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The Hawkins Family

General Jinjur

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@General Jinjur, my phone is being a real seizing turkey right now and won't screenshot, but it's REEEEEEALLY interesting to view your highlighted portion along with the Bible verses they chose for the bios of the two kids that they don't have.....especially in comparison to the verses for the other kids. 

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56 minutes ago, DancingPhalanges said:

Ok folks. I take exception to everything he says but why does he think turkeys have seizures?


Thank you Sis JinJur for posting this upthread. 

Sis Dancing Phalanges-who has epilepsy and is confused about turkeys with seizures compared to people who speak in tongues. 

Jesus actually called him to make his tongue speak???? 

Sis GS

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@MayMay1123 I laugh EVERY TIME I see your avatar. He looks so fucking much like John Shrader it's uncanny. At least Shrader's grammar isn't quite so shite... right? I barely ever pop into the Shrader threads. 

This thread is comedy GOLD.

Sis mango_fandango

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1 hour ago, DancingPhalanges said:


Sis Dancing Phalanges-who has epilepsy and is confused about turkeys with seizures compared to people who speak in tongues. 

Jumping out of lurking to say that turkeys do have seizures. 

I'm sure it's very similar to what happens every time Bro Gary Hawkins opens his mouth. 

Sis furbabiesonly 

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51 minutes ago, Georgiana said:

@General Jinjur, my phone is being a real seizing turkey right now and won't screenshot, but it's REEEEEEALLY interesting to view your highlighted portion along with the Bible verses they chose for the bios of the two kids that they don't have.....especially in comparison to the verses for the other kids. 

Hey Georgiana,

Would you mind telling me more?  Yes, I need bible verses spoon fed to me!

@Furbabiesonly. Welcome!  Helluva time to break lurkdom!  Nice. :)

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1 hour ago, anniebgood said:

Wonder why his kids aren't with their mother?

Scary thought that he might be the better of the two.  Alarming, actually.

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54 minutes ago, Georgiana said:

@General Jinjur, my phone is being a real seizing turkey right now and won't screenshot, but it's REEEEEEALLY interesting to view your highlighted portion along with the Bible verses they chose for the bios of the two kids that they don't have.....especially in comparison to the verses for the other kids. 

Holy crap. These people really are evil.




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Hi Folk's,

     This thread truly is a sweat balm to my weery sole. Thank you my sweet sis' in Christ. You have done your Christian service. Rufus bless you all.

Sis, Grimm

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3 hours ago, Beermeet said:

 What pray tell is a sha-r-thon? 

I'm guessing it's when a lot of women named Sharon get together  and pray.



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Not going to make any effort to defend these crazies. However, what I will say is that family courts in this country are heavily biased towards abusers with significant personality disorders. Greater than 95% of high conflict divorces involve personality disordered. Lastly, when fathers fight for custody, they are awarded such 75% of the time. Family court judges have all of the power and are rarely trained in the abusive and manipulative behaviors of those with personality disorders. Losing custody and access to their children is a common occurrence for survivors of domestic violence, whether the victim is male or female. And this happens with and without any involvement by state CPS, who is usually no better trained to address personality disorders than court officials. When you start with two presumptions 1. All issues are 50/50 culpability and 2. Everyone takes the authority of the court seriously and tells the truth, especially under oath, you end up with a dynamic that is nothing but a playground for abusers to perpetuate continued abuse on their victims.

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2 hours ago, General Jinjur said:

Holy crap. These people really are evil.

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Ignoring the effed up bios, why do they say they have 7 kids, but only 6 are shown here and at times. This confuses me. Do they have 7 kids between them or 6? Also, they mention a child Carly and she's not listed in the bio, but is in the Brady Bunch family pics. So weird. 

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3 hours ago, General Jinjur said:

OK folks, I'm dying at "supper bowel"!

Saw this:

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<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="28304" src="http://www.freejinger.org/uploads/monthly_2017_09/20170907_151527.png.f0af920e4cd3af0ae88a44622b8fbd65.png" alt="20170907_151527.png.f0af920e4cd3af0ae88a44622b8fbd65.png" />

and totally read it like Grady from The Shining.

Sis Jinjur

There's no way he wrote that. I didn't need to read it 50 times, drank, or need an aspirin after. 

Sis Dugger 

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Ok folks

i just asked my just turned 3 year old

mummy: darling how do you know who is Mummy and Daddy when Mummy wears pants (yoga pants usually!)

3 year old: Mummy is Mummy and Daddy is my Daddy. Daddy is my favourite*

Mummy: and is Mummy a girl or a boy?

3 year old: a girl

mummy: and if mummy is wearing pants is mummy still a girl?

3 year old: a girl. Turn on paw patrol now.... 



So folks I'm either raising a genius (spoiler: I am not) or humans can tell the difference between men and women wearing pants. 

Sis Milly 


*ouch thanks Mate

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Gary looks so smug in that photo. Is it because he preaches KING JAMES BIBLE? Has he had some extra-yummy weens? Is it because someone *actually* donated money?


Sis mango_fandango

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Glancing at this guy, I would question the possibility that this woman is mixed up with a second abuser after being mixed up with a first abuser. Without therapy and lots of personal work, it does become a pattern, and everything about this guy screams entitlement and control, the hallmarks of abusers.

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[mention=12073]chaotic life[/mention], those are some sobering points you bring up. 

It's not facts that give me pleasure. But some of the other funnies without their kids we find evidence of abuse. In this case, all we have is a woman completely cut off from her kids and with a man who films her feeding him like he is a child and who appears to parrot him and demonstrate no independent personality from him. That screams abuse victim to me. That cut off from her kids says even more so abuse to me. Children in CPS custody are not still at that level of no contact years after a case is opened. They are either reunited or parental rights are terminated. That actually screams a family court judge to me, and the most likely reason for that would an abuser manipulating the system, an even easier thing to do once she hooked up with crazy abuser #2.
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@chaotic life Gary and Becky are a hot mess.  I feel really bad for the kids that they have custody of.  The verses make me think the custodial parent for Sophia and Jacob may suck less than these two charming folks.   Supervised visitation (Law.net was useful here) could be ordered for all kinds of reasons and with the bible verses chosen I suspect there was something that made the court concerned about Becky and Gary.  If the court ordered counseling or something Becky did not do then yeah it makes sense to continue supervised visitation (or if the kids requested it)


Suppose there is a lot of anger between parents. It is likely that the parties will argue in front of the children, and that’s not good for anyone. Monitored exchanges can help assure that there are no outbursts or confrontations.

Suppose there has been domestic violence in the past. One party has been violent to the other, who is now afraid of the first party. The court may order monitored or supervised visits or exchanges, to protect against any new episode of domestic violence or abuse.

Suppose a parent has a history of drug or alcohol abuse. The court may order supervised visits so a neutral person can stop the visit if the parent shows up under the influence.

Suppose one party has made threats to take the children and never return them. The Family Judge may believe there is real reason to fear the possibility. Monitored visitation can help stop this from happening.

Sister Soulhuntress

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The scariest thing to me about all this...Gary and Becky, Jill and David, Paul and Abigail, John and Esther, etc. are raising their kids in this atmosphere of hate and ignorance.  They neglect them educationally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and treat them like a single entity...a god fearing group of illiterate, uneducated, poorly read and spoken, science deniers who are forced to travel and sing for their supper or they don't eat.  All they know is grifting, the fathers aren't employed, the income is unsteady and god will provide as he sees fit.  And if he doesn't, well, that's god's will so suck it up.

Basically, they've fucked all their kids.

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With the glee Gary seems to take in the idea of beating children, I'd be shocked if he wasn't physically abusive to his kids. And obviously he's spiritually abusive to them. His wife, though? I don't know, I guess I wasn't thinking he was abusive to her because he's constantly praising her on FB, but duh, I should know better than to think that necessarily means he isn't abusive. It's definitely true that he's incredibly entitled, demanding, and just mean. So yeah, you make good points, @chaotic life. I bet everyone in that RV has to walk on eggshells around him all the time.

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2 hours ago, dairyfreelife said:

Ignoring the effed up bios, why do they say they have 7 kids, but only 6 are shown here and at times. This confuses me. Do they have 7 kids between them or 6? Also, they mention a child Carly and she's not listed in the bio, but is in the Brady Bunch family pics. So weird. 

Yeah I'm also super confused about the kids. So it seems that Timothy and Sophia are the 2 in foster care, and they are Becky's kids right? Are the other 5 Gary's? And what happened to Carly?

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