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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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And only a couple of hours ago we were questioning why people are so mean and unfair to the Dillards.... :irony:


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Someone on the last thread said that Derick isn't a true Christian, and I absolutely disagree. Saying that people aren't "true Christians" is a huge pet peeve of mine. Derick et al might not be good examples of Christians but "Christian" doesn't mean "good person" and there's plenty in the Bible to justify his judgemental attitude, just like others can find bits of the Bible to support a kinder approach. 

When you consider all the horrible things that have been done in the name of Christianity it's really pretty offensive to try and wriggle out of it by saying that any bad Christiana weren't "real Christians."

No one interpretation of the Bible is the absolute correct one. The hatedulness exhibited by the Duggars and their ilk is real Christianity too.

Finally, as a gay person myself who has been hurt by Christianity and by the ugliness of the Bible itself, I find it tremendously frustrating and invalidating to me and others who have been hurt by Christians and Christianity to be told that what we experienced wasn't real Christianity. It's a weasely way for Christians to avoid taking responsibility for what their religion and some of its followers have done, and if Christians want to reach out to people like me then they have to stop invalidating our experiences.

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TLC has this huge anti-bullying promo on their Facebook page, and I had no hestitation leaving my opinion on that and calling them out on it.

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Is this a plublicity stunt? Do they want to gain attention?


The child molestation scandal didn't hurt them,

The Ashley Madison scandal didn't hurt them

The robocall against LGBT people didn't hurt them, heck

even after all that they got fostercare for another child, what the f***?


The Duggars are above the law it seems (and probably they really and truely are in their region because they just that wealthy and that well connected!)

Can you imagine, as a normal, average person, doing just one of the above things or what Derick tweeted? You would at least lose your job, wife or even be in prison for what you did (at least where I come from), but not the Duggars.


This tweet by Derick will not only not hurt them but give them more attention and publicity to promote anything Duggar-related.


Mark my words people, with all what they've got away with in the past, there is worse things to come from them.

If I fear anything now it would be that this girl Jazz loses her show because of the Duggars. Because if I've learnt anything from TLC and the Duggars it's the following: Break the law were it hurts children and society the most, be a jerk by insulting minorities and children and as a result of this, get a television show and millions of people who love you and send you gifts. Hm... maybe I've lived my life on the wrong path. I should reconsider...



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I hope it is a case of him being so socially inept that he causes a sincere, utter and complete collapse of the Duggar "House of Cards."


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@Rachel333 that was me, and I say he isn't a Christian not because he is a horrible person, I say it because he stands for every thing Christ preached against.  I don't say it lightly or to get a reaction either, as a Christian, I'm sick and tired of Republicanized Christianity, where they preach Americanism as if Christ were born in Texas, They take bits out of the old testament to justify their reasons why they do this and dislike that. I have a few friends who are like this, they are good people, they go to church and call them selves Christians but there is nothing of Christ in their faith, their faith is politics, I have family that say I can't be a christian because I'm pro choice. I've seen bumper stickers that say this as well. For many like the Duggar's Christianity is wrapped up in their political beliefs, and they can't seem to separate them. Different groups of  Progressive Christians are trying to Christ back into Christianity and take the GOP's hold on it away.  turn it back into faith and not politics. 

**eta sorry if this is rambling, sleep meds and insomnia are not fun.  Yes my insomnia can be so bad that the sleep meds don't work, and NO I will not take Ambien or Lunesta. 

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So how does Derick explain intersex babies? The ones who were knit together in their mother's womb with both male and female genitals? Because that was ordained by God too. 

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I just went on TLC me Counting on and gave them a blast. 

How can a member of TLC programming be allowed to get away with using a KID as a poster child to promote his personal beliefs? He crossed the line big time on this one. 

I don't agree with his beliefs but I am furious with him throwing a kid under the bus. He is a bully pure and simple. She has enough to deal with in her daily life she doesn't need other members of TLC programming to start using her as bait to prove a point. 

1 hour ago, Snarkle Motion said:

And only a couple of hours ago we were questioning why people are so mean and unfair to the Dillards..

Sometimes they deserve what they get by being stupid idiots.

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9 minutes ago, adidas said:

So how does Derick explain intersex babies? The ones who were knit together in their mother's womb with both male and female genitals? Because that was ordained by God too. 

I'm quite sure he has never heard of any of these variations much less given it any thought.

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22 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

I'm sick and tired of Republicanized Christianity, where they preach Americanism as if Christ were born in Texas

The ministry of Christ was LOVE, and Compassion. 

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd".Matt 9:36

No compassion whatsoever in his tweet. No love in his tweet." Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love". 1John 4:8 it doesn't get more simple than that.

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It'll be interesting to see if and how TLC reacts.  Won't surprise me if they've already diminished the Dillard's role on the show while Jazz is still considered relevant.  I think this might be a tantrum.

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Why now? I mean this show has been on for a while now. What purpose does this serve? Shouldn't he focus on his family and his "missionary work."

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Well D-wreck, aren't you lucky to have been born a male and also identify as a male! If only everyone could be so fortunate.

I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses. I am so glad to be amongst a group of insightful, compassionate people.

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I guess Derick got bored not being in central america bullying catholics so now hes resorting to cyber bullying teenage girls. What a loser.

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I just caught up with the whole transgender remark. Fucking hell.

You know, it really pisses me off when people like Derick won't let other people live their lives. Don't like gender fluidity? Then just live your life saying you are whatever gender you feel comfortable. Don't like same sex marriage? Then don't get married to someone of the same sex as you. Don't like Islam? Then you don't have to Muslim. You do you, boo. Let others do the same.

BTW, before anyone says I'm a hypocrite for saying shit about the Duggars, Bates etc and then letting them have it for being arseholes on the internet, their views are harmful, and they advocate for others to follow their shitty rules. They also actively vote to impose their beliefs on others and take human rights away. I'm not voting or advocating for the Duggars et al. to have their rights taken away. You do you, boo. I'm not.

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Perfect time for a new thread and title!

Earlier I was thinking I bet there will be a quick "cute" photo snuck in to try and dilute attention from that tweet...what do you know he posted a picture of Jenni with Izzy wishing her happy birthday, at the very end of her bday (saw a pic much earlier from DFO with bday message).

I never can understand the fire and brimstone approach.  I hope someone at TLC sees that and has some type of clap back response.

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7 hours ago, Snarkle Motion said:

And only a couple of hours ago we were questioning why people are so mean and unfair to the Dillards.... :irony:


There is a MASSIVE difference between criticizing him for being a transphobic asshole and criticizing him because he dared to eat pizza in the car with his wife. One action gets him well deserved criticism. The other is BEC at its finest.

I have zero issues with criticizing these people for their words and actions. I do have an issue with criticizing them for every single little reason though because that does nothing but make them look like fucking victims to their idiotic followers.

ETA: And Derick, sweetie, you're a spectacular asshole and nobody likes you. Not even Jesus. Go home and rethink your life. 

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Thanks for the reminder to watch and support I Am Jazz, a show that's actually more interesting than watching paint dry.

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So... we have Jazz, a brave young woman telling her story publically. Not pushing her agenda on others. Not judging others. And then we have the Duggars... pushing their agenda on practically everyone they meet who isn't like them. Judging everyone. Not being honest about who they really are. I wonder who God favors? 

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Whatever happened to the golden rule in Christianity, do unto others...? 

Derick would hate anyone making derogatory comments about his lifestyle yet he will dehumanise people just because of their faith, gender or sexual preference? It's hypocrisy at its greatest. I hope TLC remove him from the show, cut all ties and cut the money train. This isn't a man who deserves a public platform. In an age of uncertainty and fear in politics the world needs people with a platform who will use it for good, not hate. 

I'll admit something here. I grew up with a girl who turned out to be transgender and started transitioning to a male in late teens/early 20s. I found it extremely difficult to get my head around because I'd known this person as my friend (we'll call her Amy) for 15+ years. Trying to reprogram my brain into calling Amy by a male name and using male pronouns was hard because I had grown up with him being a girl. However, I watched I am Jazz and it helped me understand the struggle transgender people go through and taught me how I could ever supportive of my friend which made it easier to re program my brain into changing Amy to Andrew but still recognising him as the person I'd always known. 

*Ive changed names to protect identities 

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I don't disagree that D-wreck believes the horrible stuff he says, but I definitely think he does it in part for attention and clicks. Unfortunately, many leg humpers will probably agree with his post and view it as "he got famous but still hasn't given up his beliefs" or some crap like that.

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Guys I just went back and the tweet isn't there for me, I can't see it. Anyone else the same? 

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