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Dillards 32: To VBAC or not to VBAC

Coconut Flan

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Interesting that many of us here at FJ are more concerned with the health of both Dillards than they are themselves. (As far as we can tell.)

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19 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

It still strikes me as unfair and ridiculous that so many people gave her grief for that. She made it clear she knew that most babies arrive within ten days of their due date and that it was entirely possible she would have Izzy late. She also said she was keeping two dates in mind - the due date she was given and a due date two weeks after that - as the dates she could give birth by. I'm pretty sure she was in labor when that second date rolled around, so it's not like she was wrong to think that way. 

(Not saying you're criticizing her. Just people around the internet in general. I should probably make that clear. :pb_lol:)

As a person who was overdue by more than 2 weeks both times, I sympathize with any expectant mother who finds herself in this situation. If I was Jill I'd cut off all contact and just hibernate away from the eyes and questions of others. Being overdue is hell, doubly so in Summer. One of my kids was born in June and the other on the 28th of August. It seems, despite the fact that everyone knows that due dates for most are fairly fluid, +|- 2 weeks, people still cannot fathom that some women are blessed with extra long pregnancies.

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@VelociRapture @SassyPants in 1995 my second child was 17 days late.  She was due August 29 and born on September 15.  It was utterly miserable, especially past Labor Day.  She did lose weight during her lateness, but her cranium kept growing.  I will never give anyone grief about missing their due date.  My oldest came closest to being born on her due date (2 minutes early!).  

People try home remedies to get labor started all the time.  I am not above that myself.  However, I have found what my grandmother said about this to be true: You can shake the tree all you want.  Sometimes the apple falls, sometimes it doesn't.

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Baby will be born on 7/15 at 9 lbs...repeat c-section after a long labor. Basically a repeat of Izzy's birth,

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2 hours ago, Million Children For Jesus said:


Derick said he wanted Izzy to go to Oklahoma State, and nicknamed him "ThreePete," in hopes that he would become a third generation mascot. It would make sense to put roots down in Oklahoma, and get that in-state tuition. 

Unless they recently changed it, for both OU and OSU children of graduates get in state tuition no matter where they live so they Israel could live in Israel and go to OSU for instate prices. 

I know nurses who wanted home deliveries during things like flu outbreaks. Of course they used the midwives that are actually part of the ob practice their doctor is in and they all have hospital privileges and full plans for when to give in and go to the hospital. My current obgyn's group has 3 doctors, two nurse practitioners, and three midwives and they all work together and off of eachother wonderfully. But not the same as the Duggars.

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Before things go too far into areas we'd rather not, it's reminder time.  From the rules:

Do Not Diagnose Children

Please do not internet armchair diagnose children from pictures.   Most of these kids have no control over anything in their environment and no say in whether their lives are up for public consumption.   The last thing they need is to google themselves down the road and find out a bunch of strangers on the internet think they were on the autism spectrum or some other random diagnosis.


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18 hours ago, Bethella said:

She can't have a real lay midwife because it's against the state midwife regulations. Her options are to have an unassisted birth, give birth in a hospital with a doctor or go to another state where there are different midwife regulations.

Theresa isn't listed on the currently list of apprentice midwives (updated 6/28). When did you see her listed?

She must have been removed; licenses are good for two years and seem to expire at the end of August, so she apparently didn't re-up. I saw her on a list before that date. I forget the document date, but this was maybe 6 weeks ago. Another FJer and I went over all of the documentation as of that date looking for any sign of Jilly Muffin possibly licensing herself. I also note that Jilly did NOT take (or pass) the AR exam of the new 6/28 update. 

And now for something completely different.....Derelict makes it sooooo easy....


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I'm confused and not the best at bible interpretation. Is this saying if you get lazy, you'll become poor? But I thought the poor were blessed! 

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Lol anybody but me read that part like the band Nothing More? Its the first part to one of their songs, "Jenny".

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Yeah, Derelict is definitely dissing sloth. Oh irony....when's the last day he put in an honest day's work? The last day he "preached" in Danger America? That was about 6 weeks ago, if not more. What has he done since? Multiple visits to Branson, a weeklong #babymoon, and not much else of import. More like, not ANYTHING else of import. He even made Jill cook him a nasty casserole before she went off to her own baby shower. 

Wanna bet that he doesn't bother to look in the hamper to see if there's some laundry he could do while perusing the Proverb of the Day for important quotes to tweet? Nah...he did his laundry in college (Nepal is debatable). Isn't that enough for one guy in a lifetime? Think of Ben and Austin, who went straight from Mommy's house to their wife's. Those guys will NEVER do a load of laundry, EVER. 

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24 minutes ago, marmalade said:

Think of Ben and Austin, who went straight from Mommy's house to their wife's. Those guys will NEVER do a load of laundry, EVER. 

I have taught not one but two men I dated how to do laundry. Sadly, this problem isn't relegated to the fundie world. Also, spoiler: neither relationship worked out. 

ETA: Current boyfriend pays someone to do his, and we're going strong. Coincidence? I think not.

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I'm watching a documentary about mosquitos on the Discovery channel (yes I am part nerd). They just did a segment on the zika virus. It is scary what it does to babies, and has done in places like Brazil where there have been hundreds of cases. How could Jill and Dwreck consider even the most minimal exposure as OK? I hope the baby is fine despite their stupidity.

Zika has been transmitted in the US also, they are talking about Florida now.

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My DD was born 17 days past her due date. The month flipped. It was suggested that I walk. Problem was, it was the coldest winter in thirty years. So I went to the mall, and went into labor that night. Thirty-six hours later, voila! A baby.

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I'll guess July 11, 9lb 13oz and c-section after failed VBAC attempt at home.

I wonder if she gets much prenatal care? Looking at her and considering everything with Israel (especially his weight) if she was my patient I'd be checking she had her glucose tolerance test this time around. Some women just carry big, some women have big babies and some women look big because they have too much amniotic fluid/polyhydramnios. That can happen randomly for no reason or it can happen if a woman has gestational diabetes, which can also make babies bigger than they'd otherwise be. Polyhydramnios also makes it more likely a baby will be in an unusual position.  May just be how she carries or grows babies, but especially if someone was wanting to avoid a c-section and was wanting a lot of babies I'd be checking it carefully.

Dirty Jesus is as slothful a creature as I've ever seen. What a joke!!

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7 hours ago, speller24 said:

Probably already discussed, and I missed it, but why all the homebirths? Is this a fundie thing? Is it for money reasons? Insurance? Because Jesus can take better care of me? Anybody know? 

One of my theories is the fear of a slippery slope: if you put too much trust in mainstream medicine, you might start putting too much trust in science. That's one step away from being a gay, liberal, evolution believer. 

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@Elvis Presby, some laboring women do not want pain relief drugs in a vaginal birth because the drugs will get to the baby.  It may or may not cause problems in the baby.  It also assumes hat every laboring woman finds labor unbearable or that there are no ways to cope with the discomfort of labor besides drugs.  Being able to move around helps and so may breathing.  I just did deep breathing through contractions with my last baby till I needed to breathe shallower and that wasn't until late labor.  I delivered with no drugs.  I'm not saying it was not painful at the end -I had shoulder dystocia- but it was worth it.

Very few women are going to eschew anesthesia during a c-section although there is a film of a Chinese woman having a c-section with acupuncture as anesthesia. She is seen eating an apple as she gives birth.

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3 minutes ago, PennySycamore said:

@Elvis Presby, some laboring women do not want pain relief drugs in a vaginal birth because the drugs will get to the baby.  It may or may not cause problems in the baby.  It also assumes hat every laboring woman finds labor unbearable or that there are no ways to cope with the discomfort of labor besides drugs.  Being able to move around helps and so may breathing.  I just did deep breathing through contractions with my last baby till I needed to breathe shallower and that wasn't until late labor.  I delivered with no drugs.  I'm not saying it was not painful at the end -I had shoulder dystocia- but it was worth it.

I had an unmedicated labor/delivery per the US Army's (then) guidelines. It was beyond horrific. I was begging for relief and literally out of my mind from the pain. I had zero control of the situation.

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Tulsa isn't exotic enough for Dwreck, he can't have his white savior complex there.

But I'm sure there are some methodists there who need saving. [emoji12]
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2 hours ago, ViolaSebastian said:

I have taught not one but two men I dated how to do laundry. Sadly, this problem isn't relegated to the fundie world. Also, spoiler: neither relationship worked out. 

ETA: Current boyfriend pays someone to do his, and we're going strong. Coincidence? I think not.

Oh man, me too! Poor guy, freshman in college and I had to show him how to separate whites and colors. And it was a pretty common thing to see at my school. Lots of confused 18 year old guys. 

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6 hours ago, Bad Wolf said:

Interesting that many of us here at FJ are more concerned with the health of both Dillards than they are themselves. (As far as we can tell.)

Well if she dies it is for Jebus.  If the baby dies, that means Jill is a horrible sinner person and should feel bad because it is her fault.  

***lightbulb!  Maybe this is why MEchelle is so out of it, Josie almost died, Jubilee did die, and she wasn't "allowed" to have another child.  She and maybe Boob as well as her as ungodly and unworthy of more "blessings"?   And yes I realize I'm probably late to this thought, but I usually am. :my_biggrin:

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52 minutes ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

I had an unmedicated labor/delivery per the US Army's (then) guidelines. It was beyond horrific. I was begging for relief and literally out of my mind from the pain. I had zero control of the situation.

I'm sorry it was so bad for you.

I know labor pain can be so bad for some women that they develop PTSD, which is why it seems so cruel of some natural childbirth advocates to criticize women for seeking pain relief in that situation.

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