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Lori Alexander 35: Closing Windows Because of the Fires

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Oh fuck the fuck off you twunt. My mother was right of Ronald Reagan and she encouraged me to follow my dreams.  She hated the feminist movement but she wanted all of us to be the best we could be.  

You are such a miserable old biddy, all you want to do is kill other people's dreams because your only dream was to be constantly sick, sit on you ass and tell people what to do.  You didn't want kids and only had them to get out of working a job.  You were a horrid mother, you abused your children with physical, mental and emotional horrors that no child should have to endure.  Neither were you an engaged mother, your nanny parented them and I'll bet your children thank god for her every day of their lives.  You were a terrible teacher, shoving your kids in their rooms to study because you needed down time.  What the fuck from??  You never played with them, what the fuck kind of mother doesn't play with her children?  I seriously doubt you ever showed any joy in having them, they were a means to an end and that's all.

How any intelligent person can read the shit you post and think it's god's purpose for us shows a deep ignorance among your followers.  I can't fathom it, I fear for their children if they think what you write is god's word.  Poor kids...my heart goes out to them.  I hope they get away as soon as possible, just like Alyssa.

God wishes you would just shut the fuck up.   

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@Carol I don't know why she focuses on women here. Hardly any boy will grow up to be POTUS, an Olympian, or movie star either. Lots of children say they will and pretend, but almost everyone grows up and stops thinking they will be any of those things because they discover they have other talents and have to be more realistic in their dreams and expectations. 

Also, funny coming from Lori considering her eldest became a ballerina aka athlete. Her youngest son became an orthodontist aka a doctor. 

Basically, children dream of being many things. They grow up and learn what they can and cannot do and choose a job/career/education based on that. They don't need their dreams squashed when they are young. More realistic futures start in high school and if still not, afterwards will give them a reality check. Unless you are someone like Paris Hilton, but people like her don't count and are an exception. Lori doesn't do exceptions, so I won't either when discussing her scenarios. 

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42 minutes ago, dairyfreelife said:

@Carol I don't know why she focuses on women here. Hardly any boy will grow up to be POTUS, an Olympian, or movie star either. Lots of children say they will and pretend, but almost everyone grows up and stops thinking they will be any of those things because they discover they have other talents and have to be more realistic in their dreams and expectations. 

Also, funny coming from Lori considering her eldest became a ballerina aka athlete. Her youngest son became an orthodontist aka a doctor. 

Basically, children dream of being many things. They grow up and learn what they can and cannot do and choose a job/career/education based on that. They don't need their dreams squashed when they are young. More realistic futures start in high school and if still not, afterwards will give them a reality check. Unless you are someone like Paris Hilton, but people like her don't count and are an exception. Lori doesn't do exceptions, so I won't either when discussing her scenarios. 

You are absolutely right.  This is a great post, thank you.

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I know very few people in the current college setting who absolutely believe they're going to be a famous whatever. Most young adults are just struggling with the fact that they know they're probably going to be underpaid and work until the day they die. Frankly, I think we could use a little hope and cheer (Christmas spirit and all that). I thought I was going to be an artist, my parents never discouraged that. I discovered on my own that I did not want to make a career out of it and I was not that fantastic. It's now a fun hobby. Kids usually seem to work it out for themselves. 

Also I'm pretty positive that I wouldn't take parenting advice from Lori. Haven't both of her daughters admitted to struggling with disorder eating? I most certainly will not shame them for that; however, those disorders are often related to family control issues and disordered eating in the family. So I suspect some level of dysfunction.  I won't follow advice from anyone who uses "How to Train Up your Child"

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Just think that maybe the Lori's latest doodle is an attack on her daughter, Alyssa, again, for being successful and beautiful.  I can smell the jealousy seething in Lori's wrinkled, old skin a thousand miles away.

I think that things are not all happy in Loriland. Her posts, in the past couple weeks, sound like a desperate plea to Ken.  

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The hard, inevitable truth: Lori is a miserable woman and wants others to be as miserable as she knows she truly is. The end.

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Lori has family visiting right now. I wonder if this latest doodle is aimed at one of her kids who said to a grandchild "Of course you can be an astronaut when you grow up."  Maybe somebody told Emma she could be a ballerina like her Aunt Alyssa. 

I think we are going to see a lot of these hateful little tirades through the holidays. As long as her family is there, she will have plenty of passive aggressive scolding to do. Any time one of them makes a mistake, she'll just take to her notebook and start scribbling furiously. 

"Emily what did you DO?"  

"I don't know, Alyssa. Why do you ask?"

"Well Mom's over there mumbling and scribbling in her notebook like a mad woman. Someone's in trouble!"  

"I knew we should have stayed in New York!" *drains wine glass* 

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Funny how much she's changed her tune...



  Ever since she was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina. 


God heard the desires of a little girl's heart and granted them to her in a powerful way.

She really has changed for the worse, because I don't think she'd write anything like this now.


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On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 10:22 AM, AlwaysDiscerning said:


How clueless can she be?  It seems that she has never read/heard that 1:3 women report being sexually abused .. the actual numbers are probably higher.   Lori is, I think at war, with all women and herself.  Why?  I have no idea!  

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7 hours ago, Carol said:


Guess I am very stupid then.  Because, I told both my daughters this and they both became what they wanted to be.   My daughter at age 3 said she wanted to become a doctor.  Guess if I were Lori, I would have disabused her of this notion.  I didn't and she is a doctor today.  

This is pure bs and abuse, imho.  I told my kids:  I want you to be happy ... and that includes becoming/being whatever you want to be.   After that, it was their choice.  Supporting them in whatever direction they want to take is what love entails.

PS:  I don't think God "minds" at all  :).

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Can I just say how impressed I am by Alyssa? :wow:

Being a professional ballerina doesn't just take a damn lot of talent, it's constant hard, physical work.

And she seems to be in a happy, functional marriage.

Not to mention that she is absolutely beautiful, no wonder bitter old Lori is jealous.

It's always amazing how kids can overcome their horrible parents.

Go Alyssa! :tw_blush:


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I think Lori can't believe sexual harassment happens at work because she didn't work (except for a couple years in AC female dominated field, teaching.) She probably has no female friends who work either. She just has such limited life experience!

How does she account for the men who admit they treated women badly & apologized? Are they part of the plot against men too? What about the undeniable evidence, like the taped encounter with that pig Roger Ailes?

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9 hours ago, Koala said:

Funny how much she's changed her tune...


She really has changed for the worse, because I don't think she'd write anything like this now.


I went to the above post and what a contrast to the crap she's writing now.  She was proud and supportive back then so something really has gone wrong with her.

There's something very, very wrong with that woman. 

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Lori Alexander:


No, men shouldn’t go around patting women on the butt but men are attracted to women’s bodies.

Wow...she basically said, 

"Well, they shouldn't *stupid giggle*, but they want to, and you know boys will be boys." 


Misogyny means “hatred of the female sex.” Is this what causes men to pat women on the butt? No, it’s their desire for the opposite sex and it’s a normal desire

No Lori, it's not normal for a man to pat  woman on the butt when there's no consent. 

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Well, this one will be fun to watch.

From today's post, titled "Misuse of Patriarchy and Misogyny:" 



As I wrote on Sunday, there’s an all-out war on men. Some women think they’re better than men so they need to begin taking control over everything. Matt Damon said in an interview with ABC New that men are being lumped into “one big bucket” when in reality there is a “spectrum of behavior. You know, there’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?…Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?”

As can be expected, some women were in an uproar over these comments. Alyssa Milano “rejected attempts to categorize various forms of sexual misconduct. ‘They all hurt. And they are all connected to a patriarchy intertwined with normalized, accepted – even welcomed – misogyny.'” Many people would not even understand what she meant by this!

She believes that all forms of sexual misconduct are wrong and I agree but patting a woman on the butt is an entirely different thing than rape or child molestation and you would have to lack all wisdom to not understand this concept. Being patted on the butt isn’t something that would cause long-term pain as the other two would. No, men shouldn’t go around patting women on the butt but men are attracted to women’s bodies. It’s a fact of life and has nothing whatsoever to do with patriarchy and misogyny. It’s the way men are built and women won’t be able to change this no matter how hard they try. Men will never be women.


What Lori really means is that men have every right to go around patting women on the butt and women have no right to complain about it.

@EowynW, you got that right. The stench is strong with this one. 

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Today Lori says:

'Misogyny means “hatred of the female sex.” Is this what causes men to pat women on the butt? No, it’s their desire for the opposite sex and it’s a normal desire. Are rape and child molestation a hatred of the female sex? Some men who do these things may hate women (we can’t know their motive for sure) but mostly, they come from those who have not taken control of their sexual desire but instead allowed it to run rampant and into evil.' 

A quick Google search reveals a definition for misogyny:  'Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.'  If Lori thinks that men do these things free of contempt for or prejudice against women, then she's an idiot.  You don't treat another person as an object for your personal pleasure unless you see them as less than you. 

I have to add a thought I had about the seeming explosion of sexual harassment, which is more like an explosion of women actually feeling safe enough to talk about it.  If a man is accused of something that happened 10, 20, or more years ago, and he admits and apologizes for it, it should be treated differently from something that happened last week.  If a man would say something like 'Yes, I did that. It was stupid, I'm sorry, I've learned better, and I certainly wouldn't do it now,' and has changed how he treats women,  I could respect that.  But nooooo, most of them make all kinds of excuses, and try to justify their behavior.  :pb_rollseyes:  

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I have it on very good authority that Mr. Bonkers is attracted to women, but the only ass he touches is mine. (and I like it 95% of the time) He works with women every day. It is not a normal desire to touch women all willy-nilly.


Are rape and child molestation a hatred of the female sex? Some men who do these things may hate women (we can’t know their motive for sure) but mostly, they come from those who have not taken control of their sexual desire but instead allowed it to run rampant and into evil.' 

And THIS bullshit? Rape isn't about sex, it's about power and control.

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Alyssa Milano believes that all forms of sexual misconduct are wrong and I agree but patting a woman on the butt is an entirely different thing than rape or child molestation and you would have to lack ALL wisdom to not understand this concept.

I agree, but... is negating everything you just said. Difference in harm doesn't meant all aren't harmful. 


No, men shouldn’t go around patting women on the butt but men are attracted to women’s bodies. It’s a fact of life and has nothing whatsoever to do with patriarchy and misogyny. It’s the way men are built and women won’t be able to change this no matter how hard they try. Men will never be women.

Another yeah, but statement. Also, bullshit. Being attracted to something doesn't mean you have a right to it. Someone else's body doesn't belong to you and you have no right to do anything to it. End of. That includes not grabbing any part of it without their permission. I have seen some very attractive men, but it never occurred to me that I had a right to touch them. Besides not all men are attracted to women anyway. Some are homosexual or asexual. Many heterosexual men also DON'T go around grabbing women's bodies and such because they actually, I dunno, respect women as people. Yeah, I know, women being people too, who would have thunk? 


This is why God gave them ten times more testosterone than He gave women. 

Again with this. What does that mean regarding anything. 


Men tend to think more logically and less emotionally than women which is a good thing for being leaders

Evidence of this? Lori not being able to logic doesn't count as evidence. 


Their bodies are more rugged, stronger, and built for the stress of leadership positions and women’s are not.

This is why they do more labor-intensive jobs over women. This says nothing as to their leadership skills. 


Women are built more emotional and sensitive in order to be home raising children. Women were never created emotionally or physically to take on the responsibility that men have been given.

One, evidence that women are more emotional and sensitive. Anger is still an emotion. Women often being better are caring for children is biology since they are the ones who birth and nurse and such. This doesn't mean every women is good at rearing children though. Being good at caring for children doesn't equal being unable to emotionally or physically handle a leadership or provider position. Plenty of women do both just fine. Same with men. It's not an either/or. Just because Lori is too lazy and spoiled to want to do anything but stay home, gossip, control and boss everyone around her and spend her husband's money doesn't mean the majority of women are anything like her. Hint-they aren't. Lori wants to be a rich, famous Housewife of San Diego. 

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Raping women and child molestation are not the same thing.

And little boys are victims too and a large number of them have been sexually abused by priests, explain that to me Lori.

( On a side note: it has been proven that female doctors are more sucessfull. Your survival chances are higher when treated by a women.)

And shame on you Lori for all the victim blaming!

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10 hours ago, Koala said:

Funny how much she's changed her tune...


She really has changed for the worse, because I don't think she'd write anything like this now.


If you read that post again you willl see that Lori ALSO said:

"She auditioned for some and was accepted into several.  For a couple summers in a row, she went to these big ballet company summer programsAfter her last one, she told me she just couldn't be a professional ballerina.  It just wasn't the lifestyle she wanted to pursue.  She loved Jesus and wanted to glorify Him in all that she did."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, at the end of the day, Lori was still the same.  Her daughter said she did not want to pursue being a ballerina as a lifestyle and wanted to glorify Jesus.  Mommy wins.



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Lori Alexander:


Many young women dress sexually provocative these days yet they don't expect men to notice and react? I believe there would be a lot less sexual harassment going on if women dressed modestly.

No, Lori.  There would be a lot less sexual harassment going on if people stopped sexually harassing other people!

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Funny how she's all about people having self control when it comes to food, but when it comes to testosterone?  Nope, no men should be expected to have any self control.  :pb_rollseyes:


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So Lori, the California housewife, is an expert on what motivates rapists to rape. She can't be sure that there are men who hate women, but she is 100% sure that most are motivated by their sexual drive. Which somehow makes rape ok?

As for patting on the butt, what she is really saying (without having the courage to say it) is, "Aw, come on, ladies, it's a compliment. Don't twist your panties in a knot."

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10 minutes ago, Koala said:

Lori Alexander:

No, Lori.  There would be a lot less sexual harassment going on if people stopped sexually harassing other people!

Also, if covering up more stopped sexual harassment, then why isn't sexual assault more rampant in societies where women barely wear anything? -rhetorical question here, but something for all modesty proponents to ponder. 

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