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Lori Alexander 56: Lori Wants Others to Outbreed Islam for Her

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45 minutes ago, AuntKrazy said:

About Lori's $14 butter - and it being "special" and unnamed - I have the sneaky suspicion that the butter is raw and unpasteurized and that is what the code of "packed full of vitamins" means in Lori's mind.


IIRC she's posted a link to it before. It was just really high quality pastured stuff. But also IIRC the cows were still fed a bit more grains than Kerrygold cows. I remember staying up that night researching because I'm a nerd about stuff like that. 

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Mr, Briefly decided to experiment again.  Dinner was ground turkey meat, browned with onion and bell peppers cut up and added to it.  He put a little garlic powder and parsley in it.  After he drained the meat, he added a can of mixed vegetables (drained) and spaghetti sauce (Ragu I think) until he decided it had enough liquid.  He put a little chili powder in (a little by our standards so probably a lot) and then he tossed in some cooked pasta.  We had it on toast but there is some in the freezer now and it may well be eaten with a fork.  It turned out pretty good although I think it was a little blander than I expected it.

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6 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

She's one of those I'd love to plop down at a table and just shove southern comfort food at her and watch her eat it before telling her, "that's Gold Medal white flour you just ate with $3 butter from the Piggly Wiggly."

A story my grandmother loves: In her 20s, my mother had some friends who fancied themselves Serious Wine Connoisseurs.  When they came for dinner, my grandmother would buy cheap wine and pour it into an old bottle from a more expensive one, and the wannabe wine snobs never knew the difference.


5 hours ago, Hane said:

Lori would think this all was paradise—unless she actually had to live there and work that hard to keep her family fed and clothed.

Exactly.  I actually have a lot of the domestic skills Lori seems to think women should have.  I like to cook and bake (with electric or gas, thankyouverymuch; I've cooked on a woodstove before and found it a royal pain), grow and preserve produce, sew and knit.  But they're hobbies - except daily cooking, of course - and I can enjoy them without the pressure of knowing my family might starve or freeze if I feel like sitting with a book instead.



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I have plenty of domestic skills...doesn't mean I want to spend all damn day practicing them. There's more to life than that. 

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Despite being one of those young feminist women that is apparently never taught anything by older women I do have quite a few "domestic" skills. I can cook, clean, and organize. I know how to make breads and bake.  I can also crochet and I'm teaching myself embroidery (mostly for artwork). I'm not very handy at sewing but I crochet most of my own winter gear besides gloves. I also save money by doing most of my own artwork for wall decor. Although now that I think about it that might seem narcissistic. and I know many women my age with similar skills and ones that regularly  sew and make clothes or owns chickens.  However, if one doesn't have to live like someone from the past, why do it? I'm not someone who enjoys gardening and have no interest in raising chicken and cows. It's almost like everyone is unique with different skill sets and interest. 


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Dinner tonight: 

Spaghetti. Homemade sauce with locally made Italian sausage and tomatoes that I raised and canned myself. Green pepper in the sauce was also homegrown. 

So, suck it, Lori! 

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Dinner tonight was packaged pasta fixed by the husband because I was on the road. Hit up the VA for my annual & then hustled a notary job on my way home.

Add me to the crafty ladies. My evil working mom managed to teach my sister & me to sew, embroider, & bake. So far I've kept 2 cajun husbands chubby & one cajun child clothed with fun costumes. 

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Sea Filly 2 had 5 friends( and her brother) over for her birthday week-end of D&D( I DM-ed). I also cooked all the meals for the guests making sure I avoided the allergies of 2 friends and accommodated the vegetarian.

It wasn't hard. it just required me to use a little imagination .


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7 hours ago, Hane said:

My favorite quotation about cows, from a friend who grew up on a farm: “Daylight Saving Time is ridiculous and definitely not invented by farmers. Cows don’t care what time it is.”

Aw! That's almost exactly what my mom told me when I was a kid and she explained Daylight Saving Time to me. I think she threw in a bit about farmers like her dad working from before the sun was up until after it went down, no matter what the clocks said.

Now that I think about it, I have a new destination for time travel, just in case. I'd go see my grandpa milk his cows. My mom says he would sing to them in Scots Gaelic while he milked. He was so laconic by the time I knew him. I may have heard him sing once or twice, but never in Gaelic. :my_heart:

And I'd love to see Lori as a farm wife during the Depression like my grandma. Can't you just imagine her sewing the flour sacks into dresses for her daughters? :pb_lol:

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6 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Despite being one of those young feminist women that is apparently never taught anything by older women I do have quite a few "domestic" skills. I can cook, clean, and organize. I know how to make breads and bake.  I can also crochet and I'm teaching myself embroidery (mostly for artwork). I'm not very handy at sewing but I crochet most of my own winter gear besides gloves. I also save money by doing most of my own artwork for wall decor. Although now that I think about it that might seem narcissistic. and I know many women my age with similar skills and ones that regularly  sew and make clothes or owns chickens.  However, if one doesn't have to live like someone from the past, why do it? I'm not someone who enjoys gardening and have no interest in raising chicken and cows. It's almost like everyone is unique with different skill sets and interest. 


I don't feel like it's narcissistic at all but maybe that's because I'm very similar. I'm proficient at most domestic skills and needlework but don't crochet or knit. I make the majority of my own wardrobe and I've sewn all the curtains and made our rugs myself.  Meal planning, prep, and freezing is something that happens every week and I don't expect a gold star for it. Beyond talking about it here, I don't really mention these things to other people.

Mr. Nova and I try to live with as small a footprint as possible and to do that you need life skills that you don't farm out to other countries. It also helps to prioritize what you really need because anything made from scratch or by hand takes time.

Lori makes such a show of baking a simple loaf of bread that I can't really imagine her embracing the lifestyle she promotes.

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I swear, Lori is better than any comedy show on television. From today's post:


For some reason, I was pondering the swift and negative reaction from the Christian community to my viral post “Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos” yesterday (because it continues to receive a lot of traffic and comments)...

For some reason? Let me help you here, Lori. It's because you WANTED a swift reaction, negative or otherwise. You begged for that reaction. Hell, you PAID for it. And you didn't care whether it came from the "Christian" community (see what I did there?) or the secular one. And it continues to receive a lot of traffic and  comments because you KEEP BRINGING IT UP! :laughing-rolling:

It's obvious now that every time things slow down on her blog and FB page, she's going to dredge this hoary old chestnut up again. And again. And again. :roll:

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Her posts are apparently aren't getting enough responses, so she's dredging up her "viral" post again, hoping to go "viral"  she's so transparent. 

I thought Godly women don't call attention to themselves.  Yeah, right. 

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5 hours ago, SuperNova said:

I don't feel like it's narcissistic at all but maybe that's because I'm very similar. I'm proficient at most domestic skills and needlework but don't crochet or knit. I make the majority of my own wardrobe and I've sewn all the curtains and made our rugs myself.  Meal planning, prep, and freezing is something that happens every week and I don't expect a gold star for it. Beyond talking about it here, I don't really mention these things to other people.

Mr. Nova and I try to live with as small a footprint as possible and to do that you need life skills that you don't farm out to other countries. It also helps to prioritize what you really need because anything made from scratch or by hand takes time.

Lori makes such a show of baking a simple loaf of bread that I can't really imagine her embracing the lifestyle she promotes.

Agreed! I am not good at sewing at all, my projects end up in a disaster and I end up in tears.  Plus working full time and raising a little one of my own, I very rarely have time for myself. I do cross-stitch every once in a while. Mostly I crochet and then give the items (blankets, scarves, hats, gloves, arm warmers)  I have made away as presents, or to a shelter (where I live the homelessness population is very high). I am hoping to eventually become good enough to make and then donate to a hospital (I am thinking for premature or sick babies, or those in hospice... is that a bad idea to do that?) I do my grocery shopping once a week and try to plan meals for that week. However I am nothing like Lori. Everything that Lori does or claims she has done; she makes it into such a big deal. I'm just thankful my dinner doesn't burn in the oven while I am chasing after a very active 1 year old......

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I guess it must be absolutely none of Lori's business.  

1 Thessalonians 4:11

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;

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23 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Please tell me where you got the Thai-Style peanut chicken recipe from! It sounds like it might be delicious. 

I can post it or PM you with it if you like :) It's fast and easy, plus I love Thai or Thai-style anything. 

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51 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

I thought Godly women don't call attention to themselves.  Yeah, right. 

Of course 'godly' women don't draw attention to themselves with tattoos and such, that's just plain sinful.  But Lori can be a full time attention whore with her beliefs, because that's what 'godly' women do.  

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12 hours ago, Seahorse Wrangler said:

Sea Filly 2 had 5 friends( and her brother) over for her birthday week-end of D&D( I DM-ed).

We play too! Adventurer's League every Saturday night!

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I like to bake and cook, and I can’t wait for the day when I have counter space beyond the 4X4 counter area I have (along with cabinets to store things). I’m also looking forward to the day I can cook with the kids without us tripping over one another. And I’m looking forward to the day I have a dishwasher. Lori would never believe the “from scratch” items that come from my kitchen. 

I can clean and organize- and while I like things to be that way, I don’t love the tasks themselves. But I do them. 

I can’t do other crafts- I’m just not that creative. I can’t look at material and imagine how it would look as an article of clothing or as a pillow or curtains, etc. My brain doesn’t work that way and I have a true appreciation for those who have those talents (and cherish the gifts I’ve received from friends who are talented in that way). I can create policies, procedures, and programs (and plan detailed events)- that’s my strength. 

I don’t garden but have interest in learning and making an attempt. Right now our yard space doesn’t permit any sort of garden. 

I don’t get Lori’s constant posts against feminism. I consider myself a Christian feminist and don’t have a problem with what other women choose to do. I have seen women who have lost husbands or experienced a divorce struggle, so I think it’s important to have some sort of safety plan in place (we all should- there are no guarantees of anything in life). I think Lori’s fangirls react to those comments from a place of defensiveness- because they have no safety net and no viable way of creating one, because they are struggling to meet basic needs. I think some of them are so overwhelmed by their circumstances that they can’t understand how some of us are able to manage work, marriage, kids, home, etc. And, I think some need Lori’s “teachings” for justification- it’s almosr like they are threatened or need approval. 

And for her post today- I don’t understand it. Going to college when she didn’t want to doesn’t mean that you automatically fall into a lifestyle completely opposite of what you want. It doesn’t make sense. You can’t let temporary circumstances derail you from your long term goals. 

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@Ken Your "godly" wife (who you claim is so full of grace and mercy) liked this comment. 

Loser women, who turn themselves into garbage?!  Really?  Because just last week, Lori WAS full of grace for a person living a promiscuous lifestyle, declaring that he just needed Jesus.  The difference?  HE was a MAN. 

Men= Need Jesus...we should pray for them. 
Women= Loser.  Garbage.

Where are THOSE words found in the Bible, Lori?  But I guess this is just the kind of hate filled comment you like.  That is the real proof that you hate God and his "perfect ways".  God commands you to LOVE your neighbor.  In fact, it's his second greatest command.  

Love does not = calling someone a loser, or garbage.  

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Lori just posted for the third time about debt free, virgins.  Guess business is not so good.

Anyway ...  sure this response is going to be pulled though I cant see a thing wrong with wht she has said except that Lori teaches garbage, which is the truth.   Lori, again, thinks she speaks for God.  1618453033_tobedeleted.JPG.29cd8e6e506f570458c780c23f216c85.JPG


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That woman wouldn't know "godly" if it bit her in the ass. 

I am so not in the mood for this shit. Seriously, if I ever saw that woman in person I'd rip her a new one. 

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@SassyPantswithASideofClass,  there are guides out there for charity knitting/crocheting projects.  I have one by Debbie Macomber but there should be others.  Debbie lists the types of projects and where to donate.  Just offhand, I can think of a few:  Project Linus for blankets for sick children,  wool watch caps for merchant mariners,  blankies for animals shelters,  prayer shawls and afghans for hospices and nursing homes, chemo caps for cancer patients, premie caps for NICU babies.  You local NICU/SCN* can tell you about donations of premie caps and what their requirements are.  

*Neonatal intensive care unit and Special Care Nursery

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3 hours ago, Sobeknofret said:

I can post it or PM you with it if you like :) It's fast and easy, plus I love Thai or Thai-style anything. 

Post it so we can all enjoy it.  Thanks!

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14 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

And I'd love to see Lori as a farm wife during the Depression like my grandma. Can't you just imagine her sewing the flour sacks into dresses for her daughters? :pb_lol:

My grandma ate lard sandwiches during the Depression. Lori would shit a brick.

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