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Lori Alexander 30: Bad Speller, Worse Teacher, the Worst Mentor


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oooooh very interesting! I never knew that. Imagine if someone posted a link to Francis Bavier saying that. I think that would be gone in a fraction of a second. 

You know if Lori has a small army, so do we! Look how many are capturing the deleted comments. Although, I think with all of us here we still only get about 50% of them.

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47 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

I have a cousin-in-law that I started telling my husband (it's his cousin) that when they visit they either need to eat out or help with the food.

It's not unreasonable to expect guests to help with an extra expense like that, especially when you know they can afford it (or could at least eat less). No point in spending money on people who aren't even going to be gracious about it. 

13 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Of course it was hilarious that Jill basically said housewives on TV in the the 50s weren't depressed so depressed women must not have existed!

By that faulty logic, since lots of old movies from the 1920s/30s/40s depict black people as cheerful servants, I guess we're supposed to believe there was nothing bad about Jim Crow laws? I know people look at old media through rose-colored glasses as being representative of the "good old days," but this is taking it to a whole other level.

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1 minute ago, kpmom said:

It's interesting that Lori wonders if highly educated women are turning men off and will never marry, while the older Duggar sisters are finding husbands.

Even proponents of the courtship model are starting to notice women with meek and quiet spirits in their 20's, 30's and beyond sitting at home waiting for husbands.  We talk about many here at FJ.

I guess it helps to have a t.v. $how in order to find husbands, but not every fundie girl and woman is so fortunate.

Because I wanted to cite hard data as to why Lori is wrong about this:


According to the Pew Research Center:  College educated women are both more likely to get married and stay married than less-educated adults.

The logical conclusion of this is: if a woman is pro-marriage/pro-family, she should go to college! ;-)

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I know this is BEC, but does she ever shut her mouth?  Every time we see her, she's holding her mouth open, and it grosses me right out.  Makes me feel like she's spitting everywhere, while she talks.

I also hate the fake laugh she does in her videos.  You aren't a nice person Lori.  Fake laughing isn't going to change that. :roll:

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Don't you all love how when there is a national tragedy...oh say Hurricanes or 59 murdered people....Lori just doesn't say a word. No prayers. Nothing!  She just keeps harping on about woman staying at home.

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Lori is just jealous that other women can go to work, be intelligent and well read, and have children. She's an idiot and I don't know why anyone would listen to anything she has to say. 

Her shitty post on all the things young women can do instead of going to college is so shallow, too. Women can go to cooking school! (That's actually a college program)Women can do volunteer work! (Who will shelter and feed them?) Women can garden (again, these young women have to live somewhere and eat something), they can work at a bakery! (Bakers, at least the good bakers in my neighborhood, spend a ton of time and money traveling to work in other bakeries to learn different skills and it doesn't even pay that well) Lori is a silly, shallow person and I don't even know why I check in with her. It just raises my blood pressure. 

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Did she seriously say that college wasn't that expensive back then?  WTF.  I'm very aware that college today can break the bank, I'm currently enrolled and about to stick my child in the same state school I go to...but it's never been what anyone could refer to as "cheap".  If she's knocking on 60's door...she would have been in college in the mid-late 70's.  Maybe she forgot about the oil and gas collapse(s) of the 70's into the 80's.  A lot of people her parents age lost their jobs and homes because of the market.  College may not have been $20K a year, but for the financial climate of the time it was no walk in the park either.  Proof once again that she has no idea about the value of a dollar.  

And no she's not going to say a word about the rough things going on in the world, she doesn't watch the news it's deeppressssing.  Yeah Lori, reality kind of sucks.

@Koala I feel EXACTLY the same way!  I just want to reach up and tape her mouth shut.

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Lori is a great reminder to moisturize the neck. Sorry, BEC

I think Lori said once that she writes her posts in advance. So she might have one on Vegas coming up, but she wouldn't have broken the rotation. I also doubt she is capable of figuring out how to pause the auto-post and insert a timely post in. She's not smart. 
My guess is that it will be about the evils and sins of Vegas and how it was a sign from God. She won't mention the Catalonia referendum because she's not smart and doesn't know much about the world outside of her bubble. She'll maybe mention something about "the world" being distracted by rock stars and how they should pray and have babies instead. 

Maybe she would be happy in Somalia. 

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5 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Yep. My husband refused to propose until I was about to finish  college.  Now, I have my Master's in Education, and he is in the dissertation part of his Ph.D.   There is no way he would have married a woman without an education.  Most educated men don't. 

One would have a hard time finding a doctor or lawyer married to a woman without a college degree (even if she is a SAHM). 

Many of Lor's fan girls who haven't been to college have husbands who haven't been either. That's why the men have to work 2-3 jobs so the women can stay home on the internet and have a contest about who is the poorest. 

When I read Lori's thing about "educated women with careers being less appealing to men". I immediately thought it depends on the different personalities/beliefs of different men. I know some educated or vocationally trained men who have said they wouldn't marry women without college degrees or vocational training/certain job skills.

Many men realize that shit happens in life and their wives/families or future wives/families could end up struggling if something happens to them. I have a cousin who is a cop and he recently got married for the second time. His ex-wife who is the mother of his son is an accountant and his new wife is a nurse. My cousin being a cop worries about something happening to him and the well being of his son and any children he may have with his new wife. He has stated that at times he doesn't worry all that much because of survivor's social security, insurance policies, and the fact that his ex and new wife both earn money. I doubt my cousin would have ever married someone like Lori or some of her fangirls. I totally get that some couples may want the wife to be a SAHM, but shit happens in life and it's best to have some kind of backup plan in place. 

Lori's fangirls who don't have college degrees, vocational trade training, or years of past work experience could easily find themselves in deep shit if something happens to their husbands. Some of her fangirls have claimed to be surviving on 9k, 20k, and 30k. Now, if the fangirls have a bunch of kids things are probably very tight for them. If the husband dies or becomes ill/disabled and can't work, some fangirls may have a hard time trying to find jobs especially if they don't have a good amount of work experience. Some employers can be hesitant to hiring people with zero experience. There was a woman who posted on Lori's blog FB that her husband left her after 17 years and that she was having hard time financially.  Of course, Lori doesn't give a shit about that woman's finances. I find it sad that Lori's rabid fangirls can't figure out that Lori really doesn't give a shit about them.

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4 hours ago, kpmom said:

It's interesting that Lori wonders if highly educated women are turning men off and will never marry, while the older Duggar sisters are finding husbands.


I guess it helps to have a t.v. $how in order to find husbands, but not every fundie girl and woman is so fortunate.

I have wondered if Ben ever married Jessa because of the money the Duggars have from the show and Boob's businesses. Something about him just screams "golddigger". I also think Derrick is another tool bag. But, he and Jill deserve each other as they are both grifters.

20 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I don't think Lori will be commenting on the shooting in Vegas. 

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It might be better that she doesn't comment on that. In the past, she has said some shitty things regarding major tragedies.

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I met Mr Wrangler when he was doing his MSc on the same project I was working as a lab assistant on.  I dodn't and still don't have any higher qualifications than 'A-levels'. However, I love to read.

I know a lot about history, Tudor for preference but also war history. The years 1914-1945 are fascinating to me. I'm also dabbling in the American Civil War( thanks to recommendations from fellow FJers!). The fact I educate myself made me more interesting to him than all the  students we got through who may be doing their BScs. We were together for over 30yrs. Married for only 17 of them. But we both worked until we moved to Canada and that was when I became a SAHM.

Loved those years but I am paying for it now since I'm living on what I get from the Government and his life insurance. Next year I'll be starting to look for a job so I'm more than comfortable in the future.


eta...I did start a degree through the OU but had to stop when we moved. I suppose I could start again with Athabasca just for funsies.

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4 hours ago, usmcmom said:

So. Lori has not stopped making "YouTubes." 

A part of me wishes she would stop, however I think her bullshit youtube videos will be her undoing later on if someone IRL calls her out on her bullshit claims and beliefs. I laughed at her again bringing up churches and/or relatives supporting single moms or widows. She and Ken don't tithe to their church and many people can't rely on their relatives for years and years of support. In her video, she never says what her plan was if something happened to Ken. I'm guessing her plan was for her daddy to support her and the kids.

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The thing that really stuck out to me in that video was "Well, I couldn't WORK, I was too SICK".

I'm calling a big massive load of bullshit. She isn't too sick, she's too lazy.


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University used to be free in the UK, and you even got a grant. Although back when my parents were in university, fewer people went. It was Labour who introduced tuition fees of about £3000 a year, the Conservatives then whacked it up to £9000, and people starting this year have to pay £9250. 

My mother has known my father since she was 12; her sister was going out with his friend at the time. He would've been 17 and a half then, and he went away to university soon after they first met. Then Dad used to visit Mum when my aunt was at university cos he thought she would be lonely (!) and then they got together when she was 19, and started living together when she was 20. I know it's pretty unusual, but it's worked for them I guess. Both have degrees; him from Cambridge and her from a polytechnic; she wasn't a particularly academic person, but she is really interested in things like history and is pretty clever. I totally get wanting a good level of education in a spouse though. I would say though that intelligence =/= academic, you can be smart and just not be good at exams. She hasn't worked since she had me, but that's through choice. Ah well, different strokes for different folks. 

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2 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

The thing that really stuck out to me in that video was "Well, I couldn't WORK, I was too SICK".

I'm calling a big massive load of bullshit. She isn't too sick, she's too lazy.


I'm lazy too. But I still worked. And studied.


And if the lord could send Tom Hiddleston to my door, I'd consider becoming a Christian.

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1 minute ago, TeddyBonkers said:

The thing that really stuck out to me in that video was "Well, I couldn't WORK, I was too SICK".

I'm calling a big massive load of bullshit. She isn't too sick, she's too lazy.


I also call BS on her "I was too sick to work" claims. She also never gives practical advice. It's always the "trust in the Lord to provide for you". Many religious people that I know would say things like that, but in more in a practical sense meaning that the Lord will bless with a job of any kind. Again, Lori fails to give various of examples of how women can earn livings from home.

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Re: churches supporting single moms/widows...

My one set grandparents should have divorced long long before they did (and religion was a large portion of why they didn't).  Instead, they raised my mom and her siblings in various states of 'separated' and 'reconciled'. (as they existed in the 50's and 60's)

You know what the church did?  Not much.  The family, such that it was, tried to attend and be involved--but it's hard when you're a struggling family, to free up every Sunday morning.  ANd it's hard to make yourself face a congregation with a black eye and try not to look like hell when you're going through it.
The judgement made it hard for them to rely on the church--according to my mom, there was a lot of "well, the grownups brought it on themselves"--which was true, but didn't make the kids part of the situation suck less.

Know what people did?  what they could.
It did keep my mom from starving to death (a note to add in here, yes, they would have qualified for g'vt assistance.  No, they wouldn't take it, because my grandmother's pride was more important than her kid's lives.  And she 'believed in' counting on the church and people instead.  I have opinions on that, but it's another topic). 
A basket of food showed up on their door step frequently.  Their milk bill was paid for under mysterious circumstances on a regular basis.  People created 'makework' jobs for the kids and the adults in the house (which grandma did, and grandpa...he was kinda an ass, he didn't.  Or he did and stole shit and got caught, so mostly for grandma, who supported everybody).  People paid for glasses (which is the only reason mom had them.  ALthough she DID get senior pictures when she graduated, because her dad won them in a poker game...the same game he'd lost her glasses money in the week before.  Have I mentioned he was an ass?  He was a sober non-ass when I knew him but, young him was an ass.
For full disclosure, he was also a preacher, before he got booted out of seminary because, well, he was an ass.)

So all that support?  it left my mom with permanent health effects from malnutrition, damn few of her own teeth, and a PTSD diagnosis.  It left my mom as the BEST adjusted and best healthwise of the kids in the family.  It left her unable to eat and drink certain foods because cornbread tastes like poverty and hunger.

But, sure, lets just count on the church to make sure my kid is fed if something happens to my husband.

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On break from night class. *gasp*  Another wife to add to that "in case something happens" category.  I don't know how much longer my husband will be able to work, so it doesn't make sense for us to lose everything we've worked for.  I'm well aware that I *can* live on less than $30k a year...but dammit I don't WANT to!  She's never had to feed her children on flour, milk, eggs, and oil or whatever the WIC coupons provided and she's not concerned with those who do.  

She wasn't sick, she was damn smart.  I really believe if she hadn't have picked up the religion racket she'd have become a black widow.  I can just picture her sitting in her living room smoking a Virginia Slim calmly explaining to the officer how her 5th husband just tripped and fell into the wood chipper......."what a sweet sweet mayun...he left the entire estate to me...."

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My DH likes that I’m educated- I’m able to have meaningful conversations with people from all walks of life. And he’s proud of my accomplishments and will tell anyone who will listen that he thinks I’m a great mom. And he knows that sometimes he has to step in more- but he loves our kids and takes that role seriously. 

The posts about how mom’s who work doing it to purchase more stuff ticks me off. I work bc it gives me a sense of purpose and I believe it is my calling.

And I can’t help but think of a friend- her son had to be airlifted from one hospital to another via helicopter. The bill after insurance is $30,000.00. How do her fangirls expect to recover from that if they only make $30k per year?!? 

Oh and apparently, forgiving oneself and loving oneself cause addiction (per the comments on her post). I guess with that information we can solve the opioid crisis.

I don’t even care if these people have college degrees- societal awareness and an accurate world view would be quite the start. 

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31 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

University used to be free in the UK, and you even got a grant. Although back when my parents were in university, fewer people went. It was Labour who introduced tuition fees of about £3000 a year, the Conservatives then whacked it up to £9000, and people starting this year have to pay £9250. 

Yes. I remember that when I went to University in the 1970s in the UK it was <5% who qualified for tuition and grants.  Yes, tuition was free if you passed A levels at the right level to get accepted somewhere.  However, the grants were dependent on parental income.  Not everyone got a full grant and rich parents were supposed to supplement and pay for living expenses.  Quite a few over-income parents did not.  It wan't all roses.

I was on "full grant" plus London allowance (my missionary parents didn't earn much).  Full grant was just enough to survive on with care (and my parents did not supplement it).  We were also absolutely forbidden to take jobs to supplement the grant except in the summer break.  Those of us who moonlighted in term-time and got caught lost our grants.

I remember demonstrating in protest because (back then) if university students married the male student still got the original amount assigned, but the female student got her grant (assessed on her parents' income) automatically cut in half.  It was much more cost effective to live in sin.  And many of us did.

Little did we know that the then grant system was fantastic luxury!  I think the present system stinks.  And I blame Thatcher (although I may be wrong.)

Little did we know that people would have to pay in future years!

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We pay tithes regularly. Our church uses that money for a variety of things- including helping people pay back bills, for counseling not covered by insurance, etc. Our church also regularly goes into some of the poorest and dangerous neighborhoods- providing food, clothing, whatever else is needed- at no cost and with no expectations for anything in return. Last year, they visited an older woman who had fallen into her glass kitchen table- she had just returned from the hospital via cab- she was limited in what she could eat. The  glass and blood was still all over  for floor. Our church cleaned her downstairs, stocked her fridge and cabinets with food she could eat, and brought in a new table for her. That is what it is all about- not hiding in your home and judging. 

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When I was widowed in 2005(at age 38), it never even occurred to me that my church would support me.  Of course, Lori probably thinks I should have remarried since I’m under 60.

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