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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion - Lucky 13

happy atheist

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Coming out of lurkdom with a question....

From what I understand, the Duggar kids aren't permitted to have a social media account until they're married, correct? Jill and Jessa have one but I've never heard of Anna having an account. Has she ever been on FB or Twitter or does Josh not allow her?

Just wondering....

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Coming out of lurkdom with a question....

From what I understand, the Duggar kids aren't permitted to have a social media account until they're married, correct? Jill and Jessa have one but I've never heard of Anna having an account. Has she ever been on FB or Twitter or does Josh not allow her?

Just wondering....

Google "twitter" and "Anna Duggar" and you will find her account :)

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Anna has her own Instagram (instagram.com/annaduggar) and Twitter (twitter.com/anna_duggar). Neither has been very active since the molestation scandal, similar to Josh's.

As for the Duggar kids, so far what we've seen is them getting social media around the time of courtship and engagement. Jessa got an Instagram account a little before her engagement announcement, Josiah got Instagram at the time of the announcement of his courtship of Marjorie (and still seems to use it to like pictures and post every now and then, from what I've seen), and I can't remember about Jill.

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Ok, thanks. That must be why I never saw anybody talk about her account. Didn't pay attention much before the molestation scandal broke.

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It dawned on me today, this whole Josh 2.0 scandal is in a very backwards way what everyone was hoping for: a Duggar started to break free. Now he did it in a disgusting, cowardly, two-faced pigdog of a way, likely severely hurting his wife and children and pretending to still be the Gothard poster boy, but he tried to be "worldly".

Do any of you all think his view of "worldly normal" could be so skewed that he thought all of this was what worldly men do*? And is anyone else completely let down that he's the first to try to break? Seeing how disgustingly awful his dabbling in the "real world" was and the consequences, this probably hurts the chances of others even trying to break free...

Ultimate let down, it wasn't Jinger or Jana or Josiah, it was Josh, and I think he burnt the escape bridge behind him.

*Not making excuses, he's a pig either way.

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So Douche-canoe is on his way to rehab, according to the family's facebook post.

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Speaking of the "Family Statement."

Interesting how they say Anna is getting "counsel" - NOT COUNSELING.


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Speaking of the "Family Statement."

Interesting how they say Anna is getting "counsel" - NOT COUNSELING.


Unfortunately you hit it on the head. Counseling is a two way process in which her best interests could possibly be considered. Being counseled, she will be given her helpmeet marching orders. Sigh.

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Jill-Others on threads have seen her as a mean girl in the making. I'm not sure about that. I think she's enjoyed her fame in the past year: wedding/baby/mission trip and may just be able to grow up with Derek. Given a real education opportunity (Derek may just let that happen), she actually might be a good midwife [i'm not sure what real training she'd actually had to date]. There would be a real opportunity for them to do real mission work [not grifting], if she saw midwifery as an opportunity is mission. With the spotlight off of her, she may even back away from the eleventh hundred children competition.

Jessa-MEAN GIRL all the way. She's always liked the camera and her selfie obsession is over the top. Sure, she's immature, they all have stunted development, but she strikes me as even more smug than Smuggar these days. On another thread she was labeled "Smuggar 2.0" and I agree. Don't know if she'll have the same fall from grace, but I'd love to seem karma catch up with her. She'd likely do another reality show--"Dancing with a Duggar" just to stay in the limelight.

(snipped to make it all easier to read)


(related to the bolded) that was me. I was just being honest at the time.

about Jerick: I do believe that they seem to be in the best position out of all the Duggins right now. They are out of the country, away from all the media craziness and seem to be truly enjoying their lives. I am not saying I agree with what they're doing (My SnarkleBunny side has come out in the Jerrick thread about the White Savior Syndrome they have caught and how they are helping all the "bad people" there...but I digress) but out of all of them, they seem to be doing exactly what they want to be doing and geographically being removed from JBoob is probably the best thing for them. It will allow them to find their own place. I do agree with you in hoping that through Derrick, Jill realizes the value of a real education (not just the edumacation she has received) and goes back the midwife route if that is something she would enjoy (which she truly seemed to in the past).

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For Anna's sake and the children's, I would hope that she would leave Josh. But we all know how that goes with these people. Not only that, but I saw on Facebook that Anna's brother posted that her parents were preaching and pushing her towards not leaving Josh (which I am sure you all saw already and I am late to the game). I am just baffled by this whole family. :angry-banghead:

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I wonder if Boob and J'Chelle feel like idiots about preaching about how evil the outside world is, but in reality their kids were probably safer in the outside world, then in their own home.

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I wonder if Boob and J'Chelle feel like idiots about preaching about how evil the outside world is, but in reality their kids were probably safer in the outside world, then in their own home.

Doubt it. My guess is they're still as deluded as ever.

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I wonder if Boob and J'Chelle feel like idiots about preaching about how evil the outside world is, but in reality their kids were probably safer in the outside world, then in their own home.

They are so idiotic, I'm sure they are morphing it as the outside world is evil and out to get them.

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They are so idiotic, I'm sure they are morphing it as the outside world is evil and out to get them.

(edited for clarity)

Regarding Anna staying or leaving (and getting "counsel"):

Every time I think about this it calls up a picture in my mind, of Anna surrounded by well-meaning family. In my head it's exactly like the scene from the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice miniseries, where Bingley is sitting in a chair, and his sisters (and Darcy, I think?) are lecturing him about Jane's unsuitability. But in this case, Anna is sitting in the chair, being lectured on how to be a proper wife so that Josh doesn't fall again.


Regarding the evil outside world, and the people who are *still* defending the Duggars and BG and ATI, I got a little insight into it the other day, in a conversation with an ATI mom. It is very difficult to have a straight conversation. My head was spinning by the end, and I wondered a few times *during* if I was wrong about the way I perceived things...! Amazing.

She agreed with me that checklist systems are bad, and in the same breath argued that ATI was *not* a system, but a way of following god. She said that the parents (of children who leave faith and family) are doing the right thing, it's the kids who are wrong. And (this might be triggering to some who have left such a family) the reason the kids cut off contact with their parents is because the kids know that they are in the wrong and they don't want to deal with their guilty consciences!

So the Duggars are just doing the best they can, and they're doing the right thing, and all the mean people should just go away and leave them alone and stop gossiping about them.

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If Jesus has showered the Duggars with blessings because He thinks they are worthy, was the death of Caleb a punishment because they used birth control? Was the loss of Jubilee Jesus telling them that they had done something else wrong and were no longer worthy of his blessing? Jesus blessed them with a television ministry but did he punish them by taking it away? Just trying to understand their brand of Christianity. Jessa surely believes that Jesus punishes sinners so I assume that the whole clan does. Are their current trials and travails a result of Jesus punishing them for sins? I've noticed that many Christians thank the Lord for blessings but seldom give Him any credit for punishment.

Oh, I'm sure the Duggars blame everyone else. But, the irony here is that Pride and Avarice are what caused all of this mess. Avarice made JB and M not get Josh proper help when he needed it as a teenager. Pride made them crow about how perfect they were and how their courtship rules make for the bestest marriages out there. Pride made them believe they were untouchable, even as they garnered attention for attacking the rights of others. They weren't untouchable. It's just that those who could bring them down were happy living their own lives and not bothering with them. Broader issues of fundamentalism aside, to most people, the Duggars were igorant and weird, but who really were they hurting by isolating themselves and acting out their weird courtship rules. They seemed happy, so good for them.

But, in their Pride, their lack of compassion and their shocking ignorance caused them to join the FRC to attack women and LGTBQ people in the name of "families" and to make political calls spreading hate and lies about transgender people to prevent "sexual abuse." All of the sudden, they weren't just those weird people with too many kids who the majority of people were content to live and let live, they were attacking the freedom of others to live by their rules. Glass houses, Duggars. They're a bitch.

Pride and greed brought the Duggars down. Had they been content to simply spread love and to practice that whole "love each other as I have loved you" message Jesus was literally all about, then none of this would have happened. The molestation would have never come to light. Maybe even no one would have cared about Josh's name on the AM list, had he not been the FRC spokesman. They'd still have their show, their good name, their public appeal. But now, "Duggared" is (or used to be) an urban Dictionary entry, their show is gone, and they are a detriment to the very religion they proclaim to devote their lives to promoting.

Perhaps instead of turning the hellfire and brimstone on the world at large, they should examine the actual sins in the Duggar camp. A sermon on Pride and Avarice would be far more apropos for this crew than a backwards lecture on sex.

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If Jesus has showered the Duggars with blessings because He thinks they are worthy, was the death of Caleb a punishment because they used birth control? Was the loss of Jubilee Jesus telling them that they had done something else wrong and were no longer worthy of his blessing? Jesus blessed them with a television ministry but did he punish them by taking it away? Just trying to understand their brand of Christianity. Jessa surely believes that Jesus punishes sinners so I assume that the whole clan does. Are their current trials and travails a result of Jesus punishing them for sins? I've noticed that many Christians thank the Lord for blessings but seldom give Him any credit for punishment.

It's a mentality derived from the transtlantic Puritan roots of a lot of modern American fundie Protestants. Anything good = God's work and evidence that you're saved. Anything bad = man's sin and a test of faith. (Call it playing the Job card, if you will.)

Of course, when bad things happen to people who don't believe correctly (i.e., not of your sect/belief system) then it's not a test of faith, it's a sign of punishment. And when these heretics are actually happy and fortunate, well, uh, then God is just biding his time...his eternal time, so the shoe can drop any minute! :twisted:

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Oh, I'm sure the Duggars blame everyone else. But, the irony here is that Pride and Avarice are what caused all of this mess. Avarice made JB and M not get Josh proper help when he needed it as a teenager. Pride made them crow about how perfect they were and how their courtship rules make for the bestest marriages out there. Pride made them believe they were untouchable, even as they garnered attention for attacking the rights of others. They weren't untouchable. It's just that those who could bring them down were happy living their own lives and not bothering with them. Broader issues of fundamentalism aside, to most people, the Duggars were igorant and weird, but who really were they hurting by isolating themselves and acting out their weird courtship rules. They seemed happy, so good for them...[snip]

Funny how pride from the Duggar perspective mainly seems to a be a sin they assign to everybody else. That beam in their eyes has got to be a bitch.

PS. "Pride and Avarice" would make an excellent Jane Austen/Duggar crossover, lol! :lol:

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So the Duggars are just doing the best they can, and they're doing the right thing, and all the mean people should just go away and leave them alone and stop gossiping about them.

(Hopefully you know I'm just quoting a Duggar/ATI/Gothard supporter, and not expressing my own opinion there. Just in case it wasn't clear that I haven't lost my mind, I think I'm finding it.)

ETA: Just read this on lovejoyfeminism's post about the "rehabilitation facility": While Parsons no longer has close friends at North Love, he told me that his friends who have retained the beliefs they were taught at North Love tend to defend Gothard. “They say that he didn’t do anything wrong,†Parsons noted. - See more at: patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2015/08/breaking-leadership-of-josh-duggars-treatment-center-allegedly-involved-in-sex-abuse-coverup.html

This is exactly the attitude I'm running into whenever I bring up Gothard. "He didn't do anything wrong." "He's a godly man." "It's all gossip and lies." And when I talk about the Duggars. "They're good people." "They're just doing the best they can." "They're raising their family according to the Word. It's not their fault that Josh has chosen to go his own way."

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Avarice would make a lovely (and fitting) name for Jessa's baby. ;)

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So Douche-canoe is on his way to rehab, according to the family's facebook post.

I needed to confess my lust for the term "douche-canoe". There goes another piece of my heart, totally worth it!

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I wonder what the general mood is at their home right now...I just saw it's Josiah's birthday and you gotta wonder in how far they all try to pretend all is swell. It can't be easy for all the kiddos. I hope they don't feel bad about having fun, while all the adults are in a weird mood.

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I wonder what the general mood is at their home right now...I just saw it's Josiah's birthday and you gotta wonder in how far they all try to pretend all is swell. It can't be easy for all the kiddos. I hope they don't feel bad about having fun, while all the adults are in a weird mood.

I have this image of Jim Boob in riot gear, barking orders and making the family run laps in between hours of prayer and flogging for repentance.

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So I was just thinking of something....

I was recently diagnosed with something that requires me to take a medication...possibly for the rest of my life. And while on this medication, I CANNOT get pregnant. It would result in a miscarriage or extreme birth defects.

So what happens if a Duggar girl (or the wife of a Duggar boy) has to deal with something like this? They won't use birth control still? Or would they just not take the medication? Not have sex at all?

I just wonder what their freaky-deaky religion would "allow."

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