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Dillards 36: Seating for Family of Four Now

Coconut Flan

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12 hours ago, Kjaerringa said:

So....is the guest house where Ben lived while courting Jessa? I thought it was the pool house, but that was sold, right? Or was just the big mansion sold? Can't keep the real estate straight.

The Duggars have referred to both the pool house and the warehouse on the main property as "the guest house." The warehouse is the one Bin lived in, the pool house is where DerJill are now.  The big mansion DerJill lived in when they were first married was sold.

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5 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

Things Derick has taken heat for in the last couple of days: eating pizza in his car with his wife, eating pepperoni even though the Duggars claimed they didn't eat pork, being part of a family that is appropriating another culture again, posting a photo on Instagram eating ribs which is passive aggressive, having time to post on social media when he should be working, caring for his family for a few weeks after Jill has a baby because most families can't afford to do that. It all just seems a little ridiculous. There have been lots of things to criticize Derick for in the past and I'm sure there will be things in the future. All this stuff is just plain petty.

I was being sarcastic. I know tone doesn't always come across in posts. I was just surprised that you were defending or interpreting criticism for Derick that seemed nonexistent (cultural appropriation for not eating pork- who accused them of that?). Or what was meant (my interpretation) in jest as Derick being passive aggressive about the ribs. I assumed it was a coincidence and people were making light of it but hardly thinking it as "proof" they read here.

Legitmately, some of their behavior has led to concern. Mostly some of the Bible quotes prior to new pics of the fam. Maybe it's concern trolling but to me it was bizarre to post vague Bible quotes alluding to stuggling after the birth of a new baby and not expect people to be inquisitive or concerned. 

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I have strong opinion about pineapple on pizza because it makes my throat close up.   I’m always worried about cross contamination on the pizza cutter.  Nice photo. I do think Sam is a grumpy old man type baby, as some babies are. 

I converted to Judaism, mother's mother was a Catholic; I have her prayer book and Rosary on a shelf in my living room.  I can’t imagine living where I can’t wear my Star of David neckless.  Well, I can imagine, but I didn’t think it would be just anywhere USA.  I have one that is a Hebrew prayer and I plan on getting an Hamsa one next Hanukkah.  Most of the ladies in my congregation wear Star of David (I was gifted a bracelet w/ one) and other Jewish themed jewelry.  There is so much complexity to joining a religion.  This is something for me to think about.   

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Where did baby Sam get those lips? Derick, Jill, and Izzy all have narrow lips, Sam has Jessa lips, IMO.

I think some of the biblical quotes may be in reference to the planned return to the 'mission field.'

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7 hours ago, lomo6 said:

I'm assuming you were born in the mid-90s at the latest? Norms around taking and sharing photos have obviously changed a lot in the past 10-15 years. Plenty of non-celebrities I know post multiple photos every day of their newborns, even when dealing with multiple siblings. 


Considering that it is Jill and Derick's literal job to procreate and then share it with the world, it does seem to be a bit strange that this is all we've gotten so far, unless they're holding out for some kind of magazine spread. 

I'm a late 80s baby, so I'm in the crosshairs group that had most of their formative years without technology and the initial growing pains of social media. Interestingly enough this age group has gotten more private online and are hyper protective of children especially, having already been through the oversharing cycle and are in the snap back stage. Most of my friends, even my non data ones, rarely show their children on social media and some keep it completely separate/ closed groups. Sorry, really interesting topic, currently working on guest speaker stuff on behavioral changes in social media from a data science perspective. 

The Duggars are interesting, because this is their livelihood like you said and we know Jill didn't have free reign on the internet or social media, so being famous they're going through the backlash and cognitive processing at much more accelerated rate with larger ramifications. Maybe I'll use them as an example and add in generational stuff. Anyone have an idea of what ages they got individual cell phones? Quite promising, though I doubt they'd like to be an example for a class at Catholic uni :) 

 Cell phones are actually a really neat example of the different behavioural stages and societal impact (just watch the decline in phone booth locations and horrifically increasing cost to call collect). 

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2 hours ago, Berta McGee said:

Honestly I'm still convinced that there's a reason they weren't sharing in msm. Might be as simple as Jill was unwashed and didn't want her pictures posted but my money's on her having some sort of complication. Infection from the incision or maybe she lost a lot of blood.

Pickles posted this picture on her Facebook page and insinuated that the babys head looks small. Totalbitch move, anyway... Her humpers  jumped up and down, clapping with glee chanting Zika! He has Zika!  Others decided he has Downs. I wanted to scream "You're all idiots! He's just ugly!" There's another picture posted after and his head looks just fine, and he's really cute.

I mean, I'm guilty of letting speculation run rampant when they weren't showing pics and posting biblical verses about struggling. Because they seem to want their family life to be public as their job and ministry,  even if that's not the healthiest for them or the kids. But I think most likely Jill didn't want to have pictures taken immediately after the birth due to it being hard on her. Maybe there was some shame or difficult emotions to process related to not having he birth experience she wanted and felt better avoiding the public. Totally fair. But don't post vague pessimistic bible verses on a post-it and not expect people to have concerns or want more information. These people seem oblivious sometimes because they seek out excessive attention like seeking donations for their "missionary" work but other times they act upset by the consequences of being in public eye.

If they wanted space without speculation, take a cue from Jinger and make a statement that everything is fine and you want privacy for a certain length of time to enjoy/adjust to the new baby. People will still speculate but I think it would cut down on a large percentage of it. 

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2 hours ago, Fluffy14 said:

Found this. You don't send this type of verse unless the recipient is very troubled and is in need of comfort. Just saying.


This is exactly the kind of verse a fundie friend would send Jill while the interwebz speculates she's had hysterectomies and strokes and attempted unassisted home vbacs. 

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New approach: can Jill walk? We just get pics where she is sitting... 

When my mum was in hospital with my younger brother (huge baby) they tried to deliver vaginally - the baby's head almost smashed her bone and she got an emergency c-section. 

A lady in another room was not that lucky - her doctors/midwives tried for too long and she had severe nerve damage and was unable to control her legs/body beneath her naval. (I have no details - this was 22 years ago in Germany, but a huge thing). 

Taken Sam's huge body into consideration and how long they waited the last time... and that she gets meals and is only seen sitting. 

Even in the family picture - it is summer, why not outdoors? 

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17 hours ago, Beermeet said:

Corn on pizza?  That's a new one for me.

See for me, confirmed meat eater that I am (I was veggie, I could very sick. For me, veggie is not sustainable), if one is going to have pizza, there are few things better than veggie pizza. - Some places in the world do phenomenal veggie pizzas (If you're ever near Polzeath in Cornwall, try the pizza place right off the beach for the best pizza in the world! ...outside of Italy I'd imagine).
Sadly around these parts, most people's idea of a veggie pizza is: tomato sauce; cheese; mushrooms; onions; black olives (except they're always out); sometimes pineapple; and sweetcorn. ...all of these raw, slightly damp and insipid. 

12 hours ago, Kjaerringa said:

So....is the guest house where Ben lived while courting Jessa? I thought it was the pool house, but that was sold, right? Or was just the big mansion sold? Can't keep the real estate straight.

There's a thread now for all that stuff. It's located at: http://www.freejinger.org/topic/29537-duggar-real-estate-1/

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Now see veggie pizza to me is tomato sauce, large cut mozzarella, green pepper, onions, mushrooms, arugula or baby spinach, grape tomatoes, roasted corn fired in a brick oven then topped with a light balsamic drizzle. 

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4 hours ago, rosastrohhut said:

Even in the family picture - it is summer, why not outdoors? 

Do you have ANY idea how fucking HOT it is in Arkansas right now? If she'd had that photo taken outside, she'd have had hell to pay for having that baby out in the heat.

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Yeah, the Duggars aren't really "outdoor" types..


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As much as I hate Jill and Derick's ideology, I feel badly for the nonstop nitpicking of everything they do. When I had my first child, I remember feeling like I couldn't win no matter what I did, and I was only dealing with my in-laws and a few other people in my circle... I'm currently expecting my second in September and again, I sometimes catch flack from people about what I "should" and "shouldn't" be doing whilst pregnant, and those are all people I know.

 I can't imagine having scores of strangers that I have never met constantly picking at, crapping on and tearing apart my hair/facial expressions/food choices/photos I do or don't take/etc. I think there are so many more important things that J and D say or do (like D's comments on depression and the Dugs and auxiliary Dugs' hateful rhetoric) that can be called into question, rather than catty, petty, and to be quite frank, bitchy comments about Jill's awful hair or Derick's crooked face or eating pizza in the car.

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Look, they've got a group picture up online.  Everyone looks happy.  They don't need to troop outside when the temperature would indicate it's more comfortable to be inside.  Jill doesn't need to post a picture of her walking on a treadmill while breastfeeding Sam with Derick and Izzy in the background urging her on.

It's time to step back and breathe:

1.  Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, first filling your lower lungs, then your upper lungs.
2.  Hold your breath to the count of "three."
3.  Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders, and stomach.

Repeat as needed.

We'll eventually find out if there was a reason for the late posting of the pictures, and the weird Bible verses, and all that.  Or maybe we won't.

It's time to settle back and relax.  These are the Duggars.  Another "crisis" is coming.  The Duggars excel at boring us to death, then having a huge problem, which turns out to be something stupid.  Once in a while something really interesting comes along, but they won't tell us about it, it'll happen when an outside source spills the beans.

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There's a really easy way for the Dillards to get less public attention...


I was a nurse for 35 years- guess what?  Nurses deal with sick people and get exposed to all sorts of nastiness.

The Dillards are reality TV personnel. They also get to deal with all sort of job/industry related nastiness.

If they can't handle what comes with the job, they can find a different way to support themselves.

Besides, they are attention mongers- they are loving this. It keeps them relevant, if only in their own eyes.

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11 hours ago, Beermeet said:

He's so cute!  I remember with my babies, the mittens.  It's freaky how they have such sharp nails you need to cover or they scratch themselves.   We had to use NB socks at first because the mittens were too big.  Scratching aside, the baby mittens are too cute.

Awwww....I want another baby!  I'll snap out of it soon but still, they grow up too fast.  

I'm surprised Pickles and others aren't freaking out "WHY ARE HIS HANDS COVERED IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM TELL US JILL STOP BEING SECRETIVE ABOUT IT". They're secretive about weddings too because they're waiting for the best magazine deals, that's probably the case with the few photos now too.

Also I have a 9 month old and I am right there with you on being nostalgic for the tiny baby days already, I already have crazy baby fever anytime I see those adorable little newborns!

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@SassyPants This. Derek threw out a salaried position to do this, and "missionary," full time. I feel bad for Jill for all the nitpicking, but I think Derek loves the attention. I'm sure he tells himself all sorts of soothing justifications. It is all worth it to make their whole lives a ministry! Barf. This is baseless speculation of course, but I just get that vibe. To be quite honest, I don't care about seeing pictures of your newborn, Derek. Newborns are not cute. Wake me in 6 months, then he'll be cute and I might give a damn. I was more interested in knowing if poor Jillmuffin survived another ill-considered birth plan without complications. But thanks for pictures of your gross meat-heavy dinners. You're so relevant and really turning my heart to the lord with your ministry! 

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While Jill absolutely benefits from the show, I'm not sure she actually enjoys it anymore. She has a fragile ego, and it would took an extremely confident person to read her social media comments and not be bothered. (I couldn't do it! I feel bad when people downvote my anonymous opinions on Reddit!) I've noticed a change in her behavior on the show, and online presence. Much more cowed. Unfortutnely, she doesn't *realistically* get to leave unless Derick says it's ok. And if he did, there's still her family who she adores that would be guilt tripping her to follow the company line. I mean, it's *possible* for her to somewhat leave the public sphere but...not really. It would make her an outcast in her own family. Jill needs her families validation too much to really go through with Tlc turning her into sunlight at every family get together. Then news would be reaching out for comments. People will still post pictures of her online when she's  out and about. I wouldn't be surprised if she only stays on Instagram to feel like she has some kind of power over her image, though it's  a clumsy effort.

She makes bad decisions/ had a dad and husband that make bad decisions for her, but this girl is still stuck and that makes me pity her. It's hard enough to leave a cult, FJ members have told us their own humbling stories. In some ways ($, normal people who see their religion for what it is) fame would make it less hard for her to leave. But other ways (no anonymity or privacy, tabloids, strangers/fans asking you why you abandoned your family, etc) would add an intense pressure.

could she leave the public sphere and still be in the cult? Maybe...but I personally ain't counting in it.



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2 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

Jill's crazy eyes are at a max in that photo. Damn. 

She has the crazy eyes, but I really like the shape of them when she smiles.

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Don't the Duggars preach leave and cleave?

Doesn't JB talk about how hard it is to turn over his girls to another male headship?

It only stands to reason if a headship wanted his wife to work (in a job other than the show), wear pants, eat pork and use BC that JB/M would be fully accepting as the headship is now the authority figure, right?

If a headship {think Jeremey or Ben} wanted his wife to make her own decisions, JB and M would have to get on board, right????

According to everything the Duggars preach, as soon as that ring is on the finger and sealed by a kiss, it's all up to the headship and not JB/M, right?

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9 hours ago, cascarones said:

I'm a late 80s baby, so I'm in the crosshairs group that had most of their formative years without technology and the initial growing pains of social media. Interestingly enough this age group has gotten more private online and are hyper protective of children especially, having already been through the oversharing cycle and are in the snap back stage. Most of my friends, even my non data ones, rarely show their children on social media and some keep it completely separate/ closed groups. Sorry, really interesting topic, currently working on guest speaker stuff on behavioral changes in social media from a data science perspective. 

It sounds like we're around the same age. 

Amongst my friends with children (late 20s to mid 30s), there's a split in how they deal with their kids on social media. Some people definitely do what you say -  publish a birth announcement photo, but then keep it pretty quiet or maybe post a photo or two per month. But I definitely have friends who document their entire lives in Facebook/Instagram, including a lot who try to make it seem less narcissistic/self-involved by injecting humor into it ("guess whose baby screamed during the entire grocery store trip? I'm sure all the fellow shoppers looooved me!").  I do have a late-30s cousin who makes a huge deal of keeping her two kids off social media (she has never posted a photo of their faces), but she has very strong opinions on politics and issues like digital privacy. 

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5 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Don't the Duggars preach leave and cleave?


They talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. Look no further than their first born. 

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3 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Don't the Duggars preach leave and cleave?

Doesn't JB talk about how hard it is to turn over his girls to another male headship?

It only stands to reason if a headship wanted his wife to work (in a job other than the show), wear pants, eat pork and use BC that JB/M would be fully accepting as the headship is now the authority figure, right?

If a headship {think Jeremey or Ben} wanted his wife to make her own decisions, JB and M would have to get on board, right????

According to everything the Duggars preach, as soon as that ring is on the finger and sealed by a kiss, it's all up to the headship and not JB/M, right?

I would say depending on far away they were....Ie Jeremy and Jinger seem to be getting away with everything because they know how fragile Jinger is? ....not expected to get pregnant, wants to be different ie the pants... they must cringe but have to accept it. 

As for Jill and Derick I think they are supportive because she is the faveourite 

Jessa will never leave because she will need the TTH because of the kids she will be having and Jana has to raise. 

Joy too early to tell 

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11 hours ago, Fluffy14 said:

Found this. You don't send this type of verse unless the recipient is very troubled and is in need of comfort. Just saying.


Jill had a second emergency c-section and she most likely won't have as many kids as she wants.  

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