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Dillards 95: Next?

Coconut Flan

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To be fair, both of them could have had more miscarriages than a) they realized or b) they've admitted. 

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1 hour ago, Nikedagain? said:

Actually wondering how many C-Sections a woman can have?

I think the number varies based on MD practices and the institution in question, as well as the condition of the woman’s uterus. Jill has had a uterine rupture and has large babies, so those facts would also be taken into consideration.

I have often heard Bobby Kennedy’s wife (Ethyl??) mentioned when this topic is discussed. I think she had many (8? 9?)c-sections. Of course, she was part of a very powerful family.

37 minutes ago, viii said:

To be fair, both of them could have had more miscarriages than a) they realized or b) they've admitted. 

Also to be fair, the same could be said for all women. Did you ever have a very heavy period and think, based on the timing, flow and matter expelled, that you could be having a miscarriage???

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26 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Also to be fair, the same could be said for all women. Did you ever have a very heavy period and think, based on the timing, flow and matter expelled, that you could be having a miscarriage???

When sexually active, it's always a possibility. 

As for c-sections, I don't have very many friends who big families (those who do have lots of kids have had vaginal births), but I know when my mom's friend was having babies in the late 80's/early 90's, her doctor was unimpressed when she got pregnant for the fifth time because he said anything past three sections was dangerous. Whether or not that's true or just his opinion, I'm unsure, but it makes sense to me. You're cutting through a lot of tissue and layers, and things weaken with each delivery. 

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Michelle actually had MDs for all or nearly all pregnancies and all but maybe 2 of Michelle’s were delivered in a hospital.

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3 hours ago, viii said:

When sexually active, it's always a possibility. 

As for c-sections, I don't have very many friends who big families (those who do have lots of kids have had vaginal births), but I know when my mom's friend was having babies in the late 80's/early 90's, her doctor was unimpressed when she got pregnant for the fifth time because he said anything past three sections was dangerous. Whether or not that's true or just his opinion, I'm unsure, but it makes sense to me. You're cutting through a lot of tissue and layers, and things weaken with each delivery. 

my best friend has 5 kids and the last were twins and she delivered them all naturally. 

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4 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Michelle actually had MDs for all or nearly all pregnancies and all but maybe 2 of Michelle’s were delivered in a hospital.

Only Joe and Jinger were homebirths. 

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I (not a medical professional, but have had 6 children and spent a fair amount of time chatting with OBs) was told that 3 c-sections is a tipping point where, after that, future pregnancies will have higher risk of placental complications.  I understood it as more scar tissue = less favorable places for a placenta to implant in subsequent pregnancies and if it attaches to scar tissue it can cause serious problems.  I know some other posters here work in the field so maybe you can explain it better.

With that said, I have had 3 c-sections and nobody told me to avoid pregnancy after the last one.  When I did get pregnant again I was all set to have a 4th c-section and no one seemed terribly concerned other than they did look at placenta placement carefully on ultrasound and said it was fine.  If it had not been fine they said I would have been transferred to Boston (which is fortunately just 45 minutes away) as a higher risk patient.  If a woman gets pregnant the baby has to come out one way or another.  It's not like they can force it to stay in forever because you already used up your allowed 3 surgeries, and the doctor said she had operated on women having at least 5 c-sections.

I did not have the 4th c-section.  I changed doctors and pushed hard for a chance to vbac.  I have gone the vba3c route twice now, in an excellent hospital in Boston with an amazing doctor.  Vba3c births (vaginal birth after 3 c-sections) are not common in the USA, but my doctor and I are pretty confident that it was a good choice for my situation.

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10 minutes ago, 4boysmum said:

Vba3c births (vaginal birth after 3 c-sections) are not common in the USA, but my doctor and I are pretty confident that it was a good choice for my situation.

Michelle Duggar is very pro-VBAC (having had C-sections with the two sets of twins) and it worked well for her.

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Ethyl kennedy had 5 csections,  including Rory who was born after Bobby’s assassination.

I had 3 sections. Elisabeth was huge, and transverse/diagonal, never would have made it. Rebecca was ordinary size but at 5 months, I ruptured my uterine ligaments and had 4 months bedrest. Soooooo c section. Then James was a section, since I’d had 2 and I nearly died  from the anesthesia. Damn that was scary. I heard numbers go lower and lower and the dr saying push fluids and everything swirled around me.. so got my tubes tied before I left the OR. 

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I would think having already experienced a uterine rupture, and IIRC this was with Freddy and about 3 weeks before his due date, Jill is in a higher than average risk for untoward events and likely is on a very individualized OBGYN plan. Navigating a pregnancy and safe birth after having had a previous uterine rupture and never having had a vaginal delivery has to make Jill’s care quite unique. I hope she utilizes high risk maternal/fetal practitioners. 

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14 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I would think having already experienced a uterine rupture, and IIRC this was with Freddy and about 3 weeks before his due date, Jill is in a higher than average risk for untoward events and likely is on a very individualized OBGYN plan. Navigating a pregnancy and safe birth after having had a previous uterine rupture and never having had a vaginal delivery has to make Jill’s care quite unique. I hope she utilizes high risk maternal/fetal practitioners. 

Everyone is different and it’s her choice of course, but for me only the very crunchy and fundie would even consider a vbac after her horror births.
It’s so sad that her only chance so far for a natural birth has been her angel baby girl. 
But for  me, if I was Jill any full term babe would be c section signed up on conception.

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I had a pregnancy after a uterine rupture. A VBAC wasn’t even on the table, and I had a lot of issues culminating in a premature birth.  I had my tubes tied during the c section despite wanting more kids.

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1 hour ago, sableduck said:

I had a pregnancy after a uterine rupture. A VBAC wasn’t even on the table, and I had a lot of issues culminating in a premature birth.  I had my tubes tied during the c section despite wanting more kids.

I am sorry this happened to you. I can imagine that a uterine rupture would predispose one to having a future premature birth- it might even be best medical practice. All I know is between the G2 Bateses and Duggar girls, they’ve experienced the whole spectrum of poor OB/GYN issues and outcomes. 

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After losing this pregnancy before viability, I wonder if Jill might be done? She might not want to be, but maybe her uterine rupture meant only one more? 

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On 4/20/2024 at 3:16 PM, sableduck said:

I had a pregnancy after a uterine rupture. A VBAC wasn’t even on the table, and I had a lot of issues culminating in a premature birth.  I had my tubes tied during the c section despite wanting more kids.

I also had my tubes tied despite wanting more kids. I had a lot of complications with my daughter; VTS, SCH, Complete Placenta Previa and when it was decided I 100% had to have a CSection, I made the decision to tie my tubes. Looking back almost a decade later, I'm glad I made that decision, but at the time it was very hard and I had a lot of regret. 

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There’s pictures of Ilsa’s funeral on Jill’s Instagram page. My heart breaks for her, I hope she has the support she needs through this time. 

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7 minutes ago, Father Son Holy Goat said:

There’s pictures of Ilsa’s funeral on Jill’s Instagram page. My heart breaks for her, I hope she has the support she needs through this time. 

My heart breaks for her too. Losing a much wanted pregnancy is terrible. I hope she is able to conceive again and to carry a baby to term and to have a safe delivery. 

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I really hope they don't think that them using birth control had any influence on this loss. 

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8 hours ago, CarrotCake said:

I really hope they don't think that them using birth control had any influence on this loss. 

I doubt they will think that. They've shown to use critical thinking in the past, and some of her siblings that haven't said whether or not they use birth control have had losses. 

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The comments to her post about a balloon release for Isla has been absolutely overrun with people pointing out that balloons are really bad for the environment.

I actually agree 100% with this, and spreading the word is key, but it seems in very poor taste to pile onto someone grieving a much-wanted baby. Social media is a brutal place and Jill didn't need this right now. Apparently she said the balloons were biodegradable - I don't know whether that's the case but either way it's an awful time for her and this makes it worse.

From the photos she shared it looks like lots of Duggar family was there - I spotted Jim Bob among them. Joe and family was there but I didn't look too closely to notice who else had showed, and the howlers can be hard to tell apart. I'm glad Isla got a good family showing.

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1 hour ago, AprilQuilt said:

The comments to her post about a balloon release for Isla has been absolutely overrun with people pointing out that balloons are really bad for the environment.

I actually agree 100% with this, and spreading the word is key, but it seems in very poor taste to pile onto someone grieving a much-wanted baby. Social media is a brutal place and Jill didn't need this right now. Apparently she said the balloons were biodegradable - I don't know whether that's the case but either way it's an awful time for her and this makes it worse.

From the photos she shared it looks like lots of Duggar family was there - I spotted Jim Bob among them. Joe and family was there but I didn't look too closely to notice who else had showed, and the howlers can be hard to tell apart. I'm glad Isla got a good family showing.

The anti-balloon people who rage on people’s funeral posts are the absolute worst category of people. 

The funeral looked very sweet. You could tell she was very much wanted and that Jill was getting a lot of support. 


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5 minutes ago, Mama Mia said:

The anti-balloon people who rage on people’s funeral posts are the absolute worst category of people. 

The funeral looked very sweet. You could tell she was very much wanted and that Jill was getting a lot of support. 


I am glad so many Duggars were there to support the Dillards. 

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2 hours ago, AprilQuilt said:


From the photos she shared it looks like lots of Duggar family was there - I spotted Jim Bob among them. Joe and family was there but I didn't look too closely to notice who else had showed, and the howlers can be hard to tell apart. I'm glad Isla got a good family showing.

Johns family was there. Jessas. Bunch of Littles. Jackson was in a suit amd tie. Josiah's family was there. Emily Peters. Caldwell family was there. 

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I think most of the TTH residents were there.

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There is a blogger on youtube who talked about it; she said everybody was there except Anna and her kids.


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