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Lori Alexander 35: Closing Windows Because of the Fires

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Let me fix that..."Transformed into the wife of my dreams 23 years later"...or however many crazy years it took (it was 20 something.

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Dave believes men are the sole spokespeople for God on this earth. I cannot with this unbiblical bullshit. 

And he also believes women weren't created in the image of God. 

Dear lori, you teach and allow heresy  and we see you. The Bible clearly tells us male and female were created in God's image and both reflect Him. Shame on you, you foolish woman  



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Women aren't made in the image of God? Where does he get that? And someone might be able to help with this but isn't the language used for the Holy Spirit either gender neutral or feminine? Also in the Bible feminine language was used to describe God. 

I literally don't understand the need for some to absolutely believe that women are not made in the image of God and have no ability to speak with him. That is self serving and prideful. What purpose does it serve?

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10 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Women aren't made in the image of God? Where does he get that? And someone might be able to help with this but isn't the language used for the Holy Spirit either gender neutral or feminine? Also in the Bible feminine language was used to describe God. 

I literally don't understand the need for some to absolutely believe that women are not made in the image of God and have no ability to speak with him. That is self serving and prideful. What purpose does it serve?

Gender neutral and feminine for the Holy Spirit, yes. 

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Man, reading about Ken and Lori and gender roles really makes me wonder what our old fame-seeking pal Cabinetman is up to these days. 

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12 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Gender neutral and feminine for the Holy Spirit, yes. 

Thanks I'd heard that somewhere and have trouble reconciling the whole women aren't created in Gods image bull crap with that. 

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15 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

No post yet today... 

There is one up she just didn't put it on fb. 

26 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Thanks I'd heard that somewhere and have trouble reconciling the whole women aren't created in Gods image bull crap with that. 

It's been discussed in the Biblical Christian Egalitarian group on FB recently. 

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These are all up 6 hour plus later...


Amethyst Alexis This is unhindged, derailed, uncalled for, and I'm absolutely disgusted this. 

I feel sorry for womyn who think this way.

They feed into the cycle of oppression. 

These religious indoctrinations breed patriarchy.

More are waking up and realizing this is an absolute garbage way of thinking. 

Womyn can be anything with hard work, study, determination, practice, discipline ect ect 

Speak power into our children ALWAYS

9 · Yesterday at 1:44pm


4 Replies

Allyson Poupart Thank God you're not my mother.

8 · 19 hrs


Melissa Reason Have you seen a doctor you might need to be in a mental hospital.

2 · 6 hrs


Ross Veytia To all the women triggered by this post: You can be trannies if you want to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one can stop you from realizing your dream of becoming trannies.

6 hrs


Amalia Lopez Ross is triggered by chicks with dicks. Irony how thats most likely the history of his porn searches.

4 hrs

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Back to kid's dreams. My daughter wants to be a super-hero-FBI agent-ballerina. (3-in-1) 1. Doesn't matter that she has never taken ballet. 2. We aren't squashing her dreams. 3. We do talk about the FBI agent part and let her know they are super-heroes. Eventually, she will realize that she can't be everything and make the dream more realistic. As other said, kids usually figure it out on their own. Now if she grows up and wants to have a philosophy major with a sociology minor with no aspirations to be a professor, then we will chat about the job market and spending my hard earned money on a degree that won't get her a job. :D

Now to patting the butt & sexual harassment. Lori, and her ilk, have no concept of boundaries. I started to type a big long thing about good touch/bad touch but really it boils down to Lori and her followers have no concept of boundaries.


On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 12:13 PM, jerkit said:

I think this follows naturally from the fundie belief (that Lori is super deep into) that men need sex and women "give it" to them. Women are completely asexual - they have no sexual desire <snipped>

ha ha ha ha! (to the bold) but I think you are right. I think Lori and other fundies think women are asexual. As we all know, this is so far from the truth. 

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7 hours ago, EowynW said:

Agreed. I've also always been uncomfortable with the "I married you because you'd be a good mom" line. We aren't selecting broodmares for the breeding program here!  It's probably just me being too sensitive due to my background as a daughter in a fundamentalist, misogynistic & patriarchtic home, but I always wanted to be loved and valued for more than my potential mothering skills. 

It's not just you.  That post was gross.

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5 hours ago, littlemommy said:

Man, reading about Ken and Lori and gender roles really makes me wonder what our old fame-seeking pal Cabinetman is up to these days. 

I think he disappeared after the feminists found him. :pb_surprised:

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I just took a career counseling class and we talked about how kids choose their career and how the concept of a career develops for them over a lifetime. They choose first based on fantasy and interests. As their thought process develops and they gain experience it becomes more complex. However, I believe in my reading that when they are discouraged from exploration their career growth can be stunted.

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20 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

I just took a career counseling class and we talked about how kids choose their career and how the concept of a career develops for them over a lifetime. They choose first based on fantasy and interests. As their thought process develops and they gain experience it becomes more complex. However, I believe in my reading that when they are discouraged from exploration their career growth can be stunted.

I think this makes a ton of sense. It's definitely how I wound up in my career. It's not exactly what I wanted, but what I wanted wasn't practical in any sense. However, it's close enough, and I'm fairly good at my job. Is it my favorite thing? No. But, let's be honest, the bills don't care if it's my favorite or not. My little family is comfortable and to me that's worth not always being in love with what I do for a living.


I was steered in a direction by my family, and partly due to self sabotage. I sometimes wonder if I could have made a go of a STEM career if I was more open to fighting through learning math. You need a lot of math to study outer space and my frustration level was about Algebra II my sophomore year of high school.

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10 hours ago, EowynW said:

I've also always been uncomfortable with the "I married you because you'd be a good mom" line. We aren't selecting broodmares for the breeding program here! 

Agreed. It's not weird to express wanting to start a family with your partner, but you could phrase it so many other ways that don't imply "broodmare," as you said. Not to mention, I think most people would name off a number of good qualities their partner currently possesses before listing a hypothetical future skill! 

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5 minutes ago, December said:

Agreed. It's not weird to express wanting to start a family with your partner, but you could phrase it so many other ways that don't imply "broodmare," as you said. Not to mention, I think most people would name off a number of good qualities their partner currently possesses before listing a hypothetical future skill! 

Also agreed. If you and your partner want children, that should obvious. If you want children, why would you marry someone you didn't think would be a good mom/dad? There needs to be something else to make you want to be with said person. If you marriage is only based on any one thing, that's not a good recipe for a happy, successful marriage. Life changes too much to ever marry for any one reason. 

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Continuing on the kids' dreams topic (and yes this made me mad enough to log in and post even though I usually just lurk):

So, I was the kid who dreamed of being an astronaut.  Luckily, my parents did not hand me a broom and a skillet--they told me to study hard and bought me books and cheap calculators that I could take apart to see what was inside (though my mother did insist I keep the bits to one non-floor surface).  With that encouragement and work and a bit of luck, I did get into a good engineering school, where I learned that being an astronaut was insanely hard and I was not going to make it. However, I also learned that NASA needs a lot more scientists and design engineers and project managers and safety engineers and technicians and designers and admins (and even some artists and lawyers) than astronauts. And so did my classmates and everyone who would become my colleagues.

So,  Lori, you're right--I failed to be an astronaut, and so did my co-workers.  But guess what?  We work for NASA and even if we are not in space, our life's work still is.  And without us, there would be no space program.  


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@BecauseScience man, I wish I'd had your parents. I was 5 years old in 1969...my dream was USAF academy, maybe flight training, aerospace engineering degree. My parents? Oh gee..."my daughter will not serve in the USAF because the only women there are lesbians". Yeah...the mother's dream was a secretarial job in fkn Manhattan (NYC)...needless to say she was PISSED when she got the car crazy, plane crazy me. There was no engineering school that I was permitted to go to (I was 45 min from one of the good ones but since I'd have to drive on the freeway and go through at least one tunnel, I was not permitted to go there). I sure as hell wasn't allowed to "go away" to school either. 

Oh well...I'm a designer/project manager/shop monkey/etc. now

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2 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

@BecauseScience man, I wish I'd had your parents. I was 5 years old in 1969...my dream was USAF academy, maybe flight training, aerospace engineering degree. My parents? Oh gee..."my daughter will not serve in the USAF because the only women there are lesbians". Yeah...the mother's dream was a secretarial job in fkn Manhattan (NYC)...needless to say she was PISSED when she got the car crazy, plane crazy me. There was no engineering school that I was permitted to go to (I was 45 min from one of the good ones but since I'd have to drive on the freeway and go through at least one tunnel, I was not permitted to go there). I sure as hell wasn't allowed to "go away" to school either. 

Oh well...I'm a designer/project manager/shop monkey/etc. now

:( Stupid gender role crap. I'm glad you found your way to a job in your wheelhouse!

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10 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

le sigh  And *this* is why my god is a woman.


I have a goddess also.  Whose yours, if you don't mind me asking?  I am a devotee of Hecate.  

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22 minutes ago, CelticGoddess said:

I have a goddess also.  Whose yours, if you don't mind me asking?  I am a devotee of Hecate.  

For years its been Brigid, she's been my patroness for as long as I can remember. This year, Freya has been all over me.... there were a lot of lessons this year. 


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Finally read her blog post on sexual assault. There wasn't a logical progression of thought to be found. It felt like a stream of consciousness with random bits and pieces floating about. It's incredibly clear that she hasn't actually researched the #metoo campaign or the entire issue of sexual assault and what it has to do with misogyny. 


Also so please stop with the men are less emotional and therefore capable of being better leaders. Being less emotional still does not mean you have a good thought process. Violent psychopaths don't feel emotion but they still murder people which is obviously a bad decision. 

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