win or fail?

It looks like something I would've made back in 7th grade inspired by Belle and Cinderella. :pb_lol: Honestly I love the diversity, some people have freakin Versace dresses or custom made things from Finnish designers, ready made gowns and just... sometimes it's simply pure abominations from all fields.

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I was in my local book store and found a book that I just had to have.  Taking it up to the counter I discovered that my checkbook wasn't in my purse, so I drove nine miles home, ran into the house to get it and went back to the bookstore.

Again I tried to buy the book but discovered that I'd left my purse in the car.  I had my checkbook, but my ID was in my purse, which was in the car.  Going to the car I discovered my purse wasn't there after all, then I remembered setting it on the kitchen table earlier and realized I'd forgotten to grab it after I found my checkbook.  The woman at the counter looked at me like I was insane when I ran in to tell her I'd have to go home for my purse and would return later.  I did actually go home and get my purse and went back to the book store where I finally purchased my book.

After all that I decided to treat myself to a burger and went to McDonalds.  I even went inside so I could sit in an air conditioned environment.  Sitting at a table, I ate my food and read the first chapter of my book before realizing I'd better get home because the kids were about to get out of school.  Later that evening I realized I'd apparently left my book at the restaurant.

The name of the book?  Something about ADD in women and how to calm the chaos.  It was supposed to help my memory and get more done in an efficient manner.

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I thought of another one on my way into work. I had to scan my driver’s license for some reason, to send as an email attachment. Two days later, I realized that my driver’s license was missing from my wallet. Proceed to have a big freak-out about it being stolen and identity theft and imaging the millions of billions of dollars I’d be on the hook for and the millions of billions of hours I’d spend at the DMV (yay!! anxiety!!). Texted many people about my righteous anger. Told many office mates about my sorrows and woes. Got home and remembered that I left it in the scanner. Had to confess to everyone that it wasn’t stolen and I was just a big old dummy. 

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6 hours ago, AlwaysExcited said:

When alarm clock went off today, I turned it off, angry that it rings at Saturday, and went back to sleep. 
19 minutes later I realized that today is Thursday. 

I hate that. And this has been the LONGEST week.

4 hours ago, Marly said:

I always tell my boyfriend to empty the pockets of his jeans

I can't even blame my hubby. I've been the one with the runny nose this week. However, I typically don't put kleenex in my pockets - but I remember (now) doing so before going into a meeting, just in case I needed one.

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You guys are going to give me an eye twitch talking about dog eared books. I hate that so, so much. :pb_lol: 

Derick's newest tweet sounds like he caught himself checking out an innocent college student again then had to go and blame it on her. 

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I find it funny that in English it is called "dog eared". In Germany we give our books "donkey ears" and pages get "donkey eared". Still hate that though and I'd always prefer toilet paper, or anything else than doing this to my books.

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