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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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I agree, @xlurker!

Anyway, back to the main topic, I looked at the google search frequencies for Jazz and Derick. There was a peak for Jazz right around when Derick posted that tweet  and a peak for Derick the day after. Maybe Jazz's peak was Duggar fans learning about her and googling, and Derick's peak was Jazz's fans learning about him?

At any rate, I'm sure the publicity is good for both shows.


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@Rachel333 Very cool. I've never looked up Google search frequencies before. I feel a new procrastination tool being added to my repertoire. 

It looks like Derick was flatlining. I looked at the Google search frequencies for the last month, and even with Samuel's birth, Derick never generated the same amount of Internet buzz as Jazz. Derick latched onto Jazz's coattails and took a fast ride for free publicity.

Right in the middle of this, the Dillards linked to baby pictures. I guess that's one way to generate viewers to your website. Maybe they grifted some donations from the extra traffic. 

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Just going to leave these here for our continued entertainment:













And I can't remember who spoke about this earlier, but I want to thank the poster who took the time to view an episode of I Am Jazz and who came away with a completely different view of transgender people. It wasn't easy reading what you used to think, especially since I have a sibling who is transgender, but I really appreciate you taking the time to step outside your comfort zone and learn something knew. And it takes a brave person to admit all that on here. So thank you for doing that and for talking about it a bit. :)

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It makes a big difference when you get to know someone and realize that people are just people, no matter what other differences there are.

My parents are pretty homophobic and a few years back my mom (who usually stays home and homeschools my siblings) started teaching short term at a local university while one of the regular teachers was on maternity leave. One of the other teachers was gay and I remember her talking about it like she was a little bit uncomfortable around him. One day, though, she went in and he was upset because his cat had just died. We had recently lost a pet too so the emotion was fresh and my mom sat with him and talked and they ended up crying about their pets together. After that they were good friends and she never said anything negative about him again.

I wish I could say that experience changed my mom's position on homosexuality, but she seemed a lot softer on the issue after that. Simple human connection is really powerful.

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3 hours ago, Zenyatta said:

But Jill is not an adult despite her age and ability to have kids.  She was raised in a fog of nonsense, protected by her father and then handed over to someone who seems to have gone off the deep end.    When was she taught to be an adult?  When was she taught to think for herself?      Even for her children, I don't think JillyMuffin would do anything to upset to her parents. 

I understand partially where you are coming from. I am in my late 20s and I keep wondering when I'll start feeling like an adult sometimes. When I was a kid I thought there would be this point where I would transition from kid to adult and suddenly have adult knowledge like what insurance I will need for my car, how to fix things, etc. LOL. Silly younger me...That's not how life works. 

In all seriousness, though. At some point a person is responsible for their actions and path. In US society you are an adult at 18 years old however arbitrary that may be. She may have been raised in a fog of nonsense (I feel sorry for her for that), but she does have the power to make decisions. Breaking with her training/upbringing will be hard - it's not impossible though. 

I am curious as to your criteria for adulthood?

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FYI, I was fucking joking in response to the blind thing---hence the "lol" at the end and the reference to MythBusters. Sheesh. 

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In regards to Jill breaking away from the herd: yes, plenty of women who have experienced heinous things have broken away from their cult and lived healthy and productive lives. Yes, Jill is an adult who shouldn't be infantalized and have excuses made for her. She can make her own choices and grow from her life experiences.

That being said, can we appreciate for a moment how uniquely fucked up being a Duggar really is? Not only are the kids raised in this sick Gothard cult where their will is blanket trained out of them starting when they are babies, they're also CELEBRITIES! Magazine covers, thousands of followers on social media, forums dedicated to discussing them. Does anyone else think that the bizarre extremes of having endless sycophants and critics isn't somehow going to impede a person's psychological growth - which would probably take a long time even under the most optimal of conditions? 

If Jill screws up, she's responsible, but I think it's fair to say that she was not raised in an environment where independent thought was encouraged. She might be 27 physically, but emotionally she is far from that. And just because one sibling can break away from a cult (not that any of the Duggars have), doesn't mean all the siblings had the same experiences growing up. Jill was clearly a favored child, and definitely infantalized by her parents right up until Derick put a ring on it. Jim Bob seemed absolutely pained to let go of his Jilly - it was  sickening.  Now she's stuck with Dumpster Jesus Derick back and forth between countries - around her family who would always encourage her to stay in her situation or with relative strangers whose language she doesn't speak all that well. I really don't think Jill has that lifeline to give her confidence to move forward and beyond what she was born into. Not to mention if she ever did decide to rock the boat, it would be on the cover of People (and definitely not the happy wedding day kind of cover). 

I'm not trying to excuse Jill or any other Duggar, but I just don't think it's realistic to expect her to even be close to moving away from her family's belief system. IF she ever does, it probably won't happen for a very long time. I think we can have compassion for her while at the same time recognizing she isn't faultless. 

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1 hour ago, Rachel333 said:

I wish I could say that experience changed my mom's position on homosexuality, but she seemed a lot softer on the issue after that. Simple human connection is really powerful.

My mom was seriously homophobic (she once told me gay people were the same as prostitutes) until she started listening to Rachel Maddow's radio show and then watching her faithfully every night (my parents are fundie-lite but also staunch lifelong Democrats - there is actually some logic for that.) Over time she became less vocal about gays=evil for her, and she will now admit that getting to know Rachel over time on her shows has made her realize that gays can lead good and happy lives. Like you, I can't say it's really changed her mind on homosexuality, but she's definitely reached a live-or-let-live state on it, which is a nice change. I keep saying that my sister and I need to send Rachel a fruit basket or something to thank her. 

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All those leghumpers over on TLC's page are shouting Christian persecution :pb_rollseyes:. Saying things like: don't people have the right to express their opinions anymore?
I was just reading that story about the couple who ruined their photographer's business because they didn't want to pay a fee. The photographer's lawyer said: "...freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" 

I think that applies here too. I mean to be honest I wouldn't count cyber bullying a teenager counts as "expressing an opinion" but even if I did, I would still think he deserves the flack. He's free to express his opinions but he's isn't free to express them without consequences.

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27 minutes ago, TuringMachine said:

. The photographer's lawyer said: "...freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" 

Just because you CAN say it doesn't mean you should. 

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My Mom is a reformed lady after realizing LGBTQ people are, *shocker* real people . . . I never knew anyone who was growing up (born in 1985 - grew up I  various parts of America and Germany).  Looking back, I feel my parents had no problems, but also didn't "get it", so it was this "strange", and foreign concept to them.  Though I certainly never heard any disparaging remarks, I just knew my mom was uncomfortable about it.

Anyways, flash forward to my teen years, and I begin to have friends who are LGBTQ, and once I realized how uncomfortable my mom was - I felt quite defensive for my friends.  But I tried looking at it as a learning opportunity.  No body responds to anger in a positive way, so I literally spent like a year sharing stories of my friends, or articles about equality, or unfair situations about end of life decisions between same sex partners vs families, and adoptions.  I even watched docs and movies on LGBTQ who shared their stories, and the discrimination and violence they lived through (or of people who sadly didn't), and watched those with my mom mearby, hoping shed at least overhear.

Personally, I didn't know if I was really getting through to her . . . Until the day she called me, to tell me about an article she read about a lesbian couple (they wanted to marry, but this was before it was legal).  One gave birth but there were serious complications, and the mother was uncouncious for several hours.  The partner planned on adopting the baby, but at the time wasn't legally connected to the child, so she couldn't make any decisions!  My Mom read it out to me, then sighed, "it's just so unfair - she's just as much her parent, as the birthmom is!"  Then went on about this country needing to let them marry soon, because that would help make things less complicated.  Y'all I almost shed a tear!

Couple of months later, she played back the Ellen episode where Ellen shared pics and videos of her and Portia getting married (I had missed it because of work), and she goes, "look how cute they are!" . . . It was then that I knew she wasn't just tolerating, she wasn't just respectful, she was supportive.  

The reason I share this, is because if a little old German Roman Catholic lady in her fifties who never (at least to her knowledge), met someone on the LGBTQ spectrum, can go from "ugh, I don't know about that" to "look how cute they are!" And "the laws need to change", then anybody (including fundies) can :) . . . Well, ecxept maybe the duggars - they do have a brand to uphold :/

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One of my teachers in high school (Catholic high school no less) is a lesbian. She and her partner have been together for at least 40 years now. They FINALLY got married a year or so ago. I never understood why, if they had been together as partners and mates for all those years, they didn't have the same rights as a "straight" married couple. 

And, yes, I am a Christian. As such, I have no right nor ability to judge anyone. I believe there is someone who is infinitely more understanding, just and merciful than I am who will be the judge. And yeah, there is that whole glass houses thing. I have enough to answer for to bother with anyone else. The one I follow said "love one another"...so I try. I often fall short and for that I would ask forgiveness. 

Derdouche started talking shit about a 16 year old CHILD for heaven's sake. A CHILD. Jazz has some serious guts to live her life out and proud like she does. NOBODY has the right to judge her. I personally think she's one bold young woman who is going to be part of bringing about the changes that are so needed in our society. 

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2 hours ago, Rachel333 said:

Simple human connection is really powerful.

I wish I could scream this from the mountaintops!

When we connect as humans, it is indeed powerful.  Be it faith, a cause, a grief, a joy, yes.

Sometimes we just have to be human and let our prejudice shells fall off and BE.

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I think coming from a Church back round the idea of LOVE, love your neighbor, God is love, is thrown around so easily and we really don't grasp the truth of what that is.  Sure people love family and friends, but how do you love people you don't know and people you don't understand? 

People who are different than your circle. Most Christians I have come across in the church have no idea what that entails, its easy to love people you know, grow up around and who are like minded.

If they engage with non christians it is in the form of missions of some sort. And they are extending their love. But it is a superior love.

Much like the Derick Fake missions. 

I think that is why they say they love people.....but they don't really grasp it or understand it. They have never put themselves in a position with non christians to actually know them , be friends with them and love them. Love them like themselves.

That is why on the one hand they can remain judgemental  of Jazz and in the same breath say I don't hate Jazz. Because in their mind they think they understand love. But in reality they don't have a clue. I also think it is why they say love the sinner hate the sin......it's easier to hate than it is to love.......love requires you to drop all your predjudices and preconceived ideas. So it is easier to hate Jazz (her sin) than to love Jazz. Loving Jazz would require dropping all pretenses and worrying what your christian friends and family would think.  It's acceptable to love sinners if you are in missions. Do you get what I am trying to say? I don't think I have done a good job.

PS. I do not agree and think Jazz is sinning.

It's just my limited experience inside the church growing up.



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On 8/3/2017 at 3:28 PM, jacduggar said:

Of course it's very possible he's just doing whatever he can to get out of the contract.

I don't know.  Jon Gosselin did some pretty crazy stuff, including refusing to let them continue to film the kids for a while, and eventually, IIRC he just said he wasn't filming period.  I believe TLC ended up suing him and then eventually they settled and were able to film Kate and the kids again despite his wishes for them not to be filmed.  It's been a few years and I don't keep up with the Gosselin train wreck like I used to.

So I don't know if TLC would just let Derrick and Jill our of their contract.  I'm sure there are some kind of provisions for getting out, though.  I read the Gosselin contract years ago when it was published in that one book and I seem to recall there was some way filming could be stopped.   The Duggars have so many people it seems like they could just film someone else to fill in any D&J time.

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7 hours ago, Zenyatta said:

But Jill is not an adult despite her age and ability to have kids.  She was raised in a fog of nonsense, protected by her father and then handed over to someone who seems to have gone off the deep end.   

Can we have "raised in a fog of nonsense" as a user title please?

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@Destiny I couldn't tell from reading it if the blind item was insinuating Derrick was sexually assaulting the guy, or if it was a friends-with-benefits type of relationship with the guy (albiet one with a very disturbing power imbalance :my_cry:) Derrick is many, many things, but I do not believe that rapist or murderer are among them. I apologize if I insinuated that in any way in talking about the B.I. :pb_redface: *end @section*

What I meant is that homophobia probably keeps tons of fundie men in the closet, so a blind item saying Derrick was closeted and secretly screwing around with men in El Salvador wouldn't immediately incline me to call bullshit. That said, If he were screwing around, he'd be able to buy someone's silence much more easily than he would trying to obtain it using jail or death threats, which is why I don't think he's a murderer. I'm not sure what the exchange rate in El Salvador is like, but I imagine $5-$10 goes further there it does here, far enough to buy the silence of someone poor and desperate enough to fuck the likes of Derrick Dillard for money.

Likewise, if the dude's death had anything to do with a torrid, power-imbalanced affair with Derrick, I can't see it being in the sense Derrick personally doing it, but OTOH, I could envision a scenario where the gangs caught of what was going on, and killed the guy to make some kind of homophobic example of him. Derrick's just an asshole, but I doubt he's a sociopathic asshole :my_cry: 

ETA: I will shut up about this topic now. 

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Ummm when did TLC or Jazz start bullying Derdick? 

TLC has kept the gravy train going and Jazz was nothing but courteous in her response. Doesn't sound like bullying to me.

It's seems that people are so wrapped up in hate that they can't use logic 



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27 minutes ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

Ummm when did TLC or Jazz start bullying Derdick? 

TLC has kept the gravy train going and Jazz was nothing but courteous in her response. Doesn't sound like bullying to me.

It's seems that people are so wrapped up in hate that they can't use logic 

So many things wrong with what he posted. First, grammar. Second, everything else.


How did he turn it around to being JAZZ's fault? She did nothing but offer a classy reply. 

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5 minutes ago, kachuu said:

So many things wrong with what he posted. First, grammar. Second, everything else.


How did he turn it around to being JAZZ's fault? She did nothing but offer a classy reply. 

I laughed at the communist left stuff he was rambling about. I've no idea where he pulled that out of :pb_lol:

Exactly, Jazz didn't even mention Dericks name in her tweet!

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13 hours ago, Zenyatta said:

But Jill is not an adult despite her age and ability to have kids.  She was raised in a fog of nonsense, protected by her father and then handed over to someone who seems to have gone off the deep end.    When was she taught to be an adult?  When was she taught to think for herself?      Even for her children, I don't think JillyMuffin would do anything to upset to her parents. 

She IS an adult. Her unfortunate upbringing does not free her from being held to the same standards as every other 27 year old on this planet. Just because she's a people pleaser and sheep for Gothard doesn't make her less of an adult. Part of being a grown up means you have to deal with the consequences of the stupid shit your husband tweets.

6 hours ago, Curious said:

I don't know.  Jon Gosselin did some pretty crazy stuff, including refusing to let them continue to film the kids for a while, and eventually, IIRC he just said he wasn't filming period.  I believe TLC ended up suing him and then eventually they settled and were able to film Kate and the kids again despite his wishes for them not to be filmed.  It's been a few years and I don't keep up with the Gosselin train wreck like I used to.

So I don't know if TLC would just let Derrick and Jill our of their contract.  I'm sure there are some kind of provisions for getting out, though.  I read the Gosselin contract years ago when it was published in that one book and I seem to recall there was some way filming could be stopped.   The Duggars have so many people it seems like they could just film someone else to fill in any D&J time.

I don't know very much about it all either, it just seems like showing your ass on twitter isn't the best way to get it accomplished. Jon and Kate were probably a little different because he was a title cast member. J&D don't get as much screen time as everyone else to begin with, scrubbing them from the show and getting rid of their contract doesn't seem like a huge deal. I don't think there are really fans who watch just for the Dullards, they won't lose viewership over it. 

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First, sorry for my grammar mistakes in my earlier post . . . Typing on mobile, at midnight, do not mix :P

Second, when it comes to people defending Derick's Twitter rant, especially when leaning towards a "he's being persecuted because he's Christian!"-defense, I can't help but roll my eyes.  And I'm sure Derick is sitting at home, chanting Matthew 5:11, about being "blessed" for "being persecuted" for "My name's sake".  Bitch please, you ain't being called out for being Christian, you're being called out for bullying a teenager!!

Also, I'm a (proud) hippie Christian, and so I'm all about the love - and if you're only being the hands and feet of Jesus to people you think you can convert to your views eventually, then that says more about your need for validation, and not your faith :/

So here's a meme that sums it up for those Christians that need a reminder about the number two thing Jesus called his followers to do (no exceptions).




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#droptheduggars is trending on Twitter! :) I and many others have tweeted TLC with this request.  

Let us continue with the protest train! Maybe something will come out of it. 

To TLC: We know it, and you know it: the Duggars and their in-laws all hold very misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic opinions. You help them spread their evangelium of intolerance by continuing to give them a platform. Take some responsibility! 

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And isn't it curious that the Duggars, who literally were packed in like sardines for many years and not allowed to develop as individuals , have the mantra of "group think", yet none of them seemingly have been able to really connect with other people? Even among themselves everything is superficial. I doubt beyond the hand holding, kissing and sex, the couples' relationships are even that strongly connected.

Their message is such an odd mixture of contrary, I would not be surprised to hear that all of those kids are conflicted.

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