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Lori Alexander 70: Blaspheming the Word of God

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Am I brain-dead, or does this just not make any sense? What the hell is this supposed to mean? I'm guessing it's about women putting off starting a family, but the way she's phrased it is making my reading comprehension skills short out. Besides, according to her, aren't men wiser, stronger, and generally superior? Shouldn't we want to live like those who are clearly superior to us weak, easily deceived women?

It kind of seems like she's having conniptions about women fulfilling roles that used to be relegated to men, thereby proving that men are not, in fact, superior. Maybe Ken had a female doctor and she's still seething.

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I don't know what that means either - how should a two year old or a six, ten  year old be celebrating their sex?  Oh- by not going to school and learning to bake organic bread and the proper way to slather, I guess?   Pampered Princess has no clue about how real people live or that everyone is not a Lori-clone.  

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11 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I need to get rid of the potent meds and insulin like soon. It would be so easy to overdose on any of them.

Take them to the pharmacy, I'm not from the US, but even if they can't take them, they'll know how to dispose of them.

I'm so sorry @feministxtian, I was a mess when my dad died, but at least it was sudden, I can't imagine hard how caring for a loved one dying must have been for you.

A friend has been caring for her chronically ill dad for a long now it is doing a number on her - going to the ER  every couple of weeks, the doctors telling her he might not make it this time, to make arrangements - for years. Once (though it took a lot of Tequila) she said sometimes she wishes he would finally die so that nightmare will be over and of course feeling guilty as hell for such thoughts. Though at some point that's pretty much how everybody feels at some point, most of all the patients themselves.

Guilt was always a large part of grieving too - it's beautiful that your husband's last words were " I love you" I hope you can draw comfort from that, I'm certain you did everything you could.

One good thing that came out of it was some very strong friendships, the people who support you know are friends for life, a lot of them are like family now. It's wonderful that the people at the church are reaching out. Some of the most supportive people were ones I didn't really know much at all. One girl at uni literally pulled me aside and straightforwardly said "I lost my dad at 19 too, I can see you're not in a good place and I'm going to help you get through it, no discussion" and she did. And it sounds like you finally bonded with your stepdaughter too? Had some distant family reach out as well, cousins who lost their dad to cancer quite early, we're really close now. And you definitely will see who you can trust, yes, some will disappoint you but a lot will surprise you. People who are willing to stand by you going through shit like that are the ones you can trust with your life. How many people can say they have a whole group they can trust blindly? I love them to bits!

As for coping, I sucked at that threw myself into uni work which helped a lot at first - but ultimately fired back because I wasn't dealing with my grief at all. There's definitely period where you need to be distracted when you just can't cope and process but putting it off too long bit me in the ass...

I had friends basically dragging me out with them for the better part of a year - I didn't enjoy it at first and would have loved nothing better than just crawling back to bed - that took some time, but I do think it helped a lot. The whole "fake it till you make it" going through the motions...

@OyHiOhs suggestion is quite good.  A friends therapist actually suggested knitting to her to deal with her anxiety worked like a charm. If you're not the knitting type (hell knows I'm not ) we had a tree stump at school and teachers would give us nails and hammers to blow of some steam... that was helpful for some. The thing that worked for me was sport - well, when I finally had the energy to get up - and music (though I couldn' listen to anything at first, everything just sounded too cheerful, don't know if that's a thing, but I nearly had a fit at the funeral parlor...) But as the others said that's how you deal with grief is very personal.

As the others have said before, please do feel free to reach out any time, vent... We're here and are happy to catch you whenever you need us!

Edited by squiddysquid
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12 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I need to get rid of the potent meds and insulin like soon. It would be so easy to overdose on any of them.

Here's a website that shows places you can take them to be disposed of in Clark County (if you can't donate them):


I think donating insulin is frowned on within the US, because of prescription laws, but this organization takes donations of insulin and diabetic testing equipment and gives it to people in other countries.



We collect in-date & unneeded insulin, test strips, as well as other diabetes supplies, and ship them to developing countries. They are then distributed, free of charge, to children and adults with diabetes who otherwise would go without these life saving medications.

I understand that you must have so many things to do, but I know in my life, that not having the temptation of "an easy way out" helped when I was in a dark place emotionally.

The same way that you have offered to be a listening ear to all of us when we are low, please continue to call on us when we can help by listening. (You can PM me if it's easier.) I have been praying for you, and I will keep doing that. :my_heart:

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On August 30, 2019 at 10:24 PM, usmcmom said:

I think Lori would rather have seen Ken get substandard care than admit that smart capable women helped to save his life. 

I don't doubt it. I think she'd have been OK with banning all women from working on him, even if it meant him dying. It'd show how "righteous" they are, and also fewer medical expenses coming out of her butter fund. And he's probably got enough life insurance to keep her lifestyle from changing much, at least until her mind goes so much she can't tell anymore.

On August 31, 2019 at 11:55 AM, Libby96 said:

Lori is the ultimate hypocrite.  She spends her days railing against birth control, vaccinations and traditional medicine, but when she has a brain tumor or Ken has a heart problem it’s straight to the hospital for real, quality medical care.

Then she says it’s okay because the doctors were “Christian.”  So I suppose every doctor, nurse, technician, therapist, food service worker, environmental service worker etc. was male and also the “right” kind of Christian or else Ken and Lori’s money might have gone to support a working mother or someone else who hates God’s Perfect Ways.

According to Lori, everyone other than her hates "God's Perfect Ways". Even though she doesn't do any of the things she demands others do. Lori is one of those people who isn't happy unless they're complaining, and enjoys hurting people. 

I'm positive Lori has no idea what religion the majority of the staff were. Nor did she care. People don't matter to Lori, unless they actively benefit her. They might as well be objects, for all she cares. Housekeeper, Roomba - no real difference to Lori.

On August 31, 2019 at 1:41 PM, wallysmommy said:

Symptoms can include debilitating fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, mental fog causing difficulty with memory or finding words, irritability, and sleeplessness.

Some people who experience these symptoms have been previously diagnosed with, and treated for, Lyme disease."

Did they test Lori for Lyme while they were in there?

On August 31, 2019 at 7:14 PM, Briefly said:

Yes, I try to stay away from any business if that is the first thing they mention or advertise.  I have always felt that it's unethical and a few other words, to use God/Faith as a way to make money.  Not that I have anything against making money, that is basically business.  I just don't like people using God or their faith that way.

I am Christian, but I also tend to avoid or at least carefully check out businesses who make a big deal about being Christian. Same with people, in many cases. If you've got to TELL me you're Christian, then you're probably not acting like Jesus would prefer. And if you're wonderful, kind, and caring, I don't care who or what you do or don't worship!

22 hours ago, usmcmom said:

Disclaimer: I am aware of how serious Ken’s illness was. However, nobody can convince me that Lori was truly worried about her husband other than to wonder how she might get home if Ken could not go with her. 

Agreed. And even with that I bet she'd just get a son or son-in-law to come get her home somehow. It's Lori, she'd probably pester Alyssa's husband to leave his about-to-give-birth wife at home to come get her. I don't think she worried too much about that at all.

I think she might have wondered about how much Ken's life insurance would pay out if he died, however.


@feministxtian I think the Walgreens here has a big bin to dispose of old medications in, so it might be as simple as that to get rid of the extra stuff. I think you should take all the time you need to do what needs done, but I'd get that stuff out of the house ASAP. Take care of yourself, but give yourself time as well. You are strong, and you are loved, and you can and will survive this. It'll suck massively, no doubt, but you can do it. We're all rooting for you and praying for you!

Edited by Alisamer
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On 8/30/2019 at 3:00 PM, feministxtian said:

Lori's mind would be blown...Hub's last oncologist (the one who tried to save him) was Muslim AND gay AND married. The only reason I knew was his nurse is my best friend. I DID NOT give a shit whatsoever. He could have been a 7 headed hydra with pink polkadots for all I cared at that point. His credentials were outstanding. 

Over the years, hubs was treated by the United Nations of doctors, pretty much literally. Did I give a shit about their faith (or lack thereof)? Fuck no. I cared about the care they were giving my husband. His pancreas team at UofA was German, Argentinian, Japanese, Korean, Egyptian and generic American...how do I know? Got into a food discussion. His original gastro was Sikh. Didn't give a fuck about that neither. 


This cubed.

My grandfather (child of illiterate immigrants)  went to Jefferson Medical School, Class of 1923.  They had specific quotas for Jews because they believed at the time that Christians would not want to be treated by a Jewish doctor.   And Lori still has this mindset almost 100 years later.  She's a waste of oxygen.

Not for nothing but my David's doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, residents, and fellows  between Sloan Kettering in NY and Robert Wood Johnson in NJ were from:  Cuba (her parents emigrated), Ireland, Canada (his parents emigrated from Japan),  Germany, Brazil, India (by way of Long Island), and garden-variety American-born people. 

We didn't care what they wore on their heads or how they worshipped or who they went to bed with.   

Incidentally, one oncologist is a married, working mom with 2 adorable little girls. ( we met them when the nanny brought them by to see mommy)    She also runs clinical trials  just to be selfish and try to find a decent treatment for kidney cancer.  Google Lenvima.  He was in that trial and now its a drug.  Thanks to a "sinful" working woman.   Not as important as Lori spending all her time on her blog, right?  



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4 hours ago, Sonic the Whoredgehog said:

Am I brain-dead, or does this just not make any sense? What the hell is this supposed to mean?g

No.  You're not.  She is not making any sense ... at all.   

Her twitter account:  she is not trying to be sarcastic or funny ... that's not Lori.  Her rage is spilling over because most people aren't buying what she says.  It really is that simple.  Lori reads the stuff on twitter and has said "it's not worth responding to.  

And, she doesn't seem to talk about Ken or her family much anymore, but then again, I'm not following as closely as I used to.   Her response to her mother dying was limited and so was her response to Ken's crisis.  Being in ICU is no joke.   It's all very odd.  

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Her new blog post is a poorly edited and formatted series of quotes from what I assume to be her Facebook commenters about the eViLs of feminism. 

Apparently she didn't even write that tweet-its a quote from the body of "her" blog post, which was written by one of her leghumpers. 

I might add that it's incredibly amusing that she's using biology as an argument here. She may have been a math/science teacher, but her last education was what, 30 years ago? Out of what she remembers, much of it is likely out of date. Women are not magically infertile at the age of 30, men's fertility also decreases with age, and desire for marriage is not a biological drive. Does she genuinely think that men don't have biological drives to reproduce that they may "regret" if they do not fulfill? It's insulting to men, as well- they are described as "hardened" and "constantly out to prove themselves". Sounds like someone knows a lot of assholes. 

Oh, and the post also features a nice lil Jordan Peterson tidbit, for those not yet convinced that it's a pile of misogynistic horseshit. 

Edit to clarify: I don't mean to imply that a man will necessarily regret a decision to not have children, just pointing out that it's odd that nobody in Lori's sphere of thought ever acknowledges it as a possibility. 

Edited by Sonic the Whoredgehog
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So how can Ken be a command man if he barely has the heart rate to walk around the room? I seriously doubt that Lori has suddenly found a deep love for him and is tenderly caring for his needs. A more likely scenario is that there is a home health aide/housekeeper doing the majority of the work. Lori finds Ken to be burden at the best of times so I just don't see her willing to sacrifice any real time to his care if he's too weak to bring in a paycheck.

Also, I don't believe she's mentally ill or suffering side effects from her tumor. Until there is proof positive, I refuse view her this way because it removes the direct responsibilty for her words and actions. It just too easy of an out for her. Lori is mean and unkind because that's who she is. There is plenty of evidence that she has always been a horrible person but with the profuse attention of the MRAs and like minded people, Lori's worst traits have developed their full potential. 

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I might add that it's incredibly amusing that she's using biology as an argument here. She may have been a math/science teacher, but her last education was what, 30 years ago?

@Sonic the Whoredgehog Lori is precisely my age: we graduated high school in 1976, she graduated college in 1980 (I think, might have been '81 if she had to do some teacher certifications; I don't know how it works in California). So that's almost FORTY years. Proves your point even more, doesn't it? Not to mention she has admitted herself that she learned nothing while she was in college. :my_dodgy:


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@Loveday, thanks for doing the math! It's not my strong suit. I was a bio major, and by the time I reached my senior year of college, I was learning that things I had learned in my relatively new high school textbooks was outdated. I never thoroughly studied reproductive biology, but I can say with absolute certainty that it's more complicated than "all biological women are suited to and have a drive for reproduction", and there is no evidence that I know of that humans have any biological drive for monogamy. Kind of the opposite, actually. 

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34 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

Lori is mean and unkind because that's who she is. 

That's true by Lori's own account.  According to her, it started with her sisters, and progressed to absolutely everyone in her path.  She once wrote a post about all the people she has steamrolled in life (bragging that she "always got her way!"), and then another about how she liked to spend her days in Door County letting her mom wait on her.  This was AFTER she was a grown woman!

Add that to the stories of how she treated her children, the fact that she sabotaged her birth control, and you don't have to wonder- she has always been a (not very smart) hate filled woman. 


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2 hours ago, SuperNova said:

So how can Ken be a command man if he barely has the heart rate to walk around the room? I seriously doubt that Lori has suddenly found a deep love for him and is tenderly caring for his needs. A more likely scenario is that there is a home health aide/housekeeper doing the majority of the work. Lori finds Ken to be burden at the best of times so I just don't see her willing to sacrifice any real time to his care if he's too weak to bring in a paycheck.

Also, I don't believe she's mentally ill or suffering side effects from her tumor. Until there is proof positive, I refuse view her this way because it removes the direct responsibilty for her words and actions. It just too easy of an out for her. Lori is mean and unkind because that's who she is. There is plenty of evidence that she has always been a horrible person but with the profuse attention of the MRAs and like minded people, Lori's worst traits have developed their full potential. 

That's my opinion as well.  She is just a mean, pathetic person. I have to admit that I have always been a little skeptical about the brain tumor, but I think that it was mentioned here that it was documented.  But if she does have one, that does not mean that it is affecting her actions or her personality, if it's not growing or anything then am I right to assume that it's not causing or worsening anything?  She's just an evil person, hateful and jealous of any and everyone who might have something slightly better than she does in any way.

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2 hours ago, Briefly said:

That's my opinion as well.  She is just a mean, pathetic person. I have to admit that I have always been a little skeptical about the brain tumor, but I think that it was mentioned here that it was documented.  But if she does have one, that does not mean that it is affecting her actions or her personality, if it's not growing or anything then am I right to assume that it's not causing or worsening anything?  She's just an evil person, hateful and jealous of any and everyone who might have something slightly better than she does in any way.

Sorry. I should have been more clear. I don't dispute that she did receive treatment for a brain tumor in the past. I just don't think its an ongoing issue for her. If Lori had any health problems to speak of, she would be parading them around to garner sympathy and attention. She would be using it now like she's done in the past. How many times has she written about how sick she was with "parasites" while her children were growing up? There's no way in heck she would miss an opportunity to use an illness for martyrdom.

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7 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

I think donating insulin is frowned on within the US, because of prescription laws, but this organization takes donations of insulin and diabetic testing equipment and gives it to people in other countries.


I have used this organization and recommend it frequently. All meds must be within their expiration dates. Insulin is so very expensive, I did not mind packing it up in insulated containers to mail to the US collection and distribution location.  Lives are being saved around the world. It's unfortunate that unused insulin cannot be redistributed in the US, but I do what I can. 

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4 hours ago, Sonic the Whoredgehog said:

@Loveday, thanks for doing the math! It's not my strong suit. I was a bio major, and by the time I reached my senior year of college, I was learning that things I had learned in my relatively new high school textbooks was outdated. I never thoroughly studied reproductive biology, but I can say with absolute certainty that it's more complicated than "all biological women are suited to and have a drive for reproduction", and there is no evidence that I know of that humans have any biological drive for monogamy. Kind of the opposite, actually. 

I just can't believe it's been 43 years since I graduated from high school! :ENVOUTER:

What really boils my butt about Lori and her education is that it was handed to her on a silver platter by her parents and she basically threw it back in their faces. My parents couldn't afford to help me at all; the few semesters of community college I got, I paid for myself, and then I had to move out of their house and live on my own, which meant college was over. Lori is an ungrateful, lazy, spoiled, wasteful bitch.

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@squiddysquid, my daughter lost her father quite suddenly and tragically when she was 19, too. I’m so grateful that she was attending a small college, where people looked out for each other. The president made sure she got counseling and helped her deal with a problematic professor, setting her up with a private voice coach. Classmates she barely knew quietly came up to her and said things like, “My mom died a few years ago. I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.”

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9 hours ago, SuperNova said:

I don't believe she's mentally ill or suffering side effects from her tumor. Until there is proof positive, I refuse view her this way because it removes the direct responsibilty for her words and actions.

And if she can't be held responsible for her words and actions, then somebody ought to shut the doors of that "ministry" of hers.  I tend to believe she's still well enough to be held accountable because she doesn't seem to miss a beat. She was quick to post about RHE's death and Joshua Harris's divorce. One way or another, she's hurting people with her blog, videos, facebook posts and tweets.  

9 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Lori is mean and unkind because that's who she is. There is plenty of evidence that she has always been a horrible person but with the profuse attention of the MRAs and like minded people, Lori's worst traits have developed their full potential. 

I agree. People with horrible person tendencies need strong people to stand up to them and call them out on their sh!t. She seems to have intimidated everyone in her life and she believes she has the right to shoot anyone down for disagreeing with her. She barks out commands to complete strangers, deletes opposing opinions, even those including Scripture, writes blog posts berating people... on and on.  Lori is a bottomless well of negativity. 


4 hours ago, Loveday said:

What really boils my butt about Lori and her education is that it was handed to her on a silver platter by her parents and she basically threw it back in their faces.

So true!  And while she threw it in their faces, she still keeps her teaching license updated, while telling all other women that they shouldn't pursue a career because it blasphemes the word of God. Go make sense of that. 

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1 hour ago, onemama said:

So true!  And while she threw it in their faces, she still keeps her teaching license updated, while telling all other women that they shouldn't pursue a career because it blasphemes the word of God. Go make sense of that. 

Lori loves to say that she learned nothing in college.  What she fails to realize is that reflects poorly on HER, not college in general.  I'm sure she could have learned plenty if she actually tried.  I don't understand how she graduated, though.  Was the school just handing out degrees for attendance?  Obviously not all places of higher education are like that, but Lori does love sweeping generalizations.

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I would like Lori to elaborate on what she means by women "living like men". She often writes it as "be like men", "act like men", but really what does she mean? What traits do men have that women don't?  Please elaborate Lori.  

But really, why would I want to be like Lori? She's an entitled bitch.  I'm in my 40s and still paying off student loans, because my parents wanted me to go to college but couldn't afford it. I am grateful for my education. 

I also didn't have my DD until I was in my late 30s, mainly because my first 20 years of adulthood, I had to deal with fertility issues, just like Alyssa. If I had Lori as a mother, I'd probably have limited or no contact with her. 

Also agree that Ken probably had a female specialist save his life.  Has Lori written about any posts about how she loves Ken?  I refuse to stroke her ego by looking on one of her social media accounts.  It's very telling if she hasn't.

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4 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

It’s 9:40am in CA and Lori is already up to 4 tweets (the most recent around 9:20am). What on earth? 

gotta make up for her "lost" time last week....All 48 hours or whatever's worth. 


Just to back track, like many of you I was laughing about her equating natural disasters to tick bites, but today it just makes me mad.    She just flippantly discounts the extreme suffering of others (hey, Lori?! have you seen the devastation in the Bahamas?) while she is busy criticizing Hallmark movies and people living "in sin" and making all kind of incoherent statements on Twitter. 

But OH! her suffering, her suffering is ALL important.  When poor Ken had a tick bite (and like an earlier poster, I am not discounting the seriousness of Lyme disease whatsoever)....the world stopped.  But a Category hurricane? No, worries because "this isn't our home."   

How I hoped Ken's illness would have changed her a bit.  I'm the fool.  Same old Lori, different day. 


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Holy shit. Her tweets are one hateful mini-rant after another. This one's my favorite:

"God only permits a man, through sanctified lawful marriage, to become one flesh through sexual intercourse with his wife, and consequently to become one flesh at the DNA micro-chromosome genetic level with his wife.”

Further illustrating my point from yesterday. Mammals do not have "microchromosomes" except in the case of chromosomal disorders. Is she reading here? Did someone point out that she doesn't know jack shit about biology and she's trying to sound scientific? If so, it's not working. 

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