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Dillards 27 - Allergies, Fever, and the Dangers of Being a White Baby


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On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 4:09 PM, socalrules said:

Why or why won't people from a primarily Catholic nation, who hear the gospel at every mass, listen raptly as I twist the gospel to make them feel like shit? 

Yep.  I'm Catholic and have heard the good news of the Gospel plenty of times.  What is this other Gospel, Derick? 

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On 3/5/2017 at 2:59 PM, nastyhobbitses said:

Jill and Derick honestly believe that they are bringing people to salvation and they are doing them a favor. It's a super problematic perspective to have, but from my understanding, they don't think they're doing anything wrong, because they're saving people's souls from damnation.

People who think that locking their gay kids up and trying to pray the gay away think they're being loving and saving their kids from burning.  Steve Anderson believes he's doing a loving thing by preaching against gay people.  Westboro Baptist church too.  So do young missionaries from the International House of Prayer, when they go to countries like Uganda to spread their brand of religion.  People who follow To Train Up a Child think they're showing their kids love too by beating them.  

The intentions don't matter.  What does is that this proselytizing hurts people.  The IHOP missionaries didn't think they were spreading bigotry, but what they did resulted in LGBT people being murdered!  Jill and Derick think they're loving people, and some people in this forum might think that they aren't as bbad as they could be, but they're spreading the same gay-is-bad, no-birth-control, women-serve-men rhetoric that really isn't so different from beliefs under Sharia law.  It's all harmful, and there's no mitigating it.  Them feeling better about themselves by cheerfully spreading bigotry isn't made better because it makes them think they're getting to heaven for it.  Other people have to live with their consequences and pay the price for them.

On 3/6/2017 at 1:06 PM, BobTheWalrus said:

@formergothardite I couldn't figure out how to quote across topics, but anyway....yes, everyone's replies have been helpful and gracious, thank you everyone! I must confess I do find I odd that some people think missionaries shouldn't be trying to convert people. But I am in complete agreement that missionaries should be culturally sensitive, and that their words and deeds should match up, which seem to be the major objections that people have to Duggar/ Dillard-style evangelism.

If a person is trying to convert, then any help given has an ulterior motive.  There's no way to be culturally sensitive when your goal is to try to get someone to abandon their beliefs, which usually aligns with culture, for yours.  If you want to be a good person, then offer that help without having a hidden agenda of conversion.

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From the stupid SOS ministries blog someone linked to on the last page or so: http://www.soshope.org/about/news/


So the mission team went to visit and bless them at their very poor hut (that they actually borrow because their too poor to have their own mud hut)

A. Major SOTDRT fail.

B. They borrow their hut? Are you seriously so stupid that you've never heard of people renting, as opposed to owning, their homes? Or does it not count as renting because you consider their living quarters inferior to your while people house with barbed wire and armed guards, which I am pretty sure you're also renting?

Good fucking grief. At this point, literally everything these stupid people say makes me really freaking mad.

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11 minutes ago, JillyO said:

From the stupid SOS ministries blog someone linked to on the last page or so: http://www.soshope.org/about/news/

A. Major SOTDRT fail.

B. They borrow their hut? Are you seriously so stupid that you've never heard of people renting, as opposed to owning, their homes? Or does it not count as renting because you consider their living quarters inferior to your while people house with barbed wire and armed guards, which I am pretty sure you're also renting?

Good fucking grief. At this point, literally everything these stupid people say makes me really freaking mad.

Many IBLP folks rent, so they MUST know what it is.  Remember: debt is BAD, so until you can afford to buy a house in cash, you rent.

The Duggars, Bates, Chad and Erin Paine, and I am sure more have ALL rented for a time.  Pecan and Pris, the Keilens, and Pecan's BFF who is married to Kendalyn did not rent technically, but lived in homes they did not own.  I believe Zach Bates either did rent something for a very short time or was planning on renting when the money from Up! started coming in, he got lucky with a listing, and he was quickly able to purchase a fixer instead.  I've never gotten the impression they see it as a shameful option, unlike the Maxwells.  

It honestly appears to be as if not more common for young couples in their circle as it is for secular young adults.  Plus there's the very real issue that the man MUST have a home to bring his wife to after they marry, but can't accrue debt.  Unless the young man is JD levels of industrious, the general fundie courtship/engagement is nowhere near long enough for a man to save up (even for a down payment!) to purchase something.  And, to their credit, it does appear that many of the men DO want their wife involved in the home selection/creation process (even the Pecans are reno-ing a house TOGETHER).  Thanks to fundie engagements being too short to close on a house in many areas of the country, many couples choose to rent first and then buy down the road.  

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17 minutes ago, Georgiana said:

I believe Zach Bates either did rent something for a very short time or was planning on renting when the money from Up! started coming in, he got lucky with a listing, and he was quickly able to purchase a fixer instead.  

I believe what Zach Bates has is a rental that has a discount because they are doing some work on it.

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1 hour ago, JillyO said:

They borrow their hut? Are you seriously so stupid that you've never heard of people renting, as opposed to owning, their homes? Or does it not count as renting because you consider their living quarters inferior to your while people house with barbed wire and armed guards, which I am pretty sure you're also renting?

Yes, but saying they rented wouldn't make them seem as poor and "different". They had to be "blessed" at their poor hut that they are so poor they had to borrow. Not visited at a home they rented. This is all about the great white saviors swooping in to "help" the natives. 

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14 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Yes, but saying they rented wouldn't make them seem as poor and "different". They had to be "blessed" at their poor hut that they are so poor they had to borrow. Not visited at a home they rented. This is all about the great white saviors swooping in to "help" the natives. 

You're right!  A bunch of do-nothings who live in homes paid for by other people coming over to give hope to the "hopeless" people who rent their own home doesn't sound so good! What are they going to say?  "Hey, chin up!  Maybe someday other people will pay your housing bills too!"

Ironically, the only people I can think of who ACTUALLY borrow a house are Jill and Derrick, who borrow a house from Daddy JB whenever they are in Arkansas America. 

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Took a peak at Derwood's Twitter page.  He is beggar for prayers (money) and has a photo up of a sail boat on the beach. Oh for fucks sake! Give us money so we can have a really fun vacation. :562479528aee8_32(4):

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I've never looked at his twitter before, but I'm really enjoying his subtweeting!  (for non-twitterers, that's passive aggressive tweets, clearly aimed at people without naming them, so the tweeter gets to feel smug and righteous!)



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57 minutes ago, Lurky said:

I've never looked at his twitter before, but I'm really enjoying his subtweeting!  (for non-twitterers, that's passive aggressive tweets, clearly aimed at people without naming them, so the tweeter gets to feel smug and righteous!)



Proverbs 15:22 King James Version

Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellers they are established.

Or, this translation:

Proverbs 15:22

Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.

Or, my translation:

Don't be a know-it-all and try to wing it by yourself, or else you will eat shit. If a ton of people tell you that you're being stupid, they may be on to something. Study, learn from many teachers. Work, learn from many employers. Find a mentor. Don't just go Willy Nilly to El Salvador like an impulsive, irresponsible fool. 


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2 hours ago, Lurky said:

I've never looked at his twitter before, but I'm really enjoying his subtweeting!  (for non-twitterers, that's passive aggressive tweets, clearly aimed at people without naming them, so the tweeter gets to feel smug and righteous!)



So he is basically tweeting about someone who is likely not even reading his tweets. Talk about being passive aggressive. I think Derrick is the guy who can talk "tough" on twitter but would never actually confront you in person because then he is required to actually explain himself. Someone also needs to explain to Derrick that he isn't the man of understanding, he is the man that belittles his neighbors by putting them down for not living and believing as he does. 

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2 hours ago, Lurky said:

I've never looked at his twitter before, but I'm really enjoying his subtweeting!  (for non-twitterers, that's passive aggressive tweets, clearly aimed at people without naming them, so the tweeter gets to feel smug and righteous!)



And whoever goes to a predominantly Christian nation to convert Christians to Christianity is a dumbass. Too bad he doesn't get that.

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13 minutes ago, socalrules said:

I think Derrick is the guy who can talk "tough" on twitter but would never actually confront you in person 

Agreed. He comes off as a weak noodle. I think he's a total avoider, passive aggressive type.

14 minutes ago, socalrules said:

Someone also needs to explain to Derrick that he isn't the man of understanding, he is the man that belittles his neighbors by putting them down for not living and believing as he does. 

Agreed again. Excellent point. I thought his post was directed at all the posters on his and Jill's Instagrams disapproving of their ministry work, but yes, he needs to take a spoonful of his own passive aggressive advice. He's the one belittling his Catholic and non-fundie neighbors.

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22 hours ago, Feminist_Defrauder91 said:

Yep.  I'm Catholic and have heard the good news of the Gospel plenty of times.  What is this other Gospel, Derick? 

Not only do Catholics get a reading from the Gospel every time they attend Mass, but also readings from the Old Testament and the Epistles with a responsorial Psalm thrown in for good measure.  

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So the mission team went to visit and bless them at their very poor hut (that they actually borrow because their too poor to have their own mud hut)

I see. I borrow an apartment. Or something like that. I know, strange foreign concept. :pb_lol:

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11 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

Not only do Catholics get a reading from the Gospel every time they attend Mass, but also readings from the Old Testament and the Epistles with a responsorial Psalm thrown in for good measure.  

What is totally loss on the Dillards is that Lent is the most holy time of the liturgical year.   There is no way Catholic is going to do anything but socialize or play along to get a gift or be entertained by the "Americans."  Dillards do not understand anything about Catholic theology.  They don't understand the current Pope is "one of them" and their relationship to the Church is even stronger in the fact he speaks Spanish.  The Dillards are at a total loss that when you are baptized in the Catholic church it is a forgiveness of original sin.  

In most countries it is against the law to come to a country for the sole reason of "saving souls."  Missionaries come on the premise of performing charitable work and God/Jesus is woven in.  Examples are orphanages established, medical clinics, or assisting farmers in increasing crop productivity.  

The Dillards, however, believe mission work is a a play date with foreigners.  The Dillard goal is to spread the Dillard word of Christianity and to have fun while doing so (play in the ocean) or have a slightly scary adventure (the shower curtain falls down).  They make me ill when I think of them.  They have the ability to gather resource and assist a community who has so many needs on so many levels.  Yet, their goal is to take a an extended vacation in a house with a live security system (guards) they uncovered on VRBO.  As renters they are a pain in the neck because they are always demanding the landlord enhance their home or go fetch friends/relatives who are joining them on their 90 day vacation.  

Sorry to be going off but as a Catholic and as a human being they make me sick.  TLC should be calling them out on every level.

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A little OT but do we know when these maroons come back? They left in January? And I believe that they said they needed funds for 4 months? So they'll be back in May? Just in time for the wedding.  :my_dodgy: Have they shown themselves doing anything of substance yet?!? 

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Reading Derick's tweetings and all I can say is.....Derick just what in hell happened to you?  You went to university, had a decent job, some time in Nepal,  plans to go back to being a missionary.   All fine and dandy, nothing wrong with those things but then you totally blew it by marrying into this cray cray family and chugged the kool aid they were offering.  



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Haha i went to a friend's church the other day for a funeral and the pastor was ridiculously over excited. I can't explain it, but I was a bit unnerved by her enthusiasm (perhaps bc it was a funeral?). I'm Catholic and I'm used to very formal masses, so this "contemporary worship" service was out of my comfort zone.  Afterwords, I came home and told my husband and had to explain to him what I meant by the pastor drinking too much  kool aid lol. Thought of you all. He was like "there was kool aid? In church?"

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@SuchABlessing, enthusiasm at a funeral would weird me out, too.  Even if you're relieved that that the departed's suffering has ended, you shouldn't be exactly happy that the person had died, if you get my drift.  Sometimes I think that these asshats have never read the reaction of Jesus when he heard that Lazarus had died.  It's the shortest verse in the Bible and it's "Jesus wept."  You can have a celebration of the person's life without that celebration turning into a New Years Eve party.  

When I was tiny, we used to have Kool-Aid and cookies on Sunday evenings as refreshments when Mama Bertha taught the Beginner's BTU class.

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3 hours ago, SuchABlessing said:

He was like "there was kool aid? In church?"

I usually get donuts and coffee, except at Spanish mass. At Spanish mass, I get hot chocolate and tamales.

I stay away from drinking the kool-aid. 

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My grandmother was never much of a church goer, and when she died, they found someone to have a service at the funeral home. Granny belonged to a fraternal type lodge, of a "tribal" sort, and I think this minister, wwho was female, was either a member or wasn't fazed by the members, because they had their own ceremony right before she went on, but I digress.


Sister was VERY into "can I get an amen" and "praise the Lord" and for the most part, my family isn't any denomination, either, but my immediate family (thanks to my mother) is Catholic. NOT USED to the Hallelujah's and Amens, but.. we'll sit and participate.'

i hadn't joined FJ yet, but I very vividly remember her asking us where we were going to go when we died. I was pretty sick of the schtick, and about to take my misbehaving children outside, when she stopped. (They were actually the most angelic I've seen them in a situation like that. However, their facial expressions said quite clearly, and I knew their mouths would soon follow, "What the hell is she talking about?" I answered some questions in the parking lot..

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I just had an epiphany.

Is it possible that Jill and Derick do not know what the Bible says? Even for educated English speakers the language is old-fashioned and requires quite a lot of effort to understand. Maybe someone could provide them with a newer translation of the Bible and they would realise that 90% of what they do has nothing to do with Christianity?

#hopeforthehopeless #bringthegospeltothosewhoneedit #sharethejoyofknowledge

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