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Lori Alexander 61: Harridan MIL

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Maybe women are "responsible" for 80 percent of divorces because a lot of men just plain suck. Toxic masculinity ftw

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2 minutes ago, polecat said:

Maybe women are "responsible" for 80 percent of divorces because a lot of men just plain suck. Toxic masculinity ftw

As an Old, I can attest to the fact that it used to be considered more “gentlemanly” to “allow” the wife to be the partner who filed for divorce in a failed marriage. 

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Quote from today's blog post:

"you can pick up a Bible and stick it in their face and say, ‘You say you believe this? I don’t think so. And therefore it must not be believable because you know what it says and you’re not interested in believing it and you claim to be a Christian.’ "

Wow. This is just plain hateful.

In the past Ken has said that Lori has "abundant grace" for all. Is this what he meant?


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53 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

Quote from today's blog post:

"you can pick up a Bible and stick it in their face and say, ‘You say you believe this? I don’t think so. And therefore it must not be believable because you know what it says and you’re not interested in believing it and you claim to be a Christian.’ "

Wow. This is just plain hateful.

In the past Ken has said that Lori has "abundant grace" for all. Is this what he meant?


I've taken a decent break from Lori recently. But in her defense, that quote is John McArthur's voice, not hers.  Now, there's a man who needs to be told what "the will of God is for him", since he thinks that is HIS purpose for women (see blog post for that disgusting quote).

John McArthur needs to be purged of all his vitriol.  The fact that she and Ken idolize this man is very telling of what "gospel" they believe and preach.


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we cant have educated women because men have to be smarter. ?

honestly my man wouldn’t want to be with me if I was a door mat. 

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3 hours ago, polecat said:

Maybe women are "responsible" for 80 percent of divorces because a lot of men just plain suck. Toxic masculinity ftw

I went searching of the 80%. I found a study from 2015 that 69-70% of women file for divorce. They aren't all from toxic masculinity. It has to do more with the erosion over time. and women are less satisfied with the marriage.  From the Washington Post article:


He also speculated that, although most men today espouse egalitarian values, many probably still harbor subconscious expectations of a wife’s traditional role in the household. This could explain why, after all these years, women still shoulder twice as many domestic responsibilities as men. 

Men are more apt to be ok with dissatisfaction in the marriage (psy today article):


When men and women seek couples therapy and then subsequently divorce; or, when either partner seeks individual therapy about a marriage conflict that ends in divorce, it’s often the woman who expresses more overt conflict and dissatisfaction about the state of the marriage. On the other hand, the man is more likely to report feeling troubled by his wife’s dissatisfaction, but pretty much “OK” with the way things are; he's content to just lope along as time passes.


Both sources cite the same Michael Rosenfeld study, here are the links:

Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/soloish/wp/2015/08/27/why-women-are-more-likely-to-initiate-divorce/?utm_term=.80653255faca

Psychology today - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-resilience/201508/women-initiate-divorce-much-more-men-heres-why

Here is the study: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150822154900.htm

And that, Lori, is how you reference your sources. 

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5 hours ago, wallysmommy said:

Best pictures of salads or comfort food that resembles cat hurl....toss up between Lori Alexander and Brother Gary.

I’d give Lori the award for salads(since Bro Gary probably wouldn’t know a salad if it bit him on the ass)and the rest to Bro Gary.  HAYMAYUN!

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Kyle no body cares what you think. People are good at faking things then showing their true colors. I grew up in a Christian family and up until I came out as an atheist I would have told you I was saved. I never truly believed in god. I always questioned. It was years before I finally admitted to myself I don’t believe that he is real. I know it’s not the same as a person being abusive but abusive people are good at hiding things. 

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A girl in my circle married a perfectly "nice guy." Who then turned into a raging abusive asshole after marriage. She never saw it coming. And was so devestated. 

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No Kyle, we might maintain a certain personality generally throughout a lifetime but it can be covered up with acting. Anti social types and narcissists can be especially good at this. 

My sister has been down right convinced she knows my "lying face". But what she doesn't know if it's a put on face I use for jokes or if it's not serious. I generally have a very good poker face. I'm not one for lying but I'm a private person who keeps emotions largely to myself. When I was young I'd make certain faces to get kids to pick me in heads up seven up as the one that tapped them because I looked "guilty" . Lol a slytherin at heart Now I just use this talent to control my face for counseling. Some people use their powers for good, others are just assholes. And some like Kyle don't even use their real face to comment vile things on a women's page. 

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Somebody in Lori-land must have complained about changing shitty diapers.  Of course, it was perfectly fine for her to have a nanny and housekeeper when she couldn't handle her motherly chores with one or two children, much less a tribe of kids.  If the "servant of all is the greatest of all" then you, Lori, are microscopic because there's nothing servant-like in your attitude.








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Before all of this gets deleted. This is more comments from my earlier post. 88B8C742-8156-43E8-8404-5EAC970321F8.thumb.jpeg.5093021f15611178fa892a90682a1bcf.jpeg

while women can be these things so can men. Men have always been able to lord over women until feminism. And of course she is going to take offense. She is being attacked for stating her truth. 




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Where do they get off talking to women like that? How completely disrespectful and this is supposed to be a Christian page? You know what? He probably does get off talking to women like that.

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15 hours ago, wallysmommy said:

Best leghumping of 2018 goes to...(this is a tough one -- I'll let some one else pick the winner).

I'm late to the game, but I'll take it a little bit seriously. My vote goes to Prudently at Home. I didn't agree with a lot of what she says, but she called Lori out when it was important to do so.  I'm guessing she's either been blocked, or she's abandoned the closing ring of male shitsnacks that seems to be gathering around Lori. 

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7 hours ago, Katzchen24 said:

I'm late to the game, but I'll take it a little bit seriously. My vote goes to Prudently at Home. I didn't agree with a lot of what she says, but she called Lori out when it was important to do so.  I'm guessing she's either been blocked, or she's abandoned the closing ring of male shitsnacks that seems to be gathering around Lori. 

Nope. She’s still there and still responds with Lori style snark. I like that she confronted Lori on some of her commenters but I think deep down she believes exactly like Lori- she just makes more of an effort to cover it under a caring persona. I also wonder if she has to pretend to be a little more temperate for some reason.

Or perhaps she believed like Lori but is recognizing the dangers of black and white thinking and that us feminists aren’t all what Lori and her stupid fans believe. Either way, I’m not a fan of prudently, and I have learned to trust my instincts. 

I also have come to the realization that all of these comments about teaching women to love their wives and husbands blah blah blah are code for teaching women to know their place. That’s why there aren’t ever any helpful and relevant posts about budgeting, cleaning routines, meals, daily schedules, etc. And end there is a request for that info, the post is usually deleted or dismissed. 

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Aside from needing their sperm yes women can. Should we? No of course not. Every PERSON has something to bring to the table that the next person doesn’t have. We are all unique in our own ways. I was raised to not depend on people for everything. Everyone needs to learn how to change their oil, a flat tire, write a check, cook, and clean. 2A03A071-C74C-4A69-94AD-DBDDC6D606F9.thumb.jpeg.7dc336ebfcb03f6803e5886402bfbb75.jpeg

i have used men to help me move but it wasn’t because they were a man. It was because they were strong and available. Most of my friends are men. I try and fix a lot of stuff around the house. 



I just love it when people believe there is a secret feminist agenda and it’s to hate all men. Feminism is equality for both male and female. Women aren’t trying to wipe them out or do away with them. Most women like men. Some like them enough to marry them and have children. Some like them so much that they have true love for them. 

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I've never been married, and I don't hate men. I was raised to be independent.  My dad would do lots of things for me because that's how he was.  He also did repairs and things for other people, without ever expecting to be paid, no matter what their gender.  He expected me to be independent.  He never, ever, ever said I need to find a husband.  Yes, I was a daddy's girl, and he came to me for advice about different things, or when he needed help with his computer. 

When he was ill, right before he passed away, my mom needed a break, so I came to their house and worked virtually.  I heard him get out of bed and stumble around.  I look up, and he's in the door between the bedroom and living room, with a t-shirt and jacket on, but no pants.  I screeched, and said "You're naked!  You've scarred me for life."  His response: "I'm not half the man I used to be."  

Back to the doodle -- my dad taught me you use the right resources at the right time, and pay for what you can't do yourself.  I pay a man to mow my lawn, and a woman to clean my house.  I would hire a female lawn person, or a man to clean.  It doesn't matter so long as they can do the job.  


Edited to add steam of consciousness:  Does Lori preach so hard about needing a man because she's so miserable in her own life that she has to convince herself she's better off with Ken than without?  "Let me list the reasons I have to put up with Ken..."

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Football. We always come back to football whenever Lori can’t counterclaim a reasonable thought she always uses “because football” (Ken too!).

Lori: “...let's see you or any woman play in the NFL. To say that men, in general, aren't a lot physically stronger than most women is to deny basic common sense.”

 speaking of football! Anybody making any special food for tomorrow’s Super Bowl? I could care less about the game only that I hope the patriots lose! But the hub sister invited some friends over so I’m going to make some baked ziti, sausage and peppers, tomato pie, chicken wings, and a bunch of snacks. What are you are having ? (Variation on what’s for dinner)

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So a reader on Lori's blog asked for advice on dealing with being sad. She said her fiance "isn't pleased" by her sensitivity. 


"Remind yourself that self-pity is satanic. Every time you want to feel sorry for yourself, remind yourself of this fact and shoo those emotions away. "

Just shoo that clinical depression away. Great advice, Lori. A partner that is bothered by a show of emotion is a huge red flag. 

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So many good comments on her doodle today, pushing back with thoughtful, well articulated responses. 

Yes, Lori- we all rely on inventions made by men. What you seem to forget is that historically those opportunities were open to men only (and really, only white men- but that’s a subject for another day). It doesn’t mean men are superior and that women are weak and inferior.

My reliance on a car invented by a man doesn’t mean I need a man. If I call a plumber, I’m calling a plumber. Yes, those types of roles are typically filled by men. I think that’s probably regional and a result of gender stereotypes more than anything. I also think it’s slowly changing. 

I don’t get all of these men and their need for authority (I’m looking at you, Shawn Cantu, Kenneth Shock, Kyle Smith to name a few). Seriously- it’s creepy. You claim it’s because you have such a high opinion of women, but I think it’s the exact opposite. I also think you are afraid of losing some sense of perceived control.

I didn’t get married because I need a man. I got married because I loved him (and still do), and wanted to build a life together. Neither of us has authority over the other. And he would say the same. 

My identity is complete in Christ. 


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On 1/31/2019 at 8:01 AM, wallysmommy said:

(Quoting a commenter)

“Serving their own families! My oldest daughter has five younger siblings, all under six years of age, so she’s getting lots of ‘practice’ for when she marries. Even if she doesn’t have children right away, helping care for preschoolers and toddlers definitely teaches living a sacrificial and selfless life, which is good for marriage! I’m also training her to keep a home by teaching her basic housekeeping and cooking skills. I also have her read Lori’s posts and Above Rubies.”

 Five kids under the age of six, so if they are single births, this woman is perpetually pregnant.  I guess it saves on the wardrobe because you are always wearing maternity clothes.  I wonder how old the oldest daughter is if the others are birth stacked like cordwood.


My guess would be the kid is between 7 and 10. Most likely on the younger side.

It makes me think of the conversations I’ve had with young people who’ve walked away, the ones who’ve talked about having no interest or inclination to have children of their own because they’ve been-there-done-that already in raising younger siblings.

Poor kids who never get a chance to be children.

ETA: so much for Botkin’s and VF’s 200-year plan. “If we have 10 arrows, and each of our arrows have 10 arrows, and...” Pretty much a plan to take over the world and bring god’s kingdom on earth, basically, without any need for divine intervention.

It only works if all the kidults down the generations are sufficiently brainwashed not to walk away

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I also couldn’t care less about the game(or football in general), and intend to bypass it entirely.  Kitten Bowl FTW!

(Spring training, however, is a whole ‘nother story. ?)

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Sure, I might need a man to do some heavy lifting or moving. I don't know much about plumbing or cars. If it's something the hubby doesn't know how to fix, we call a plumber or take the car to a mechanic (who will most likely be a man).  

I'm pretty feminine, and our family does fall into the traditional gender roles. However, my husband can cook and clean, and I at least know how to look up a plumber or find a mechanic 

I even know how pack a bag and drive away from a fire all by myself.

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Lori mentions the NFL like it's actually like really important. Is it entertaining for many people? Yes. But it's entertainment and I think players are way over paid when compared to those who do more important things like teach, nurse etc. If you can't tell, I hate football and find it boring. I'm way more concerned about the high amount of sex trafficking that takes place during that time. Victims probably bought mostly by men. 

For the record if you love it that's awesome! I wish I could be entertained by sports but it's not in my blood. 

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