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Lori Alexander 50: Making an Idol of Herself

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If no one who works makes coffee at home why are coffee pots with timers a thing and why do stores have multiple shelves full of thermal cups to carry hot drinks with you? 

During the school year, I usually work 4 days a week. I buy coffee sometimes when I work on Fridays or on days I sub in kindergarten (because kindergarten). The other days, I make it at home and take it with me. As I did when I worked full time. Most of the teachers I know who drink coffee arrive carrying their own cup every day. 

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What is up with her bullshit? What "working wives" does she know who don't cook, clean, are relatively frugal, and care for their families? 

I don't clean anymore...see back injury and a husband home more than me now. Yeah, we had pizza and shit last week for dinner, may have had a lot to do with first week back working full time and no a/c in the car and 105+ degree heat for my ride home. But, for years I cooked dinner after coming home (hell, I was home by 4:30 every afternoon). We don't eat out much, but that's a whole different story. I bring my lunch every day (and have for years), I'm still cheap as fuck. It runs about 20 bucks a week in gas. EVERY job I've ever had (except for the one long-ass commute job) has cost me a full tank of gas every 2 weeks. 

Bitch be full of shit. She speaketh with forked tongue. 

Buying coffee: I have a big ass thermal mug to transport the elixir of life from home to work. The same elixir of life is available for free in no less than 4 locations on the first floor of my office building. I buy cheap ass Kroger brand coffee, it works for the purpose I need it to, the whole walking, talking, driving, adulting thing. 

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1 minute ago, feministxtian said:

What is up with her bullshit? What "working wives" does she know who don't cook, clean, are relatively frugal, and care for their families? 


Because it takes "hours" to make a "nourishing" dinner. HOURS! You have to be home all day so you can start immediately after  lunch if you want to eat dinner by seven. 

And no working woman has ever cleaned the house. We all live in filth. We have no time for that. We are out buying coffee and clothes when we aren't at home. Because you need approximately 400 pairs of dress pants to hold a job. 



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1 hour ago, polecat said:

I don't really see the point of making fun of people for their discomfort, though. People in Florida aren't used to cool temps, so of course they're complaining when it gets into the 50s and 60s. And people in the North are going to be feeling pretty uncomfortable when they get 90-degree temps. 

I have to agree. Especially when it comes to making fun of us Southerners when there's ice and snow. Sure, it's very silly that all the bread and milk flies off the store shelves the minute the word "snow" is mentioned, but when the town has ONE truck to spread the anti-ice stuff and one scraper and each gets run maybe 3-4 times a year... well, you hope it cranks this time and that maybe they'll get to the main roads close to your neighborhood. I work with mostly northerners, and while one of them lives out a bit the other lives IN the city. So of course, they both show up when the roads are icy - they grew up driving in it all winter and one of them lives where the roads are treated and scraped immediately anyway. Meanwhile, I'm in my small neighborhood full of shade trees skidding around just trying to get out of the driveway.

Every winter I remind them that we only get snow a couple times a year, and it never lasts more than 2-3 days, and they don't pay me enough to replace my car if I wreck it trying to come in when half our customers are closed anyway. 

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Seriously, she left off the other part of the article he wrote. If it were my article and someone were clipping it to prove THEIR points, I'd be pissed. Look at resolution#10:



While this article is far from perfect (and has plenty I disagree with), the intent is clearly stated in number 15, which changes the whole damn tone.

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34 minutes ago, Koala said:

I'm not a mother, but I'm thrifty, frugal and can be brutally trim costs when needed. I don't need extra money for coffee, because we get free coffee and bottled water at work, my boss is generous. The strip mall where we are located had on the left hand a large upper scale supermarked and on the right hand a small organic supermarket and a large drug store and the owners agreed to another that every employee of one of the shops get the employees discount in all of the shops, so I can safe 10 to 20% for high quality or organic groceries. I wouldn't safe this, if I wouldn't work there. Non prescription meds and my special cremes and lotions included, since I have a bitchy skin. And, since my brother and me are away most of the day, we safe a lot of power. And my home is clean, tidy and cozy, except when puppy got the chance to destroying cleenex. And we have real food, with real veggies, like the nice cucumber salat with the fish fingers and mashed potatoes we had for dinner. I needed half an hour cooking it and my brother around the same time tidying up the kitchen and cleaning the dishes.

And what does she mean with supporting the dog? is the dog aloud to have a career, but not the mother?

And if a working woma nspend's literally 1000s in lunch and expansive coffee each year, she can either afford it or can't handle money well. And if they don't have a good grasp on money, that didn't change with being a sahm.

@Koala Happy birthday to koalapuppy from me and my puppy, too. Scratch him from me

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22 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Because it takes "hours" to make a "nourishing" dinner. HOURS! You have to be home all day so you can start immediately after  lunch if you want to eat dinner by seven. 

And no working woman has ever cleaned the house. We all live in filth. We have no time for that. We are out buying coffee and clothes when we aren't at home. Because you need approximately 400 pairs of dress pants to hold a job. 


It does? Then I'm doing it wrong.. At most it's an hour, most of which is something cooking in the oven. Shit, I don't even START dinner until 6 or so b/c hub gets home about 6:45. 

Housework? That's hub's job. He likes doing it, I'm not that domestic (the only domestic thing about me is I like to cook and am reasonably housebroken). 

I wear skirts and tops to work...much cooler here in the fkn desert. My clothes come from Savers, Ross and Wally-World (i like their tops most of the time). If I'm gonna blow my paycheck on bullshit we're talking Barnes & Noble, Amazon, CJ Pony Parts, Late Model Restoration, Summit Racing, etc. 

Coffee? 5.99 for the Kroger brand at Smith's. 

Oh, I forgot the mani/pedi/wax every couple of weeks...but if I ain't asking you to pay any of it, STFU bitch. 

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So I went out to amazon to check the reviews since she went "viral" again. Happy to report the book is at 2.7 stars and the last 5 stars as follows: 3 1-star reviews in June, 2 1-star in May.

Here is one of the 5 1-star reviews that I liked :) 


Lori has a completely ridiculous, one size fits all, view on marital concerns: submit. I imagine her life must be miserable living this way, whether she realizes it or not. I would not recommend anyone to hold themselves to such a low standard and live in submission for all their days.


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41 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

It does? Then I'm doing it wrong.. At most it's an hour, most of which is something cooking in the oven. Shit, I don't even START dinner until 6 or so b/c hub gets home about 6:45. 

Housework? That's hub's job. He likes doing it, I'm not that domestic (the only domestic thing about me is I like to cook and am reasonably housebroken). 

I wear skirts and tops to work...much cooler here in the fkn desert. My clothes come from Savers, Ross and Wally-World (i like their tops most of the time). If I'm gonna blow my paycheck on bullshit we're talking Barnes & Noble, Amazon, CJ Pony Parts, Late Model Restoration, Summit Racing, etc. 

Coffee? 5.99 for the Kroger brand at Smith's. 

Oh, I forgot the mani/pedi/wax every couple of weeks...but if I ain't asking you to pay any of it, STFU bitch. 

Sarcasm. Lori has informed us more than once that it takes hours. 

I don't wear skirts to work because as a sub, I never actually know what I will be doing. I once walked into a job and discovered that I was going on a field trip to a wildlife refuge with no warning to dress appropriately. Thankfully, it was in town and the principal allowed me to run home and change into jeans, better shoes and a warmer jacket before the kids arrived. What I was wearing would have been doable, but not very comfortable and I didn't want to muck up my nice shoes or coat. But I still only own two pairs of long dress pants and two pairs of cropped ones. I only acquired the second two when I took the long term job because I was suddenly going to be in the same classroom and building every day. I typically repeat pants all week because I'm in different places so no one even knows. But I will confess to having a lot of clothes. Not because I work, but because I like clothes. And I refuse to apologize for it. I bargain shop; I wear what I have, and I don't spend more money than I have . I find that not liking clothes is somehow considered a virtue for women. Whatever. That is a virtue I do not possess. I don't have a lot of work clothes, though. I don't like the clothes I have to wear to work all that much. 

Mr. 05 does the majority of the cleaning here. He likes doing it. And if I do it, he just does it again right away because I did it wrong. His FOO has a bit of an attitude that their way is the only right way (don't get me started--that applies to every damn thing in the universe so I get criticized all the time by the in-laws). 





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"When the kids and husband get home ..." 

Now hang on just a gosh darn minute, Lori. Where are these kids gallivanting off to, anyway? Is this heathen woman you're describing sending her kids off to demon-possessed drooling teachers at PUBLIC SCHOOLS? Or ... are they having wicked, evil SLUMBER PARTIES? 

For SHAME, Lori. Your carnal nature is coming out here! 

Ken, do your duty as her headship. Ground her from the Internet! Take her wifi password, and don't let her back on until she learns her lesson!

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11 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Mr. 05 does the majority of the cleaning here. He likes doing it. And if I do it, he just does it again right away because I did it wrong. His FOO has a bit of an attitude that their way is the only right way (don't get me started--that applies to every damn thing in the universe so I get criticized all the time by the in-laws). 

That's how it started here. Years ago, Mr. Xtian criticized the way I vacuumed. I handed him the vacuum and told him he could have at it! For years I did most of the rest of it, but now the pain ain't worth it. And, it's just the two of us and the felines...how messy can we get? (don't ask). I cook and do the lighter stuff like dusting and occasionally the laundry. Now that I'm working full time again, he does most of the housework since he's home all morning and doesn't leave for work until about 2pm. I come home, hang out, watch TV, play 'puter and start dinner around 6-ish unless it's a pizza night or I call him to pick something up on his way home. I also do all the shit with his insulin pump/CGM/etc., keep track of his meds/ordering refills/doctors' appointments. 

So Lori...fuck you. We both fill very important roles in our marriage. He does what he's good at and I do what I'm good at, and between the two of us we manage to be very good at a whole lot of shit. 

PS...read this to Mr. Xtian. His response? "Fuck off if it don't fit into your plans". And that's from a Christian husband who worships the ground his wife walks on (why, I'll NEVER know). 

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17 minutes ago, polecat said:

Now hang on just a gosh darn minute, Lori. Where are these kids gallivanting off to, anyway? Is this heathen woman you're describing sending her kids off to demon-possessed drooling teachers at PUBLIC SCHOOLS? Or ... are they having wicked, evil SLUMBER PARTIES? 

For SHAME, Lori. Your carnal nature is coming out here! 

Ken, do your duty as her headship. Ground her from the Internet! Take her wifi password, and don't let her back on until she learns her lesson!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!

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41 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

That's how it started here. Years ago, Mr. Xtian criticized the way I vacuumed. I handed him the vacuum and told him he could have at it! For years I did most of the rest of it, but now the pain ain't worth it. And, it's just the two of us and the felines...how messy can we get? (don't ask). I cook and do the lighter stuff like dusting and occasionally the laundry. Now that I'm working full time again, he does most of the housework since he's home all morning and doesn't leave for work until about 2pm. I come home, hang out, watch TV, play 'puter and start dinner around 6-ish unless it's a pizza night or I call him to pick something up on his way home. I also do all the shit with his insulin pump/CGM/etc., keep track of his meds/ordering refills/doctors' appointments. 


I do all the cooking since he never learned even the most basic cooking skills while growing up. He actually told me just yesterday that when he was a kid they never ate anything but steak or brats (grilled by his dad) or fried chicken (which his mom apparently only knows how to make by burning it) all summer every summer. He also added that he never had chicken that wasn't fried until he left home.  And I thought, geesh, no wonder his dad had a heart attack before he was 55. 

I do the laundry, too. He actually doesn't agree with their way of doing laundry which is a load for socks, a load for bath towels, a load for kitchen towels, a load for pants, a load for underwear...you get the idea.  They seem to think that is what "sort the laundry" means. And I'm not sure they actually know to sort it by whites and colors. These  people also spend most of their time doing laundry. 

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Lori has deleted at least two comments.  One saying, "I wish I could afford healthy food", and another saying, "I agree".

Can't have people thinking that sahms don't magically get all the money to buy whatever they want!  It all belongs to God!  Just tell the people at the health food store to put it on his tab!

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15 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Lordy, they sound like my grandgirls! The older one is doing the teenaged angst thing (she's 15). The younger one (age 13) is ALL sass. I asked her aunt if she was still sarcastic...the answer was "is water wet?". 

They sound like they'd be a lot of fun to hang out with. 

They are! The little sass master has been a pain today, very pouty because her sister got money from the tooth fairy and she didn't so everything has been a drama. But then again everything seems to be the end of the world when you're six. Lol two kids at a grocery store is not my idea of fun. 

The 8 year old science geek already knows about periods so when I picked up tampons she was like "gross". So I got to explain to her it was natural and not gross at all. Also if any boy told her it was gross she can give him what for. Of course she declared she'd just punch them and I'm a little concerned she might follow through with that haha. 

I love sass and sarcasm it's my second language so you're grand kids sound great. But the teen angst thing it the worst.  

Also lol with Lori saving 1000s by staying home. I don't spend that much on coffee and have my own coffee bar at home that my sis painted for me. It's called creamer and a bag of coffee. 

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2 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

They are! The little sass master has been a pain today, very pouty because her sister got money from the tooth fairy and she didn't so everything has been a drama. But then again everything seems to be the end of the world when you're six. Lol two kids at a grocery store is not my idea of fun. 

The 8 year old science geek already knows about periods so when I picked up tampons she was like "gross". So I got to explain to her it was natural and not gross at all. Also if any boy told her it was gross she can give him what for. Of course she declared she'd just punch them and I'm a little concerned she might follow through with that haha. 

I love sass and sarcasm it's my second language so you're grand kids sound great. But the teen angst thing it the worst.  

Also lol with Lori saving 1000s by staying home. I don't spend that much on coffee and have my own coffee bar at home that my sis painted for me. It's called creamer and a bag of coffee. 

K is capable of being sarcastic via text. The girls have twin half brothers that are older and much bigger than they are. A & K both put them in their places a few years back...they take no shit from nobody...they're my girls! Its funny how even personality can be transmitted genetically. Both girls look a lot like their mom (my daughter). A acts just like her mom and K is me, just smaller and MUCH cuter. My grandson E is like his father, mellow, everything is cool, life is good, dogs are fun, cars are necessary for enjoyment of life, food is a favorite hobby and the world begins and ends around football season. 

But, then again, my 3 are pretty much just like me...and to the rest of the world, I'm sorry :)

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15 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

K is capable of being sarcastic via text. The girls have twin half brothers that are older and much bigger than they are. A & K both put them in their places a few years back...they take no shit from nobody...they're my girls! Its funny how even personality can be transmitted genetically. Both girls look a lot like their mom (my daughter). A acts just like her mom and K is me, just smaller and MUCH cuter. My grandson E is like his father, mellow, everything is cool, life is good, dogs are fun, cars are necessary for enjoyment of life, food is a favorite hobby and the world begins and ends around football season. 

But, then again, my 3 are pretty much just like me...and to the rest of the world, I'm sorry :)


bbm -- this is seriously no joke. I can see my husband, me and even other family members in our kids' personalities, and it's disconcerting sometimes because it's SO unexpected.


And no need to apologize! More yous and fewer people like the Alexanders would make the world a better, happier place.

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3 minutes ago, polecat said:

bm -- this is seriously no joke. I can see my husband, me and even other family members in our kids' personalities, and it's disconcerting sometimes because it's SO unexpected.

I've been told I'm my grandmother (my father's mother). I look nothing like her but according to family, I inherited her personality. I look just like my father (the girl version) and my kids all look like me. 


4 minutes ago, polecat said:

And no need to apologize! More yous and fewer people like the Alexanders would make the world a better, happier place.

yer makin' me blush!!! 

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Am I the only one who can not get over Lori leaving her mom (who she claims is on her "deathbed") to go on vacation?  Didn't she just tell some guy that she wouldn't travel, if it was up to her?  

I guess she'll spend the next few months taking pictures she "sneakily" (<--her word) took of people/their houses/their church.  Then there are the gift shops and the restaurants.  Basically pics of her doing all of the things she says not to do.

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1 minute ago, Koala said:

Am I the only one who can not get over Lori leaving her mom (who she claims is on her "deathbed") to go on vacation?  Didn't she just tell some guy that she wouldn't travel, if it was up to her?  

I guess she'll spend the next few months taking pictures she "sneakily" (<--her word) took of people/their houses/their church.  Then there are the gift shops and the restaurants.  Basically pics of her doing all of the things she says not to do.

Oh no, queen bitch of the fucking universe won't be giving up her "vacation" for anything including dear old mum. 

I'd KILL for a fucking vacation...maybe next year...

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2 minutes ago, Koala said:

Am I the only one who can not get over Lori leaving her mom (who she claims is on her "deathbed") to go on vacation?  Didn't she just tell some guy that she wouldn't travel, if it was up to her?  

I guess she'll spend the next few months taking pictures she "sneakily" (<--her word) took of people/their houses/their church.  Then there are the gift shops and the restaurants.  Basically pics of her doing all of the things she says not to do.

No, you're not. I was on vacation when my mom died -- not intentionally, though. Her death was quite unexpected even though she'd been ill for a while. And it was devastating. We cut our vacation short and came right home -- a drive of all of two hours. But it was HARD driving home knowing my mom was dead, knowing I hadn't been there, knowing I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye. It still weighs on me sometimes. 

6 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

I've been told I'm my grandmother (my father's mother). I look nothing like her but according to family, I inherited her personality. I look just like my father (the girl version) and my kids all look like me. 

Genetics are funny. I looked like my dad growing up, but now people tell me I'm the image of my mother. My oldest son looks almost identical to his dad (except he has my smile). BUT then I saw a picture of my uncle when he was much younger, and he looks like HIM. Go figure! Then my middle son looks like my dad did as a kid ... but he also looks like his cousin on my husband's side of the family. My youngest is my clone, boy-version. 

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8 minutes ago, Koala said:

Am I the only one who can not get over Lori leaving her mom (who she claims is on her "deathbed") to go on vacation?  Didn't she just tell some guy that she wouldn't travel, if it was up to her?  

I guess she'll spend the next few months taking pictures she "sneakily" (<--her word) took of people/their houses/their church.  Then there are the gift shops and the restaurants.  Basically pics of her doing all of the things she says not to do.

Someone on her Facebook asked if she’s still be there on August 24 for a get together. Why, of course she says she will be!  

I can understand her kids not wanting her around their babies, but her mother?  Just wow. 

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3 minutes ago, Koala said:

Am I the only one who can not get over Lori leaving her mom (who she claims is on her "deathbed") to go on vacation?  Didn't she just tell some guy that she wouldn't travel, if it was up to her?  

I guess she'll spend the next few months taking pictures she "sneakily" (<--her word) took of people/their houses/their church.  Then there are the gift shops and the restaurants.  Basically pics of her doing all of the things she says not to do.

My mother is thankfully not on her 'deathbed,' but she does have serious health issues that make me very nervous to leave the area for any length of time, or for any distance longer than an hour or so. If there's an emergency, I want to be able to get home quick, I don't want to be halfway across the country. So, yeah, I'm with you on Lori leaving her mom to go on a vacation. What the hell does she even need a vacation from, anyway? Wiping down her kitchen counters with dirty Norwex cloths? :my_dodgy:

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Another hypocritical post on child rearing.  I doubt she did any of those things.  

"Event parties" - since she likes to parade her materiality, I suspect that she threw a few of those.  Since the kids went to private and upper-income public schools, the other kids probably had nice parties, and she would want to keep up with others.

Helping the kids develop good manners - she brags that she would rather spank than explain things to kids, so I can't imagine that she took much time in this area.  They probably learned the hard way.

Showing love for neighbors - didn't she threaten a neighbor who had a barking dog?

Chores - she did probably have them do chores whenever she was laying on the couch and the maid was unavailable.

Cell phones - well, they did have a used Mercedes...

Customized meals - since she is obsessed with healthy organics, I doubt she was accommodating in this area.

Bonding with them - more like terrorizing them by 'associating pain and sin'.

Putting her marriage first - she puts herself first.


Where are you seeing that she is in Door County?  I must have missed that on facebook.

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