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Lori Alexander 30: Bad Speller, Worse Teacher, the Worst Mentor


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I'm going to call Lori a liar --  because I do not believe for one nanosecond that Cassie was required to read/ write/ discuss:

gay bathroom sex
gay sex in prisons
gay lifestyles (in several classes)

And if .... if  by the remotest chance this happened and Cassie was so offended/ appalled by it she should have dropped the class.

Fellow FJ-ers, if I'm wrong and this is now routine in public colleges, let me know. 

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4 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

And if .... if  by the remotest chance this happened and Cassie was so offended/ appalled by it she should have dropped the class.

Interesting that you mentioned that...

Lori today:


 Once they were eighteen, they were free to do what they wanted with their lives 

Lori 2012:


She read the first half page full of explicit details and was disgusted.  She showed Ken and he told her that she wasn't going to read anymore and to email her teacher.  Her teacher told her she had to read it or it would affect her grade.  She dropped the class.

When I told a friend about this recently, she thought Cassi should have written a response to it showing the other side of the issue.  I told her that the Bible tells us not to even know what perversion happens behind closed doors

Cassi was 19 and in college when this event occurred.  If her kids "did what they wanted" at 18, then why was Ken censoring what she read, and telling her that she had to email her teacher?

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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I'm going to call Lori a liar --  because I do not believe for one nanosecond that Cassie was required to read/ write/ discuss:

gay bathroom sex
gay sex in prisons
gay lifestyles (in several classes)

And if .... if  by the remotest chance this happened and Cassie was so offended/ appalled by it she should have dropped the class.

Fellow FJ-ers, if I'm wrong and this is now routine in public colleges, let me know. 

I suspect it was a book that normalized homosexual behavior. A few years ago, in high school, my daughter had to read a book about a young male homosexual couple. It was an attempt by the state to show kids that such relationships are normal and healthy. Didn't bother me or cause any problems (other than the heterosexual boys falling all over themselves to show that they didn't relate to the book at all, not at all). I glanced through the book, out of curiosity, but didn't read it.

Lori can't say, "She had to read a book about a loving homosexual couple, and we were furious!" That  makes her look bad. So she ramps it up, by making it about less attractive things, like gay bathroom sex. 

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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

@fundamentallyfearless Your FIL sounds nutty.  Did your hubby's siblings come to your wedding anyway?  I assume they were all adults at the time, possibly not living at home? How did your hub "escape" from all this?

I used to know a fundie family who took the doors off the hinges on the children's rooms, even the closet doors.  The thought being if they're not doing anything wrong they don't need privacy.  Also no lock on the bathroom doors and the doors had to be partially open a little even if someone was in there. The mindset was that a closed door meant something wrong/sinful was going on.  Of course these were also people who stressed modesty. So I've always wondered how you get dressed in a room without a door without accidentally flashing anyone who walks by.  I guess everyone walked around staring at their shoes.

Does anyone else remember Lori saying that it was Ken who decided that Cassie should leave BIOLA because it was too expensive -- not that it was her decision?  Was the local university Cassie graduated from a state school or a private Christian college?  Private college is usually much more expensive that a state school.

Lori's hypocrisy knows no bounds.  She went to college (paid by her dad), Cassie went to college, her DILs went to college, her 2 sons went to college, her sons went on to medical/dental school.  All paid for by someone else.  In Lori's world every one of them should be staggering under massive college debt -- and yet they aren't .  And none of the women should have a degree because girls don't need no stinkin' college.

Just saying -- Lori mentions a 3rd son in her blog today. I assume she meant her 3rd child.  She needs to spend less time deleting and more time proofreading.

What the heck was with every man having hands in his pocket in the photo?  They all looked stupid, like they were playing pocket pool.

And.... being a shallow BEC here-- but Ryan has the same asshat jerk smile that Ken does, with the slight difference that Ken looks like he's leering and Ryan looks mean.



Only his oldest brother and his wife came. They have been long out of the house. None of his other siblings came. So 1 of 11 other brothers/sisters attended... FIL is absolutely nutty, in my opinion. Husband escaped because he was able to move in with me. Unfortunately, there are still issues between us and his parents that might never heal. I pray there is common ground one day... I’m just not holding my breath. Toxicity has no place in our life together, especially when the toxicity comes from two people who wanted to destroy our marriage before it even began.

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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I'm going to call Lori a liar --  because I do not believe for one nanosecond that Cassie was required to read/ write/ discuss:

gay bathroom sex
gay sex in prisons
gay lifestyles (in several classes)

I agree.  I can't imagine any class that gives a 15 page paper on gay bathroom sex on the first day (or ever really).  I'm not sure how long ago her kids graduated but was the internet big yet then?  If not, where exactly were students supposed to get source material for a 15-page paper?

It's a good thing Lori's nose doesn't grow every time she tells a lie.  Her nose would be so long she wouldn't be able to lift her head or go through doors.

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I have to call nonsense on the alleged sociology assignment. I have an undergraduate degree in social work from a public liberal arts university where I took sociology courses as part of the curriculum. Sociology 101 is a very basic course- understanding basic terms and concepts, the way systems and institutions connect, and the way society evolves. That is a very specific assignment she describes- especially since sociology views things in social constructs and cultural contexts. 

And what is gay bathroom sex? Is it different from straight bathroom sex? 

I also have a masters degree in social work from a different liberal arts institution. And I now work in higher ed- in a social work department at my original public liberal arts institution. She’s just making stuff up- feeding into stereotypes fundies have of higher ed. I teach on the undergrad and grad level and quite honestly, the majority of our students are intelligent, caring, capable young adults who will change the world for good. 

We do have a privilege and oppression course- she could certainly stand to learn a thing or two about that. 

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Regarding Cassie's alleged assignment on gay bathroom sex; I seem to remember that when Lori first posted that story, she told us that Ken emailed the professor and informed him/her that his daughter would not be participating. Maybe I am confusing it with another story. 

I do know Ken called Lori's supervisor when she was student teaching and told her that his new wife could not possibly stay in her current assignment. Was that when the supervising teacher was supposedly possessed by demons?? 

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Lori being argumentative again..."Did you see my post". You can just read the tone in that. Notice how Holly mentions a previously deleted comment. And then Lori claiming "its not my job...." Figure it out yourself!



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16 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I do know Ken called Lori's supervisor when she was student teaching and told her that his new wife could not possibly stay in her current assignment. Was that when the supervising teacher was supposedly possessed by demons?? 

For those of you who are just joining us, the story of the demon possessed teacher:



It's 12:30 a.m. I have never gotten up in the middle of the night to write a post but all of a sudden, I remembered this one incident in my life and felt so compelled to get up and share it will all of you as a warning. The post by the Public School teacher is my inspiration.

Shortly after Ken and I were married, I went to CSUN to get my teaching credential. After a semester of classes, I began student teaching. My first assignment was at a very nice elementary school in a wonderful neighborhood. I was going to be student teaching with a teacher who taught fourth grade who had been there for many years. 

The first few days were fine, I guess. I had never student taught so I didn't know what to expect. I thought I was actually supposed to be taught how to teach, but the teacher sat at the back of the classroom with her feet on her desk eating and told me to teach. I thought it was a bit odd, but I did the best that I could. 

A few days later, she had all the children gather in a circle on the floor and hold hands. I didn't want to participate. The Spirit in me was telling me loudly and clearly, "NO!" She glared at me. She told all the children to close their eyes and feel the spirit move from one to another. There was NO happiness in this classroom. The children were all sullen and withdrawn.

Each day seemed like a year. I would go home every day bawling my eyes out, not sure why. On Thursday of that first week, one of the little boys told me he wanted to shoot me in the head. The next day, during lunch, the teacher told me to come look at something. She had a notebook that was full of large scribbling and told me at night, she would fall into a trance then a spirit would move through her, go down her arm writing through her and predicting people's deaths.

I went home horrified and shared all of this with Ken, trembling and sobbing. Ken immediately got on the phone and called a professor from Westmont College who taught a class on cults and wrote a book about them. This professor told him I was being demonically oppressed and to NEVER let me return to this class. He said the writings were automatic handwritings from demons.

Ken called my professor at CSUN and explained the entire situation to him. We wanted to warn him about this teacher and the effect she was having on the students; how one student wanted to shoot me and the cloud of oppression over the students.

The professor said he'd find me another teacher and just said it was a "clash of personalities." He thought NOTHING of what we had told him, like I was making it up and it was no big deal. So I was moved to another very nice elementary school in a good neighborhood. I taught kindergarten. On the first day with the new teacher, we were eating lunch together. She put a bib on and proceeded to slobber food all over her while she talked to me! {She was a nice teacher, just very different, but not in an evil way.}



Now, people who know about Lori, probably also know that she later sabotaged her birth control in order to quit work.  If you don't, reader here:


I do have a funny story to end this with. Ken told me I could stay home after I had my second baby. I was a full-time school teacher. I wanted to stay home with Alyssa so badly that I put a hole in my diaphragm and we conceived Ryan! I was so happy because I got to stay home and raise my babies.

Now, I don't recommend using deceit like this in anyway to get your way. I wasn't a submissive wife back then at all but I did get to stay home. 


I am of the belief that Lori's claim that her supervisor was demon possessed, was yet another attempt to stay home.  It failed, but it certainly sounds like she gave it her best effort.

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Lori says it's between you and your husband but she'll damn well cut down any woman who talks about a decision to work or go to school made mutually with their husband. Hypocritical bitch. 

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Thank you for posting the demon possessed teacher story again, @Koala.

When someone up thread mentioned the gay bathroom sex story, I couldn't help but think of the demon possessed teacher story.

Isn't odd how these weird things keep happening to Lori (or a loved one)?  Has anyone else ever had situations like these?

Of course showing her obsession with food and eating, she had to tell how the 2nd teacher ate like a slob, apropos of absolutely nothing at all. 

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1 hour ago, Curious said:

I agree.  I can't imagine any class that gives a 15 page paper on gay bathroom sex on the first day (or ever really).  I'm not sure how long ago her kids graduated but was the internet big yet then?  If not, where exactly were students supposed to get source material for a 15-page paper?


(Bolding mine)

Sadly :? I had to write many very long papers in college, before the Internet.  My sources were a huge stack of library books and whatever I printed out from the microfilm and microfiche machines in those really dark, damp rooms in the campus library. 

I gotta say, though, that I was always fascinated by those machines. I often got sidetracked by articles that had nothing to do with my topic. Procrastination at its finest! 

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Hmm, I have bachelors and masters degrees in Sociology and hope to get into a PhD program now that my DD is a little older and things are more stable financially and personally.

I can without a doubt write that I never encountered any papers on gay sex, gay bathroom sex, or sex acts in any Sociology courses that I took (and there were several courses). I also took Psychology, History, Religion, and Theology. Never encountered any paper-writing on those topics.  I did encounter writing sociological papers on gays and lesbians as reflected in certain sociological theories.

In an intro to Sociology course, it's all about basics of Sociology. What are norms and mores? What is the difference between a culture and a society? You learn about Durkheim, Weber, and Marx. Structural functionalism, social interactionism, conflict-power theory.  So on and so on. Never, from what I remember, and from being a GTA, did we discuss gay bathroom sex in an intro course. 

If @Ken could PM me the name of the professor or instructor of the course, I'd greatly appreciate it. 

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Ok, call me a cynic, but I call BS on her entire demon teacher story.  I think Lori not only made up the demon possessed teacher, I think she made up the entire story -- including Ken's part in it.

Lori tells us that the teacher wanted the children to sit in a circle and hold hands -- very demonic stuff there.  Lori wouldn't do it and the teacher glared at her.  Glaring is soooooo obviously a sign of demonic possession.

On Day 4 of student teaching a boy said he wanted to shoot her in the head. I get his impulse, but not something one should encourage..  On Day 5 of student teaching the possessed teacher decided out of the blue to out herself as demon possessed and share her automatic writings with Lori.  Um... yeah like that would ever happen.

Lori then flees home to Ken in a hysterical tizzy, and he calls a professor of cults at Westmont.  Why?  If is all the stuff really happened it doesn't take a rocket scientist to think hmmmmm .,,,,. automatic writing predicting deaths = demon possession. Especially given LoriKen's beliefs. And of course the professor said she was being demonically oppressed and told her to Never. Return.  Is demonically oppression an actual real thing?

So then Command Man Ken calls Lori's supervisor at CSUN.  Who agrees to give her a new assignment but acts like he doesn't believe her story (ya think).

This whole story just sounds so bogus and fake to me.   The only part i believe is that Lori bitched about her initial assignment non stop  and forced Ken to get CSUN to give her a new one.  But I think she bitched about her first assignment because she 1) figured a student teacher doesn't actually teach (i.e. work) and 2) she was ticked off that her supervising teacher was making her work.

Oh ... and Lori starts her post by saying she woke up at 12:30 am, "the middle of the night." Not to me, or any other rational person. 


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1 hour ago, freealljs said:


If @Ken could PM me the name of the professor or instructor of the course, I'd greatly appreciate it. 

Pretty sure that's never going to happen. I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing. 

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Jesus. Lori is BATCRAP CRAZY. And an asshole to boot.

Back a few pages: my parents never had people over for dinner, probably partly because Dad isn't a particularly social person. Her parents had dinner parties a lot when she was little though. I have to admit I'd be very wary of having people over; I would just get really stressed and worry that people wouldn't like my food, or that I'd cock up in some way. I have anxiety enough as it is without deliberately putting myself in that kind of situation. I definitely wouldn't invite people over who I didn't know. 

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I also call BS on the "paper about gay sex" story.   Out of all the psychology and sociology courses I took, NOT ONE even spoke of homosexuality.  I only recall one slight mention of homosexual activity during a world history class when discussing Ancient Rome. 

No assignments or papers on anything to do with homosexuality

No professors promoting a gay agenda

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42 minutes ago, Koala said:

Pretty safe to say that's a swipe at her daughter.  


John McArther & co is currently under fire for covering up rape at his school. But of course Lori won't mention that. 


I feel so sorry for Alyssa. She looks like a genuinely sweet woman. And talented. With a loving husband. But such a horrible mother. 

Oh, someone just called her out out on that quote on instagram. 

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9 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I also call BS on the "paper about gay sex" story.   Out of all the psychology and sociology courses I took, NOT ONE even spoke of homosexuality.  I only recall one slight mention of homosexual activity during a world history class when discussing Ancient Rome. 

No assignments or papers on anything to do with homosexuality

No professors promoting a gay agenda

We've seen how she twists and warps things from the bible; how can we not assume she has done the same with these stories?

I never took sociology (wish I had!) so I don't know what would be in an intro class vs an upper division or end of year topic, so I will defer to those here who have direct experience.  But I remember (vaguely) how debate topics and term paper topics were presented -- using broad language so that each student could find a unique specific perspective to write about, while still fitting within the guideline.  So it is my impression that a perfectly acceptable topic for an intro to sociology paper might be something like "What cultural changes have come about due to the AIDS epidemic" or "Compare and contrast the LGBT rights movement with the other civil rights movements that took place in earlier decades" or even "Describe the evolution of cultural themes from the 1950s through the 1990s"

and Lori of course interprets those now as "they made the students research gay bathroom sex".


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9 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I'm going to call Lori a liar --  because I do not believe for one nanosecond that Cassie was required to read/ write/ discuss:

gay bathroom sex
gay sex in prisons
gay lifestyles (in several classes)

And if .... if  by the remotest chance this happened and Cassie was so offended/ appalled by it she should have dropped the class.

Fellow FJ-ers, if I'm wrong and this is now routine in public colleges, let me know. 

I remember that blog entry from years ago. I call bullshit on the gay bathroom sex part. When I was in college around 2004 or 2005, the topic of gay sex in prisons came up in a sociology of crime class that I took. I think there is a chance that Lori exagerrated whatever Cassi was required to read or discuss.

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So I'm in a graduate counseling program and have a B.A. In psychology. I haven't taken that much sociology but I have been around research articles and such. I have never had a topic like this, given I'm going to and graduated from private Christian universities. That being said I have still come across research studies on homosexuality and a vast majority seems to center around HIV/AID. I actually find this unfortunate because there's so much research that can be done on that group. It just seems stereotyping and bias.

Anyways, a  15 page, college level research paper in a sociology class probably needs at least 15 peer reviewed articles to be worthy of a good grade (throwing that guess out there based on past requirements from psych classes). I bet she'd be hard press to meet that standard for gay bathroom sex based on research articles I've seen. So maybe the topic was on sexualities/casual sex but I call b.s on the rest of the story. 

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23 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Good grief...we're broke as hell, live in a 1100 sqft apartment. I never have kept track of what guests ate or drank (unless it was my son's selfish ass x-wife) We don't entertain here because of the shitty neighborhood and shitty neighbors (I'm actually sort of ashamed of where we live right now). HOPEFULLY we'll start entertaining again when we move. 


This sounds like what my family had to years ago with my sister's ex-boyfriend. He was quite selfish and used to eat/drink a lot of canned beverages and and snack foods so much that sometimes there wasn't much left over for other guests. This happened at several family events.  He also had sticky fingers and stole things from my parents and other relatives. We definitely had to keep an eye on him.


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12 hours ago, usmcmom said:

Sadly :? I had to write many very long papers in college, before the Internet.  My sources were a huge stack of library books and whatever I printed out from the microfilm and microfiche machines in those really dark, damp rooms in the campus library. 

Oh I know. I graduated before the internet was a thing.  I meant how much source material could there be in a school library/newspapers/etc back then about gay bathroom sex.   I haven't done a search to see what is on the net, but I can't imagine that 1) there were many books written on the subject and 2) how many of the available source materials would be in the library of a Christian college?

Also, why gay bathroom sex vs just gay sex?  That's so...specific

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