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The Hawkins Family

General Jinjur

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Considering that:

a- we know n.o.t.h.i.n.g about the custodial parent and

b- what we know we do through a semi illiterate man whose ramblings make hardly any sense at all out of his head and through his faithful and submissive helpmeet.

So if we say that the other parent must be an abusive asshole we must take into consideration that we are making wild speculation based on:

a- stats that say court judges favour abusive assholes (and I have yet to see a non anecdotal source for said stats) and

b- women that divorce from abusive assholes often remarry with an abusive asshole, here too some stats and more anecdotal evidence (that ime often points on the other direction), but yes you'd say that to marry Gary you must be in a bad mental position (or you are just as bad).

It makes sense, not. It's just very wild speculation.

The only certainty we have is that Gary and Becky are extraordinarily bad parents and if we go with the Occam razor this itself is sufficient, and the most probable, cause for which an even slightly fitter parent could have obtained full custody of his children. 

That Gary still has custody of his children can be explained by a thousand reasons such as that the mother is even worse than him or maybe she run as far away as possible or she died or she had a very serious mental health breakdown after years of being married to that man. We do not know.

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Co-signing @laPapessaGiovanna - I wouldn't even believe Bro Gary's interpretation of the KJV, let alone his views on the father of Becky's children.  I am really, REALLY uncomfortable seeing people decide that Becky's children are living with an abusive parent, just because of Gary's rambling.


Changing tracks in a completely different direction - I was wondering how long it would be until someone had a pink ween icon, so thanks @General Jinjur for making me smile in the midst of shaking my head!

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I wish I could say Gary shocks me. Unfortunately, he's just like every redneck fundie I know. Weens and gravy is something I have never heard of let alone eaten. I would feed it to an animal. Nasty!

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9 hours ago, TuringMachine said:

@General Jinjur I think Timothy is actually the son they don't have.

Sis TM

Ok Sis, thanks. It's hard to figure this family out. No clue what happened to Carly, unless she turned 18 and fled this mess.

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4 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:


The only certainty we have is that Gary and Becky are extraordinarily bad parents and if we go with the Occam razor this itself is sufficient, and the most probable, cause for which an even slightly fitter parent could have obtained full custody of his children. 


This is what I was thinking also. We really don't have any evidence of abuse and we don't know anything about father. As they say, two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in the middle. His side is unavailable. For all we know, the kids may be just fine and doing well. Becky could be upset that the kids are maybe going to *gasp* public school! Maybe her daughter is wearing pants even! I could see those things making people like this crazier thinking their kids are going to hell. Again, I don't know nor do any of us know. 

As for whether Gary can be an abusive asshole, that I can believe. He clearly loves spanking, that's for sure. 




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As I said, I was not attempting to defend this couple per se, though I see some very clear red flags of an abuser with him. I was merely correcting the misconceptions regarding foster care versus family courts and how they work. Until you have had to navigate the nightmare of the family courts in the US, it's easy to believe what is logical and sane. That is actually not what happens in reality.

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16 hours ago, SoybeanQueen said:

OK folks. Yea-uh. I have a lot of kids and not a one of them has ever accidentally called me dad.

OTOH when my son was almost a year old he called EVERYONE daddy.  "Hi daddy" was his greeting to all men.  Black, white, old, young, didn't matter to him. :D


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 While I was at Gary's FB page, clicked on the link of Chris and Chloe Hewitt I'm beginning to wonder just how many traveling Baptist evangelist are out there and if the revivals for baptists are like doing conferences for Calvinists? Chris also holds do some pretty backward ideas like for example inscribing a picture of his wife "my most prized possession". His grammar and writing is hell of a lot better than Gary's, and although these people are also traveling with a revival tent I don't see any evidence of grifting. His wife, whom he calls Sis Chloe and is absolutely stunning, had three children of whom  first died shortly after birth, second was a micro preemie and seems to be doing ok now, and the third was born with hydrocephalus and has a lot of health problems. I'm not even snarking, it's kind of tragic. 

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10 hours ago, Seahorse Wrangler said:

I'm guessing it's when a lot of women named Sharon get together  and pray.



Love it!!!! You have cheered up my stressful day!!! Thankyou.

Sis GS

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I cannot for the life of me explain the weens slop.

I am southern, born and bred. I even spent a good portion of my childhood in Appalachia where some rather odd foods are enjoyed. Never, ever have I seen anyone put hot dogs in gravy. Sausage, chipped beef or just milk gravy. Seen it made with bacon lard kept in a bucket under the sink even. And those BBQ weenies were at a potluck at work just last week. I don't think he's really Southern. I think he wants to be Southern and therefore emulates what he imagines is Southern.

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1 hour ago, chaotic life said:

As I said, I was not attempting to defend this couple per se, though I see some very clear red flags of an abuser with him. I was merely correcting the misconceptions regarding foster care versus family courts and how they work. Until you have had to navigate the nightmare of the family courts in the US, it's easy to believe what is logical and sane. That is actually not what happens in reality.

As said, Gary being an abusive POS, that I could easily believe. Not defending them at all. Defending the father that we don't actually know at all. I most certainly hope that their father is a much better person than Gary and Becky and that the kids are getting an education and doing well. Goodness knows they weren't with Crazy Gary and Becky. 

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Ok folks, I started replying to a work email with "Ok folks," but fortunately caught myself. Then I cracked up and my officemate asked what was funny. So I showed him the weens.

I choose to believe that the kids are living in better circumstances. The thought of them living with anyone worse than these assholes is just too depressing.

Sis Jinjur

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Bean said:

 While I was at Gary's FB page, clicked on the link of Chris and Chloe Hewitt I'm beginning to wonder just how many traveling Baptist evangelist are out there and if the revivals for baptists are like doing conferences for Calvinists? Chris also holds do some pretty backward ideas like for example inscribing a picture of his wife "my most prized possession". His grammar and writing is hell of a lot better than Gary's, and although these people are also traveling with a revival tent I don't see any evidence of grifting. His wife, whom he calls Sis Chloe and is absolutely stunning, had three children of whom  first died shortly after birth, second was a micro preemie and seems to be doing ok now, and the third was born with hydrocephalus and has a lot of health problems. I'm not even snarking, it's kind of tragic. 

The youngest Hewitt baby boy has spina bifida. Only a small lesion apparently. It's been repaired. He can kick his legs so hopefully if he continues with the right medical care and Physiotherapy his life will be reasonably normal. It's way to early to tell if toilet training will be difficult for him. 

They don't seem to have much luck having healthy babies sadly.  It's all up on their Facebook so I think it's ok to post this?

ps. Chris calls his wife 'wifey'. Yuk.

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Bean said:

I'm beginning to wonder just how many traveling Baptist evangelist are out there

I'm learning so much from this thread.  I naively thought that the Rodrigues family was an odd occurrence, but now I'm suspecting that there are a lot of these RVs tearing up the highways, toting large families with musical instruments (talented or NOT), on a large network of church/tent venues. 

Fueled by Plexus, Jesus and weens...   :auto-camptrailer:

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I tried to copy a Bro Gary quote, but got something else instead.


If you substitute the word "won't" for the word "want", part of his diatribe will actually make some sense. "He won't ever be good enoough to get into Heaven doing works" for instance..

That's for damn sure. 

End of statement.

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1 hour ago, Gobsmacked said:

The youngest Hewitt baby boy has spina bifida. Only a small lesion apparently. It's been repaired. He can kick his legs so hopefully if he continues with the right medical care and Physiotherapy his life will be reasonably normal. It's way to early to tell if toilet training will be difficult for him. 

They don't seem to have much luck having healthy babies sadly.  It's all up on their Facebook so I think it's ok to post this?

ps. Chris calls his wife 'wifey'. Yuk.

Dislike the word wifey so much! At least they get medical care for Chloe and children. I wonder do fundamenal baptist buy health insurance or do they have something like Samaritan? The medical cost for all the children is astronomical.

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Ok folks, I wasn't on FJ back when DPIAT came for Tool o'ween, but when some of y'all were wishing that maybe Bro. Gary would grace us with his online presence, I had a silly thought. (Shocking, I know.) If Bro. Gary comes for a Fundie Friday near the end of October, can we please call it Ween o'Ween? :evil-laugh:


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I found a reference to what happened to Carly. This is long but that part about Carly is at the end.




Now, what the real story is, who knows. I very much doubt it was just a matter of Carly saying, "Dad, I've decided I want to stay with Relative instead of traveling in the RV" and Gary saying, "Okay Carly, we'll miss having you with us all the time but I respect your decision".

Btw, this Hawkins Family Ministry FB is a lot shorter than his personal FB page. It mostly just has their prayer letters and pleas for money. It's crazy to read. Almost EVERYTHING is about how they need X sum of money to repair a vehicle or Y sum of money to buy a new vehicle, and the vehicle plans are CONSTANTLY changing. This has been going on for years. Carly was a smart girl to get away from this RVwreck, however she did it.

As for Becky's ex, I haven't seen anywhere that Gary says or implies he's abusive. I doubt Gary even has a concept of abusiveness towards one's wife or children. His issue is just that the kids aren't being screamed at about KING JAMES BIBLE JESUS 24/7. Which, obviously, from our perspectives, is a good thing. Hopefully he's a decent guy. I have no idea one way or the other and nothing would surprise me.

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Gary needs to get off his lazy ass and get a real job to pay for what he wants. What a piece of work.

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@Beermeet, I just think it is interesting that everyone has a Bible verse about their soul magnifying the Lord...except for the youngest two, one of whom has a damnation verse and the other has "Honor thy father and mother".  No child would pick that verse, and MOST parents wouldn't pick that verse for a child.  It's obvious they picked this FOR her, and it makes me wonder why they think she needs this verse.  

For the ex, I don't think this is abuse.  If you look at older pictures, it looks like ALL the kids used to primarily live with them, so at least initially, her ex did not take custody from her.  Once the status quo is set, the court defaults to that as stability is in the best interest of the children.  It can be very hard to get a custody order changed, especially against the will of one parent, and there are limited reasons why the court will even agree to hear it.  

One way or another, she had the kids and LOST them.  The ex may have been waiting for her to mess up, but she still had to do it.  It's also worth noting that the REASON Becky got divorced is "fornication".  Mr. Weens has a whole big word salad on the matter (possibly the only salad he's ever seen), but it's pretty clear he does NOT believe there is any other justifiable reason for divorce.  Now, that doesn't mean her ex isn't both a cheater AND abusive, but with this family's penchant for cherry picking to make themselves look good, I believe that they ABSOLUTELY would have mentioned it if that were the case.   

As for the kids being taken away, these people are nutters, so it could be anything.  They have a post where they snuck out of Church without telling their kids (I think?) to go on a date.  That's fine when your kids are as old as they are, but they DID need to tell them they were leaving.  Who thinks it is OK to just leave your kids without telling them?  And just because there are other adults in the general area doesn't mean those adults will be watching your kids unless you ASK THEM TO.  So it could have been something like they snuck off, the kids didn't know, and the younger kids wandered off looking for them and were found by authorities. That's definitely something CPS takes VERY seriously.

It could also be something as simple as allergies or food sensitivity.  Gary and co strike me as the type of morons that don't "believe" in allergies and think the rise in things like serious allergies is because kids are being coddled.  I wish I was joking, but there seriously are people out there who not only believe this, but will actually deliberately expose children to things they are allergic to in an attempt to either prove they DON'T have an allergy OR "cure" them.  It could also be laziness.  If the children have serious allergies to common things like peanuts, wheat, or dust, I very frankly do NOT see Mr and Mrs Ween putting the effort in to making sure their house is safe and the children will not come into incidental conflict with something that will hurt them.  Especially with wheat, as Mrs. Ween uses A LOT of flour and I don't think Gary could live without being full of gravy.  

Another option: sensory processing issues, which would be nearly unmanageable crammed in an RV.  Even mild SPD would cause frequent meltdowns in that environment, and I think we all know how Gary would handle meltdowns (very poorly).  It's too sad to think of what would happen if these kids were on the Spectrum, but it would definitely be not JUST a reason for removal, but ALSO a reason to force Becky into supervised visitation, where a professional or someone familiar with the child's needs can be on-hand to advocate for them and ensure Becky does not set them back.  

One way or another, I think Mrs. Ween chose her new husband over the needs of her kids.  

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this nightmare of a family and especially the headship character are responsible for me starting every sentence with "Ok folks" for the past 3 days or so

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13 minutes ago, Georgiana said:


It could also be something as simple as allergies or food sensitivity.  Gary and co strike me as the type of morons that don't "believe" in allergies and think the rise in things like serious allergies is because kids are being coddled.  I wish I was joking, but there seriously are people out there who not only believe this, but will actually deliberately expose children to things they are allergic to in an attempt to either prove they DON'T have an allergy OR "cure" them. 

what the ever loving hell is wrong with people???? that would KILL my son...not just some hives, not a little wheezing...he would LITERALLY DIE! i have no more words...:pb_surprised:

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25 minutes ago, MayMay1123 said:

what the ever loving hell is wrong with people???? that would KILL my son...not just some hives, not a little wheezing...he would LITERALLY DIE! i have no more words...:pb_surprised:

I read an account of a family who got a restraining order against the father's mother because she didn't believe in their 3 year old's allergies.  The child was allergic to peanuts and bananas, and the grandmother had been baking peanut butter and banana cookies, freezing them, and putting one in her purse whenever she was going to see the child in the hopes that she would be able to slip it to the child and prove the parents wrong.

She got her opportunity one day when the mother asked her to watch the kid while she took a quick shower.  Luckily, the mother responded quickly with an epipen and the child was able to make it until EMTs arrived.  

So....they're out there :( 

Edit: Forgot a relevant part: it did trigger a CPS investigation, though the parents were quickly cleared as the grandmother basically confessed.  But kids ending up needing suspicious emergency care is a possible CPS trigger.  

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So many scenarios could make this go down with the kids.  I tend to think it must be pretty serious given the restrictions.   Maybe Ol' Ween did spank her kids and they told.  Maybe the hatrd their new life on the weenie Rd.   and told the judge this as well.  It's a bit confusing as to why foster care and not dad.  Or are they with dad?  I can't remember at the moment.  

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