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10 Shraders in Zambia and counting...


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I hope Esther is doing okay. She should be due within the next 2 months or so. The last trimester is the hardest.

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I understand belief in G-d and a G-d who occasionally intervenes, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around the concept of G-d intervening so that I can cut in line in a non-emergency.

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It never occurred to him that maybe God intervened in the line cutting to save the other people in line from being held captive listening to him preach at to them :lol:

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I would like to know exactly what John thinks of the Duggars. Sounds like he's not too fond of the "reality show" aspect of their lives. The other Keller son-in-law (Rebekah's husband Josh) was not impressed with the control TLC took over a family wedding (Josh and Anna's). John Shrader did not attend Pris and Pecan's wedding, but Esther and the older girls went. The girls were flower girls.

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I understand belief in G-d and a G-d who occasionally intervenes, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around the concept of G-d intervening so that I can cut in line in a non-emergency.

Remember when God gave Zsu (or one of her cronies) free ice cream?!? God LOVES the trivial stuff!

It's just the big things like, war, famine, disaster, starvation, addiction, etc. that He doesn't have time to fix.

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It never occurred to him that maybe God intervened in the line cutting to save the other people in line from being held captive listening to him preach at to them :lol:

This! Or perhaps they took him to the front of the line because he was pissing every one off with his proselytizing and they wanted to avoid a riot.

Can you imagine getting stuck in the seat next to John on a long flight? ::shudders::

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I would like to know exactly what John thinks of the Duggars. Sounds like he's not too fond of the "reality show" aspect of their lives. The other Keller son-in-law (Rebekah's husband Josh) was not impressed with the control TLC took over a family wedding (Josh and Anna's). John Shrader did not attend Pris and Pecan's wedding, but Esther and the older girls went. The girls were flower girls.

John was at the Pecan wedding. I saw him grinning in the background. He probably wouldn't let Esther go to an event like that without her covering, and he wouldn't be able to cope with the kids without her for more than a couple of hours.

John doesn't like ATI these days and I don't know what he thinks of the Duggars. That did seem like a bit of a crack at them. The Keller children all seem to get along though. The Shraders have been to family reunions and there are pictures of Josh and John together.

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I would honestly rather stab myself in the ear than listen to John preach blabber for any length of time. And I'm just waiting for the inevitable tragedy to strike those poor kids. I know of a family who were(are?) missionaries in the small African country of Benin. They are the friends of an acquaintance so I don't know the specific circumstances but I think if I'm remembering correctly one of their sons died from malaria complications. They have a facebook memorial page for him that I'm going to put under a spoiler because it has images of his dead body before the burial. I'm hoping against hope that this doesn't happen to the Shraders, but John is enough of an idiot that I can't see this little "adventure" ending well for them.

Graphic Images

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Oh goodness. Shame on those parents for plastering photographs of their deceased son as well as their living children GRIEVING over the loss of their brother...what is wrong with people? Some things ought to be kept sacred and private, and your dead child is one of them.

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Shame on them for endangering their children to the point they lost one of them! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am sorry but that makes me SOOOOOOO angry!!!! His death was totally senseless and could have been avoided if mom and dad hadn't chosen to endanger them in a foreign country!!! They could have waited till the kids were grown to be missionaries!!! What is wrong with some ppl???!!! I hope John's children do not await the same fate,and that is just but one reason that NO ONE should have ever agreed to fund this venture!!!!

Whatever happened to common sense and abiding by the passage about "whosoever hurts one of these little ones,it would be better for him to have a millstone around his neck and drown" ??!!

if you are exposing your children to danger,you are hurting them!

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DEF a Stab at the duggars.. I wonder why.

I think it shows the Duggars did not help fund this monstrosity,and for that,I agree.

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I think it shows the Duggars did not help fund this monstrosity,and for that,I agree.

I don't think it is a stab at the Duggars or proof of anything. Sounds more like a sarcastic jibe at how most Americans don't have or want "large families" and how this culture treats them as a novelty and not as normal.

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I think it shows the Duggars did not help fund this monstrosity,and for that,I agree.

Exactly what I was going to say.

If the Duggars had funded him he would love them and would probably be begging for his "mission" the be featured on their "reality" show.

I do hope Anna is sending necessities and treats for Esther and the kids though. I wouldn't give cash in her position, cause John would squander it, but I would be sending supplies for the home birth, what medical supplies I could, and the little luxuries that would make Esther and the kids lives a bit easier and more pleasant.

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I think the lady who let John cut the line was most likely expecting a bribe from the wealthy foreigners for allowing this or else rescuing everyone else from his preaching.

I have friends who have worked for the leprosy mission in Asia and in Africa. When they first arrive, they are offered the chance to jump queues and other little perks in life. However, as soon as locals work out they aren't going to pay bribes (it's against leprosy mission policy), all the little offers stop.

As for his trying to "evangelise" people, I really wish he would spend a few months just getting to know and understand the Zambian people and their way of life. It was never going to happen with John, I know. He is still a teenager in many ways; very enthusiastic, thinks he knows everything and unaware of the huge gaps in his own knowledge. He might be useful if someone was supervising him, just as teenagers can be brilliant when there is an adult managing the activity. He really shouldn't be allowed out on his own until he grows up a bit.

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Still toying with the idea of sending the entire family malarial tablets...

Probably using some useless herbal crap or essential oil bs from a pyramid scheme instead--more Godly. Amway (whatever they're calling themselves now) is into both. Anti-malarial drugs might prevent conception.....

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I've seen loads of people on homeschool groups (the ones with lots of religious members) shilling Young Living essential oils to cure everything. I haven't looked into that company at all, but it seems like many people are marketing them as Christian essential oils. That makes me laugh. Can't have pious people using the same oils as those dirty hippies at the natural foods shop!

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I'm not sure about preventing conception, bu pregnant Esther definitely couldn't take them, unless there's something I'm missing.

Maybe I'll see if I can get OTC tablets and send them to him... Surely even john isn't selfish enough to withhold free stuff from his family...

And if he is, if they're still going to Africa they will get used by SOMEONE. I hope. I might actually be willing to risk it.

Except it might not be legal and the postal workers have never let me be even the slightest but vague on the customs forms. Just putting "missionary supplies" wouldn't cut it. They'd make me fill of anither form and be more specific.

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I've seen loads of people on homeschool groups (the ones with lots of religious members) shilling Young Living essential oils to cure everything. I haven't looked into that company at all, but it seems like many people are marketing them as Christian essential oils. That makes me laugh. Can't have pious people using the same oils as those dirty hippies at the natural foods shop!

One of the "Big Names" in Patriarchy (can't recall which) promotes essential oils/herbal stuff on her blog. IIRC hers are from whatever Amway is called right now. There are online Herbal Schools, too--some blog I read a year or so ago by a late teen girl was all heart broken that her "healing" career was over because her school went bankrupt and closed..... honestly! I read a courtship novel that talked about Mom being "new" to natural healing and gave the son "herbs" for his headache--silly me I thought she gave him a joint till I remembered what I was reading. :cray-cray:

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the reason the kids didn't get antimalarial medicine was because they are anti-vaccine, not because of money.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the reason the kids didn't get antimalarial medicine was because they are anti-vaccine, not because of money.

I think it's because the money. Obviously a personal airplane for John and a brand new troupie are more important than something like his children's health. He said once that they were looking into vaccines in the US, but they were too expensive, so they're hoping to mooch off of the Zambians' health care system and get them for free there.

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It seems they were in a perfect position to take advantage of the Vaccines for Children Program in the US. Of course, you'd have to admit to the federal gubmint that the kid meets at least one of these three criteria:

  • Medicaid-eligible

  • Uninsured (lacking health insurance)

  • Underinsured, that is, a child that is covered by some type of health insurance, but the insurance either does not cover any vaccines, covers only certain vaccines, or does cover some vaccines, but has a cap on the annual cost for vaccines.

There is no financial excuse for not getting kids immunized. It is such a major public health issue that municipal, county, state and Federal governments all try to make sure it happens.

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It seems they were in a perfect position to take advantage of the Vaccines for Children Program in the US. Of course, you'd have to admit to the federal gubmint that the kid meets at least one of these three criteria:

  • Medicaid-eligible

  • Uninsured (lacking health insurance)

  • Underinsured, that is, a child that is covered by some type of health insurance, but the insurance either does not cover any vaccines, covers only certain vaccines, or does cover some vaccines, but has a cap on the annual cost for vaccines.

There is no financial excuse for not getting kids immunized. It is such a major public health issue that municipal, county, state and Federal governments all try to make sure it happens.

The free vaccine programs often don't apply to the specific immunizations people need to travel to foreign countries though. The illnesses that are a concern in Zambia may not be the same illnesses that are a concern in the U.S. Won't be offered at a clinic. I only know this because one of my kids went on an out of country school trip and we couldn't get the shots covered.

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