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Lori Alexander 61: Harridan MIL

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Lori really quoted that woman out of context in her doodle. The poster was trying to say that she's raising her daughters to not completely depend on a future partner for money and security. She wasn't saying the world needs no men, ever. 

That poster is probably banned as well so she can't defend herself. 

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Today's rant is about public schools.  Once again, she casts a wide net of aspersion on people blaming public school for children leaving their faith.  I would argue that more children leave the church and their faith because of their parents.  The kids see one face at church (the Godly Christian) and another face at home (judgmental, gossiping, hypocritical, fault-finding, mean, envious, and the list goes on).  Lori's argument extends to the idea that public school has more influence on children than their parents or family.  Public school had nothing to do with my brother leaving the faith.  He went to Christian school.  But he saw too much of the behind-the-scenes shenanigans not with my parents, but with the pastor and the pastor's wife as we were very close to our family, then turned on my dad like vipers.

Cast your net back in your own direction, you harridan viperous biddy.

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15 hours ago, Briefly said:

Mr. Briefly cooked dinner tonight.  It was tacos, by the way.

I have done, or helped with:  replacing a brick sidewalk, installed a chain link fence, replaced a garage door, replaced doors, installed a wooden fence, split firewood, painted inside and outside walls, moved furniture, installed a dishwasher, laid out and striped parking lots (in S. Texas, after said parking lots have been baking in the hot sun all day), and a whole lot more.  And guess what, the world didn't end!  I've also helped with basic plumbing, but that is something that I prefer to leave to an expert.  Same thing with car repair, I will pay to have it done.

Lori would be completely useless in a disaster, or even in a needed home repair situation.  She would probably have no idea what to do.  She strikes me as pretty useless most of the time, actually.  I think most people will at least have to take care of something on their own at some point, even if it's as "simple" as turning off the water because a pipe burst.  But Lori?  She probably doesn't even know where the water cut off is!  Same thing for the fuse box in her house.

As far as the Super Bowl, we are not really into sports at all.  I will probably look up the commercials online Monday or Tuesday.

I also think Lori is useless most of the time. The fire evacuation incident gave me that vibe. She probably uses the "I can't do or fix_________ because that's a man's job" excuse for almost everything.  I bet that has to at least piss off her family every once in awhile. 

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Ken is fucking annoying. He takes some of the comments out of context and tries to imply that these women are saying that they don't need men at all. Ken, they're not saying that. They are saying that they don't need to depend on men for every fucking thing in the world. 

I think deep down Ken probably gets pissed when he reads comments about women doing repairs or things without help from men because he knows Lori is a lazy ass and enjoys playing helpless. 




Sara I fixed my own plumbing and electricity this weekend. I also moved my own heavy furniture with the help of my daughter. Was I supposed to call a man first?






Missie- Sara you were not only supposed to call a man you were supposed to thank him by cooking him dinner, bringing him a glass of bourbon afterwards and letting him watch the game while you clean up. ?



Ken Alexander The world is beginning to fill up with men who will be happy to watch you do it all yourself. Go for it if it makes you happy, but it will not make you more of a woman or a person to forgo the help of men. Sleep well tonight as mainly men patrol your streets, stand ready to put out the fire in your home and stand armed on your borders protecting you. You don't need these men ... right?





Sara - Ken Alexander I totally agree. There are way too many weak and lazy men who can't keep up with a woman's work ethic.






Ken and Lori never responded to the woman's question to whether Ken does the home repairs. I'm guessing he doesn't. Some people just don't feel comfortable attempting repairs for different reasons and if some people want hire movers or others to do things then that's fine. 

That Mimmo guy is an asshole with his comment about men not calling in women to do important tasks.  Plenty of men hire women to do legal work, accounting, medical care, and other things. But, I'm guessing Mimmo would never call in a female to do anything for him. 

This may sound shitty of me, I hope that if Ken, Lori, Mimmo, and the other leghumpers find themselves in emergencies, that they have their asses saved by women. 



Gemma- I guess I’m just confused? With all due respect, most men need to find other men to perform these tasks. My husband and I hired people to move our furniture, not because either of us are weak but because my husband can’t take time away from his business to do this.






Gemma-Does Ken take care of all your plumbing and electrical fixes?



Mimmo -You said correctly: even men need other MEN. They never call for women for important tasks.
Women are needed for company and for raising a family and children together and in harmony.
That's it.


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Last week I needed to take care of the clogged kitchendrain. Was pretty easy, twist of the joint that hold the part in place that needed to be unclogged, cleaned it out, twist it back. Took 20 minutes and some cleaning afterwarts. No penis needed. If I have more complicated things to fix, I call a professional, I'm bright enough not to mess with things I don't know anything about. I wouldn't also cut my own hair or do my doggie's grooming, I pay a professional to do this and btw, we both look better that way. That's basic economy, pay someone to do something you can't or won't do and get paid for doing work for other people.

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Guess I'm once again fucked in the "feminine" department. My son and a couple of his friends are working on a certain concept for green energy. Son brought me some of the stuff they were kicking around and within 10 minutes I had a page full of suggestions, questions and alternatives. I'm now their technical advisor. 

Fixing things: Yup...virtually anything on a car (but I don't have my tools anymore). Plumbing, basic home repairs. I don't do anything electrical. Can't see that shit. 

Oh and that "manly men" patrolling the streets? Bullshit. There are plenty of female cops, firefighters and EMTs. There are women in the Border Patrol. 

Fuck Ken (not that I would, even with my X's dick)

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The slight young woman who fixed our gas fireplace--as in, tore it apart, did the diagnostics, ordered and installed the parts, put everything back together and also cleaned our furnace ductwork--said that she takes nearly all her company's fireplace calls because she can fit into the tight corners where they tend to be installed.

While she was working she was also taking calls from a newer hire, male, who needed advice on a job.

She was happy on installation day because (1) she had just bought a new equipment backpack that is perfect for organizing and hauling her giant stash of tools and (2) she was getting off early enough to shower and do her hair before taking the kids to her mom's and going on a date.

Meanwhile, I swapped out the dead timer on our 20-year-old clothes dryer, following instructions from Mr. Older, who is older. He knows how but can't maneuver behind the machine anymore. I'm a mechanical klutz, but I can execute when told what to do. With the money that saved, we both felt better about calling a plumber instead of fixing the bathtub leak ourselves.

In my much younger days, I changed the head gasket on my 3/4-ton pickup by myself. I hated every minute of it and am so grateful that some people actually like working on cars. Give me a nice fencepost hole to dig any day over auto maintenance.


I will never understand why we let other people dictate our roles and our talents. I used to keep this quote on my classroom wall, while forcing the farmboys and farmgirls in my English 12 to write sonnets and quote Shakespeare.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert Heinlein


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38 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Oh and that "manly men" patrolling the streets? Bullshit. There are plenty of female cops, firefighters and EMTs. There are women in the Border Patrol.

In my opinion, guys "patrolling" the streets to protect us feble, helpless women from unseen dangers are usally more dangerous to women they think they protect. Since it's born out of their sense of male supremacy, male entitlement and often with a large dose of xenophobia and not the wish to serve and protect society as a whole.

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I'm almost as old as Lori and I remember the world that she is promoting. When Lori and I were teens, yes, it was mostly men doing the plumbing, police work, electrical work. And there was subtle pressure for women to act helpless and grateful. At least in the community I grew up in. Does anyone remember the Brady Bunch episode where Carole and the girls try to build a clubhouse and fail miserably? The dad intervenes when Cindy almost gets hurt. He and the boys start building it, cleanly and competently, while the women make lemonade. It was considered attractive for those women to be helpless with tools. They were "feminine." That is the world I grew up in.

The thing is, the world has changed. In my own small circle of acquaintances, I know a female police officer, police detective, plumber and many many doctors, accountants and lawyers. I know women who are stronger and fitter than Ken, who could outrun him and his sons.

Just because Lori chose to remain weak, frail and ignorant doesn't mean other women have chosen that path. Personally, I have embraced the opportunity to learn about tools and fixing things, to mow the lawn and dig a garden. One of my daughters is skilled at almost every power tool there is, spends her days building robots and models, and never, ever wears a dress. (Neither do I) I'm glad she lives in a world where she can grow into the type of woman she wants to be.

Finally, Alyssa is a dancer. Ballet is a highly athletic activity. Lori's oldest is neither weak nor delicate. 

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3 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

Women are needed for company and for raising a family and children together and in harmony.
That's it

Well, whomever wrote this really needs to go READ THE BIBLE inspired by the God they claim to worship, because Jesus told eleven men, and at least TWO WOMEN, immediately after He was raised, to do THIS:

“As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race! 16 Whoever believes the good news and is baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe the good news will be condemned. 17 And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. 18 They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous.[f] And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”


This single piece of scripture de-bunks LorKen's entire false doctrine: women are told to preach to the entire human race; women are told to cast out demons (which means they will need to GO somewhere other than home, since hopefully their own home isn't full of the demon-oppressed); women are told they are supernaturally protected (why do all women NEED a "man" to "protect" them, again, biblically, please?), and women are told they are to lay hands on the sick and HEAL them (women physicians and nurses and healers).


I HATE RELIGION. Lori and Ken need deliverance from the demons of religion.  That's it.

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3 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Guess I'm once again fucked in the "feminine" department. My son and a couple of his friends are working on a certain concept for green energy. Son brought me some of the stuff they were kicking around and within 10 minutes I had a page full of suggestions, questions and alternatives. I'm now their technical advisor. 

Fixing things: Yup...virtually anything on a car (but I don't have my tools anymore). Plumbing, basic home repairs. I don't do anything electrical. Can't see that shit. 

Oh and that "manly men" patrolling the streets? Bullshit. There are plenty of female cops, firefighters and EMTs. There are women in the Border Patrol. 

Fuck Ken (not that I would, even with my X's dick)

In the past Ken and Lori have gone rants against women working in law enforcement, but they rarely mention women working as firefighters, paramedics, or EMTs. I have a female family friend who was paramedic for close to 20 years. She developed PTSD related to the job. She left the emergency medical service field and became an LPN to work at clinics. She has said she doesn't regret all the years spent in EMS because she was able to help people and save lives.

I'm sure Lori and Ken would have said this woman deserved PTSD for working as a paramedic, but I also know a former male paramedic who has PTSD and had to move from the area he worked because there were too many bad memories.  

Ken and Lori don't realize that both men and women who chose to work in law enforcement or emergency services put a lot of themselves on the line to help others. They should just be grateful for everyone who works in those fields. 

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My family stopped going to church on sundays when my dad became to sick to go. We would have “church” in our living room on sundays. It was mostly reading a bible passage and talking about it. 

I went to church a few times after that with different friends. I decided church wasn’t for me because of the youth. I hated the older youth mentoring younger youth. Not because it’s a bad idea, it’s not, but because they never had anything useful to say. There was a lot of making fun of home schooled kids going on too.

I was home schooled for elementary school and most of middle school. Went to a charter school for eighth grade then public for high school. I would have told anyone who asked I was a Christian. I didn’t cuss, drink, or smoke. A lot of my friends did and they didn’t care that I didn’t. They respected that. 

My younger brother was home schooled until high school then went to public school. His faith is her strong. He only reads books on Christianity. He has no problem talking about his faith. 

While I was in college I realized I never truly believed in god. The faith I thought I had wasn’t real. Even while I was home schooled with Christian curriculum I questioned the biblical god being the real god. 

The problem isn’t public schoool or church. If the faith is real it’s real. Not allowing someone to test the waters doesn’t keep them from straying. If their faith isn’t real to begin with then it’s only a matter of time before that comes out. 

Lori’s whole thing about keeping kids at home and raising them to be good Christians bugs me so much. I have gotten so much flack from my family for not believing. Faith and believing in a higher power is such a huge concept to grasp. How can you expect a child to truly understand when most adults don’t. There are to many unknowns. 



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1 hour ago, ladyicantxplain said:

I HATE RELIGION. Lori and Ken need deliverance from the demons of religion.  That's it.

I know what you mean with your peculiar and narrow definition of the word "religion", because I heard it in my evangelical days. The idea was that "religion" was empty going-through-the-motions as opposed to real faith.

But in normal, non-Christianese language, "religion" just means the practice of a faith. If you personally are a practicing Christian (and from your posts it seems you are), then Christianity is your religion, in the normal use of the word.

So I find your posts very confusing to read! Clearly showing a strong Christian commitment/faith/practice, but despising "religion". I mean, say whatever you want, but just be aware that in the normal use of the word it comes out weird.

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@Petronella, I totally understand what you are saying. I suppose the definition of religion below would better suit the description of what I hate, though it is more than this to me:

a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices (religion, defined by Miriam Webster as one of four definitions).

See, I don't practice religion.  The only reason we have people asking what religion people are (Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.) is BECAUSE of religion.   It probably sounds weird because most people associate Christianity with religion.  

Religion is more than just empty going through the motions. There are people out there who think they are really worshiping the Living God, saying they are, and preaching that they are. They are Pharisees; they are modern-day Pharisees.  They have one thing in common: RELIGION has deceived them.  Lori-Ken fit in this category, in my opinion.

I believe religion is a spirit.

The reason I believe so is because, according to Christianity, it is the Spirit of God in a believer that makes one a Christian.  Therefore, it is the spirit of religion in a legalist that makes them a legalist. (Pharisee).

I hope that makes more sense.

Spirit of God is good; lots of people who would NOT call themselves Christians have experienced the Spirit of God (LOVE).  

Whereas the spirit of religion is part of why we are all here on FJ, talking about Fake Christianity (because that's what it is).

Hope that helps.


Oh, BTW: look how closely the counterfeit definition is to the real:

Pharisee: one who is separated

Holy (according to bible): set APART for God


As close as a diamond and a really good CZ.  Hard to tell them apart without discernment. Discernment comes from the Spirit of God (LOVE).   See what I mean?  Lots of people who don't call themselves Christians are operating in love...and not the fake.


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Before it is deleted. 


Lori’s kids attended public school, some for longer periods of time than others, and went to private school. They somehow managed to keep the faith. It all comes down to parenting. 

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4 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:



If Prudently and all of Lori’s other minions would spend some time with youth and young adults (with open hearts), they just might be surprised by what they see. Or maybe they could build relationship with those leaders and support and encourage them in what is a challenging area of ministry. 

My daughter is in middle school this year and was able to join the church youth group. There are two young adult/college age leaders; one male and one female. My middle schooler has anxiety and while it’s managed now, we had a rough patch in the fall. On Sunday mornings, the group participates in corporate worship and then goes to another area of church for more in depth study. Frog daughter would sometimes need to step out of group. The female youth leader devised a signal method with frog daughter so she would know of she needed space or if she needed the leader to join her/summons me. This same leader gave frog daughter bound index cards with some of her favorite verses on them- just book, chapter, and verse number so frog daughter had to look them up and write them out, with plenty of cards to add in future verses that stood out to my daughter. This leader has taken the girls individually to Starbucks for a treat and conversation, and regularly sends texts to have a good day, to be encouraged, and to let them know she is praying for them. Our youth leaders are pouring into our youth in amazing ways- this is just a small part of what they are doing. 

Our church also has a large number of college students in attendance. They sit in the front of the church, freely worship, and take notes on the sermon. 

I believe their collective impact is going to be huge. I’m around elementary and  middle schoolers because I have one of each, and I work on a college campus. I see our future and know things are not nearly as bleak as people try to argue. 

I hate the constant criticism of our young people. 

23 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

Lori’s kids attended public school, some for longer periods of time than others, and went to private school. They somehow managed to keep the faith. It all comes down to parenting. 

In some ways, it’s surprising that Alyssa especially has kept the faith. 

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I feel like people like Lori and crew just don't get why young people are leaving the church. Either that they know but don't want to accept responsibility. Almost every single young person I know that's walked away from church has done so because of something that has happened in the church.  I'm talking about deeply committed Christians. Sitting in my friend group of Christians the tone regarding the church is often weary. Or we're brimming with wonderful ideas with no one willing to hear us.

I remember being sent to a youth retreat as a teen, to essentially review it and see if we wanted to bring it back to our youth. Every single critique, no matter how valid, was ignored. The retreat only happened like twice at our youth before they quit doing it. I sat on a committee to find a new youth pastor when I was like 13 for a youth perspective, I read through resumes and asked questions. I asked the man who'd later become the youth pastor " what plans do you have for the youth? They're the future of the church so what are your ideas?" I was told I was too young to ask that question and it wasn't answered. The guy didn't have a direction for the youth at all and hardly followed through with anything. I volunteered to lead the Bible study for college students at my church during the summer because no one else did despite promises to do so. I was told I needed to be trained and supervised (this never happened). No Bible study. Rejection of wisdom, offers, and ideas over and over makes people tired. 

A large portion of my education has been at Christian schools; however, going to a public high school did nothing to effect my faith in a negative way. My faith was at its strongest and probably the least jaded during that time. Sometimes I wish for it back TBH because it felt so simple. Now it's a broken train wreck sometimes and it's not because of the "world". It's because of the absolute cruelty and corruption I see within the Christian community and my own internal struggles with belief.

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9 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Almost every single young person I know that's walked away from church has done so because of something that has happened in the church.

Exactly.  One of my offspring walked out of youth group because of something that was said and has never attended church regularly since.  She was highly offended and to this day won't tell me what was said.  We left that church, but the damage was done.  

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2 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Exactly.  One of my offspring walked out of youth group because of something that was said and has never attended church regularly since.  She was highly offended and to this day won't tell me what was said.  We left that church, but the damage was done.  


Our ex church brought in a "family and youth" pastor (the one that helped drive my family out). He was supposed to help with the youth group and asked my younger sister to help lead a girls group (I was going to college and couldn't). This was before he revealed his true nature. He had even taken us out for lunch and coffee when I was home on break to" talk with us" and asked my sister during this time. Looking back, I should have seen how weird this was and I still don't know his motivation.   She was excited and wanted to do a book called Love Does. He gave her another book instead that referred to some girls as bitches.  She quit after witnessing him berate a girl dating another girl in front of the entire youth and then later scolding the girl's brother for standing up for her. She was disgusted by his behavior. Personally, he was lucky that I was not there because I'm quite sure my vicious side would have made an appearance.

I'm pretty sure that was the beginning on a slow decline for both of our attendance. He also made attempts to grill me about mental health counseling  and tried to point out precieved faults in it. Given that I wrote a short thesis on why the church needs mental health counseling and studied integration of psychology and Christianity that was not a great choice for him. He failed miserably. 

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19 hours ago, klein_roeschen said:

In my opinion, guys "patrolling" the streets to protect us feble, helpless women from unseen dangers are usally more dangerous to women they think they protect. Since it's born out of their sense of male supremacy, male entitlement and often with a large dose of xenophobia and not the wish to serve and protect society as a whole.

You're absolutely right. Hell, where I live, two male cops just murdered a female cop. But sure, they're protecting women all right. 

Re: Her public school post: If education causes you to question or even leave your religion, then maybe that's not the fault of education but the fact that your religion can't stand up to scrutiny.

And finally, why *wouldn't* you want people to be independent? I'm trying very hard to work myself out of a job with my kids -- they can clean, cook, do their own laundry, do the shopping, fix small things around the house, etc., and by next year, one will even be driving (ack). But that's as it should be.

The *only* reason to deliberately keep someone utterly helpless and dependent is power and control. Not a good look ... 

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In the midst of all of the abortion outcry, there was a post by an acquaintance on FB, lamenting that churches don’t want to stand up against abortion. It turned into a thread about how the church doesn’t want to preach hard things for fear of offending people and losing out on tithes. Three of the people (including the original poster) attend our church and the other two used to attend. I was appalled. 

I want a message relevant to me. I don’t need others called out on their perceived sins to make me feel better- and I think people who want hellfire and damnation and “hard preaching” really want an echo chamber.

A friend of ours has been attending that church (we attend a smaller campus of the church)- and he is slowly opening up. He has even taken the pastor to lunch. If he went to a church like these people were calling for, he would have walked out mid-sermon and wouldn’t return. 


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I'm really really tired of fundie parents believing only they are qualified to teach their kids about Jesus in a church setting. Many families in my circle, my own included, were like that. I can count on one hand the time we went into children's church, and we never got to take a teenager's Sunday school class. Hell, the first time I went to a real church camp was when I was twenty fucking one years old. 

Abuse to your kids is a real danger in church. I absolutely understand and agree. But that was low down on the list of reasons that we were kept so separated. 


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Lori says again today that they have 9 grandchildren.    I only count 8 -- Ryan/Erin 4,  CassiRyan - 2  Steven/Emily 2, Alyssa/Jon 0 -- Where/who is the 9th?


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20 hours ago, Hisey said:

Just because Lori chose to remain weak, frail and ignorant doesn't mean other women have chosen that path.

This is one reason Lori pisses me off more than most. She chooses to play up her "illnesses" to garner sympathy and augment her helpless woman act. 

There's more to strength than muscles. I've mentioned before that I have a multitide of chronic health issues. I am physically fragile and I sometimes need help with simple tasks. I might have health issues but I'm not a weak, whiny bitch. I take a lot of pride in my mental fortitude. I can fight through anything and handle any crisis. I may not be physically strong but I wake up every day and grab life by the balls because I'll be damned if I'm gonna lay around and wait for someone to rescue me. I don't need a protector. I'm home full time but unlike Lori, I pull my weight to the best of my ability. 

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