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10 Shraders in Zambia and counting...


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Because rock music is a demonic force that came to America from African slaves. So he probably thinks that he is living among the evil rock music demons.

Well since John is also an African slave, that shouldn't be a problem! :P

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That's called "Fremdscham", btw.

Fremdscham: Embarrassment felt on behalf of someone else (often someone so ignorant to what they have done that they don’t know that they should be embarrassed for themselves); vicarious embarrassment.

You learn something new every day. FJ is so educational.

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John is getting the runaround from the shipping company about the container. He finally determined that it's currently in Namibia, but he expects it will arrive at the HotH in about a week. I won't be holding my breath.


Hey, is there anymore info on this? I work in logistics & those personal articles shipments (when people move via container) are notoriously hard to clear US customs. I've been curious as to how it's been going at his end....

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PLEASEOHPLEASEOHPLEEEEZZZEEE I hope Jon starts calling himself "Mr. Slave." I would hit the floor if he did


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It appears people have been commenting on the dangers of Ebola and other issues

in Africa. John assures everyone that he has a colloidial silver generator, and that they have essential oils and nascent iodine, so they have nothing to fear from ebola or malaria.

So there.

Drat now I have to go look at Zsu's pictures to see if she or the baby look blue.

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It appears people have been commenting on the dangers of Ebola and other issues

in Africa. John assures everyone that he has a colloidial silver generator, and that they have essential oils and nascent iodine, so they have nothing to fear from ebola or malaria.

So there.

Drat now I have to go look at Zsu's pictures to see if she or the baby look blue.

He really, seriously thinks that crap is going to protect his family from Ebola?

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Wow. Just wow. Of all the dumb stuff from John, that really takes the cake.

Relax, WHO...all West Africa needs is some essential oils and colloidal silver. :?

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I realize I'm not a dr. nor do I play one on the internet, but it seems to me that if those simple measures could prevent Ebola there wouldn't be an outbreak in the first place.

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It appears people have been commenting on the dangers of Ebola and other issues

in Africa. John assures everyone that he has a colloidial silver generator, and that they have essential oils and nascent iodine, so they have nothing to fear from ebola or malaria.

So there.

Drat now I have to go look at Zsu's pictures to see if she or the baby look blue.


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I realize I'm not a dr. nor do I play one on the internet, but it seems to me that if those simple measures could prevent Ebola there wouldn't be an outbreak in the first place.

Nope, there would, because #GodIsAngry. And who is He angriest at? The poor, of course!

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Shrader is just tempting a higher power to bring ruin on his family. Nothing says "please bring disaster upon my family" quite like investing in mineral supplements and insisting they will keep even the plague at bay.

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I wonder how Esther is doing. She's got to be around 8 months. I wonder if she's seeing a doctor or midwife. If there is any problem with the delivery, there is no 911 to call.

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It appears people have been commenting on the dangers of Ebola and other issues

in Africa. John assures everyone that he has a colloidial silver generator, and that they have essential oils and nascent iodine, so they have nothing to fear from ebola or malaria.

So there.

Drat now I have to go look at Zsu's pictures to see if she or the baby look blue.

Oh, FFS! As someone else said, WHO needs to be notified.

Kapolo (the false humility really irks me :roll: ) John is such an idiot.

I hope the shipping container does get there soon. The kids need their old mattresses and the water purification unit pronto.

I wonder whether John is prepared for import duties on all his stuff. I'm fairly sure he was misinformed about what he needs to pay on the brand new troupie, but he'll owe on anything new in the container too.

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He really is an idiot. Now in a facebook reply someone mentions that she is worried about his children in regards to ebola & malaria and that she is sceptacle about the collidial silver cure and that she knows a missionary that died of malaria. John gets upset and replies that he is much more concerned about his children than she is. He also claims that he researched collodial silver and 2 other methods that are proven to kill the malaria parasite and that he researched it with an aerospace engineer and several others. He also claims that collidial silver is the only clinically proven method of killing the ebola virus.

First of all why would you research a malaria with an aerospace engineer. Is it because it is a fancy title and that people will be impressed and assume that an engineer will know what he is talking about. Engineers don't know anything more than any other person about parasite & viruses. My father is a PhD in engineering and I wouldn't rely on him when it comes to medical research and information. Yes, engineers may be able to be critical thinkers and great researchers but there are many who aren't. They simply follow formulas.

Second, if silver was a clinically "goverment study" proven method of killing the ebola virus it would be used. Look, they tried an experimental serum on a couple of doctors.

He also tells the person who responded that the missionary who died of malaria is God's will and that it is sad but not tragic because of God.

I guess, if one of his children is killed then it is not a tragic situation with him.

When people like this seem to think that if a person dies in unfortunate circumstance that it is God's will then do they not take general precautions in life. For example, I love to travel and I do go to some somewhat dangerous places but I take precautions. Like for example, when I was in Guatemala there were a few places that I did not go out at night or in certain areas. Do these type of people just waltz around cities where ever and whenever they they want becuase they will only die if God wills it. Isn't that the pre-destiny or fate?

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This guy is an idiot. That is all.

I think you're being overly charitable.

I wonder if he actually believes that crap or if he's really secretly terrified and trying to convince himself that his magic crystals and fragrant oils will keep him safe.

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Why not just get some anti malaria tablets? They'd probably be cheaper than all that colloidal silver, and the kids wouldn't have to worry about turning blue.

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I think you're being overly charitable.

I wonder if he actually believes that crap or if he's really secretly terrified and trying to convince himself that his magic crystals and fragrant oils will keep him safe.

I agree, I probably am being overly charitable.

I suspect he probably believes this stuff. He seems so full of himself that I have a hard time thinking he's really scared. But who knows.

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He really is an idiot. Now in a facebook reply someone mentions that she is worried about his children in regards to ebola & malaria and that she is sceptacle about the collidial silver cure and that she knows a missionary that died of malaria. John gets upset and replies that he is much more concerned about his children than she is. He also claims that he researched collodial silver and 2 other methods that are proven to kill the malaria parasite and that he researched it with an aerospace engineer and several others. He also claims that collidial silver is the only clinically proven method of killing the ebola virus.

First of all why would you research a malaria with an aerospace engineer. Is it because it is a fancy title and that people will be impressed and assume that an engineer will know what he is talking about. Engineers don't know anything more than any other person about parasite & viruses. My father is a PhD in engineering and I wouldn't rely on him when it comes to medical research and information. Yes, engineers may be able to be critical thinkers and great researchers but there are many who aren't. They simply follow formulas.

Second, if silver was a clinically "goverment study" proven method of killing the ebola virus it would be used. Look, they tried an experimental serum on a couple of doctors.

He also tells the person who responded that the missionary who died of malaria is God's will and that it is sad but not tragic because of God.

I guess, if one of his children is killed then it is not a tragic situation with him.

When people like this seem to think that if a person dies in unfortunate circumstance that it is God's will then do they not take general precautions in life. For example, I love to travel and I do go to some somewhat dangerous places but I take precautions. Like for example, when I was in Guatemala there were a few places that I did not go out at night or in certain areas. Do these type of people just waltz around cities where ever and whenever they they want becuase they will only die if God wills it. Isn't that the pre-destiny or fate?

Yes, an aerospace engineer is the obvious choice to research tropical diseases. :roll:

So if John's reasoning is: a missionary or missionary child dies of malaria (or Ebola or whatever) but it's all God's will and not tragic because that person goes directly to Heaven (if they are saved according to John's definition of saved or the child of someone saved by John's definition of saved.)

I ask, then why does John bother with researching methods and buying the essential oils and colloidal silver at all? God will look after you all. This is an unnecessary expense and implies that you don't trust God as you should.

He can't have it both ways./heavy sarcasm/

Those poor children.

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